Hans Huchzermeyer Explained

Hans Huchzermeyer (born 26 September 1939) is a German doctor and musicologist.

Formation and work

Huchzermeyer was born in Osnabrück as the son of the classical philologist, musicologist and composer Helmut Huchzermeyer(1904-1984) and his wife Charlotte, née Rüther (1915-1993). After passing his Abitur in 1959 at the, he studied medicine in Tübingen, Vienna, Berlin and Münster. After a period as a medical assistant and theoretical training at the Pathology and Diabetes Research Institute (biochemistry) at the Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf, he continued his clinical training in internal medicine at the Hannover Medical School from 1971. In 1975, he was recognised as a doctor of internal medicine and gastroenterology, in 1976 as a clinical senior physician, in 1977 as a postdoctoral lecturer and Venia legendi for internal medicine, and in 1982 as a full professor of internal medicine.

From 1983 to 2004, Huchzermeyer was head of the Medical Clinic at the Klinikum in Minden/Westf. He has been a member of the teaching staff of the Hannover Medical School since 1977, and from 1983 to 2004 he was also a lecturer for internal medicine at the University of Münster.

Much of his scientific work focusses on diseases of the gastro-intestinal tract, the liver, problems of metabolism and nutrition. He studiedenzyme diagnostics of liver and bile duct diseases and the further development of endoscopic procedures in adults and children. Using morphological methods, he studied progressive myoclonus epilepsy (lafora disease), an autosomal recessive disease with deposition of polyglucosan in cells of various organs. For the first time, he detected the storage material in myocardium and liver by electron-optical methods. Using biochemical methods, he contributed to the characterisation of the New Zealand obese mouse, showing analogies to the human metabolic syndrome and type 2 diabetes in this polygenic model. Internal diseases during pregnancy is a further focus of his work, about which he has published He is the author or co-author of over 300 scientific journal and book articles and has written or edited nine monographs.

After his retirement, Huchzermeyer studied musicology at the Faculty of Cultural Studies at the University of Paderborn receiving a : Magister Artium 2008, doctorate in Musicology 2011.[1] His main focus is the History of Protestant church music of East Prussia from 1800 to 1945, equalisation of Protestant church music and elimination of Jewish-Christian church musicians from their posts during the Nazi era, music and cultural history of Berlin and Pomerania in the 19th century, local music and cultural history of the Westphalian-Lower Saxony region.

Publications (author, co-author, editor)


Music and cultural studies

Further reading

Notes and References

  1. Web site: Huchzermeyer, Hans . 2011 . Beiträge zu Leben und Werk des Kirchenmusikers Ernst Maschke (1867-1940) sowie zur Geschichte der Kirchenmusikinstitute in Königsberg/Preussen (1824-1945) . University of Paderborn . de . 30 August 2020.
  2. http://www.gastro-liga.de www.gastro-liga.de
  3. http://www.huchzen-verlag.de www.huchzen-verlag.de
  4. https://www.worldcat.org/oclc/553788449 Die Bedeutung des Rhythmus in der Musiktherapie der Griechen von der Frühzeit bis zum Beginn des Hellenismus
  5. Web site: rheinische-Musikgeschichte.de . 2020-08-30 . 2015-09-24 . https://web.archive.org/web/20150924023008/http://www.rheinische-musikgeschichte.de/wp-content/uploads/2011/06/Mitteilungen_93_2011.pdf . dead .
  6. https://www.worldcat.org/oclc/882994640 Zur Geschichte der evangelischen Kirchenmusik in Königsberg, Preußen (1800 - 1945) die kirchenmusikalischen Ausbildungsstätten
  7. http://www.lexm.uni-hamburg.de lexm.uni-hamburg.de
  8. Web site: Hans Huchzermeyer - BBKL . 30 August 2020.
  9. Web site: www.schaumburg-lippischer-heimatverein.de . 30 August 2020.