Districts of Prague explained

Prague has a local-government structure of two or three tiers, depending on the area of town. At the top is the Magistrate of the Capital City of Prague (cs|Magistrát hlavního města Prahy), which is responsible for public transport; waste collection; municipal police; firefighting; ambulance services; cultural activities; care of historical sites; the Prague Zoo; and other activities of citywide significance.

Prague is divided into 10 municipal districts (1-10), 22 administrative districts (1-22), 57 municipal parts, or 112 cadastral areas.

Since 1990, the city has been divided into 56 (since 1992, 57) self-governing municipal parts (cs|městské části). The parts are responsible for parks and environmental protection; ordering equipment for schools and volunteer firefighters; some cultural and sports activities; activities for seniors; some social and health programs; cemeteries; and collection of fees for dog tags and the like. Another important activity of the municipal parts is the ownership, maintenance and, sometimes, sale of public property, especially public housing.

Since 2001, the 57 municipal parts have been grouped into 22 numbered administrative districts (cs|správní obvody), for national-government purposes. One administrative district has responsibility for providing certain services for the municipal parts. Those services include providing business licenses, identity cards and passports. The administrative district with such responsibility sometimes shares a name with the municipal part it serves. For example, the administrative district of Prague 19 provides those services to the municipal parts of Prague 19 (Kbely), Prague-Satalice and Prague-Vinoř. Residents of Satalice can get dog tags in their neighborhood but must go to Kbely, home of the Prague 19 government, to get an identity card.

Both the citywide government and the municipal districts have elected councils and mayors. The mayor of the Capital City of Prague is known as the primátor, which is sometimes translated into English as "lord mayor" (even though the Czech title carries no connotations of nobility).

Since 1960, Prague has been divided into 10 municipal districts. Those 10 districts are still used for addressing and transportation purposes and, for example, the organisation of courts and prosecutions. Street signs usually reflects the name of a municipal district and additionally add the name of the cadastral area (cs|katastrální území). Thus, a sign in Kbely will say "Praha 9-Kbely," not "Praha 19." Prague residents are much more likely to use the name of a cadastral area, than the name of an administrative district in everyday communication.

Administrative and municipal districts

Municipal district Administrative district Municipal parts
Prague 1 Prague 1
Prague 2 Prague 2
Prague 3 Prague 3
Prague 4Prague 4, Kunratice
Prague 11 (part) Prague 11, Šeberov, Újezd u Průhonic
Prague 12, Libuš
Prague 5 Prague 5, Slivenec
Prague 13, Řeporyje
Prague 16 (formerly Radotín), Lipence, Lochkov, Velká Chuchle, Zbraslav
Prague 17 (part) Zličín
Prague 6 Prague 6, Lysolaje, Nebušice, Přední Kopanina, Suchdol
Prague 17 (part) Prague 17 (formerly Řepy)
Prague 7 Prague 7, Troja (has been a separate municipal district since 1 January 1992)
Prague 8 Prague 8, Březiněves, Dolní Chabry, Ďáblice
Prague 9 Prague 9
Prague 14, Dolní Počernice
Prague 18 (formerly Letňany), Čakovice (has been part of administrative district 18 since 2007)
Prague 19 (formerly Kbely), Satalice, Vinoř,
Prague 20 (formerly Horní Počernice)
Prague 21 (formerly Újezd nad Lesy), Běchovice, Klánovice, Koloděje
Prague 10 Prague 10
Prague 11 (part) Křeslice
Prague 15, Dolní Měcholupy, Dubeč, Petrovice, Štěrboholy
Prague 22 (formerly Uhříněves), Benice, Kolovraty, Královice, Nedvězí


  • In 2001, the Czech government ordered that every municipal district that serves an entire administrative district should be named for the administrative district that it serves. Thus, the municipal districts of Radotín, Řepy, Letňany, Kbely, Horní Počernice, Újezd nad Lesy and Uhříněves are now Prague 16 through 22, respectively. The old names remain as the names of cadastral areas.
  • All named districts officially begin with "Prague-", or "Praha-" in Czech. Thus, for example, the official name of Kunratice is "Prague-Kunratice" or "Praha-Kunratice".

Cadastral areas

NameMunicipal districtPopulation[1] Area (km2)[2] Density (per km2)
StodůlkyPrague 13, Prague-Řeporyje60,7589.626,315
ŽižkovPrague 3, Prague 8, Prague 1058,2675.4410,710
ChodovPrague 1150,0437.436,735
VinohradyPrague 1, Prague 2, Prague 3, Prague 4, Prague 1048,8053.7912,877
StrašnicePrague 3, Prague 1037,6656.186,094
HolešovicePrague 1, Prague 737,6644.698,030
VršovicePrague 1036,8362.9312,572
LibeňPrague 7, Prague 8, Prague 936,1517.384,898
ZáběhlicePrague 4, Prague 1035,2285.696,202
NuslePrague 2, Prague 435,1502.8512,333
SmíchovPrague 534,9877.054,962
ModřanyPrague 1233,5747.694,365
KrčPrague 427,3445.215,248
KobylisyPrague 827,0303.238,368
BřevnovPrague 5, Prague 625,7565.244,915
HlubočepyPrague 523,4616.073,865
DejvicePrague 623,4017.393,166
Černý MostPrague 1422,4662.1010,698
ŘepyPrague 1722,4613.256,889
HájePrague 1122,0592.369,347
BubenečPrague 6, Prague 721,9894.444,952
New TownPrague 1, Prague 2, Prague 821,9413.346,569
LetňanyPrague 1821,7025.613,868
MichlePrague 4, Prague 1021,4025.513,884
HostivařPrague 1519,1618.002,395
KamýkPrague 1219,1292.547,531
BraníkPrague 417,7774.404,040
VysočanyPrague 3, Prague 917,4656.072,877
ProsekPrague 916,8501.6810,029
BohnicePrague 816,4444.663,528
KošířePrague 516,1453.234,998
Horní MěcholupyPrague 1516,0062.257,113
StřížkovPrague 8, Prague 915,7052.037,736
Horní PočernicePrague 2015,30316.94902
TrojaPrague 7, Prague-Troja14,3045.432,634
HloubětínPrague 9, Prague 10, Prague 1414,0745.442,587
PodolíPrague 413,6112.385,718
KarlínPrague 812,2612.165,676
MalešicePrague 9, Prague 1011,2373.822,941
VokovicePrague 611,0833.523,148
UhříněvesPrague 2210,99210.281,069
Újezd nad LesyPrague 2110,42910.151,027
KunraticePrague-Kunratice, Prague-Šeberov10,0918.101,245
KyjePrague 1410,0315.691,762
RadotínPrague 168,4629.30908
RuzyněPrague 68,18815.00545
JinonicePrague 5, Prague 137,5566.171,224
KbelyPrague 197,2166.001,204
VeleslavínPrague 66,6141.315,048
StřešovicePrague 66,5921.554,252
ČimicePrague 86,5862.582,552
Old TownPrague 16,2721.294,862
LhotkaPrague 45,6921.055,420
Dolní ChabryPrague-Dolní Chabry5,0354.991,009
LibocPrague 64,9804.251,171
ŘeporyjePrague 13, Prague-Řeporyje4,7295.66835
Malá StranaPrague 1, Prague 54,5841.373,345
Dolní MěcholupyPrague-Dolní Měcholupy4,1324.66886
MotolPrague 53,9733.191,245
HodkovičkyPrague 43,9562.081,901
Újezd u PrůhonicPrague-Újezd3,8293.701,034
HostavicePrague 143,8001.981,919
HrdlořezyPrague 9, Prague 102,9121.961,485
Dolní PočernicePrague-Dolní Počernice2,8025.76486
Velká ChuchlePrague-Velká Chuchle2,5384.61550
PitkovicePrague 222,2082.40920
RadlicePrague 51,9522.42806
KomořanyPrague 121,8852.08906
HradčanyPrague 1, Prague 61,7741.511,174
VyšehradPrague 21,6510.364,586
CholupicePrague 121,1336.39177
JosefovPrague 19770.0910,855
SedlecPrague 68951.46613
TočnáPrague 128704.63187
Hájek u UhříněvsiPrague 227032.95238
TřebonicePrague 13, Prague-Řeporyje, Prague-Zličín6514.58142
Přední KopaninaPrague-Přední Kopanina6283.27192
Nedvězí u ŘíčanPrague-Nedvězí3663.8196
Malá ChuchlePrague-Velká Chuchle2891.42203
Zadní KopaninaPrague-Řeporyje1233.5035

Other areas

Beyond the 111 cadastral areas named above, many other Prague settlements, quarters and housing estates are perceived as districts, although they do not constitute their own cadastral areas. Examples: Barrandov, Spořilov, Sídliště Košík, Zahradní Město, Pankrác, Letná, Bubny, Zlíchov, Klíčov, Butovice, Klukovice, Kačerov, Jenerálka, Šárka, Strahov, Chodovec, Litochleby, Dubeček, Lázeňka, Netluky, Zmrzlík, Cikánka, Kateřinky, Hrnčíře, Pitkovičky, Lahovičky, Dolní Černošice, Kazín, Závist, Baně, Strnady, and many others.

The biggest panelák complexes are Jižní Město ("South City"), Severní Město ("North City") and Jihozápadní Město ("Southwest City"), all of which consist of partial housing estates. Most of Prague's panelák estates that were built between the 1960s and 1980s have names that incorporate the Czech word sídliště, which refers to a post-World War 2 eastern bloc housing estate. Many local names originated from names of historic villages in today's Prague area.



[3] [4]

Prague 1File:Flag of Prague 2.svgPrague 2File:Flag of Prague 3.svgPrague 3File:Flag of Prague 4.svgPrague 4File:Flag of Prague 5.svgPrague 5File:Flag of Prague 6.svgPrague 6File:Flag of Prague 7.svgPrague 7File:Flag of Prague 8.svgPrague 8File:Flag of Prague 9.svgPrague 9File:Flag of Prague 10.svgPrague 10File:Flag of Prague 11.svgPrague 11File:Flag of Prague 12.svgPrague 12File:Flag of Prague 13.svgPrague 13File:Flag of Prague 14.svgPrague 14File:Flag of Prague 15.svgPrague 15File:Praha-16 flag.svgPrague 16File:Flag of Prague 17.svgPrague 17File:Flag of Prague 18.svgPrague 18File:Flag of Prague 19.svgPrague 19File:Flag_of_Horni_Pocernice.svgPrague 20File:Prapor Újezd nad Lesy.svgPrague 21File:Flag of Prague 22.svgPrague 22

Coats of arms

Prague 1

File:Praha 2 znak.jpg

Prague 2

File:Praha-03 CoA.svg

Prague 3

File:Praha-04 CoA.svg

Prague 4

File:Praha5 CoA CZ.jpg

Prague 5

File:Praha 6 znak.gif

Prague 6

File:Praha-07 CoA.svg

Prague 7

File:Praha-08 CoA.svg

Prague 8

File:Praha-09 CoA.svg

Prague 9

File:Znak mestske casti Praha 10.svg

Prague 10

File:Prague 11 CoA CZ.svg

Prague 11

File:Praha-12 CoA.svg

Prague 12

File:Praha-13 CoA.svg

Prague 13

File:Praha-14 CoA.svg

Prague 14

File:Praha-15 CoA.svg

Prague 15

File:Praha-16 CoA.svg

Prague 16

File:Řepy CoA CZ.gif

Prague 17

File:Praha-18 CoA.svg

Prague 18

File:Praha 19 CoA.svg

Prague 19

File:Coat of arms of Praha 20.svg

Prague 20

File:Praha-21 CoA.svg

Prague 21

File:Prague 22 CoA CZ.jpg

Prague 22

See also

  • , ISO subdivisions codes for the Czech Republic (include codes for districts of Prague)

External links

Notes and References

  1. Web site: 2021-03-27 . Results of the 2021 Census - Open data . Public Database . . cs.
  2. Web site: 2015-12-21 . Historický lexikon obcí České republiky 1869–2011 – Praha . Czech Statistical Office . cs.
  3. https://rekos.psp.cz/vyhledani-symbolu?typ=0&obec=&poverena_obec=&popis=&kraj=19&okres=0&od=&do=&hledat= Registr komunálních symbolů - Praha
  4. http://www.crwflags.com/fotw/flags/cz-11.html Vlajky pražských městských částí na Flags Of The World