General der Gebirgstruppe explained

See also: World War II German Army ranks and insignia.

General of the Mountain Troops
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Nato Rank:OF-8
Non-Nato Rank:O-9
Equivalents:See list

(English: General of the Mountain Troops) was a category of German Army three-star, a new example of the traditional German 'General der rank introduced by the Wehrmacht in 1940, comparable to the NATO grade OF-8.

Rank and rank insignia

The rank was equivalent to the long established General der Kavallerie (cavalry), General der Artillerie (artillery), and General der Infanterie (infantry). The Wehrmacht also introduced General der Panzertruppe (armoured troops), General der Pioniere (engineers), General der Fallschirmtruppe (parachute troops) and General der Nachrichtentruppe (communications troops).

Mountain Infantry (Gebirgsjäger) Generals were identifiable by their edelweiss sleeve and cap insignia and the mountain cap (bergmütze) worn instead of the peaked cap of officers from other branches of the Wehrmacht. In October 1942 an order was issued that general officers should have gold piping around the crown of the cap to distinguish them more readily from other ranks.

junior rank:
(German officer rank)
senior rank:

List of officers who were General der Gebirgstruppe

See also