In the mathematical theory of Kleinian groups, Jørgensen's inequality is an inequality involving the traces of elements of a Kleinian group, proved by .
The inequality states that if A and B generate a non-elementary discrete subgroup of the SL2(C), then
The inequality gives a quantitative estimate of the discreteness of the group: many of the standard corollaries boundelements of the group away from the identity. For instance, if A is parabolic,then
\left\|A-I\right\| \left\|B-I\right\|\ge1
\| ⋅ \|
Another consequence in the parabolic case is the existence of cusp neighborhoods in hyperbolic 3-manifolds: if G is aKleinian group and j is a parabolic element of G with fixed point w, then there is a horoball based at wwhich projects to a cusp neighborhood in the quotient space