Exception handling syntax is the set of keywords and/or structures provided by a computer programming language to allow exception handling, which separates the handling of errors that arise during a program's operation from its ordinary processes. Syntax for exception handling varies between programming languages, partly to cover semantic differences but largely to fit into each language's overall syntactic structure. Some languages do not call the relevant concept "exception handling"; others may not have direct facilities for it, but can still provide means to implement it.
Most commonly, error handling uses a try...[catch...][finally...]
block, and errors are created via a throw
statement, but there is significant variation in naming and syntax.
raise Some_Error with "Out of memory"; -- specific diagnostic message
procedure Foo is Some_Error : exception;begin Do_Something_Interesting;exception -- Start of exception handlers when Constraint_Error => ... -- Handle constraint error when Storage_Error => -- Propagate Storage_Error as a different exception with a useful message raise Some_Error with "Out of memory"; when Error : others => -- Handle all others Ada.Text_IO.Put("Exception: "); Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line(Ada.Exceptions.Exception_Name(Error)); Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line(Ada.Exceptions.Exception_Message(Error));end Foo;
Most assembly languages will have a macro instruction or an interrupt address available for the particular system to intercept events such as illegal op codes, program check, data errors, overflow, divide by zero, and other such. IBM and Univac mainframes had the STXIT macro. Digital Equipment Corporation RT11 systems had trap vectors for program errors, i/o interrupts, and such. DOS has certain interrupt addresses. Microsoft Windows has specific module calls to trap program errors.
implement main0 : void = try $raise MyException("not enough food", 2) with | ~MyException(s, i) => begin $extfcall(void, "fprintf", stderr_ref, "%s: %d", s, i); fileref_close(stderr_ref); end
print_errortrap print_error exit #list signals to traptempfile=`mktemp`trap "rm $tempfile" exit./other.sh || echo warning: other failedecho oops)echo never printed
One can set a trap for multiple errors, responding to any signal with syntax like:
An On Error goto/gosub structure is used in BASIC and is quite different from modern exception handling; in BASIC there is only one global handler whereas in modern exception handling, exception handlers are stacked.
handler:PRINT "File does not exist"END ' RESUME may be used instead which returns control to original position.
C does not provide direct support to exception handling: it is the programmer's responsibility to prevent errors in the first place and test return values from the functions.
In any case, a possible way to implement exception handling in standard C is to use setjmp/longjmp functions:
enum exception;jmp_buf state;
int main(void)
Two types exist:
Example of SEH in C programming language:
A try
block must have at least one catch
or finally
clause and at most one finally
int main In C++, a resource acquisition is initialization technique can be used to clean up resources in exceptional situations. C++ intentionally does not support .[1] The outer braces for the method are optional.
Adobe ColdFusion documentation[2]
Added to the standard syntax above, CFML dialects of Railo and Lucee allow a retry
This statement returns processing to the start of the prior try
CFScript example:
Tag-syntax example:
raise Exception.CreateFmt('Message with values: %d, %d',[value1, value2]); // See SysUtils.Format for parameters.
raise ECustom.CreateCustom(X);
In addition to the OCaml-based try...with
, F# also has the separate try...finally
construct, which has the same behavior as a try block with a finally
clause in other .NET languages.
For comparison, this is a translation of the C# sample above.
For comparison, this is translation of the OCaml sample below.
Haskell does not have special syntax for exceptions. Instead, a ///. interface is provided by functions.
in analogy with this C++
using namespace std;int main
Another example is
In purely functional code, if only one error condition exists, the type may be sufficient, and is an instance of Haskell's class by default. More complex error propagation can be achieved using the or monads, for which similar functionality (using) is supported.
A try
block must have at least one catch
or finally
clause and at most one finally
The design of JavaScript makes loud/hard errors very uncommon. Soft/quiet errors are much more prevalent. Hard errors propagate to the nearest try
statement, which must be followed by either a single catch
clause, a single finally
clause, or both.
If there is no try
statement at all, then the webpage does not crash. Rather, an error is logged to the console and the stack is cleared. However, JavaScript has the interesting quirk of asynchronous externally-invoked entry points. Whereas, in most other languages, there is always some part of the code running at all times, JavaScript does not have to run linearly from start to end. For example, event listeners, Promises, and timers can be invoked by the browser at a later point in time and run in an isolated but shared context with the rest of the code. Observe how the code below will throw a new error every 4 seconds for an indefinite period of time or until the browser/tab/computer is closed.
Another interesting quirk is polymorphism: JavaScript can throw primitive values as errors.
Note that the catch
clause is a catch-all, which catches every type of error. There is no syntaxical ability to assign different handlers to different error types aside from experimental and presently removed Gecko extensions from many years ago. Instead, one can either propagate the error by using a throw
statement inside the catch
statement, or use multiple conditional cases. Let us compare an example in Java and its rough equivalents in JavaScript.
Another aspect of exceptions are promises, which handle the exception asynchronously. Handling the exception asynchronously has the benefit that errors inside the error handler do not propagate further outwards.
new Promise(function);
Lastly, note that, as JavaScript uses mark-and-sweep garbage-collection, there is never any memory leakage from throw statements because the browser automatically cleans dead objects - even with circular references.
(handler-case (progn (print "enter an expression") (eval (read))) (error (e) (print e)))
(unwind-protect (progn (print "enter an expression") (eval (read))) (print "This print will always be executed, similar to finally."))
Lua uses the pcall
and xpcall
functions, with xpcall
taking a function to act as a catch
function attempt(arg) success, value = pcall(foo, arg)
if not success then print("Error: " .. tostring(value)) else print("Returned: " .. tostring(value)) endend
attempt("hello") -- Returned: hello
attempt(nil) -- Error: stdin:5: Not a true value
attempt -- Returned: table: 00809308 if foo(42) then print "Success" end -- Success
print "Done" -- Will always be executed
The Perl mechanism for exception handling uses to throw an exception when wrapped inside an block. After the, the special variable contains the value passed from .
Perl 5.005 added the ability to throw objects as well as strings. This allows better introspection and handling of types of exceptions.
The pseudo-signal can be trapped to handle calls to . This is not suitable for exception handling since it is global. However it can be used to convert string-based exceptions from third-party packages into objects.
The forms shown above can sometimes fail if the global variable is changed between when the exception is thrown and when it is checked in the statement. This can happen in multi-threaded environments, or even in single-threaded environments when other code (typicallycalled in the destruction of some object) resets the global variable before the checking code.The following example shows a way to avoid this problem (see http://www.perlfoundation.org/perl5/index.cgi?exception_handling or https://stackoverflow.com/a/10343025; cf. http://mvp.kablamo.org/essentials/die-eval/). But at the cost of not being able to use return values:
Several modules in the Comprehensive Perl Archive Network (CPAN) expand on the basic mechanism:
Exception handling is available in PowerBuilder versions 8.0 and above.
TRY // Normal execution path CATCH (ExampleException ee) // deal with the ExampleException FINALLY // This optional section is executed upon termination of any of the try or catch blocks above END TRY
try catch SomeError: catch SomeOtherError: finally % optional block
New exceptions may be created using the function, e.g., new_exception ("MyIOError", IOError, "My I/O Error");will create an exception called as a subclass of . Exceptions may be generated using the throw statement, which can throw arbitrary S-Lang objects.
The general mechanism is provided by the message .[6] Exceptions are just normal objects that subclass, you throw one by creating an instance and sending it a message, e.g., . The handling mechanism is again just a normal message implemented by . The thrown exception is passed as a parameter to the handling block closure, and can be queried, as well as potentially sending to it, to allow execution flow to continue.
Exception handling is supported since Swift 2.
' *** Try Class ***Class Try Private mstrDescription Private mlngHelpContext Private mstrHelpFile Private mlngNumber Private mstrSource
Public Sub Catch mstrDescription = Err.Description mlngHelpContext = Err.HelpContext mstrHelpFile = Err.HelpFile mlngNumber = Err.Number mstrSource = Err.Source End Sub
Public Property Get Source Source = mstrSource End Property Public Property Get Number Number = mlngNumber End Property
Public Property Get HelpFile HelpFile = mstrHelpFile End Property Public Property Get HelpContext HelpContext = mlngHelpContext End Property Public Property Get Description Description = mstrDescription End PropertyEnd Class[7]
Exception handling syntax is very similar to Basic. Error handling is local on each procedure.
FinallyLabel: 'just common label within procedure (non official emulation of Finally section from other languages) 'cleanup code, always executedExit Sub 'exits procedure
'because we are after Exit Sub statement, next code is hidden for non-error executionHandlerLabel: 'defines a common label, here used for exception handling.If Err.Number = 6 Then 'Select Case statement is typically better solution Resume FinallyLabel 'continue execution on specific label. Typically something with meaning of "Finally" in other languages 'or Resume Next 'continue execution on statement next to "Err.Raise 6" 'or Resume 'continue execution on (repeat) statement "Err.Raise 6"End If
MsgBox Err.Number & " " & Err.Source & " " & Erl & " " & Err.Description & " " & Err.LastDllError 'show message box with important error properties 'Erl is VB6 build-in line number global variable (if used). Typically is used some kind of IDE Add-In, which labels every code line with number before compilationResume FinallyLabel
Example of specific (non official) implementation of exception handling, which uses object of class "Try".
' *** Try Class ***Private mstrDescription As StringPrivate mlngHelpContext As LongPrivate mstrHelpFile As StringPrivate mlngLastDllError As LongPrivate mlngNumber As LongPrivate mstrSource As String
Public Sub Catch mstrDescription = Err.Description mlngHelpContext = Err.HelpContext mstrHelpFile = Err.HelpFile mlngLastDllError = Err.LastDllError mlngNumber = Err.Number mstrSource = Err.SourceEnd Sub
Public Property Get Source As String Source = mstrSourceEnd Property
Public Property Get Number As Long Number = mlngNumberEnd Property
Public Property Get LastDllError As Long LastDllError = mlngLastDllErrorEnd Property
Public Property Get HelpFile As String HelpFile = mstrHelpFileEnd Property
Public Property Get HelpContext As Long HelpContext = mlngHelpContextEnd Property
Public Property Get Description As String Description = mstrDescriptionEnd Property
A Try
block must have at least one clause Catch
or Finally
clause and at most one Finally