Hippocrates (physicians) explained

Hippocrates (el|Ἱπποκράτης) was the name of several physicians in the time of Ancient Greece, some of whom were in the same family as the celebrated Hippocrates of Kos (Hippocrates II).

See also

Notes and References

  1. John Tzetzes, Chil. vii. Hist. 155; Poeti Epist. at Artax., in Hippocr. Opera, vol. iii; Suda, "Hippocrates", ι565; Galen, Comment. in Hippocr. De Rat. Vict. in Morb. Acut., i. 17, vol. xv., Comment. in Hippocr. De Fract., vol. xviii. pt. ii.
  2. Suda, "Hippocrates", ι566; Galen, Comment. in Hippocr. De Humor., i. 1, vol. xvi.
  3. Galen, Comment in Hippocr. De Humor., i. 1, vol. xvi.
  4. Suda, "Dracon", δ1497
  5. Suda, "Hippocrates", ι567
  6. Suda, "Hippocratai", ι568
  7. Suda, "Hippocrates", ι569