Province: | Ontario |
Prov-Status: | active |
Prov-Created: | 2015 |
Prov-Election-First: | 2018 |
Prov-Election-Last: | 2022 |
Prov-Rep: | Sandy Shaw |
Prov-Rep-Link: | Sandy Shaw (politician) |
Prov-Rep-Party: | NDP |
Demo-Census-Date: | 2016 |
Demo-Pop: | 113025 |
Demo-Electors: | 89782 |
Demo-Electors-Date: | 2018 |
Demo-Area: | 105 |
Demo-Cd: | Hamilton |
Demo-Csd: | Hamilton |
Hamilton West—Ancaster—Dundas is a provincial electoral district in Ontario, Canada. It elects one member to the Legislative Assembly of Ontario. This riding was created in 2015.[1]