Italian conjugation explained
Italian verbs have a high degree of inflection, the majority of which follows one of three common patterns of conjugation. Italian conjugation is affected by mood, person, tense, number, aspect and occasionally gender.
The three classes of verbs (patterns of conjugation) are distinguished by the endings of the infinitive form of the verb:
1st conjugation:
-are (
amare "to love",
parlare "to talk, to speak");
2nd conjugation:
-ere (
credere "to believe",
ricevere "to receive");
- Italian: -arre, Italian: -orre and Italian: -urre are considered part of the 2nd conjugation, as they are derived from Latin Latin: -ere but had lost their internal e after the suffix fused to the stem's vowel (a, o and u);
3rd conjugation:
-ire (
dormire "to sleep");
- 3rd conjugation Italian: -ire with infixed
Italian: -isc- (
finire "to end, to finish").
[1] Additionally, Italian has a number of verbs that do not follow predictable patterns in all conjugation classes, most markedly the present and the absolute past. Often classified together as irregular verbs, their irregularities occur to different degrees, with forms of essere "to be", and somewhat less extremely, avere "to have", the least predictable. Others, such as andare "to go", stare "to stay, to stand", dare "to give", fare "to do, to make", and numerous others, follow various degrees of regularity within paradigms, largely due to suppletion, historical sound change or analogical developments.[2]
The suffixes that form the infinitive are always stressed, except for Italian: -ere, which is stressed in some verbs (e.g. Italian: vedere pronounced as //veˈdeːre// "to see") and unstressed in others (e.g. Italian: prendere pronounced as //ˈprɛndere// "to take"). A few verbs have a contracted infinitive, but use their uncontracted stem in most conjugations. Fare comes from Latin facere, which can be seen in many of its forms. Similarly, dire ("to say") comes from dīcere, bere ("to drink") comes from bibere and porre ("to put") comes from pōnere.
Together with the traditional patterns of conjugation, new classes and patterns have been suggested, in order to include common verbs such as Italian: avviare, which exhibit a quite different form and stress pattern.[3]
The present
Present (Il presente)
The present is used for:
- events happening in the present
- habitual actions
- current states of being and conditions
- actions planned to occur in the future
| amarepronounced as //aˈmaːre// | crederepronounced as //ˈkreːdere// | dormirepronounced as //dorˈmiːre// | finirepronounced as //fiˈniːre// | esserepronounced as //ˈɛssere// | averepronounced as //aˈveːre// | andarepronounced as //anˈdaːre// | starepronounced as //ˈstaːre// | darepronounced as //ˈdaːre// | farepronounced as //ˈfaːre// |
io pronounced as //ˈiːo// | Italian: amItalian: opronounced as //ˈaːmo// | Italian: credItalian: opronounced as //ˈkreːdo// | Italian: dormItalian: opronounced as //ˈdɔrmo// | Italian: finiscItalian: opronounced as //fiˈnisko// | Italian: sonopronounced as //ˈsoːno// | Italian: hopronounced as //ɔ// | Italian: vado (Tuscan: vo)pronounced as //ˈvaːdo/ /vɔ// | Italian: stopronounced as //stɔ// | Italian: dopronounced as //dɔ// | Italian: faccio (Tuscan: fo)pronounced as //ˈfattʃo/ /fɔ// |
tu pronounced as //tu// | Italian: amItalian: ipronounced as //ˈaːmi// | Italian: credItalian: ipronounced as //ˈkreːdi// | Italian: dormItalian: ipronounced as //ˈdɔrmi// | Italian: finiscItalian: ipronounced as //fiˈniʃʃi// | Italian: seipronounced as //ˈsɛi// | Italian: haipronounced as //ˈai// | Italian: vaipronounced as //ˈvai// | Italian: staipronounced as //ˈstai// | Italian: daipronounced as //ˈdai// | Italian: faipronounced as //ˈfai// |
lui / lei / Leipronounced as //ˈlui// pronounced as //ˈlɛi// | Italian: amItalian: apronounced as //ˈaːma// | Italian: credItalian: epronounced as //ˈkreːde// | Italian: dormItalian: epronounced as //ˈdɔrme// | Italian: finiscItalian: epronounced as //fiˈniʃʃe// | Italian: èpronounced as //ɛ// | Italian: hapronounced as //a// | Italian: vapronounced as //va// | Italian: stapronounced as //sta// | Italian: dàpronounced as //da// | Italian: fapronounced as //fa// |
noi pronounced as //ˈnoi// | Italian: amItalian: iamopronounced as //aˈmjaːmo// | Italian: credItalian: iamopronounced as //kreˈdjaːmo// | Italian: dormItalian: iamopronounced as //dorˈmjaːmo// | Italian: finItalian: iamopronounced as //fiˈnjaːmo// | Italian: siamopronounced as //ˈsjaːmo// | Italian: abbiamopronounced as //abˈbjaːmo// | Italian: and'''iamo'''pronounced as //anˈdjaːmo// | Italian: st'''iamo'''pronounced as //ˈstjaːmo// | Italian: d'''iamo'''pronounced as //ˈdjaːmo// | Italian: facciamopronounced as //fatˈtʃaːmo// |
voipronounced as //ˈvoi// | Italian: amItalian: atepronounced as //aˈmaːte// | Italian: credItalian: etepronounced as //kreˈdeːte// | Italian: dormItalian: itepronounced as //dorˈmiːte// | Italian: finItalian: itepronounced as //fiˈniːte// | Italian: sietepronounced as //ˈsjeːte, ˈsjɛːte// | Italian: av'''ete'''pronounced as //aˈveːte// | Italian: and'''ate'''pronounced as //anˈdaːte// | Italian: st'''ate'''pronounced as //ˈstaːte// | Italian: d'''ate'''pronounced as //ˈdaːte// | Italian: f'''ate'''pronounced as //ˈfaːte// |
loro / Loropronounced as //ˈloːro// | Italian: amItalian: anopronounced as //ˈaːmano// | Italian: credItalian: onopronounced as //ˈkreːdono// | Italian: dormItalian: onopronounced as //ˈdɔrmono// | Italian: finiscItalian: onopronounced as //fiˈniskono// | Italian: sonopronounced as //ˈsoːno// | Italian: hannopronounced as //ˈanno// | Italian: vannopronounced as //ˈvanno// | Italian: stannopronounced as //ˈstanno// | Italian: dannopronounced as //ˈdanno// | Italian: fannopronounced as //ˈfanno// | |
- Italian: io credo "I believe"
- Italian: lei dorme "she sleeps"
Subject pronouns are not obligatory in Italian, and they are normally only used when they are stressed. The conjugation of the verb is normally used to show the subject.
- Italian: credo "I believe"
- Italian: credi "you believe" (2nd pers. sing.)
- Italian: crede "he/she believes"
The pronoun tu (and corresponding verb forms) is used in the singular towards children, family members and close friends (cf. "thou"), whereas voi is used in the same manner in the plural (cf. "ye"). The pronouns Lei and Loro (though much more commonly just voi) are used towards older people, strangers and very important or respectable people. Note that lei and loro can also mean "she" and "they", respectively.
- Italian: Lei va "you are going" (formal)
- Italian: tu vai "you are going" (informal)
- Italian: vai "you are going" (informal)
- Italian: va "you are going" (formal)
The irregular verb essere has the same form in the first person singular and third person plural.
The forms vado and faccio are the standard Italian first person singular forms of the verbs andare and fare, but vo and fo are used in the Tuscan dialect.
The infix Italian: -isc- varies in pronunciation between pronounced as //isk// and pronounced as //iʃʃ//, depending on the following vowel. Similar alternations are found in other verbs:
- leggo pronounced as //ˈlɛɡɡo// "I read" vs. leggi pronounced as //ˈlɛddʒi// "you read"
- dico pronounced as //ˈdiːko// "I say" vs. dici pronounced as //ˈdiːtʃi// "you say"
- etc.
The past
Present perfect (Il passato prossimo)
The present perfect is used for single actions or events (Italian: stamattina sono andato a scuola "I went to school this morning"), or change in state (Italian: si è arrabbiato quando gliel’ho detto "he got angry when I told him that"), contrasting with the imperfect which is used for habits (Italian: andavo in bicicletta a scuola ogni mattina "I used to go to school by bike every morning"), or repeated actions, not happening at a specific time (Italian: si arrabbiava ogni volta che qualcuno glielo diceva "he got angry every time someone told him that").
The past participle
The past participle is used to form the compound pasts (e.g. Italian: ho lavorato, avevo lavorato, ebbi lavorato, avrò lavorato). Regular verbs follow a predictable pattern, but there are many verbs with an irregular past participle.
- verbs in Italian: -are add
Italian: -ato to the stem: Italian: parl'''ato''', Italian: am'''ato''';- some verbs in Italian: -ere add
Italian: -uto to the stem: Italian: cred'''uto''';- verbs in Italian: -ire add
Italian: -ito to the stem: Italian: part'''ito''', Italian: fin'''ito''';- other verbs in Italian: -ere are irregular, they mutate the stem and add Italian: -o, Italian: -so, Italian: -sto or Italian: -tto to the stem: Italian: preso pronounced as //ˈpreːzo, ˈpreːso// (from Italian: prendere), Italian: letto pronounced as //ˈlɛtto// (from Italian: leggere), Italian: rimasto (from Italian: rimanere);
- Italian: fare and Italian: dire do exactly the same thing: Italian: fatto (from Italian: fare), Italian: detto pronounced as //ˈdetto// (from Italian: dire). Compounds from the root Italian: -durre similarly have Italian: -dotto pronounced as //ˈdotto//;
- Italian: venire has Italian: venuto and Italian: bere has Italian: bevuto;
- Italian: stare and Italian: essere both have Italian: stato.
Verbs with avere
All transitive verbs and most intransitive verbs form the present perfect by combining the auxiliary verb Italian: avere "to have" in the present tense with the past participle of the transitive verb.
| Italian: amItalian: are |
Italian: io | Italian: ho Italian: amItalian: ato |
Italian: tu | Italian: hai Italian: amItalian: ato |
Italian: lui / lei / Lei | Italian: ha Italian: amItalian: ato |
Italian: noi | Italian: abbiamo Italian: amItalian: ato |
Italian: voi | Italian: avete Italian: amItalian: ato |
Italian: loro / Loro | Italian: hanno Italian: amItalian: ato | |
Except with an immediately preceding third person pronominal direct object, the participle always ends in Italian: -o.
- Italian: il ragazzo che ho visto "the boy I saw"
- Italian: l’ho visto "I saw him"
- Italian: ho visto il ragazzo "I saw the boy"
- Italian: la ragazza che ho visto "the girl I saw"
- Italian: l’ho vist'''a''' "I saw her"
- Italian: ho visto la ragazza "I saw the girl"
Verbs with essere
A small number of intransitive verbs, namely Italian: essere itself and verbs indicating motion (Italian: venire "to come", Italian: andare "to go", Italian: arrivare "to arrive", etc.) use the auxiliary verb Italian: essere instead of Italian: avere. The past participle in this agrees with gender and number of the subject.
| Italian: arrivItalian: are |
Italian: io | Italian: sono Italian: arrivItalian: ato/Italian: -a |
Italian: tu | Italian: sei Italian: arrivItalian: ato/Italian: -a |
Italian: lui / lei / Lei | Italian: è Italian: arrivItalian: ato/Italian: -a |
Italian: noi | Italian: siamo Italian: arrivItalian: ati/Italian: -e |
Italian: voi | Italian: siete Italian: arrivItalian: ati/Italian: -e |
Italian: loro / Loro | Italian: sono Italian: arrivItalian: ati/Italian: -e | |
When using Italian:
essere, the past participle agrees in gender and number with preceding third person direct object clitic pronouns, following the same pattern of nouns and adjectives:
- Italian: -o masculine singular
- Italian: -a feminine singular
- Italian: -i masculine plural
- Italian: -e feminine plural
Reflexive verbs always use Italian: essere, and their past participle agrees with the subject or with third person object pronouns, if these precede the verb.
- Italian: mi sono lavato/-a "I washed myself"
- Italian: ci siamo visti/-e "we saw each other"
- Italian: si è lavato le gambe "he washed his legs"
- Italian: se le è lavate, le gambe "he washed them, his legs"
- Italian: ci siamo parlati "we talked to each other"
Imperfect (L’imperfetto)
The Imperfect fuses past tense with imperfective aspect and is used for:
- repeated or habitual actions in the past;
- ongoing actions in the past and ongoing actions in the past that are eventually interrupted;
- states of being and conditions in the past, including weather, time, age.
The difference between imperfective and perfective aspects can be illustrated clearly with the verb Italian: sapere 'to know'. The Italian imperfect expresses being in possession of knowledge in the past, while the perfective expresses the moment of acquiring the knowledge.
Imperfective: Italian: Sapevo la verità. 'I knew the truth.' Perfective: Italian: Ho saputo la verità. 'I found out the truth.'
The Imperfect is, in most cases, formed by taking the stem along with the thematic vowel and adding Italian: v + the ending of the 'Italian: -are' verbs in the present tense (with Italian: -amo instead of Italian: -iamo). There are no irregular conjugations in the Imperfect except for Italian: essere, which uses the stem Italian: er- and Italian: v appears only in 1st and 2nd person plurals. Verbs with contracted infinitive forms use their full stems, e.g. Italian: dicevo (infinitive Italian: dire), Italian: facevo (infinitive Italian: fare), Italian: bevevo (infinitive Italian: bere), Italian: ponevo (infinitive Italian: porre).
| Italian: amItalian: are | Italian: credItalian: ere | Italian: dormItalian: ire | Italian: finItalian: ire | Italian: essere | Italian: avere | Italian: andare | Italian: stare | Italian: dare | Italian: fare |
Italian: io | Italian: amItalian: avopronounced as //aˈmaːvo// | Italian: credItalian: evopronounced as //kreˈdeːvo// | Italian: dormItalian: ivopronounced as //dorˈmiːvo// | Italian: finItalian: ivopronounced as //fiˈniːvo// | Italian: '''ero'''pronounced as //ˈɛːro// | Italian: av'''evo'''pronounced as //aˈveːvo// | Italian: and'''avo'''pronounced as //anˈdaːvo// | Italian: st'''avo'''pronounced as //ˈstaːvo// | Italian: d'''avo'''pronounced as //ˈdaːvo// | Italian: facevopronounced as //faˈtʃeːvo// |
Italian: tu | Italian: amItalian: avipronounced as //aˈmaːvi// | Italian: credItalian: evipronounced as //kreˈdeːvi// | Italian: dormItalian: ivipronounced as //dorˈmiːvi// | Italian: finItalian: ivipronounced as //fiˈniːvi// | Italian: '''eri'''pronounced as //ˈɛːri// | Italian: av'''evi'''pronounced as //aˈveːvi// | Italian: and'''avi'''pronounced as //anˈdaːvi// | Italian: st'''avi'''pronounced as //ˈstaːvi// | Italian: d'''avi'''pronounced as //ˈdaːvi// | Italian: '''facevi'''pronounced as //faˈtʃeːvi// |
Italian: lui / lei / Lei | Italian: amItalian: avapronounced as //aˈmaːva// | Italian: credItalian: evapronounced as //kreˈdeːva// | Italian: dormItalian: ivapronounced as //dorˈmiːva// | Italian: finItalian: ivapronounced as //fiˈniːva// | Italian: '''era'''pronounced as //ˈɛːra// | Italian: av'''eva'''pronounced as //aˈveːva// | Italian: and'''ava'''pronounced as //anˈdaːva// | Italian: st'''ava'''pronounced as //ˈstaːva// | Italian: d'''ava'''pronounced as //ˈdaːva// | Italian: '''faceva'''pronounced as //faˈtʃeːva// |
Italian: noi | Italian: amItalian: avamopronounced as //amaˈvaːmo// | Italian: credItalian: evamopronounced as //kredeˈvaːmo// | Italian: dormItalian: ivamopronounced as //dormiˈvaːmo// | Italian: finItalian: ivamopronounced as //finiˈvaːmo// | Italian: '''eravamo'''pronounced as //eraˈvaːmo// | Italian: av'''evamo'''pronounced as //aveˈvaːmo// | Italian: and'''avamo'''pronounced as //andaˈvaːmo// | Italian: st'''avamo'''pronounced as //staˈvaːmo// | Italian: d'''avamo'''pronounced as //daˈvaːmo// | Italian: '''facevamo'''pronounced as //fatʃeˈvaːmo// |
Italian: voi | Italian: amItalian: avatepronounced as //amaˈvaːte// | Italian: credItalian: evatepronounced as //kredeˈvaːte// | Italian: dormItalian: ivatepronounced as //dormiˈvaːte// | Italian: finItalian: ivatepronounced as //finiˈvaːte// | Italian: '''eravate'''pronounced as //eraˈvaːte// | Italian: av'''evate'''pronounced as //aveˈvaːte// | Italian: and'''avate'''pronounced as //andaˈvaːte// | Italian: st'''avate'''pronounced as //staˈvaːte// | Italian: d'''avate'''pronounced as //daˈvaːte// | Italian: '''facevate'''pronounced as //fatʃeˈvaːte// |
Italian: loro / Loro | Italian: amItalian: avanopronounced as //aˈmaːvano// | Italian: credItalian: evanopronounced as //kreˈdeːvano// | Italian: dormItalian: ivanopronounced as //dorˈmiːvano// | Italian: finItalian: ivanopronounced as //fiˈniːvano// | Italian: '''erano'''pronounced as //ˈɛːrano// | Italian: av'''evano'''pronounced as //aˈveːvano// | Italian: and'''avano'''pronounced as //anˈdaːvano// | Italian: st'''avano'''pronounced as //ˈstaːvano// | Italian: d'''avano'''pronounced as //ˈdaːvano// | Italian: '''facevano'''pronounced as //faˈtʃeːvano// | |
- Italian: loro parlavano "they used to speak"
Absolute past (Il passato remoto)
The Absolute Past has a function distinct from the Present Perfect. It is used for events which are distant from the present and no longer directly affect it (e.g. telling a story), whereas the Present Perfect is used for more recent events which may have a direct impact on the present. The Absolute Past may at all times be replaced with the Present Perfect (but not vice versa). In many areas of Southern Italy, it is still used commonly in spoken language, whereas in Northern-Central Italy and Sardinia it is restricted to written language.
Like the past participle, regular verbs are very predictable, but many verbs (mainly of the second conjugation) are irregular.
- Regular verbs are formed by taking the stem and the stressed thematic vowel and adding Italian: -i, Italian: -sti, main stress, Italian: -mmo, Italian: -ste, and Italian: -rono. Verbs in Italian: -are have Italian: -ò in the third person singular instead of the expected Italian: -à:
- Italian: amare: Italian: amai, Italian: amasti, Italian: amò, Italian: amammo, Italian: amaste, Italian: amarono
- Italian: credere: Italian: credei, Italian: credesti, Italian: credé, Italian: credemmo, Italian: credeste, Italian: crederono
- Italian: dormire: Italian: dormii, Italian: dormisti, Italian: dormì, Italian: dormimmo, Italian: dormiste, Italian: dormirono
- Irregular verbs, which are almost exclusively of the second conjugation, have irregular stems to which the endings Italian: -i, Italian: -e, and Italian: -ero are added to form the first-person singular and third-person singular and plural forms, respectively, and, with the exception of Italian: venire, which takes the normal third conjugation endings, the second conjugation endings Italian: -esti, Italian: -emmo, and Italian: -este are added to the normal stem to form the second-person singular and first- and second-person plural forms, respectively (Italian: dire, Italian: bere, Italian: fare, and Italian: porre use their long stems here, as usual):
- Italian: rompere: Italian: ruppi, Italian: rompesti, Italian: ruppe, Italian: rompemmo, Italian: rompeste, Italian: ruppero
- Italian: vedere: Italian: vidi, Italian: vedesti, Italian: vide, Italian: vedemmo, Italian: vedeste, Italian: videro
- Italian: dire: Italian: dissi, Italian: dicesti, Italian: disse, Italian: dicemmo, Italian: diceste, Italian: dissero
- Some verbs in Italian: -ere that follow the regular pattern (Italian: -ei, Italian: -esti, etc.) have an alternative form in Italian: -etti which follows the irregular pattern:
- Italian: credere: Italian: credetti (= Italian: credei), Italian: credesti, Italian: credette (= Italian: credé), Italian: credemmo, Italian: credeste, Italian: credettero (= Italian: crederono)
- Italian: Essere is the only verb that is completely irregular in this tense.
| Italian: amItalian: are | Italian: credItalian: ere | Italian: dormItalian: ire | Italian: finItalian: ire | Italian: essere | Italian: avere | Italian: andare | Italian: stare | dare | fare |
Italian: io | Italian: amItalian: ai pronounced as //aˈmai// | Italian: credItalian: ei or Italian: credItalian: etti pronounced as //kreˈdei// pronounced as //kreˈdɛtti// | Italian: dormItalian: iipronounced as //dorˈmiːi// | Italian: finItalian: iipronounced as //fiˈniːi// | Italian: fuipronounced as //ˈfui// | Italian: ebbipronounced as //ˈɛbbi// | Italian: and'''ai'''pronounced as //anˈdai// | Italian: stettipronounced as //ˈstɛtti// | Italian: diedi or Italian: dettipronounced as //ˈdjɛːdi// pronounced as //ˈdɛtti// | Italian: fecipronounced as //ˈfeːtʃi// |
Italian: tu | Italian: amItalian: astipronounced as //aˈmasti// | Italian: credItalian: estipronounced as //kreˈdesti// | Italian: dormItalian: istipronounced as //dorˈmisti// | Italian: finItalian: istipronounced as //fiˈnisti// | Italian: fostipronounced as //ˈfosti// | Italian: av'''esti'''pronounced as //aˈvesti// | Italian: and'''asti'''pronounced as //anˈdasti// | Italian: stestipronounced as //ˈstesti// | Italian: destipronounced as //ˈdesti// | Italian: facestipronounced as //faˈtʃesti// |
Italian: lui / lei / Lei | Italian: amItalian: òpronounced as //aˈmɔ// | Italian: credé or Italian: credItalian: ettepronounced as //kreˈde// pronounced as //kreˈdɛtte// | Italian: dormItalian: ìpronounced as //dorˈmi// | Italian: finItalian: ìpronounced as //fiˈni// | Italian: fupronounced as //fu// | Italian: ebbepronounced as //ˈɛbbe// | Italian: and'''ò'''pronounced as //anˈdɔ// | Italian: stettepronounced as //ˈstɛtte// | Italian: diede or Italian: dettepronounced as //ˈdjɛːde// pronounced as //ˈdɛtte// | Italian: fecepronounced as //ˈfeːtʃe// |
Italian: noi | Italian: amItalian: ammopronounced as //aˈmammo// | Italian: credItalian: emmopronounced as //kreˈdemmo// | Italian: dormItalian: immopronounced as //dorˈmimmo// | Italian: finItalian: immopronounced as //fiˈnimmo// | Italian: fummopronounced as //ˈfummo// | Italian: av'''emmo'''pronounced as //aˈvemmo// | Italian: and'''ammo'''pronounced as //anˈdammo// | Italian: stemmopronounced as //ˈstemmo// | Italian: demmopronounced as //ˈdemmo// | Italian: facemmopronounced as //faˈtʃemmo// |
Italian: voi | Italian: amItalian: astepronounced as //aˈmaste// | Italian: credItalian: estepronounced as //kreˈdeste// | Italian: dormItalian: istepronounced as //dorˈmiste// | Italian: finItalian: istepronounced as //fiˈniste// | Italian: fostepronounced as //ˈfoste// | Italian: av'''este'''pronounced as //aˈveste// | Italian: and'''aste'''pronounced as //anˈdaste// | Italian: stestepronounced as //ˈsteste// | Italian: destepronounced as //ˈdeste// | Italian: facestepronounced as //faˈtʃeste// |
Italian: loro / Loro | Italian: amItalian: aronopronounced as //aˈmaːrono// | Italian: credItalian: erono or Italian: credItalian: etteropronounced as //kreˈdeːrono// pronounced as //kreˈdɛttero// | Italian: dormItalian: ironopronounced as //dorˈmiːrono// | Italian: finItalian: ironopronounced as //fiˈniːrono// | Italian: furonopronounced as //ˈfuːrono// | Italian: ebberopronounced as //ˈɛbbero// | Italian: and'''arono'''pronounced as //anˈdaːrono// | Italian: stetteropronounced as //ˈstɛttero// | Italian: diedero or Italian: detteropronounced as //ˈdjɛːdero// pronounced as //ˈdɛttero// | Italian: feceropronounced as //ˈfeːtʃero// | |
Past perfect (Il trapassato prossimo)
Used for activities done prior to another activity (translates to constructions such as "had eaten", "had seen").
The Past Perfect is formed the same as the Present Perfect, but with the auxiliary verb in the Imperfect.
- Italian: amare: Italian: avevo amato
- 'Italian: arrivare': Italian: ero arrivato/-a
In literary language, an Absolute Perfect exists which uses the Absolute Past of the auxiliaries, and which is used for activities done prior to another activity which is described with the Absolutive Past. This form is known as Italian: trapassato remoto.
- Italian: amare: Italian: ebbi amato
- Italian: arrivare: Italian: fui arrivato/-a
The future
Future (Il futuro semplice)
The future tense is used for events that will happen in the future. It is formed by adding the forms of Italian: avere to the Infinitive (with Italian: abbiamo and Italian: avete contracted to Italian: -emo and Italian: -ete respectively). Sometimes the Infinitive undergoes some changes:
- it always loses its final Italian: e;
- verbs in Italian: -are end in Italian: -er, not in Italian: -ar;
- Italian: stare, Italian: dare, Italian: fare however retain Italian: star-, Italian: dar-, Italian: far-;
- most irregular verbs lose the vowel before the last Italian: r altogether (e.g. Italian: avr- for Italian: avere and Italian: andr- for Italian: andare). Clusters Italian: -nr- and Italian: -lr- are simplified to Italian: -rr (e.g. Italian: verr- for Italian: venire);
- contracted infinitives are retained (e.g. Italian: porr- for Italian: porre);
- Italian: essere has Italian: sar-.
To these, the respective suffixes Italian: -ò, Italian: -ai, Italian: -à, Italian: -emo, Italian: -ete, Italian: -anno are added. Historically speaking, these are derived from the present forms of the verb Italian: avere.
| Italian: amItalian: are | Italian: credItalian: ere | Italian: dormItalian: ire | Italian: finItalian: ire | Italian: essere | Italian: avere | Italian: andare | Italian: stare | Italian: dare | Italian: fare |
Italian: io | Italian: amItalian: er'''ò'''pronounced as //ameˈrɔ// | Italian: credItalian: er'''ò'''pronounced as //kredeˈrɔ// | Italian: dormItalian: ir'''ò'''pronounced as //dormiˈrɔ// | Italian: finItalian: ir'''ò'''pronounced as //finiˈrɔ// | Italian: saròpronounced as //saˈrɔ// | Italian: avròpronounced as //aˈvrɔ// | Italian: andròpronounced as //anˈdrɔ// | Italian: star'''ò'''pronounced as //staˈrɔ// | Italian: dar'''ò'''pronounced as //daˈrɔ// | Italian: far'''ò'''pronounced as //faˈrɔ// |
Italian: tu | Italian: amItalian: er'''ai'''pronounced as //ameˈrai// | Italian: credItalian: er'''ai'''pronounced as //kredeˈrai// | Italian: dormItalian: ir'''ai'''pronounced as //dormiˈrai// | Italian: finItalian: ir'''ai'''pronounced as //finiˈrai// | Italian: saraipronounced as //saˈrai// | Italian: avraipronounced as //aˈvrai// | Italian: andraipronounced as //anˈdrai// | Italian: star'''ai'''pronounced as //staˈrai// | Italian: dar'''ai'''pronounced as //daˈrai// | Italian: far'''ai'''pronounced as //faˈrai// |
Italian: lui / lei / Lei | Italian: amItalian: er'''à'''pronounced as //ameˈra// | Italian: credItalian: er'''à'''pronounced as //kredeˈra// | Italian: dormItalian: ir'''à'''pronounced as //dormiˈra// | Italian: finItalian: ir'''à'''pronounced as //finiˈra// | Italian: saràpronounced as //saˈra// | Italian: avràpronounced as //aˈvra// | Italian: andràpronounced as //anˈdra// | Italian: star'''à'''pronounced as //staˈra// | Italian: dar'''à'''pronounced as //daˈra// | Italian: far'''à'''pronounced as //faˈra// |
noi | Italian: amItalian: er'''emo'''pronounced as //ameˈreːmo// | Italian: credItalian: er'''emo'''pronounced as //kredeˈreːmo// | Italian: dormItalian: ir'''emo'''pronounced as //dormiˈreːmo// | Italian: finItalian: ir'''emo'''pronounced as //finiˈreːmo// | Italian: saremopronounced as //saˈreːmo// | Italian: avremopronounced as //aˈvreːmo// | Italian: andremopronounced as //anˈdreːmo// | Italian: star'''emo'''pronounced as //staˈreːmo// | Italian: dar'''emo'''pronounced as //daˈreːmo// | Italian: far'''emo'''pronounced as //faˈreːmo// |
Italian: voi | Italian: amItalian: er'''ete'''pronounced as //ameˈreːte// | Italian: credItalian: er'''ete'''pronounced as //kredeˈreːte// | Italian: dormItalian: ir'''ete'''pronounced as //dormiˈreːte// | Italian: finItalian: ir'''ete'''pronounced as //finiˈreːte// | Italian: saretepronounced as //saˈreːte// | Italian: avretepronounced as //aˈvreːte// | Italian: andretepronounced as //an'dreːte// | Italian: star'''ete'''pronounced as //staˈreːte// | Italian: dar'''ete'''pronounced as //daˈreːte// | Italian: far'''ete'''pronounced as //faˈreːte// |
Italian: loro / Loro | Italian: amItalian: er'''anno'''pronounced as //ameˈranno// | Italian: credItalian: er'''anno'''pronounced as //kredeˈranno// | Italian: dormItalian: ir'''anno'''pronounced as //dormiˈranno// | Italian: finItalian: ir'''anno'''pronounced as //finiˈranno// | Italian: sarannopronounced as //saˈranno// | Italian: avrannopronounced as //aˈvranno// | Italian: andrannopronounced as //anˈdranno// | Italian: star'''anno'''pronounced as //staˈranno// | Italian: dar'''anno'''pronounced as //daˈranno// | Italian: far'''anno'''pronounced as //faˈranno// | |
Future perfect (Il futuro anteriore)
Used for events that will have happened when or before something else happens in the future.
The Future Perfect is formed the same as the Present Perfect, but with the auxiliary verb in the Future.
- Italian: amare: Italian: avrò amato
- Italian: arrivare: Italian: sarò arrivato/-a
The conditional
Conditional (Il condizionale presente)
Used for:
- events that are dependent upon another event occurring;
- politely asking for something (like in English, "Could I please have a glass of water?").
The Conditional is formed by taking the root of the Future (i.e. an adapted form of the infinitive) and adding the Absolutive Past forms of Italian: avere (with Italian: ebbi, avesti, avemmo, aveste contracted to Italian: -ei, Italian: -esti, Italian: -emmo, Italian: -este resp.).
| amare | credere | dormire |
Italian: io | amereipronounced as //ameˈrɛi// | credereipronounced as //kredeˈrɛi// | dormireipronounced as //dormiˈrɛi// |
Italian: tu | amerestipronounced as //ameˈresti// | crederestipronounced as //kredeˈresti// | dormirestipronounced as //dormiˈresti// |
Italian: lui / lei / Lei | amerebbepronounced as //ameˈrɛbbe// | crederebbepronounced as //kredeˈrɛbbe// | dormirebbepronounced as //dormiˈrɛbbe// |
Italian: noi | ameremmopronounced as //ameˈremmo// | crederemmopronounced as //kredeˈremmo// | dormiremmopronounced as //dormiˈremmo// |
Italian: voi | amerestepronounced as //ameˈreste// | crederestepronounced as //kredeˈreste// | dormirestepronounced as //dormiˈreste// |
Italian: loro / Loro | amerebberopronounced as //ameˈrɛbbero// | crederebberopronounced as //kredeˈrɛbbero// | dormirebberopronounced as //dormiˈrɛbbero// | |
Past conditional (Il condizionale passato)
- for events that would, could or should have occurred;
- as a prospective past tense, e.g. Non sapevo quando sarei arrivato. “I didn’t know when I would arrive.”
The Conditional Perfect is formed the same as the Present Perfect, but with the auxiliary verb in the Conditional.
- Italian: amare: avrei amato
- arrivare: sarei arrivato/-a
The subjunctive
Present subjunctive (Il congiuntivo presente)
Used for subordinate clauses of the present (il presente) to express possibility, opinion, desire, or doubt.
The Subjunctive is formed:
- for regular verbs in Italian: -are, by taking the root and adding Italian: -i, -ino for all the singular forms and the third plural respectively;
- for most other regular and semi-regular verbs, by taking the first person singular of the Present Indicative and replacing the final -o with -a, -ano for all the singular forms and the third plural respectively;
- for a few irregular verbs, by taking the first person plural of the Present Indicative and replacing stressed -amo with unstressed -a, -ano for all the singular forms and the third plural respectively;
- for all verbs, the first person plural is identical to the Present Indicative.
- for all verbs, the second person plural is the first person plural with -te instead of -mo;
The Subjunctive is almost always preceded by the conjunctive word che (or compounds such as perché, affinché, etc.).
| amare | credere | dormire | finire | essere | Italian: avere | Italian: andare | Italian: stare | dare | Italian: fare |
Italian: io | che amipronounced as //ˈaːmi// | che credapronounced as //ˈkreːda// | che dormapronounced as //ˈdɔrma// | che finiscapronounced as //fiˈniska// | che siapronounced as //ˈsiːa// | che abbiapronounced as //ˈabbja// | che vadapronounced as //ˈvaːda// | che stiapronounced as //ˈstiːa// | che diapronounced as //ˈdiːa// | che facciapronounced as //ˈfattʃa// |
Italian: tu |
Italian: lui / lei / Lei |
Italian: noi | che amiamopronounced as //aˈmjaːmo// | che crediamopronounced as //kreˈdjaːmo// | che dormiamopronounced as //dorˈmjaːmo// | che finiamopronounced as //fiˈnjaːmo// | che siamopronounced as //ˈsjaːmo// | che abbiamopronounced as //abˈbjaːmo// | che andiamopronounced as //anˈdjaːmo// | che stiamopronounced as //ˈstjaːmo// | che diamopronounced as //ˈdjaːmo// | che facciamopronounced as //fatˈtʃaːmo// |
Italian: voi | che amiatepronounced as //aˈmjaːte// | che crediatepronounced as //kreˈdjaːte// | che dormiatepronounced as //dorˈmjaːte// | che finiatepronounced as //fiˈnjaːte// | che siatepronounced as //ˈsjaːte// | che abbiatepronounced as //abˈbjaːte// | che andiatepronounced as //anˈdjaːte// | che stiatepronounced as //ˈstjaːte// | che diatepronounced as //ˈdjaːte// | che facciatepronounced as //fatˈtʃaːte// |
Italian: loro / Loro | che aminopronounced as //ˈaːmino// | che credanopronounced as //ˈkreːdano// | che dormanopronounced as //ˈdɔrmano// | che finiscanopronounced as //fiˈniskano// | che sianopronounced as //ˈsiːano// | che abbianopronounced as //ˈabbjano// | che vadanopronounced as //ˈvaːdano// | che stianopronounced as //ˈstiːano// | che dianopronounced as //ˈdiːano// | che faccianopronounced as //ˈfattʃano// | |
Imperfect subjunctive (Il congiuntivo imperfetto)
Used for the subordinate clauses of the Imperfect Indicative or the Conditional.
The Imperfect Subjunctive is formed:
- for regular verbs, by taking the Infinitive and replacing -re with -ssi, -ssi, -sse, -ssimo, Italian: -ste, -ssero;
- for contracted verbs, by taking, instead of the Infinitive, the stem plus the thematic vowel;
- the only verbs that form this tense irregularly are Italian: essere, fare, Italian: stare, dare (these two follow the pattern of verbs in -ere rather than the one of verbs in -are).
| amare | credere | dormire | finire | essere | Italian: avere | Italian: andare | Italian: stare | dare | Italian: fare |
Italian: io | che amassipronounced as //aˈmassi// | che credessipronounced as //kreˈdessi// | che dormissipronounced as //dorˈmissi// | che finissipronounced as //fiˈnissi// | che fossipronounced as //ˈfossi// | che avessipronounced as //aˈvessi// | che andassipronounced as //anˈdassi// | che stessipronounced as //ˈstessi// | che dessipronounced as //ˈdessi// | che facessipronounced as //faˈtʃessi// |
Italian: tu |
Italian: lui / lei / Lei | che amassepronounced as //aˈmasse// | che credessepronounced as //kreˈdesse// | che dormissepronounced as //dorˈmisse// | che finissepronounced as //fiˈnisse// | che fossepronounced as //ˈfosse// | che avessepronounced as //aˈvesse// | che andassepronounced as //anˈdasse// | che stessepronounced as //ˈstesse// | che dessepronounced as //ˈdesse// | che facessepronounced as //faˈtʃesse// |
Italian: noi | che amassimopronounced as //aˈmassimo// | che credessimopronounced as //kreˈdessimo// | che dormissimopronounced as //dorˈmissimo// | che finissimopronounced as //fiˈnissimo// | che fossimopronounced as //ˈfossimo// | che avessimopronounced as //aˈvessimo// | che andassimopronounced as //anˈdassimo// | che stessimopronounced as //ˈstessimo// | che dessimopronounced as //ˈdessimo// | che facessimopronounced as //faˈtʃessimo// |
Italian: voi | che amastepronounced as //aˈmaste// | che credestepronounced as //kreˈdeste// | che dormistepronounced as //dorˈmiste// | che finistepronounced as //fiˈniste// | che fostepronounced as //ˈfoste// | che avestepronounced as //aˈveste// | che andastepronounced as //anˈdaste// | che stestepronounced as //ˈsteste// | che destepronounced as //ˈdeste// | che facestepronounced as //faˈtʃeste// |
Italian: loro / Loro | che amasseropronounced as //aˈmassero// | che credesseropronounced as //kreˈdessero// | che dormisseropronounced as //dorˈmissero// | che finisseropronounced as //fiˈnissero// | che fosseropronounced as //ˈfossero// | che avesseropronounced as //aˈvessero// | che andasseropronounced as //anˈdassero// | che stesseropronounced as //ˈstessero// | che desseropronounced as //ˈdessero// | che facesseropronounced as //faˈtʃessero// | |
Past subjunctive (Il congiuntivo passato)
Used for subordinate clauses of the imperfect indicative or the conditional.
The Subjunctive Perfect is formed the same as the Present Perfect, but with the auxiliary verb in the Subjunctive Present.
- Italian: amare: che abbia amato
- arrivare: che sia arrivato/-a
Pluperfect subjunctive (Il congiuntivo trapassato)
The Subjunctive Pluperfect is formed the same as the Present Perfect, but with the auxiliary verb in the Subjunctive Imperfect.
- Italian: amare: che avessi amato
- arrivare: che fossi arrivato/-a
The imperative
Imperative (L’imperativo)
The imperative is used for giving commands.
The second-person singular Imperative is formed:
- for regular verbs in Italian: -are, by taking the third person singular of the Present (e.g. parla)
- for other regular verbs, by taking the second person singular of the Present (e.g. prendi, parti, finisci)
- for Italian: andare, dare, Italian: fare, and stare, by taking the second person singular of the Present, either shortened to the vowel before i or not (e.g. va/va’/vai for andare)
- for Italian: dire, by shortening the stem to di’
- for a few irregular verbs, by taking the singular form of the Subjunctive and replacing final -a with Italian: -i (e.g. vogli for volere)
The polite form of the singular is identical to the Present Subjunctive. Objective personal pronouns are placed before the verb, unlike other forms of the imperative which have these after the verb (e.g. Mi aiuti, per favore! "Please help me!" vs. Aiutami! "Help me!", Se ne vada via. "Please go away." vs. Vattene via! (vattene = va’ + te + ne), etc.).
The first-person plural (used for suggestion, e.g. andiamo "let's go!") is identical to the Present Indicative, but allows for pronominal suffixes (e.g. andiamocene "let's go away" vs. ce ne andiamo "we are going away").
The second-person plural is usually identical to the Present Indicative, but in a few irregular cases to the Present Subjunctive.
The polite plural is identical to the Present Subjunctive. As with the polite singular, objective personal pronouns come before the verb as opposed to after it.
| amare | credere | dormire | finire | Italian: essere | Italian: avere | Italian: andare | Italian: stare | dare | Italian: fare |
(Italian: tu) | ama!pronounced as //ˈaːma// | credi!pronounced as //ˈkreːdi// | dormi!pronounced as //ˈdɔrmi// | finisci!pronounced as //fiˈniʃʃi// | sii!pronounced as //ˈsiːi// | abbi!pronounced as //ˈabbi// | va’! or vai | pronounced as //va// pronounced as //ˈvai// | sta’! or stai | pronounced as //sta// pronounced as //ˈstai// | da’! or dai | pronounced as //da// pronounced as //ˈdai// | fa’! or fai | pronounced as //fa// pronounced as //ˈfai// |
(Lei) | ami!pronounced as //ˈaːmi// | creda!pronounced as //ˈkreːda// | dorma!pronounced as //ˈdɔrma// | finisca!pronounced as //fiˈniska// | sia!pronounced as //ˈsiːa// | abbia!pronounced as //ˈabbja// | vada!pronounced as //ˈvaːda// | stia!pronounced as //ˈstiːa// | dia!pronounced as //ˈdiːa// | faccia!pronounced as //ˈfattʃa// |
(noi) | amiamo!pronounced as //aˈmjaːmo// | crediamo!pronounced as //kreˈdjaːmo// | dormiamo!pronounced as //dorˈmjaːmo// | finiamo!pronounced as //fiˈnjaːmo// | siamo!pronounced as //ˈsjaːmo// | abbiamo!pronounced as //abˈbjaːmo// | andiamo!pronounced as //anˈdjaːmo// | stiamo!pronounced as //ˈstjaːmo// | diamo!pronounced as //ˈdjaːmo// | facciamo!pronounced as //fatˈ tʃaːmo// |
(Italian: voi) | amate!pronounced as //aˈmaːte// | credete!pronounced as //kreˈdeːte// | dormite!pronounced as //dorˈmiːte// | finite!pronounced as //fiˈniːte// | siate!pronounced as //ˈsjaːte// | abbiate!pronounced as //abˈbjaːte// | andate!pronounced as //anˈdaːte// | state!pronounced as //ˈstaːte// | date!pronounced as //ˈdaːte// | fate!pronounced as //ˈfaːte// |
(Loro) | amino!pronounced as //ˈaːmino// | credano!pronounced as //ˈkreːdano// | dormano!pronounced as //ˈdɔrmano// | finiscano!pronounced as //fiˈniskano// | siano!pronounced as //ˈsiːano// | abbiano!pronounced as //ˈabbjano// | vadano!pronounced as //ˈvaːdano// | stiano!pronounced as //ˈstiːano// | diano!pronounced as //ˈdiːano// | facciano!pronounced as //ˈfattʃano// | |
- credi! "believe!"
- crediamo! "let's believe!"
Negative imperative
The second person singular uses the infinitive instead of its usual form in the negative, while other forms remain unchanged.
| amare | credere | dormire |
(Italian: tu) | non amare | non credere | non dormire |
(Lei) | non ami | non creda | non dorma |
(noi) | non amiamo | non crediamo | non dormiamo |
(Italian: voi) | non amate | non credete | non dormite |
(Loro) | non amino | non credano | non dormano | |
- non credere! "don't believe!"
Nominal verb forms
Italian verbs have three additional forms, known as nominal forms, because they can be used as nouns or adjectives, rather than as verbs.
- the past participle (participio passato) has been discussed above
- the present participle (participio presente) is used as an adjective or a noun describing someone who is busy doing something. For example, parlante means "talking" or "someone who is talking":
- verbs in -are form the present participle by adding -ante to the stem
- verbs in Italian: -ere and -ire form the present participle by adding -ente pronounced as //ˈɛnte// to the stem
- fare, dire, Italian: bere, Italian: porre use their long stems to form resp. facente, dicente, bevente, ponente
- essere has essente (though very rare)
- the gerund (gerundio) is the adverbial form of the present participle, and has a very broad use. For example: parlando can translate to "talking / while talking / by talking / because of one's talking / through talking / …":
- the gerund is identical to the present participle, but with final -te replaced by -do
The gerund can be used in combination with the verb Italian: stare to create continuous expressions. These are similar to English continuous expressions (e.g. I am talking) but they are used much less extensively than in English.
- sto lavorando "I'm working"
- stavo mangiando "I was eating"
Keep in mind that the gerund is an adverb, not an adjective, and so it does not agree in gender and number with anything. The ending is always -o:
- la ragazza sta mangiando "The girl is eating"
Like the imperative, all nominal verb forms (including the infinitive) have their objective personal pronouns suffixed rather than placed before them.
- mi parla > parlarmi; (parlatomi); (parlantemi); parlandomi; parlami!
- si pone > porsi; (postosi); (ponentesi); ponendosi; poniti!
- me lo dice > dirmelo; (dettomelo); (dicentemelo); dicendomelo; dimmelo!
- se ne va via > andarsene via; (andatosene via); (andantesene via); andandosene via; vattene via!
Irregular verbs
The following list includes some example conjugations for a number of verbs commonly classified as irregular, not sorted by type or degree of irregularity. Verbs derived from others (e.g. apprèndere, comprèndere, sorprèndere, ... from prèndere) and the ones which end in the same way (e.g. stèndere, rèndere, accèndere, ...; compare véndere, which is regular) are formed according to the same conjugation.
The list does not include Italian: essere, Italian: avere, Italian: andare, Italian: stare, dare and Italian: fare, that have already been conjugated throughout the article.
• = present;
• = past perfect;
• = past absolute;
• = imperfect;
• = future;
• = present subjunctive;
• = imperfect subjunctive;
• = imperative;
• = present participle
- affiggere pronounced as //afˈfiddʒere// "to post (up), to stick up": affiggo, affiggi, affigge, affiggiamo, affiggete, affiggono; ho affisso; affiggevo; affissi, affiggesti; affiggerò; che affigga, che affiggiamo; che affiggessi; affiggi!, affigga!, affiggiamo!, affiggete!; affiggente;
- apparire pronounced as //appaˈriːre//[4] "to appear": appaio pronounced as //apˈpaːjo//, appari, appare, appariamo, apparite, appaiono; sono apparso/-a; apparivo; apparvi, apparisti; apparirò; che appaia, che appariamo; che apparissi; appari!, appaia!, appariamo!, apparite!; apparente; Web site: Conjugation of the verb apparire . Lingua-Italiana.IT . 2024-11-14.
- aprire pronounced as //aˈpriːre// "to open": apro, apri, apre, apriamo, aprite, aprono; ho aperto pronounced as //aˈpɛrto//; aprivo; aprii/apersi pronounced as //aˈpɛrsi//, apristi; aprirò; che apra, che apriamo; che aprissi; apri!, apra!, apriamo!, aprite!; aprente; Web site: Conjugation of the verb aprire . Lingua-Italiana.IT . 2024-11-14.
- assumere pronounced as //asˈsuːmere// "to assume": assumo, assumi, assume, assumiamo, assumete, assumono; ho assunto; assumevo; assunsi, assumesti; assumerò; che assuma, che assumiamo; che assumessi; assumi!, assuma!, assumiamo!, assumete!; assumente; Web site: Conjugation of the verb assumere . Lingua-Italiana.IT . 2024-11-14.
- bere pronounced as //ˈbeːre// "to drink": bevo pronounced as //ˈbeːvo//, bevi, beve, beviamo, bevete, bevono; ho bevuto; bevevo; bevvi pronounced as //ˈbevvi//, bevesti; berrò; che beva, che beviamo; che bevessi; bevi!, beva!, beviamo!, bevete!; bevente; Web site: Conjugation of the verb bere . Lingua-Italiana.IT . 2024-11-14.
- cadere pronounced as //kaˈdeːre// "to fall (down)": cado, cadi, cade, cadiamo, cadete, cadono; sono caduto/-a; cadevo; caddi, cadesti; cadrò; che cada, che cadiamo; che cadessi; cadi!, cada!, cadiamo!, cadete!; cadente; Web site: Conjugation of the verb cadere . Lingua-Italiana.IT . 2024-11-14.
- chiedere pronounced as //ˈkjɛːdere// "to ask": chiedo pronounced as //ˈkjɛːdo//, chiedi, chiede, chiediamo, chiedete, chiedono; ho chiesto pronounced as //ˈkjɛsto//; chiedevo; chiesi pronounced as //ˈkjɛːzi, ˈkjɛːsi//, chiedesti; chiederò; che chieda, che chiediamo; che chiedessi; chiedi!, chieda!, chiediamo!, chiedete!; chiedente; Web site: Conjugation of the verb chiedere . Lingua-Italiana.IT . 2024-11-14.
- chiudere pronounced as //ˈkjuːdere//[5] "to close": chiudo, chiudi, chiude, chiudiamo, chiudete, chiudono; ho chiuso pronounced as //ˈkjuːzo, ˈkjuːso//; chiudevo; chiusi pronounced as //ˈkjuːzi, ˈkjuːsi//, chiudesti; chiuderò; che chiuda, che chiudiamo; che chiudessi; chiudi!, chiuda!, chiudiamo!, chiudete!; chiudente; Web site: Conjugation of the verb chiudere . Lingua-Italiana.IT . 2024-11-14.
- concedere pronounced as //konˈtʃɛːdere//[6] "to grant, to allow": concedo pronounced as //konˈtʃɛːdo//, concedi, concede, concediamo, concedete, concedono; ho concesso pronounced as //konˈtʃɛsso//; concedevo; concessi/concedei/concedetti, concedesti; concederò; che conceda, che concediamo; che concedessi; concedi!, conceda!, concediamo!, concedete!; concedente; Web site: Conjugation of the verb concedere . Lingua-Italiana.IT . 2024-11-14.
- condurre pronounced as //konˈdurre// "to lead": conduco, conduci, conduce, conduciamo, conducete, conducono; ho condotto pronounced as //konˈdotto//; conducevo; condussi, conducesti; condurrò; che conduca, che conduciamo; che conducessi; conduci!, conduca!, conduciamo!, conducete!; conducente;
- correre pronounced as //ˈkorrere// "to run": corro pronounced as //ˈkorro//, corri, corre, corriamo, correte, corrono; sono corso/-a pronounced as //ˈkorso//; correvo; corsi pronounced as //ˈkorsi//, corresti; correrò; che corra, che corriamo; che corressi; corri!, corra!, corriamo!, correte!; corrente; Web site: Conjugation of the verb correre . Lingua-Italiana.IT . 2024-11-14.
- crescere pronounced as //ˈkreʃʃere// "to grow (up)": cresco pronounced as //ˈkresko//, cresci pronounced as //ˈkreʃʃi//, cresce, cresciamo, crescete, crescono; sono cresciuto/-a; crescevo; crebbi pronounced as //ˈkrebbi//, crescesti; crescerò; che cresca, che cresciamo; che crescessi; cresci!, cresca!, cresciamo!, crescete!; crescente; Web site: Conjugation of the verb crescere . Lingua-Italiana.IT . 2024-11-14.
- cuocere pronounced as //ˈkwɔːtʃere// "to cook": cuocio pronounced as //ˈkwɔːtʃo//, cuoci, cuoce, cuociamo/cociamo, cuocete/cocete, cuociono; ho cotto pronounced as //ˈkɔtto//; cuocevo/cocevo; cossi pronounced as //ˈkɔssi//, cuocesti/cocesti; cuocerò/cocerò; che cuocia, che cuociamo/cociamo; che cuocessi/cocessi; cuoci!, cuocia!, cuociamo/cociamo!, cuocete/cocete!; cuocente/cocente; Web site: Conjugation of the verb cuocere . Lingua-Italiana.IT . 2024-11-14.
- dire pronounced as //ˈdiːre// "to say": dico, dici, dice, diciamo, dite, dicono; ho detto; dicevo; Italian: dissi, Italian: dicesti; dirò; dica, diciamo; dicessi; di'!, dica!, diciamo!, dite!; dicente; Web site: Conjugation of the verb dire . Lingua-Italiana.IT . 2024-11-14.
- dirigere pronounced as //diˈriːdʒere// "to direct": dirigo, dirigi, dirige, dirigiamo, dirigete, dirigono; ho diretto pronounced as //diˈrɛtto//; dirigevo; diressi pronounced as //diˈrɛssi//, dirigesti; dirigerò; che diriga, che dirigiamo; che dirigessi; dirigi!, diriga!, dirigiamo!, dirigete!; dirigente; Web site: Conjugation of the verb dirigere . Lingua-Italiana.IT . 2024-11-14.
- discutere pronounced as //diˈskuːtere// "to discuss": discuto, discuti, discute, discutiamo, discutete, discutono; ho discusso; discutevo; discussi, discutesti; discuterò; che discuta, che discutiamo; che discutessi; discuti!, discuta!, discutiamo!, discutete!; discutente; Web site: Conjugation of the verb discutere . Lingua-Italiana.IT . 2024-11-14.
- dolere pronounced as //doˈleːre// "to ache": dolgo pronounced as //ˈdɔlɡo//, duoli pronounced as //ˈdwɔːli//, duole, doliamo/dogliamo, dolete, dolgono; sono doluto/-a; dolevo; dolsi pronounced as //ˈdɔlsi//, dolesti; dorrò; che dolga/doglia pronounced as //ˈdɔʎʎa//, che doliamo/dogliamo; che dolessi; duoli!, dolga!, doliamo!, dolete!; dolente; Web site: Conjugation of the verb dolere . Lingua-Italiana.IT . 2024-11-14.
- dovere pronounced as //doˈveːre// "to have to": devo/debbo pronounced as //ˈdeːvo, ˈdɛːvo; ˈdebbo, ˈdɛbbo//, devi, deve, dobbiamo, dovete, devono/debbono; ho dovuto;[7] dovevo; dovei/dovetti, dovesti; dovrò; che debba, che dobbiamo; che dovessi; devi!, debba!, dobbiamo!, dovete!; dovente; Web site: Conjugation of the verb dovere . Lingua-Italiana.IT . 2024-11-14.
- emergere pronounced as //eˈmɛrdʒere// "to emerge": emergo pronounced as //eˈmɛrɡo//, emergi pronounced as //eˈmɛrdʒi//, emerge, emergiamo, emergete, emergono; sono emerso/-a pronounced as //eˈmɛrso//; emergevo; emersi pronounced as //eˈmɛrsi//, emergesti; emergerò; che emerga, che emergiamo; che emergessi; emergi!, emerga!, emergiamo!, emergete!; emergente; Web site: Conjugation of the verb emergere . Lingua-Italiana.IT . 2024-11-14.
- esigere pronounced as //eˈziːdʒere//[8] "to demand": esigo, esigi, esige, esigiamo, esigete, esigono; ho esatto; esigevo; esigei/esigetti, esigesti; esigerò; che esiga, che esigiamo; che esigessi; esigi!, esiga!, esigiamo!, esigete!; esigente; Web site: Conjugation of the verb esigere . Lingua-Italiana.IT . 2024-11-14.
- espellere pronounced as //eˈspɛllere// "to expel": espello pronounced as //eˈspɛllo//, espelli, espelle, espelliamo, espellete, espellono; ho espulso; espellevo; espulsi, espellesti; espellerò; che espella, che espelliamo; che espellessi; espelli!, espella!, espelliamo!, espellete!; espellente; Web site: Conjugation of the verb espellere . Lingua-Italiana.IT . 2024-11-14.
- esprimere pronounced as //eˈspriːmere// "to express": esprimo, esprimi, esprime, esprimiamo, esprimete, esprimono; ho espresso pronounced as //eˈsprɛsso//; esprimevo; espressi pronounced as //eˈsprɛssi//, esprimesti; esprimerò; che esprima, che esprimiamo; che esprimessi; esprimi!, esprima!, esprimiamo!, esprimete!; esprimente;
- evolvere pronounced as //eˈvɔlvere// "to evolve": evolvo pronounced as //eˈvɔlvo//, evolvi, evolve, evolviamo, evolvete, evolvono; sono evoluto/-a; evolvevo; evolvei/evolvetti, evolvesti; evolverò; che evolva, che evolviamo; che evolvessi; evolvi!, evolva!, evolviamo!, evolvete!; evolvente;
- fondere pronounced as //ˈfondere// "to melt": fondo pronounced as //ˈfondo//, fondi, fonde, fondiamo, fondete, fondono; ho fuso pronounced as //ˈfuːzo, ˈfuːso//; fondevo; fusi pronounced as //ˈfuːzi, ˈfuːsi//, fondesti; fonderò; che fonda, che fondiamo; che fondessi; fondi!, fonda!, fondiamo!, fondete!; fondente; Web site: Conjugation of the verb fondere . Lingua-Italiana.IT . 2024-11-14.
- godere pronounced as //ɡoˈdeːre// "to enjoy": godo pronounced as //ˈɡɔːdo//, godi, gode, godiamo, godete, godono; ho goduto; godevo; godei/godetti, godesti; godrò; che goda, che godiamo; che godessi; godi!, goda!, godiamo!, godete!; godente; Web site: Conjugation of the verb godere . Lingua-Italiana.IT . 2024-11-14.
- leggere pronounced as //ˈlɛddʒere// "to read": leggo pronounced as //ˈlɛɡɡo//, leggi pronounced as //ˈlɛddʒi//, legge, leggiamo, leggete, leggono; ho letto pronounced as //ˈlɛtto//; leggevo; lessi pronounced as //ˈlɛssi//, leggesti; leggerò; che legga, che leggiamo; che leggessi; leggi!, legga!, leggiamo!, leggete!; leggente; Web site: Conjugation of the verb leggere . Lingua-Italiana.IT . 2024-11-14.
- mettere pronounced as //ˈmettere// "to put, to set": metto pronounced as //ˈmetto//, metti, mette, mettiamo, mettete, mettono; ho messo pronounced as //ˈmesso//; mettevo; misi pronounced as //ˈmiːzi, ˈmiːsi//, mettesti; metterò; che metta, che mettiamo; che mettessi; metti!, metta!, mettiamo!, mettete!; mettente; Web site: Conjugation of the verb mettere . Lingua-Italiana.IT . 2024-11-14.
- morire pronounced as //moˈriːre// "to die": muoio pronounced as //ˈmwɔːjo//, muori pronounced as //ˈmwɔːri//, muore, moriamo, morite, muoiono; sono morto/-a pronounced as //ˈmɔrto//; morivo; morii, moristi; morirò/morrò; che muoia, che moriamo; che morissi; muori!, muoia!, moriamo!, morite!; morente; Web site: Conjugation of the verb morire . Lingua-Italiana.IT . 2024-11-14.
- muovere pronounced as //ˈmwɔːvere// "to move sth": muovo pronounced as //ˈmwɔːvo//, muovi, muove, muoviamo/moviamo, muovete/movete, muovono; ho mosso pronounced as //ˈmɔsso//; muovevo/movevo; mossi pronounced as //ˈmɔssi//, muovesti/movesti; muoverò/moverò; che muova, che muoviamo/moviamo; che muovessi/movessi; muovi!, muova!, muoviamo/moviamo!, muovete/movete!; muovente/movente; Web site: Conjugation of the verb muovere . Lingua-Italiana.IT . 2024-11-14.
- nascere pronounced as //ˈnaʃʃere// "to be born": nasco, nasci, nasce, nasciamo, nascete, nascono; sono nato/-a; nascevo; nacqui pronounced as //ˈnakkwi//, nascesti; nascerò; che nasca, che nasciamo; che nascessi; nasci!, nasca!, nasciamo!, nascete!; nascente; Web site: Conjugation of the verb nascere . Lingua-Italiana.IT . 2024-11-14.
- nascondere pronounced as //naˈskondere// "to hide": nascondo pronounced as //naˈskondo//, nascondi, nasconde, nascondiamo, nascondete, nascondono; ho nascosto pronounced as //naˈskosto//; nascondevo; nascosi pronounced as //naˈskoːzi, naˈskoːsi//, nascondesti; nasconderò; che nasconda, che nascondiamo; che nascondessi; nascondi!, nasconda!, nascondiamo!, nascondete!; nascondente; Web site: Conjugation of the verb nascondere . Lingua-Italiana.IT . 2024-11-14.
- nuocere pronounced as //ˈnwɔːtʃere// "to harm": nuoccio/noccio pronounced as //ˈnwɔttʃo; ˈnɔttʃo//, nuoci pronounced as //ˈnwɔːtʃi//, nuoce, nuociamo/nociamo, nuocete/nocete, nuocciono/nocciono; ho nuociuto/nociuto; nuocevo/nocevo; nocqui pronounced as //ˈnɔkkwi//, nuocesti/nocesti; nuocerò/nocerò; che nuoccia/noccia, che nuociamo/nociamo; che nuocessi/nocessi; nuoci!, nuoccia/noccia!, nociamo/nuociamo!, nuocete/nocete!; nuocente/nocente; Web site: Conjugation of the verb nuocere . Lingua-Italiana.IT . 2024-11-14.
- offrire pronounced as //ofˈfriːre// "to offer": offro pronounced as //ˈɔffro//, offri, offre, offriamo, offrite, offrono; ho offerto pronounced as //ofˈfɛrto//; offrivo; offrii/offersi pronounced as //ofˈfɛrsi//, offristi; offrirò; che offra, che offriamo; che offrissi; offri!, offra!, offriamo!, offrite!; offerente; Web site: Conjugation of the verb offrire . Lingua-Italiana.IT . 2024-11-14.
- parere pronounced as //paˈreːre// "to seem": paio pronounced as //ˈpaːjo//, pari, pare, paiamo, parete, paiono; sono parso/-a; parevo; parvi, paresti; parrò; che paia, che paiamo; che paressi; no ; parvente; Web site: Conjugation of the verb parere . Lingua-Italiana.IT . 2024-11-14.
- piacere pronounced as //pjaˈtʃeːre// "to be liked": piaccio, piaci, piace, piacciamo, piacete, piacciono; sono piaciuto/-a; piacevo; piacqui pronounced as //ˈpjakkwi//, piacesti; piacerò; che piaccia, che piacciamo; che piacessi; piaci!, piaccia!, piacciamo!, piacete!; piacente; Web site: Conjugation of the verb piacere . Lingua-Italiana.IT . 2024-11-14.
- piangere pronounced as //ˈpjandʒere//[9] "to weep, to cry": piango, piangi, piange, piangiamo, piangete, piangono; ho pianto; piangevo; piansi, piangesti; piangerò; che pianga, che piangiamo; che piangessi; piangi!, pianga!, piangiamo!, piangete!; piangente; Web site: Conjugation of the verb piangere . Lingua-Italiana.IT . 2024-11-14.
- porgere pronounced as //ˈpɔrdʒere//[10] "to extend, to hand": porgo pronounced as //ˈpɔrɡo//, porgi pronounced as //ˈpɔrdʒi//, porge, porgiamo, porgete, porgono; ho porto pronounced as //ˈpɔrto//; porgevo; porsi pronounced as //ˈpɔrsi//, porgesti; porgerò; che porga, che porgiamo; che porgessi; porgi!, porga!, porgiamo!, porgete!; porgente; Web site: Conjugation of the verb porgere . Lingua-Italiana.IT . 2024-11-14.
- porre pronounced as //ˈporre// "to put": pongo pronounced as //ˈpoŋɡo//, poni pronounced as //ˈpoːni//, pone, poniamo, ponete, pongono; ho posto pronounced as //ˈposto//; ponevo; posi pronounced as //ˈpoːzi, ˈpoːsi//, ponesti; porrò; che ponga, che poniamo; che ponessi; poni!, ponga!, poniamo!, ponete!; ponente; Web site: Conjugation of the verb porre . Lingua-Italiana.IT . 2024-11-14.
- potere pronounced as //poˈteːre// "to be able (to)": posso pronounced as //ˈpɔsso//, puoi pronounced as //ˈpwɔi//, può, possiamo, potete, possono; ho potuto;[7] potevo; potei, potesti; potrò; che possa, che possiamo; che potessi; possi!, possa!, possiamo!, possiate!; potente; Web site: Conjugation of the verb potere . Lingua-Italiana.IT . 2024-11-14.
- prendere pronounced as //ˈprɛndere//[11] "to take": prendo pronounced as //ˈprɛndo//, prendi, prende, prendiamo, prendete, prendono; ho preso pronounced as //ˈpreːzo, ˈpreːso//; prendevo; presi, prendesti; prenderò; che prenda, che prendiamo; che prendessi; prendi!, prenda!, prendiamo!, prendete!; prendente; Web site: Conjugation of the verb prendere . Lingua-Italiana.IT . 2024-11-14.
- redimere pronounced as //reˈdiːmere// "to redeem": redimo, redimi, redime, redimiamo, redimete, redimono; ho redento pronounced as //reˈdɛnto//; redimevo; redensi pronounced as //reˈdɛnsi//, redimesti; redimerò; che redima, che redimiamo; che redimessi; redimi!, redima!, redimiamo!, redimete!; redimente; Web site: Conjugation of the verb redimere . Lingua-Italiana.IT . 2024-11-14.
- rimanere pronounced as //rimaˈneːre// "to stay, to remain": rimango, rimani, rimane, rimaniamo, rimanete, rimangono; sono rimasto/-a; rimanevo; rimasi, rimanesti; rimarrò; che rimanga, che rimaniamo; che rimanessi; rimani!, rimanga!, rimaniamo, rimanete!; rimanente; Web site: Conjugation of the verb rimanere . Lingua-Italiana.IT . 2024-11-14.
- risolvere pronounced as //riˈsɔlvere// "to solve": risolvo pronounced as //riˈsɔlvo//, risolvi, risolve, risolviamo, risolvete, risolvono; ho risolto pronounced as //riˈsɔlto//; risolvevo; risolsi pronounced as //riˈsɔlsi//, risolvesti; risolverò; che risolva, che risolviamo; che risolvessi; risolvi!, risolva!, risolviamo!, risolvete!; risolvente;
- rompere pronounced as //ˈrompere// "to break (down)": rompo pronounced as //ˈrompo//, rompi, rompe, rompiamo, rompete, rompono; ho rotto pronounced as //ˈrotto//; rompevo; Italian: ruppi, Italian: rompesti; romperò; che rompa, che rompiamo; che rompessi; rompi!, rompa!, rompiamo!, rompete!; rompente; Web site: Conjugation of the verb rompere . Lingua-Italiana.IT . 2024-11-14.
- salire pronounced as //saˈliːre// "to go up": salgo, sali, sale, saliamo, salite, salgono; sono salito/-a; salivo; salii, salisti; salirò; che salga, che saliamo; che salissi; sali!, salga!, saliamo!, salite!; salente; Web site: Conjugation of the verb salire . Lingua-Italiana.IT . 2024-11-14.
- sapere pronounced as //saˈpeːre// "to know": so pronounced as //sɔ//, sai, sa, sappiamo, sapete, sanno; ho saputo; sapevo; seppi pronounced as //ˈseppi//, sapesti; saprò; che sappia, che sappiamo; che sapessi; sappi!, sappia!, sappiamo!, sappiate!; sapente; Web site: Conjugation of the verb sapere . Lingua-Italiana.IT . 2024-11-14.
- scindere pronounced as //ˈʃindere// "to divide, to sunder": scindo, scindi, scinde, scindiamo, scindete, scindono; ho scisso; scindevo; scissi, scindesti; scinderò; che scinda, che scindiamo; che scindessi; scindi!, scinda!, scindiamo!, scindete!; scindente; Web site: Conjugation of the verb scindere . Lingua-Italiana.IT . 2024-11-14.
- scrivere pronounced as //ˈskriːvere// "to write": scrivo, scrivi, scrive, scriviamo, scrivete, scrivono; ho scritto; scrivevo; scrissi, scrivesti; scriverò; che scriva, che scriviamo; che scrivessi; scrivi!, scriva!, scriviamo!, scrivete!; scrivente; Web site: Conjugation of the verb scrivere . Lingua-Italiana.IT . 2024-11-14.
- scuotere pronounced as //ˈskwɔːtere// "to shake": scuoto pronounced as //ˈskwɔːto//, scuoti, scuote, scuotiamo/scotiamo, scuotete/scotete, scuotono; ho scosso pronounced as //ˈskɔsso//; scuotevo/scotevo; scossi pronounced as //ˈskɔssi//, scuotesti/scotesti; scuoterò/scoterò; che scuota, che scuotiamo/scotiamo; che scuotessi/scotessi; scuoti!, scuota!, scuotiamo/scotiamo!, scuotete/scotete!; scuotente/scotente; Web site: Conjugation of the verb scuotere . Lingua-Italiana.IT . 2024-11-14.
- sedere pronounced as //seˈdeːre// "to sit": siedo pronounced as //ˈsjɛːdo//, siedi, siede, sediamo, sedete, siedono; sono seduto/-a; sedevo; sedei/sedetti, sedesti; siederò/sederò; che sieda, che sediamo; che sedessi; siedi!, sieda!, sediamo!, sedete!; sedente; Web site: Conjugation of the verb sedere . Lingua-Italiana.IT . 2024-11-14.
- sorgere pronounced as //ˈsordʒere// "to rise": sorgo pronounced as //ˈsorɡo//, sorgi pronounced as //ˈsordʒi//, sorge, sorgiamo, sorgete, sorgono; sono sorto/-a pronounced as //ˈsorto//; sorgevo; sorsi pronounced as //ˈsorsi//, sorgesti; sorgerò; che sorga, che sorgiamo; che sorgessi; sorgi!, sorga!, sorgiamo!, sorgete!; sorgente; Web site: Conjugation of the verb sorgere . Lingua-Italiana.IT . 2024-11-14.
- spegnere pronounced as //ˈspeɲɲere, ˈspɛɲɲere// "to turn off, to switch off": spengo pronounced as //ˈspeŋɡo, ˈspɛŋɡo//, spegni pronounced as //ˈspeɲɲi, ˈspɛɲɲi//, spegne, spegniamo, spegnete, spengono; ho spento pronounced as //ˈspento, ˈspɛnto//; spegnevo; spensi pronounced as //ˈspensi, ˈspɛnsi//, spegnesti; spegnerò; che spenga, che spegniamo; che spegnessi; spegni!, spenga!, spegniamo!, spegnete!; spegnente;
- svellere pronounced as //ˈzvɛllere// "to eradicate": svello/svelgo pronounced as //ˈzvɛllo; ˈzvɛlɡo//, svelli, svelle, svelliamo, svellete, svellono/svelgono; ho svelto pronounced as //ˈzvɛlto//; svellevo; svelsi pronounced as //ˈzvɛlsi//, svellesti; svellerò; che svella/svelga, che svelliamo; che svellessi; svelli!, svella/svelga!, svelliamo!, svellete!; svellente; Web site: Conjugation of the verb svellere . Lingua-Italiana.IT . 2024-11-14.
- tenere pronounced as //teˈneːre// "to hold, to keep": tengo pronounced as //ˈtɛŋɡo//, tieni pronounced as //ˈtjɛːni//, tiene, teniamo, tenete, tengono; ho tenuto; tenevo; tenni pronounced as //ˈtenni//, tenesti; terrò; che tenga, che teniamo; che tenessi; tieni!, tenga!, teniamo!, tenete!; tenente; Web site: Conjugation of the verb tenere . Lingua-Italiana.IT . 2024-11-14.
- togliere pronounced as //ˈtɔʎʎere// "to remove": tolgo pronounced as //ˈtɔlɡo//, togli pronounced as //ˈtɔʎʎi//, toglie, togliamo, togliete, tolgono; ho tolto pronounced as //ˈtɔlto//; toglievo; tolsi pronounced as //ˈtɔlsi//, togliesti; toglierò; che tolga, che togliamo; che togliessi; togli!, tolga!, togliamo!, togliete!; togliente; Web site: Conjugation of the verb togliere . Lingua-Italiana.IT . 2024-11-14.
- trarre pronounced as //ˈtrarre// "to draw, to pull": traggo, trai, trae, traiamo, traete, traggono; ho tratto; traevo; trassi, traesti; trarrò; che tragga, che traiamo; che traessi; trai!, tragga!, traiamo!, traete!; traente; Web site: Conjugation of the verb trarre . Lingua-Italiana.IT . 2024-11-14.
- udire pronounced as //uˈdiːre// "to hear": odo pronounced as //ˈɔːdo//, odi, ode, udiamo, udite, odono; ho udito; udivo; udii, udisti; udrò/udirò; che oda, che udiamo; che udissi; odi!, oda!, udiamo!, udite!; udente; Web site: Conjugation of the verb udire . Lingua-Italiana.IT . 2024-11-14.
- uscire pronounced as //uʃˈʃiːre// "to go out": esco pronounced as //ˈɛsko//, esci pronounced as //ˈɛʃʃi//, esce, usciamo, uscite, escono; sono uscito/-a; uscivo; uscii, uscisti; uscirò; che esca, che usciamo; che uscissi; esci!, esca!, usciamo!, uscite!; uscente; Web site: Conjugation of the verb uscire . Lingua-Italiana.IT . 2024-11-14.
- valere pronounced as //vaˈleːre// "to be worth": valgo, vali, vale, valiamo, valete, valgono; sono valso/-a; valevo; valsi, valesti; varrò; che valga, che valiamo; che valessi; vali!, valga!, valiamo!, valete!; valente; Web site: Conjugation of the verb valere . Lingua-Italiana.IT . 2024-11-14.
- vedere pronounced as //veˈdeːre// "to see": vedo pronounced as //ˈveːdo//, vedi, vede, vediamo, vedete, vedono; ho visto; vedevo; Italian: vidi, Italian: vedesti; vedrò; che veda, che vediamo; che vedessi; vedi!, veda!, vediamo!, vedete!; vedente; Web site: Conjugation of the verb vedere . Lingua-Italiana.IT . 2024-11-14.
- venire pronounced as //veˈniːre// "to come": vengo pronounced as //ˈvɛŋɡo//, vieni pronounced as //ˈvjɛːni//, viene, veniamo, venite, vengono; sono venuto/-a; venivo; venni pronounced as //ˈvenni//, venisti; verrò; che venga, che veniamo; che venisse; vieni!, venga!, veniamo!, venite!; venente; Web site: Conjugation of the verb venire . Lingua-Italiana.IT . 2024-11-14.
- vivere pronounced as //ˈviːvere// "to live": vivo, vivi, vive, viviamo, vivete, vivono; sono vissuto/-a, ho vissuto; vivevo; vissi, vivesti; vivrò; che viva, che viviamo; che vivessi; vivi!, viva!, viviamo!, vivete!; vivente; Web site: Conjugation of the verb vivere . Lingua-Italiana.IT . 2024-11-14.
- volere pronounced as //voˈleːre// "to want (to)": voglio pronounced as //ˈvɔʎʎo//, vuoi pronounced as //ˈvwɔi//, vuole, vogliamo, volete, vogliono; ho voluto;[7] volevo; volli pronounced as //ˈvɔlli//, volesti; vorrò; che voglia, che vogliamo; che volessi; vogli!, voglia!, vogliamo!, vogliate!; volente; Web site: Conjugation of the verb volere . Lingua-Italiana.IT . 2024-11-14.
- volgere pronounced as //ˈvɔldʒere// "to turn, to change": volgo pronounced as //ˈvɔlɡo//, volgi pronounced as //ˈvɔldʒi//, volge, volgiamo, volgete, volgono; ho volto, sono volto/-a pronounced as //ˈvɔlto//; volgevo; volsi pronounced as //ˈvɔlsi//, volgesti; volgerò; che volga, che volgiamo; che volgessi; volgi!, volga!, volgiamo!, volgete!; volgente; Web site: Conjugation of the verb volgere . Lingua-Italiana.IT . 2024-11-14.
- see all the other Italian irregular verbs in English Wiktionary and in Italian Wikipedia.
External links
Notes and References
- Such verbs with the Italian: -isc infix correspond to English Romance-origin verbs that end in "-ish", such as "finish", "punish", "accomplish", "extinguish", and so on.
- Aski, Janice M. 1995. Verbal Suppletion: An Analysis of Italian, French, and Spanish to go. Linguistics 33.403-32.
- [#thebigbook-2ed|thebigbook-2ed, pp. 113-120]
- The only verb that does not follow this pattern is sparire "to disappear", which is regular with infixed Italian: -isc-.
- This conjugation is also followed by suadere pronounced as //su.aˈdeːre// (poetical term for "persuade") and the verbs derived from it.
- The verb cedere "to yield, to surrender" and all the other ones derived from it are regular instead.
- These verbs always use the auxiliary verb avere to form the perfect tenses when on their own; however, when used as modals, they take essere or Italian: avere following the verb they refer to (if the auxiliary verb is essere, the past participle agrees with the subject): non sono potuto/-a venire "I wasn't able to come"; ho voluto parlare "I wanted to speak".
- Same conjugation used for redigere "to draw up".
- This conjugation is also followed by vincere pronounced as //ˈvintʃere// "to win" (with consonant change from -g- to -c-) and the verbs derived from it.
- This conjugation is also followed by torcere pronounced as //ˈtɔrtʃere// "to twist, to wring" (with consonant change from -g- to -c-) and the verbs derived from it.
- The only two verbs that do not follow this pattern are fendere pronounced as //ˈfɛndere// "to cleave, to split" and pendere pronounced as //ˈpɛndere// "to hang", which are regular; note that scendere pronounced as //ˈʃɛndere, ˈʃendere// "to go down" is irregular (along with the verbs derived from it), while vendere pronounced as //ˈvendere// "to sell" follows the regular pattern (along with the verbs derived from it).