In complex analysis, a branch of mathematics, theHadamard three-circle theorem is a result about the behavior of holomorphic functions.
Hadamard three-circle theorem: Letbe a holomorphic function on the annulusf(z)
. Letr1\leq\left|z\right|\leqr3
be the maximum ofM(r)
on the circle|f(z)|
is a convex function of the logarithmlogM(r)
Moreover, iflog(r).
is not of the formf(z)
for some constantsczλ
, thenc
is strictly convex as a function oflogM(r)
The conclusion of the theorem can be restated as
log\left( | r3 |
r1 |
M(r | ||||
M(r | ||||
The three circles theorem follows from the fact that for any real a, the function Re log(zaf(z)) is harmonic between two circles, and therefore takes its maximum value on one of the circles. The theorem follows by choosing the constant a so that this harmonic function has the same maximum value on both circles.
The theorem can also be deduced directly from Hadamard's three-line theorem.
A statement and proof for the theorem was given by J.E. Littlewood in 1912, but he attributes it to no one in particular, stating it as a known theorem. Harald Bohr and Edmund Landau attribute the theorem to Jacques Hadamard, writing in 1896; Hadamard published no proof.