Giza East Field Explained

The East Field is located to the east of the Great Pyramid of Giza and contains cemetery G 7000. This cemetery was a burial place for some of the family members of Khufu. The cemetery also includes mastabas from tenants and priests of the pyramids dated to the 5th and 6th Dynasty.[1]

The East Field consists of the three Queen's pyramids and a number of mastabas labeled Cemetery G 7000. George Andrew Reisner constructed a timeline for the construction of the East Field. The first two Queen's Pyramids, G 1a and G 1b, were likely started in year 15–17 of Khufu's reign. Queen's pyramids were usually constructed to the south of the king's pyramid, but in this instance a quarry was located to the south and the construction of the smaller pyramids was relocated to the east of the main pyramid complex.The earliest part of the cemetery consisted of 12 mastabas which were built as double mastabas. They were laid out in three rows of four tombs:

The construction of these tombs has been dated to approximately years 17–24 of the reign of Khufu. This core was then completed to create a nucleus of eight twin-mastabas by the construction of:

The rest of the eastern field was built around this group of eight twin mastabas. Of these, the great mastaba G 7510 of the prince and vizier Ankhhaf stands out due to its size. The construction of several other mastabas can be dated to the time of Khafre. G 7530–7540, the tomb of Meresankh III, contains quarry inscriptions dating to year 13 of that king. Mastaba G 7050, belonging to Nefertkau I, was built during the reign of Khafre as well. Further additions date to the end of the 4th, 5th and 6th dynasty and even later.[2]

Queen's pyramids

Pyramid G 1a was at first thought to belong to Queen Meritites I but Lehner has shown that the pyramid belonged to Hetepheres I instead. All three pyramids have a square base measuring about 45–49 m on a side. The angle of inclination is about 51° 50‘ for all three.[3]

Pyramid number Pyramid Name of owner Title owner Time PeriodComments
Hetepheres I
Htp:t*p Hr:r s
King's wife, king's daughter Dynasty IVWife of Sneferu and mother of Khufu.
Meritites I
King's wife Dynasty IVWife of Khufu
King's daughter Dynasty IVSaid to be a daughter of Khufu on a stela placed in the temple during the 26th dynasty, but more likely to be a wife.

Shaft tomb:

Cemetery G 7000

Nucleus of Cemetery G 7000

Tomb number Type Name of owner Title owner Time PeriodComments
G 7110 +7120 Double-Mastaba Kawab and Hetepheres II Eldest king's son Dynasty IV(Khufu) Son and daughter of Khufu.
G 7130 +7140
Khufukhaf I and his wife Nefertkau II Partial title list: Vizier, hereditary prince, administrator of Buto, priest of Khufu, King's son, King's son of his body, Sole companion.[4] Dynasty IV (Khufu) Son of Khufu. Was elevated to vizierate after the completion of his tomb. A statue was set up in his chapel to record that.
G 7210 +7220 Double-Mastaba Hordjedef and his wife King's son of his body, Count, Keeper of Nekhen, etc. Dynasty IV (time of Khufu) Son of Khufu.
G 7230 +7240 Double-Mastaba Dynasty IV (time of Khufu)
G 7310 +7320 Double Mastaba Bauefre/Babaef King's son Dynasty IVBȝw.f-Rˁ(other reading Rˁ-bȝw.f) is listed as a Khufu son in Papyrus Westcar, because of this Reisner assigned to him the anonymous G7310+20. Attribution is uncertain.
G 7330 +7340 Double-Mastaba Middle or late Dynasty IV
G 7410 +7420 Double-Mastaba Meresankh II and Horbaef Meresankh: King's daughter, King's wife; Horbaef: King's Son End of Dynasty IVA daughter Nebtitepites is mentioned in the chapel.
G 7430 +7440 (LG 61) Double-Mastaba Minkhaf I King's son and Vizier Dynasty IVMinkhaf was a son of Khufu.

The later additions to the cemetery:

Tomb number Type Name of owner Title owner Time PeriodComments
G 7011 Stone-Mastaba Khnumwer
G 7050 Stone-Mastaba Nefertkau I King's daughter Dynasty IVDaughter of Sneferu. Mother of Nefermaat II and grandmother of Sneferukhaf.
G 7060 (LG 57) Stone-Mastaba Nefermaat II King's Son and Vizier Dynasty IV (Khafre) Son of Nefertkau I.
G 7070 (LG 56) Stone-Mastaba Sneferukhaf Treasurer of the King of Lower Egypt, Herdsman of Apis, etc. Mid IV to Dynasty VSon of Nefermaat II.
G 7101 Stone-Mastaba Merirenefer called Qar Overseer of all works, he who is at the head of the king, true royal document scribe in the presence, etc. Dynasty VI (Pepi I or later) Son of Idu (G 7102)
G 7102 Stone-Mastaba Idu Overseer of the great chapel, overseer of scribes of the meret-serfs, etc. Dynasty VI (Pepi I or later) Father of Qar (G 7101)
G 7111 Stone-Mastaba Late IV to early Dynasty V
G 7112 Mud-brick mastaba Dynasty V (reign of Nyuserre Ini)
G 7121 Stone-Mastaba Dynasty IV? Ushabti fragments inscribed for the High Priest of Ptah in Memphis, named Pahemnetjer, were found.
G 7133 Stone-Mastaba Minankh Royal acquaintance Late Dynasty IVKhufukhaf I is mentioned in the tomb.
G 7142 Mud-brick mastabaV to Dynasty VI (?) Names of Nabeni and Nebuka appear on lintel.
G 7145 +7147 Double-Mastaba The mastaba had 7 burial shafts.
G 7148 +7149 Double-Mastaba The mastaba had 5 burial shafts.
G 7150
Khufukhaf II and his wife Khentkaues Khentkaues is a King's daughter of his body Dynasty V (time of Nyuserre Ini) Possibly a son of Khufukhaf I.
G 7152 Stone-Mastaba Sekhemankhptah Late V or Dynasty VI
G 7211 Stone-Mastaba There are 16 burial shafts. Attested are Mereru and Ipty (on a lintel reused in roofing of shaft G 7214 B) and Inkaf (judge, inspector of scribes shaft G 7214 A).
G 7214 Stone and brick Mastaba Kaemankh Late Dynasty V or Dynasty VI
G 7215 Rock-cut tomb Bendjet? Dynasty VI? Bendjet is the daughter of Idu (G 7102) and likely the sister of Qar (G 7101). Nebit, wife of Qar is attested on a doorjamb. The names of Nebenheb, Nedjfu are inscribed on a headrests. Mentioned in inscriptions are Nefrethakhufu (named Sherit?) and Wabha.
G 7244 +7246 Double-Mastaba Khuenptah Dynasty VKhuenptah's mother Intkaes and wife Khenut are mentioned.
G 7248 Stone and rubble mastaba Mestju ? ka-priest Dynasty V or Dynasty VIMestju may not be the actual owner. He is the owner of a false door which depicts him with his wife Nebuhetep and a daughter Khenut.
G 7249 Stone and brick Mastaba Menib IV or Dynasty V
G 7331 +7332 Double-Mastaba
G 7350 Stone-Mastaba Hetepheres II(?) End of Dynasty IVKawab, Djedefre and Hetepheres II are mentioned in inscriptions.
G 7391 Stone-Mastaba Iteti and his wife Senetankh Dynasty VMentioned in the tomb are Iteti's sons Washkakhafre, Iteti, and Werkaukhafre, and a daughter named Autib. Also shown are his brother Khafreankh and sister Rudj.
G 7411 Stone-Mastaba Kaemtjenent and his wife Hathornefer Dynasty V
G 7413 Rock-cut tomb, stone casing Niankh-Khufu
G 7432 Stone-Mastaba Qar Late Dynasty V
G 7509 Shafts only Meresankh Isi
G 7510 Stone-Mastaba Ankhhaf and wife Hetepheres Ankhaf: King's Son and Vizier Dynasty IVHetepheres was a daughter of Sneferu and Hetepheres I.
G 7511 Stone-Mastaba Ptolemaic Period Shabtis inscribed for Djedhor and Isetreshet.
G 7512 Mud-brick mastaba Maakheru V – Dynasty VI
G 7521 Mud-brick mastaba Nihetep-ptah Hepi Inspector of palace attendants of the Great House Wife: Imty, sisters: Inty, Teti and Meresankh. Sons: Sesiheryib, Sesikhemetnu, Sesiwer. Daughters: Wehemre, Shefetnet, Henenti and Nebet.
G 7523 Stone-Mastaba Sedaf Iby Overseer of the Two Houses, director of the broad hall V – Dynasty VI
G 7524 Stone-Mastaba Kay Judge and administrator, preeminent of place, overseer of commissions XXVI dynasty
G 7530 +7540 Stone-Mastaba Meresankh III King's daughter Late Dynasty IVMeresanch was a daughter of Kawab and wife of king Khafre. Graffiti with mention of years were found in the tomb.[5]
G 7550 (LG 58) Stone-Mastaba Duaenhor King's son Dynasty IV
G 7560 Stone-Mastaba Middle or late Dynasty IV
G 7631 Stone Mastaba Ninefer V – Dynasty VI
G 7632 Stone-Mastaba Late Period People attested in the tomb are: Nesiptah, Tashamsha, Wahibre, Ahmose, Ankhenes-(?), Hetepef-hesu-(?), Psamtik-seneb, Wadjetirdis, Ankhtef, and Isiskhebit.
G 7650 Stone-Mastaba Akhethotep and his wife Meritites II Akhethotep: director of the palace Meritites: King's daughter of his body Dynasty IVMeritites was a daughter of Khufu.
G 7660 (LG 59) Stone-Mastaba Kaemsekhem King's Son Late Dynasty IVSon of Kawab.
G 7690 Stone-Mastaba Iui Inspector of ka-priests Old Kingdom
G 7710 Rock-cut tomb, Stone casing Iby Royal acquaintance, juridical scribe, secretary, etc.V – Dynasty VI
G 7711 Rock-cut tomb Khnumdjedef King's sonV – Dynasty VI
G 7721 Rock-cut tomb Kakherptah Dynasty V
G 7750 Stone-Mastaba Mid to late Dynasty IVSons of the owner named Khenuka and Kamenekh are mentioned.
G 7757 Stone-Mastaba Kheperre General (Overseer of the army) Ptolemaic Period His mother Tashereteniset was buried here as well. The sarcophagus is now in the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston.[6]
G 7760 (LG 60) Stone-Mastaba Mindjedef King's Son Dynasty IVMindjedef is a son of Kawab.
G 7772 Stone-Mastaba Dynasty V
G 7788 Stone-Mastaba XVIII dynasty
G 7792 Stone-Mastaba XXVI dynasty Ushabtis were found with names: Wahibre, Denitptah, Denitenkhonsu, Tasheri-ihet, and Patjenef. A statue of Osiris is now in the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston.[7]
G 7803 Rock-cut tomb V – Dynasty VIGraffiti mentioning dates were found in the tomb.
G 7809 Mud-brick, rubble mastaba Reti royal acquaintance, overseer of ka-priests Dynasty V
G 7810 Stone-Mastaba Djati King's son Late IV or early Dynasty V
G 7814 Rock-cut tomb Kaaper V – Dynasty VI
G 7815 Rock-cut tomb Hapennebti V – Dynasty VI
G 7820 Stone-Mastaba Nefertkau III and her husband Iynefer Late IV or early Dynasty VNefertkau may be a daughter of Meresankh II.
G 7821 Rock-cut tomb Neferseshemptah Sheshi and his wife Meresankh royal acquaintance, steward of the Great Estate V – Dynasty VI
G 7822 Rock-cut tomb Mesu and his wife Neferdjes V – Dynasty VI
G 7836 Rock-cut tomb Nebtyherkaus Dynasty V
G 7837 +7843 Rock-cut tomb Ankhmare First half of Dynasty VTwo separate mastabas were combined into one.
G 7851 Rock-cut tomb Wermeru and his wife Isutkau Royal wab-priest, priest of Heka, priest of Snefru, priest of Khafre Late V – Dynasty VI
G 7911 Mud-brick mastaba Nikhasutnisut Scribe, ka-priest V – Dynasty VI
G 7946 Mud-brick mastaba Nefu and his wife Khenmetsetju V – Dynasty VI
G 7948 (LG 75) Rock-cut tomb Khafreankh and his wife Nikahor Dynasty V or later

See also

External links

29.9782°N 31.1374°W

Notes and References

  1. [Bertha Porter|Porter, Bertha]
  2. [George Andrew Reisner|Reisner, George Andrew]
  3. [Miroslav Verner|Verner, Miroslav]
  4. [William Kelly Simpson|Simpson, William Kelly]
  5. [William Stevenson Smith|Smith, William Stevenson]
  6. [Dows Dunham|Dunham, Dows]
  7. Dunham, Dows, The Late Egyptian Gallery Rearranged. Bulletin of the Museum of Fine Arts, Volume XXIX, No. 172, Boston 1931, S. 26. PDF from The Giza Archives, 338 KB Retrieved February 10, 2017.