The fifteen series of the British medical drama television series Holby City began airing in the United Kingdom on BBC One on 16 October 2012. The series ran for 52 episodes, concluding on 8 October 2013. Many characters departed and arrived during the series.
The series is produced by the BBC and will air on BBC One and BBC One HD in the United Kingdom. Johnathan Young was the executive producer until Episode 40. As of Episode 41, Oliver Kent is the Executive Producer. Justin Young was the Consultant Series Producer until Episode 52, his last episode as writer was Episode 32.
All 16 main characters from series fourteen initially returned. Derek Thompson returned for a guest appearance as Casualtys Charlie Fairhead in episode 2. Natasha Leigh joined as CT1 Lilah Birdwood for 8 episodes from episode 3. Sarah Jane Potts (Eddi McKee) left in episode 2, followed by Joseph Millson (Luc Hemingway) in episode 13. Guy Henry (Henrik Hanssen) was absent between episodes 5 and 12, though returned in a special episode set partly in Sweden. Ty Glaser and Rob Ostlere joined the show in the New Year, playing foundation year 1 doctors Gemma Wilde and Arthur Digby. Rosie Marcel (Jac Naylor) was absent between episodes 16 and 20. Tara Lo (Jing Lusi) died in episode 27 after having an operation to remove part of her brain tumour. Jules Knight joined as of episode 31 playing core training year 1 doctor Harry Tressler. James Anderson (Oliver Valentine) left in episode 39. Aden Gillett joined in episode 42 playing locum consultant anesthetist Edward Campbell, ex-husband of established character Serena Campbell. Camilla Arfwedson joined as from episode 48 as foundation training year 1 doctor Zosia March. Guy Henry (Henrik Hanssen) left in episode 52, the series finale.