HD 82205 (HR 3770) is a solitary star in the southern constellation Antlia. It is faintly visible to the naked eye with an apparent magnitude of 5.48 and is estimated to be 810 light years distant based on parallax measurements. However, it is receding with a heliocentric radial velocity of .
HD 82205 has a general stellar classification of K3 III, indicating that it is a red giant. However, Houk and Cowley (1982) found a slightly warmer class of K2 III CNII, which also suggests a strong overabundance of cyano radicals in the stellar atmosphere. At present it has 4.46 times the mass of the Sun but has expanded to 38.9 times its girth. It shines with a luminosity of from its enlarged photosphere at an effective temperature of, giving an orange hue. HD 82205 has a metallicity 123% that of the Sun and is believed to be a member of the thin disk population. Currently, it spins with a projected rotational velocity lower than .
There is a 14th magnitude optical companion separated away along a position angle of . The object was first noticed by T.J.J See in 1897.