Early Germanic calendars explained

The early Germanic calendars were the regional calendars used among the early Germanic peoples before they adopted the Julian calendar in the Early Middle Ages. The calendars were an element of early Germanic culture.

The Germanic peoples had names for the months that varied by region and dialect, but they were later replaced with local adaptations of the Julian month names. Records of Old English and Old High German month names date to the 8th and 9th centuries, respectively. Old Norse month names are attested from the 13th century. As with most pre-modern calendars, the reckoning used in early Germanic culture was likely lunisolar. As an example, the Runic calendar developed in medieval Sweden was lunisolar, fixing the beginning of the year at the first full moon after winter solstice.


The Germanic calendars were lunisolar, the months corresponding to lunations. Tacitus writes in his Germania (Chapter 11) that the Germanic peoples observed the lunar months.

The lunisolar calendar is reflected in the Proto-Germanic term "month" (Old English, Old Saxon, Old Norse, and Old High German,[1] Gothic [1] [2]), being a derivation of the word for "moon",  — which shares its ancestry with the Greek mene "moon", men "month", and Latin mensis "month".

Days and weeks

Tacitus gives some indication of how the Germanic peoples of the first century reckoned the days. In contrast to Roman usage, they considered the day to begin at sunset, a system that in the Middle Ages came to be known as the "Florentine reckoning". The same system is also recorded for the Gauls in Caesar's Gallic Wars.

"They assemble, except in the case of a sudden emergency, on certain fixed days, either at new or at full moon; for this they consider the most auspicious season for the transaction of business. Instead of reckoning by days as we do, they reckon by nights, and in this manner fix both their ordinary and their legal appointments. Night they regard as bringing on day."[3]

The concept of the week, on the other hand, was adopted from the Romans, from about the first century, the various Germanic languages having adopted the Greco-Roman system of naming of the days of the week after the classical planets, inserting loan translations for the names of the planets, substituting the names of Germanic gods in a process known as Latin: [[interpretatio germanica]].

Calendar terms

The year was divided into a summer half and a winter half, as attested in Old English and medieval Scandinavian sources. In Scandinavia this continued after Christianization; in Norway and Sweden the first day of summer is marked by the (14 April) and the first day of winter by the Calixtus Day (14 October).[4]

The month names do not coincide, so it is not possible to postulate names of a Common Germanic stage, except possibly the names of a spring month and a winter month, and . The names of the seasons are Common Germanic,,,, and for "spring" in north Germanic, but in west Germanic the term was used. The Common Germanic terms for "day", "month" and "year" were, and . The latter two continue Proto-Indo-European,, while is a Germanic innovation from a root meaning "to be hot, to burn".

A number of terms for measuring time can be reconstructed for the proto-Germanic period.

modern EnglishProto-
24 hour period
  • dagaz
dǿgn / dǿgr
night time
  • nahts
  • wikǭ
  • mēnōþs
mōnaþmonthmonthmoannemaandMohnd (maond)Monatmánaðrmánuðurmánaðurmånadmånadmånedmåned
  • jērą
jierjaarJohr (jaor)Jahrárárárårårårår
interval / timespan / period
  • tīdiz
tīdtidetidetiidtijdTiet Zeittíðtíðtíðtidtidtidtid
hour / timespan / period
  • tīmô
  • langatīnaz
  • wazrą-
várvorvárvårvårvårforår (vår)
  • sumaraz
sumorsummersimmersimmerzomerSommerSommersumarsumarsummarsommarsommar / sumarsommersommer
Autumn / Fall
  • harbistaz
hærfestharvesthairsthjerstherfstHarvstHerbsthaustrhaustheysthösthausthøstefterår (høst)
  • wintruz
ƿinterwinterwinterwinterwinterWinterWintervintr / vetrveturveturvintervinter / vettervintervinter

Month names


Bede's Latin work De temporum ratione (The Reckoning of Time), written in 725, describes Old English month names. Bede mentions intercalation, the intercalary month being inserted around midsummer.[5]

The following is an English translation of Bede's Latin text:

"It did not seem [right] to me that I should speak of other nations' observance of the year and yet be silent about my own nation's.

In the old days the English people calculated their months according to the course of the moon. Hence, after the manner of the Greeks and the Romans, [the months] take their names from the Moon, for the Moon is called mona and the month monath.The first month, which the Latins call January, is Ġiuli; February is called Solmonath; March Hrethmonath; April, Eosturmonath; May, Thrimilchi; June, Litha; July [is] also [called] Litha; August, Weodmonath; September, Helegmonath; October, Winterfilleth; November, Blodmonath; December, Ġiuli – the same name by which January is called.

They began the year on the 8th kalends of January [25 December], when we celebrate the birth of the Lord. That very night, which we hold so sacred, they used to call by the heathen word Modranecht, that is, "mother's night", because (we suspect) of the ceremonies they enacted all that night.

Whenever it was a common year, they gave three lunar months to each season. When a year with an embolismic month occurred (that is, one with 13 lunar months [instead of the usual 12]) they assigned the extra month to summer, so that three months together bore the name "Litha"; hence they called [the embolismic] year "Thrilithi". It had four summer months, with the usual three for the other seasons. But originally, they divided the year as a whole into two seasons: summer and winter. They assigned the six months in which the days are longer than the nights to summer, and the other six to winter. Hence they called the month in which the winter season began "Winterfilleth", a name made up from "winter" and "full moon", because winter began on the full Moon of that month.

Nor is it irrelevant if we take the trouble to translate the names of the other months: The [two] months of Giuli derive their name from the day when the Sun turns back [and begins] to increase, because one of [these months] precedes [this day] and the other follows.

Good Jesu, thanks be to thee, who hast turned us away from these vanities and given us [grace] to offer to thee the sacrifice of praise."[6]

Charlemagne (r. 768–814) recorded agricultural Old High German names for the Julian months.These month- and seasonal-names remained in use, with regional variants and innovations, until the end of the Middle Ages across German-speaking Europe, and they persisted in popular or dialectal use into the 19th century.

The only agreement between the Old English and the Old High German (Carolingian) month names is the naming of April as "Easter month". Both traditions have a "holy month"; however, it is the name of September in the Old English system and of December in the Old High German one.

A separate tradition of month names developed in 10th century Iceland, see

  1. Icelandic calendar

Julian monthOld English[7] Old High German
English, Old (ca.450-1100);: Æfterra Gēola "After Yule", or "Second Yule"German, Old High (ca.750-1050);: Wintar-mánód
English, Old (ca.450-1100);: [[Solmōnaþ|Sol-mōnaþ]] ('mud month')German, Old High (ca.750-1050);: Hornung
English, Old (ca.450-1100);: Hrēþ-mōnaþ "Month of the Goddess Hrēþ" or "Month of Wildness"German, Old High (ca.750-1050);: Lenzin-mānod "spring month"
English, Old (ca.450-1100);: [[Ēosturmōnaþ|Easter-mōnaþ]] "Easter Month", "Month of the Goddess Ēostre" or "Month of Dawn"[8] German, Old High (ca.750-1050);: Ōstar-mānod "English: [[Easter]] month"; see also English: [[Ostara]]
English, Old (ca.450-1100);: [[Þrimilcemōnaþ|Þrimilce-mōnaþ]] "Month of Three Milkings"[9] German, Old High (ca.750-1050);: Winni-mánód "pasture month"
English, Old (ca.450-1100);: Ærra Līþa "Before Midsummer", or "First Summer" German, Old High (ca.750-1050);: Brāh-mānod "fallow month"
- English, Old (ca.450-1100);: Þrilīþa "Third (Mid)summer" (leap month) -
English, Old (ca.450-1100);: Æftera Līþa "After Midsummer", "Second Summer"German, Old High (ca.750-1050);: Hewi-mānod "hay(making) month"
English, Old (ca.450-1100);: [[Wēodmōnaþ|Wēod-mōnaþ]] "Weed month"German, Old High (ca.750-1050);: Aran-mānod "harvest month"
English, Old (ca.450-1100);: [[Hāliġmōnaþ|Hālig-mōnaþ]] "Holy Month" German, Old High (ca.750-1050);: Witu-mānod "wood month"
English, Old (ca.450-1100);: [[Winterfylleth]] "Winter full moon"German, Old High (ca.750-1050);: Wīndume-mānod "vintage month"
English, Old (ca.450-1100);: [[Blōtmōnaþ|Blōt-mōnaþ]] "Blót Month", "Month of Sacrifice" or "Month of bloodshed"[10] German, Old High (ca.750-1050);: Herbist-mānod "autumn month"
English, Old (ca.450-1100);: Ærra Gēola "Before Yule", or "First Yule"Hailag-mānod "holy month"

Modern correspondences

The Old High German month names introduced by Charlemagne persisted in regional usage and survive in German dialectal usage. The Latin month names were in predominant use throughout the medieval period, although the Summarium Heinrici, an 11th century pedagogical compendium, in chapter II.15 (De temporibus et mensibus et annis) advocates the use of the German month names rather than the more widespread Latin ones.[11]

In the late medieval to early modern period, dialectal or regional month names were adopted for use in almanacs, and a number of variants or innovations developed, comparable to the tradition of "Indian month names" developed in American Farmers' Almanacs in the early 20th century. Some of the Farmers' Almanacs "Indian month names" are in fact derived from continental tradition.The Old English month names fell out of use entirely, being revived only in a fictional context in the Shire calendar constructed by J. R. R. Tolkien for use in his The Lord of the Rings.

Julian monthOld High German Middle High GermanDutchWest Frisian[12] <-- the Woordenboek gives only the names given in lower case -->
German, Old High (ca.750-1050);: Wintar-mánód ("winter month")German: Wintermonat Dutch; Flemish: louwmaand ("tanning month")Western Frisian: Foarmoanne ("fore month")
German, Old High (ca.750-1050);: Hornung ("horning")German: HornungDutch; Flemish: sprokkelmaand Dutch; Flemish: schrikkelmaand ("bissextile month")Western Frisian: Sellemoanne
German, Old High (ca.750-1050);: Lenzin-mānod ("spring month") German: Lenzmonat ("spring month"), German: Dörrmonat ("dry month")MHG lenzemânotDutch; Flemish: lentemaand ("spring month")Western Frisian: Foarjiersmoanne ("spring month")
German, Old High (ca.750-1050);: Ōstar-mānod ("Easter month")German: Ostermonat ("Easter month")Dutch; Flemish: grasmaand ("grass month" ≈ Fr.R.Cal. Prairial)Western Frisian: Gersmoanne ("grass month")
German, Old High (ca.750-1050);: Winni-mānod ("pasture month")German: Wonnemonat Dutch; Flemish: wonnemaand, Dutch; Flemish: bloeimaand ("flower month" = Fr.R.Cal. Floréal), Dutch; Flemish: Mariamaand ("Mary's month")Western Frisian: Blommemoanne ("bloom month")
German, Old High (ca.750-1050);: Brāh-mānod ("fallow month")German: Brachmonat ("fallow month")Dutch; Flemish: zomermaand ("summer month"), Dutch; Flemish: braammaand, Dutch; Flemish: wedemaand ("woad month"), Dutch; Flemish: wiedemaand ("weed month")Western Frisian: Simmermoanne ("summer month")
German, Old High (ca.750-1050);: Hewi-mānod ("haying month")German: Heumonat ("haying month")Dutch; Flemish: vennemaand ("pasture month"), Dutch; Flemish: hooimaand ("hay month")Western Frisian: Heamoanne, haaimoanne ("haying month")
German, Old High (ca.750-1050);: Aran-mānod, ("harvest month")German: Erntemonat ("harvest month")Dutch; Flemish: oogstmaand ("harvest month" ≈ Fr.R.Cal. Messidor, Dutch; Flemish: koornmaand ("corn month")Western Frisian: Rispmoanne ("harvest month"), Western Frisian: flieëmoanne ("flea month")
German, Old High (ca.750-1050);: Witu-mānod ("wood month") German: Herbstmonat ("autumn month")Dutch; Flemish: herfstmaand ("autumn month"), Dutch; Flemish: gerstmaand ("barley month"), Dutch; Flemish: evenemaand ("oats month")Western Frisian: Hjerstmoanne ("autumn month")
German, Old High (ca.750-1050);: Wīndume-mānod ("vintage month") German: Weinmonat, German: Weinmond ("vintage month"), German: Herbstmonat, German: Gilbhart ("yellowing")Dutch; Flemish: wijnmaand ("wine month"), Wijnoogstmaand ("vintage month" = Fr.R.Cal. Vendémiaire), Dutch; Flemish: zaaimaand ("sowing month")Western Frisian: Wynmoanne ("wine month"), Western Frisian: bitemoanne
NovemberGerman, Old High (ca.750-1050);: Herbist-mānod ("autumn month")German: Wintermonat ("winter month"), German: HerbstmonatDutch; Flemish: slachtmaand ("slaughter month"), Dutch; Flemish: bloedmaand ("blood month"), Dutch; Flemish: nevelmaand, mistmaand ("fog month" ≈ Fr.R.Cal. Brumaire), Dutch; Flemish: smeermaand Western Frisian: Slachtmoanne ("slaughter month")
Hailag-mānod ("holy month"), MHG heilmânôtGerman: Christmonat ("Christ month"), German: Heiligmonat ("holy month")Dutch; Flemish: wintermaand ("winter month"), Dutch; Flemish: midwintermaand ("Midwinter month"), Dutch; Flemish: sneeuwmaand ("snow month" = Fr.R.Cal. Nivôse), Dutch; Flemish: Kerstmismaand ("Christmas month"), Dutch; Flemish: Joelmaand ("Yule month"), Dutch; Flemish: wolfsmaand ("wolves' month"), Dutch; Flemish: donkere maand ("dark month")Western Frisian: Wintermoanne ("winter month"), Western Frisian: Joelmoanne ("Yule month")

Icelandic calendar

A special case is the Icelandic calendar, developed in the 10th century: Inspired by the Julian calendar it introduced a purely solar reckoning with a year, having a fixed number of weeks (52 weeks or 364 days). This necessitated the introduction of "leap weeks" instead of Julian leap days.

The old Icelandic calendar is not in official use anymore, but some Icelandic holidays and annual feasts are still calculated from it. It has 12 months, of 30 days broken down into two groups of six often termed "winter months" and "summer months". The calendar is peculiar in that each month always start on the same day of week. This was achieved by having 4 epagomenal days to bring the number of days up to 364, and then adding a sumarauki week in the middle of summer of some years. This was eventually done so as to ensure that the "summer season" begins on the Thursday between 9 and 15 April in the Julian calendar.[13] Hence Icelandic: [[Þorri]] always starts on a Friday sometime between 8 and 15 January of the Julian calendar, Icelandic: Góa always starts on a Sunday between 7 and 14 February of the Julian calendar.

Icelandic: Skammdegi "Short days"
1 Icelandic: Gormánuður "slaughter month"
or "Gór's month"
mid October – mid November
2Icelandic: Ýlir "Yule month" mid November – mid December
3Icelandic: Mörsugur "fat sucking month" mid December – mid January
4Icelandic: [[Þorri]] "frozen snow month" mid January – mid February
5Icelandic: Góa "Góa's month" mid February – mid March
6Icelandic: Einmánuður "lone month" or
"single month"
mid March – mid April
Icelandic: Náttleysi "Nightless days"
1Icelandic: Harpa (goddess?) mid April – mid May
2Icelandic: Skerpla (goddess?) mid May – mid June
3Icelandic: Sólmánuður "sun month" mid June – mid July
4Icelandic: Heyannir "hay working month" mid July – mid August
5Icelandic: Tvímánuður "two month" or
"second month"
mid August – mid September
6Icelandic: Haustmánuður "autumn month" mid September – mid October

Many of the months have also been used in Scandinavia, the Norwegian linguist Ivar Aasen wrote down the following months in his dictionary,[14] coming in this order:

Jolemåne Torre Gjø-Kvina Two of the names are identical to Iceland, and other is similar. They have developed differently in different regions. Þorri is pronounced "tærri", "torre" and similar, and can mean both the moon after Yule-month, or be a name for January or February.[15]

See also

External links and references

Notes and References

  1. Book: Gerhard Köbler . Althochdeutsches Wörterbuch: M . Old High German Dictionary: M .
  2. http://www.etymonline.com/index.php?search=month Month
  3. Latin: Coeunt, nisi quid fortuitum et subitum inciderit, certis diebus, cum aut inchoatur luna aut impletur: nam agendis rebus hoc auspicatissimum initium credunt. Nec dierum numerum, ut nos, sed noctium computant. Sic constituunt, sic condicunt: nox ducere diem videtur.
  4. Book: Jansson, Svante . 2011 . The Icelandic calendar . Óskarsson . Veturliði . Scripta islandica . Isländska Sällskapets Årsbok . 62 . 65–66 . 0582-3234 . https://uu.diva-portal.org/smash/get/diva2:436604/FULLTEXT01.pdf.
  5. Book: Bede . Beda venerabilis . De Temporum Ratione . The Reckoning of Time . Chapter 15 – De mensibus Anglorum [''On the months of the English''] . http://www.nabkal.de/beda/beda_15.html . https://web.archive.org/web/20070707233854/http://www.nabkal.de/beda/beda_15.html . 2007-07-07 . dmy-all.
  6. Book: Bede, [the venerable] . The Venerable Bede . 1999 . Bede: The Reckoning of Time . Chapter 15 – The English months . Willis, Faith . Liverpool University Press . 53–54 . translated with introduction, notes, and commentary by Faith Willis.
  7. Book: Stenton , Frank Merry . Anglo-Saxon England . Oxford University Press . 1971 . 97 ff . page links to Google books.

    Book: Nilsson , M.P. . Primitive Time-Reckoning: A study in the origins and development of the art of counting time among the primitive and early-culture peoples . Lund, SV . 1920.

    Book: Stephanie . Hollis . Michael . Wright . 1992 . Old English Prose of Secular Learning . Annotated Bibliographies of Old and Middle English Literature . 4 . Boydell & Brewer Ltd. . https://books.google.com/books?id=Jsat7SRTmxAC&pg=PA194 194 ] . page links to Google books.

  8. Book: Köbler, Gerhard . H . Althochdeutsches Wörterbuch . de . Old High German Dictionary . http://www.koeblergerhard.de/germanistischewoerterbuecher/althochdeutscheswoerterbuch/AENG-E.pdf .
  9. Book: Köbler, Gerhard . H . Althochdeutsches Wörterbuch . de . Old High German Dictionary . http://www.koeblergerhard.de/germanistischewoerterbuecher/althochdeutscheswoerterbuch/ahdD.pdf .
  10. English, Old (ca.450-1100);: [[Blōtmōnaþ|Blōt-mōnaþ]] meaning "blood month" is probably a reference to the regular slaughter of those livestock that were not going to be kept through the winter, at the end of the last pasturing season, when they would begin to need fodder that was saved to feed the rest over the coming winter. So in addition to any religious sacrifice, the slaughter was also practical. Compare Blōt-mōnaþ = "blood month" with Welsh: Tachwedd = "slaughtering", and Finnish Marraskuu = "Moon of death".
  11. Book: Rolf . Bergmann . Stefanie . Stricker . Die althochdeutsche und altsächsische Glossographie: Ein Handbuch . Walter de Gruyter . 2009 . 667 .
  12. Web site: Woordenboek der Friese taal . De Geïntegreerde Taalbank . Instituut voor Nederlandse Lexicologie . 12 July 2015 .
  13. Book: Richards, E.G. . Mapping Time .
  14. Book: Aasen, Ivar . Ivar Aasen . 1873 . Norsk Ordbog . elektronisk utgåve . Christiania . 513 . Internet Archive (archive.org).
  15. Web site: Karlsen . Vikør . Karlsen . Wesås . 2014 . Ordbok over det norske folkemålet og det nynorske skriftmålet . Norsk Ordbok . no2014.uio.no/perl/ordbok . 2017-01-08.