Global Financial Centres Index Explained

The Global Financial Centres Index (GFCI) ranks the competitiveness of financial centres based on over 29,000 assessments from an online questionnaire and over 100 indices from organisations such as the World Bank, the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), and the Economist Intelligence Unit. The first index was published in March 2007. It has been jointly published twice per year by the London-based think tank Z/Yen and the China Development Institute since 2015.[1] [2] It is widely quoted as a top source for ranking financial centres.[3] [4] [5]

GFCI 36 (September 2024)

The 36th edition of the GFCI was published in September 2024.[6] New York City, London and Hong Kong ranked top 3 globally.

Top 20 Centres in GFCI 36 (September 2024)
Rank Centre Rating Change in rank Change in rating
1 763 1
2 750 3
3 749 1 8
4 747 1 5
5 742 2
6 740 3 4
7 Los Angeles739 1 2
8 Shanghai738 2 1
9 Shenzhen732 2 2
10 Frankfurt730 3 2
11 Seoul729 1 6
12 Washington, D.C.728 5
13 Geneva726 6 12
14 Dublin725 11 6
15 Paris724 1 7
16 Dubai723 4 1
17 Zurich722 1 7
18 Beijing721 3 9
19 Luxembourg720 2 8
20 Tokyo719 1 6
All Surveyed Centres in GFCI 36 (September 2024)
Rank Centre Rating Change in rank Change in rating
1 763 1
2 750 3
3 749 1 8
4 747 1 5
5 742 2
6 740 3 4
7 Los Angeles739 1 2
8 Shanghai738 2 1
9 Shenzhen732 2 2
10 Frankfurt730 3 2
11 Seoul729 1 6
12 Washington, D.C.728 5
13 Geneva726 6 12
14 Dublin725 11 6
15 Paris724 1 7
16 Dubai723 4 1
17 Zurich722 1 7
18 Beijing721 3 9
19 Luxembourg720 2 8
20 Tokyo719 1 6
21 718 5
22 717 5
23 716 5
24 715 6 1
25 714 2 3
26 713 9 4
27 712 3 8
28 711 10 15
29 710 4 1
30 709 10 5
31 708 5
32 707 4 9
33 706 7 12
34 705 5 10
35 704 2 3
36 703 2 3
37 702 5
38 701 4 9
39 700 4 1
40 699 1 6
41 698 4 1
42 697 4 1
43 696 11 16
44 695 3 2
45 694 9 14
46 693 5 10
47 692 5
48 691 5
49 690 20 15
50 689 1 4
51 688 4 1
52 687 5
53 686 9 14
54 685 4 1
55 684 6 11
56 683 12 7
57 682 1 6
58 681 5 10
59 680 18 13
60 679 1 4
61 678 1 6
62 677 4 1
63 676 21 16
64 675 24 19
65 674 6 11
66 673 16 21
67 672 5
68 671 7 2
69 670 11 6
70 669 5
71 668 9 14
72 667 1 6
73 666 5
74 665 10 15
75 664 7 2
76 663 22 27
77 662 14 19
78 661 13 18
79 660 27 34
80 659 4 9
81 658 2 7
82 657 9 4
83 656 11 16
84 655 1 6
85 654 5
86 653 12 19
87 652 13 18
88 651 10 15
89 650 2 7
90 649 4 3
91 648 10 15
92 647 5 9
93 646 7 12
94 645 4 9
95 644 2 4
96 643 4 6
97 642 5 12
98 641 9 14
99 640 3 1
100 638 6
101 637 2 4
102 636 7 5
103 635 8 18
104 632 6 13
105 629 3 6
106 627 3 2
107 626 2 6
108 618 4 10
109 617 2 7
110 616 9 15
111 615 6 12
112 614 3 6
113 616 1 6
114 609 1 5
115 608 1 1
116 607
117 604 5
118 597 2 10
119 590 1 6
120 589 1 6
121 586 14

Ranking by region

Western Europe
Global Rank Centre Rating Change in rank Change in rating
2 750 3
10 730 3 2
13 726 6 12
14 725 11 6
15 724 1 7
17 722 1 7
19 720 2 8
26 713 9 4
27 712 3 8
29 710 4 1
30 709 10 5
37 709 5
40 699 1 6
43 696 11 16
45 694 9 14
Global Rank Centre Rating Change in rank Change in rating
3 749 1 8
4 747 1 5
8 738 2 1
9 732 2 2
11 729 1 6
18 721 3 9
20 719 1 6
25 714 2 3
28 711 10 15
31 708 5
32 707 4 9
34 705
5 || 10|-| 39 || Chengdu || 700 || 4 || 1|-| 44 || Osaka || 695 || 3 || 2|-| 46 || Wellington || 693 || 5 || 10|}
North America
Global Rank Centre Rating Change in rank Change in rating
1 763 1
5 742 2
6 740 3 4
7 739 1 2
12 728 5
21 718 5
22 717 5
23 716 5
24 715 6 1
33 706 7 12
36 703 2 3
38 701 4 9
41 698 4 1
42 697 4 1
Eastern Europe & Central Asia
Global Rank Centre Rating Change in rank Change in rating
62 677 4 1
86 653 12 19
91 648 10 15
92 647 5 9
93 646 7 12
99 640 3 1
101 637 2 4
104 632 6 13
106 627 3 2
108 618 3 10
111 615 6 12
114 609 1 5
116 607
118 597 2 10
119 590 1 6
120 589 1 6
Middle East & Africa
Global Rank Centre Rating Change in rank Change in rating
16 723 4 1
35 704 2 3
48 691 5
57 682 1 6
60 679 1 4
63 676 21 16
64 675 24 19
67 672 5
69 670 11 6
75 Johannesburg664 7 2
80 659 4 9
84 655 1 6
100 638 6
102 636 7 5
113 610 1 6
Latin America & Caribbean
Global Rank Centre Rating Change in rank Change in rating
79 660 27 34
81 658 2 7
85 654 5
89 650 2 7
90 649 4 3
96 643 4 6
103 635 8 18
107 626 2 6
109 617 2 7
112 614 3 6
115 608 1 1
117 604 5
121 586 14

Financial centre profiles (GFCI 36, September 2024)

The latest report ranked 120 international financial centres into the following matrix:

Financial Centre Profiles (GFCI 36, September 2024)
LevelBroad and deep
Global leaders
Relatively broad
Global diversified
Relatively deep
Global specialists
Global contenders
Global London
New York
Washington, D.C.
Los Angeles
Kuala Lumpur
Abu Dhabi
Hong Kong
LevelBroad and deep
Established international
Relatively broad
International diversified
Relatively deep
International specialists
International contenders
International Boston
San Francisco*
GIFT City-Gujarat*
Tel Aviv
Mexico City
New Delhi
Cape Town
São Paulo
British Virgin Islands
Cayman Islands
LevelBroad and deep
Established players
Relatively broad
Local diversified
Relatively deep
Local specialists
Evolving centres
Local Oslo*
San Diego
Minneapolis/St Paul
Rio de Janeiro*
Ho Chi Minh City*
Buenos Aires
Saint Petersburg
Trinidad and Tobago
Isle of Man*
Kuwait City
An asterisk (*) denotes centres that have moved between categories between GFCI 35 and GFCI 36.

Top 15 centres by area of competitiveness

This is run for five separate areas of competitiveness to assess how financial centres perform in each of the areas.

LevelBusiness environment Human capital InfrastructureFinancial sector developmentReputational and general
1 New York City
2 Singapore London Singapore Singapore London
3 London Hong Kong London Shanghai Singapore
4 Hong Kong Singapore Hong Kong London Hong Kong
5 Shanghai San Francisco Seoul San Francisco San Francisco
6 San Francisco Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Shanghai
7 Chicago Chicago Shenzhen Chicago Chicago
8 Los Angeles Washington, D.C. San Francisco Hong Kong Los Angeles
9 Seoul Shanghai Chicago Beijing Tokyo
10 Geneva Tokyo Shanghai Washington, D.C. Dublin
11 Beijing Paris Frankfurt Shenzhen Beijing
12 San Diego Seoul Beijing Seoul Dubai
13 Frankfurt Zurich Luxembourg Geneva Boston
14 Toronto Dublin Dubai San Diego Shenzhen
15 Shenzhen San Diego Washington, D.C. Boston Frankfurt

Key areas

The business environment factors aggregate and value the regulation, tax rates, levels of corruption, economic freedom and how difficult in general it is to do business. To measure regulation an online questionnaire has been used.

The human capital factors summarize the availability of a skilled workforce, the flexibility of the labour market, the quality of the business education and the skill-set of the workforce, and quality of life.

The infrastructure factors account for the price and availability of office space at the location, as well as public transport.

The financial sector development factors assess the volume and value of trading in capital markets and other financial markets, the cluster effect of the number of different financial service companies at the location, and employment and economic output indicators.

Reputational and general considers more subjective aspects such as innovation, brand appeal, cultural diversity and competitive positioning.

Top 15 centres by industry sector

The index provides sub-rankings in the main areas of financial services – banking, investment management, insurance, professional services, government and regulation, finance, fintech, and trading.

LevelBankingInvestment managementInsuranceProfessional servicesGovernment and regulatory FinanceFintechTrading
1 New York City Shenzhen New York City New York City
2 Shenzhen New York City London Singapore Singapore New York City Singapore Singapore
3 London Shenzhen Hong Kong London London Hong Kong London Shanghai
4 Hong Kong London Shenzhen Hong Kong Shanghai London Hong Kong Seoul
5 Shanghai Singapore Shanghai Seoul Hong Kong Shanghai San Francisco London
6 Chicago Shanghai Beijing San Francisco Chicago Chicago Dubai Los Angeles
7 Singapore Dublin Singapore Los Angeles Zurich San Francisco Frankfurt Chicago
8 Beijing San Francisco San Francisco Chicago Luxembourg Singapore Seoul Beijing
9 San Francisco Frankfurt Sydney Zurich Seoul Beijing Los Angeles San Francisco
10 Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Luxembourg Beijing Washington, D.C. San Diego Hong Kong
11 Frankfurt Beijing Tokyo Dubai Frankfurt Tokyo Chicago Paris
12 Washington, D.C. Tokyo Zurich Frankfurt Washington, D.C. Los Angeles Toronto Washington, D.C.
13 Geneva Geneva Chicago Dublin Tokyo Dubai Geneva Frankfurt
14 Boston Paris Washington, D.C. Shanghai San Francisco Seoul Zurich Tokyo
15 Paris Chicago Geneva Shenzhen Los Angeles Frankfurt Busan Geneva


The index measures a financial centre's reputation by calculating the difference between weighted average of financial professionals' opinions and the GFCI rating of each locale.

Top 15 Centres by Reputation
Centre Weighted Average Assessment GFCI 36 Rating GFCI 36 Reputational Advantage
872 700 172
854 687 167
872 732 140
823 708 115
812 705 107
750 679 71
826 763 63
810 750 60
685 627 58
797 747 50
778 728 50
790 742 48
797 749 48
690 645 45
683 641 42
Bottom 15 Centres by Reputation
Centre Weighted Average Assessment GFCI 36 Rating GFCI 36 Reputational Advantage
657 718 -61
648 710 -62
636 698 -62
527 590 -63
544 609 -65
544 609 -65
581 649 -68
569 640 -71
534 607 -73
636 721 -85
495 586 -91
562 653 -91
541 638 -97
483 589 -106
588 706 -118

Notes and References

  1. Web site: The Global Financial Centres Index 20 . Mark . Yeandle . September 2016 . Long Finance . live . . Jul 18, 2023 .
  2. News: Jones . Huw . 24 March 2022 . New York widens lead over London in top finance centres index . live . . Oct 8, 2022 . 10 September 2022 . Reuters . en . Rankings are based on surveys and 150 factors, with quantitative measures from the World Bank, The Economist Intelligence Unit, the OECD and United Nations..
  3. Web site: Yoshio Okubo. Comparison of Global Financial Center . Harvard Law School, Program on International Financial Systems, Japan-U.S. Symposium . 30 May 2015 . October 2014 . dead . . 30 May 2015 .
  4. Web site: New York Strips London of Mantle as World's Top Financial Center . subscription . John . Glover . Bloomberg L.P. . 30 May 2015 . 17 March 2014 . live . . Jun 9, 2015 .
  5. News: New York and London vie for crown of world's top financial centre . 24 May 2015 . The Financial Times . subscription . 1 October 2014 . Michael . Pooler . live . . 2 Oct 2014 .
  6. Web site: GFCI 36 Rank - Long Finance . 2024-09-24 .