Going Broke Universities – Disappearing Universities Explained
The Going Broke Universities – Disappearing Universities (危ない大学・消える大学 Abunai Daigaku Kieru Daigaku) is a ranking book about Japanese universities by Japanese journalist, published annually since 1993.
Although there are several university rankings in Japan, most of them rank universities by their entrance difficulties often called "Hensachi" or by alumni's successes. Especially, the Hensachi Rankings have been most commonly used for university ranking.[1] From this view point, GBUDU is a typical ranking book in Japan.
The GBUDU ranks Japanese universities in terms of the entrance difficulty and selectivity. The author's main argument is that more selective universities have better quality, and generally guarantee students better future careers. Thus people should avoid least selective universities, and try to enter more selective ones as much as they can.[2] [3] [4]
The GBUDU rankings are made by the average scores of Hensachi estimated by Japanese major prep school Yoyogi seminar.[2] Consequently, it can be regarded as a summary of the selectivity of Japanese universities.[5] [6] [7]
He prepared the following 10 scales to measure universities' entrance difficulties.
SA | Most selective | 15 |
A1 | Very selective (Upper 1st class) | 46 |
A2 | Very selective (Lower 1st class) | 149 |
B | Selective (Almost equivalent to 1st class) | 22 |
C | Upper middle class | |
D | Middle class | |
E | Lower middle class / He defined it as the minimum level of universities that student should enter | |
F | Lower class | |
G | Lower class | |
N | Least selective / The candidate universities for "Going broke universities" or "Disappearing universities" | |
Total | | [8] 778 |
2010 rankings
The following data is the 2010 ranking table only in Rank SA (1st), Rank A1 (2nd), Rank A2 (3rd) and Rank B (4th) even though there are additionally Rank C, Rank D, Rank E, Rank F, Rank G, Rank N, Rank "on hold" and others (from the higher to the lower).[9] [10]
External links
Notes and References
- 増田 晶文 "大学は学生に何ができるか" 2003
- Book: 危ない大学・消える大学 2012年版 . 2011 . YELL books . . Japanese.
- However, it is not always true that more selective universities are better for job hunting (e.g. universities in big cities such as Greater Tokyo and Greater Osaka are more competitive in Japanese job market). In fact, Shimano also regularly publishes another ranking book from this perspective (see the reference below).
- Book: 就職でトクする大学・損する大学ランキング 2012年版 . 2011 . YELL books . . Japanese.
- Usually prep schools provide rankings in each subject, but rarely do the whole university rankings. From this point of view, GBUDU is one of few publications which provide this data.
- However this ranking system doesn't include several small specialist universities. For example, all of the independent medical schools are not considered, although their entrance difficulties are highly competitive. Therefore, this ranking system only includes major universities.
- Normally, national/public universities and private universities use different sort of exams, so it is not easily comparable. Hensachi scores have a tendency to be higher with private universities. Shimano applies his own measurement to fix this tendency to make it more realistic.
- According to MEXT, there are 86 national universities, 95 public universities, and 597 private universities in 2010.http://www.mext.go.jp/b_menu/toukei/chousa01/kihon/kekka/k_detail/__icsFiles/afieldfile/2010/08/05/1296403_3.pdf In addition, there are also 26 public 2 year colleges and 369 private 2 year colleges, thus we often also count this number in the total number of universities (i.e. 1173 universities). However this ranking book doesn't contain 2 year colleges.
- https://tanuki-no-suji.at.webry.info/201909/article_1.html Going broke universities-Disappearing universities|2020 version
- Book: 危ない大学・消える大学 2010年版 . 2009 . YELL books . . Japanese.