Future Commando Force Explained
The Future Commando Force (FCF) is an in-progress (as of February 2022) modernisation programme and transformation of the role and operations of the Royal Marines.[1] [2] [3] The FCF essentially retasks 40 Commando and 45 Commando with forming two Littoral Response Groups (LRGs) which will be permanently deployed,[4] though other units from UK Commando Force are also included in the composition of LRGs, as well as changing the role and operations of the Royal Marines and the equipment and tactics they use.[5] [6]
The FCF concept was created before 2019, when the first exercises and experiments with the FCF began. It was reinforced in the Defence in a Competitive Age command paper, which followed the Integrated Review.[7] [8] [9] The paper describes the Royal Marines as a forward-deployed maritime special operations capable force. The force will relieve United Kingdom Special Forces (UKSF), operating in smaller teams within grey zones.[10]
The emphasis on the littoral role of the Royal Marines strongly links the FCF to the Littoral Strike concept, which is being developed and implemented by the LRGs.[11] [12] The FCF is also strongly linked to the "Autonomous Advanced Force" concept by its emphasis on leveraging new technologies to augment commandos on operations.[13] [14] [15] A series of exercises from 2019–present (as of November 2021) have been key to developing the FCF, chiefly with experimentation.
As of late 2024, the future of the Future Commando Force concept was at best uncertain since, in November 2024, the newly elected Labour government indicated that both of the Royal Navy's vessels would be removed from service by March 2025.[16] Simultaneously, the Royal Fleet Auxiliary was suffering severe crewing problems, as well as a labour force disruption, meaning that the manning of its vessels was facing serious challenges.[17] [18] This made the future of the Future Commando Force concept dependent on the outcome of the British Government's defence policy review, which was due to complete in the first half of 2025, and on decisions regarding the future of the envisaged Multi-role Support Ships and the Royal Marines themselves.
Given that the FCF programme is ongoing, its form has not been finalised, and is subject to change. Currently, it models the Royal Marines as a new special operations capable maritime force.[19] [9] This force is to be expeditionary,[20] provide a rapid response ability,[21] [22] and able work in littoral zones[23] [24] and grey zones.[25] [10] Moreover, the FCF was created, in part, to counter coastal A2AD systems.[25] [26] [27]
The FCF programme has seen an increased focus on using technology to augment Royal Marine commandos, including tactical tablet kits,[28] drones such as small Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems (RPAS) and cargo drones,[29] [30] throwbots,[31] and AI-enabled autonomous systems. Autonomous systems using AI technologies such as computer vision will also connect in mesh networks and MANETs to supply ISTAR to the Royal Marines in a single integrated platform.[32] [33] [34] These new technologies are used to increase the effectivenes and lethality of Royal Marines,[35] while modern C4ISR/C5I equipment is used to enable more agile and decentralised operations and integrated with autonomous systems to inform and assist decision-making and commando operations, in keeping with the Royal Navy's wider Advanced Autonomous Force concept.[13]
The renewal of equipment extends into new clothing and personal weapons for Royal Marines. Furthermore, new vehicles such as quadbikes[36] [37] and ships[38] [39] were trialled in exercises to develop the FCF as well as novel tactics, including an increased use of deception, working in teams of reduced sizes and of different compositions, and operating with greater agility and autonomy.[21] [40]
The FCF is being developed in exercises; see the history section below for a detailed timeline. There have been numerous reports that there is not currently sufficient funding for the programme to be successful.[41] [42] [43] In addition to this, it has been estimated the FCF would have ~4,000 Royal Marines personnel from the existing force of ~7,000.[44] [45]
The FCF is to form around the LRGs, specialised Royal Navy task groups that provide rapid strike capabilities in littoral zones and to counter grey zone and sub-threshold activity.[11] [12] They were to have been LRG(North), based in Europe and responsible for the Atlantic, Baltic, Arctic Ocean, and Mediterranean (i.e. north of the Suez Canal), and LRG(South), based in Oman and responsible for the Indo-Pacific and Persian Gulf (i.e. south of the Suez).[46] [47] [48] The LRGs were the implementation of the Navy's Littoral Strike concept.
45 Commando and 40 Commando were each to contribute a company to form LRG(North) and LRG(South),[46] respectively, in the form of new Strike Companies in the FCF - hence the name of the Vanguard Strike Company which tested FCF concepts in exercises.[49] Furthermore, the structure of the FCF was outlined in evidence given to the House of Commons Defence Committee report We're going to need a bigger Navy as part of its inquiry The Navy: purpose and procurement:
Bay-class landing ships, however, are being upgraded and used only temporarily in place of the new Multi-Role Support Ships (MRSS) which are planned to enter service in the 2030s.[50] [51] [52]
Each of the two LRGs were to consist of:[53] [54]
- Littoral Strike Unit (LSU) of ~ 250 personnel
- Rotating "strike" company from 40 or 45 Commando
- Supporting personnel from the rest of 3 Commando Brigade
- Albion-class Landing Platform Dock (LPD)
- Bay-class Landing Ship Dock (LSD), termed a Littoral Strike Ship (LSS)
- Type 45 destroyer escort
- Further supporting ships and vessels
However, in November 2024, it was announced that both Albion-class vessels were to be removed from service by March 2025.
In April 2017, the First Sea Lord, Admiral Sir Philip Jones, announced that 42 Commando, one of the Commando units of 3 Commando Brigade, would become specialised in maritime operations.[55] [56] [57] The Littoral Strike and FCF concepts were established sometime before 2019, being mentioned in various publications from the British government and armed forces in late 2018.[58] [59] The internal documents Designing for the Future – A Transformational Concept, authored by the Commandant General Royal Marines on, and Generating and Operating 2 x Littoral Strike Groups, authored more generally within 3 Commando Brigade on, further detailed the Littoral Strike and FCF concepts, and followed wider discussions on how 40 and 45 Cdo should be restructured that had been ongoing since at least 2017.[60] Further development of both concepts was, in part, likely to help implement Boris Johnson's post-Brexit policy of "Global Britain", given the FCF's nature of forward deployment and special operations capability, the latter of which is pivotal to modern warfare.[61] [62] [63]
On, then-Defence Secretary Gavin Williamson described upcoming changes to the British Armed Forces, including the FCF, Littoral Strike concept, and LRGs.[64] He also used the speech to announce plans to buy two "Littoral Strike Ships" in support of the LRGs.[65] [66]
In, A Company, 40 Commando, and 1 Assault Group Royal Marines carried out Exercise Commando Warrior, which trialled the use of Unmanned Aerial Systems (UASs) and Unmanned Ground Vehicles (UGVs) in support of a beach assault, and tactical operations as a whole.[67] [68] [69] It involved using integrated data from both systems being monitored remotely to test the "Autonomous Advanced Force" concept.[70] [71] [72]
In, members of 40 Commando began to carry out Exercise Commando Warrior Two, in which marines tested further technologies including AI-enabled systems, situational awareness pads, Android Tactical Assault Kit (ATAK) tablets, and new radios.[73] [74] [28] 40 Commando again further developed the FCF during Exercise Talisman Sabre, taking place from in Australia, in which they acted as an advanced reconnaissance and raiding force ahead of amphibious landings.[75] [76] [77]
In, it was reported that the Royal Marines would adopt the C8 SFW, already in service with UKSF, as their standard rifle.[78] [79] During the Autumn of 2019, the Royal Marines further trialled the FCF concept, enabling a larger conventional force from the United States Marine Corps (USMC) during the regular training Exercise Green Dagger.[80] [81] [82]
In, marines of 47 Commando (Raiding Group) Royal Marines and 45 Commando performed exercises including a landing with their Norwegian counterparts and their Skjold-class corvettes, which were found to suit the FCF model, ahead of Exercise Cold Response 20, as well as testing other novel equipment for the FCF in "Project EVE".[83] [84] [85] The exercise was, however, cancelled due to the COVID-19 pandemic.[86] In, marines of A Company, 40 Commando, experimented with Polaris DAGOR vehicles.[87] The DAGOR and Polaris MRZR vehicles were both used in FCF trials.
In, parts of 47 Commando (Raiding Group) Royal Marines experimented with the use of jet suits for use in ship boarding operations[88] and carried out Exercise Autonomous Advance Force, which used autonomous equipment to test the "Autonomous Advanced Force" concept.[89] [90] The COVID-19 pandemic notably took place during the development of the FCF concept, with the World Health Organization declaring a pandemic on, and the first UK national lockdown being declared on .[91] The Royal Marines and British Armed Forces as a whole had to adjust operations in light of the pandemic, which therefore affected the development of the FCF.[92]
On, The Royal Navy announced it would test a new helmet camera from its MarWorks specialists and Visual Engineering.[93] In late, it was announced the Royal Marines would be transitioning from their existing Multi-Terrain Pattern uniform to a new MultiCam uniform made by Crye Precision.[94] The new uniform features the White Ensign on its sleeve to signify the connection of the Royal Marines to the Royal Navy for the first time as well as British commando insignia inspired by the original designs made in World War II.[95]
In, 43 Commando Fleet Protection Group Royal Marines trialled the use of throwbots and handheld drones.[96] [97] [98] On, it was reported that development on the MarWorks helmet camera was continuing and that 40 Commando were to begin testing prototypes.[99] On, it was announced that a new Vanguard Strike Company would form to further develop the FCF concept during trials before trials in the remainder of 2020 and would deploy for the first time in 2021.[100]
In, it was reported that marines from 40 Commando had been experimenting with potential tactics to be used in the FCF, including working in smaller teams of 4, three of which make a troop of 12.[21] [40] Forbes reported the Royal Marines were acquiring an AI-enabled autonomous air system as part of the FCF, aligning with the "Autonomous Advanced Force" concept.[101] In mid-September, the Royal Navy began the Littoral Response Group (Experimentation) (LRG(X)) deployment, which aimed to test the Littoral Strike concept and experiment with tactics for future LRGs.[102] The LRG(X) task group reached Gibraltar by, where they practised techniques including abseiling and fast roping before the task group moved on.[103] [104] [105]
The LRG(X) task group reached Cyprus by the end of October, where they began experimenting with the use of drones, as part of Autonomous Advance Force 3.[106] The marines of LRG(X) went on to experiment with drones, video links, quadbikes, jet skis, ATAK tablets, and other novel equipment during the exercises in Cyprus, including Exercise Olympus Warrior.[107] Soon after, 43 Commando Fleet Protection Group Royal Marines continued experimentation with throwbots, RPAS, and ATAKs during Exercise Serpent Rock in Gibraltar.[35] [108] Marines from 45 Commando also used drones and ATAKs during training in Wales.[109] [110] [111]
In early, marines from 45 Commando further tested quadbikes, using them to move mortars rapidly.[112] [113] On, HMS Albion and the remainder of the LRG(X) task group arrived back in the UK, finishing the deployment.[114] Later in December, marines from C Company, 40 Commando performed deep penetration missions in the Mojave Desert with a team from United States Army Special Forces working against an opposing force from the USMC and worked in 12-man teams to further experiment with the FCF concept.[115] [116]
In early March, it was reported that marines from A company, 40 Commando, were experimenting with Virtual Reality (VR) technology to augment existing training methods.[117] [118] [119] Soon after, marines from 45 Commando experimented further with Small unit tactics in Norway.[120] [121] On, Forces News reported that the Vanguard Strike Company, from marines of 40 Commando, had been performing exercises including night-time shooting and experimenting with working in 12-man teams.[49] The Integrated Review was published on, followed by the corresponding defence command paper Defence in a Competitive Age on .[122] [123] The latter further described the FCF and Littoral strike concepts and LRGs in greater detail, announced £200 million would be invested into the FCF over the following decade,[124] and, being a command paper, reinforces that they will continue to be developed to completion.[125] [126]
Between May and June, the FCF and LRG concepts were further developed during the Littoral Response Group (North) deployment to Scotland, Norway, and the Baltic.[127] The Army confirmed the contracts for the Challenger 3 were signed on, and went on to state the new tank would be able to operate with the FCF in littoral and coastal regions.[128] [129] [130]
Later in May, members of 29th Commando Regiment Royal Artillery and 148 (Meiktila) Battery Royal Artillery carried out Exercise Fleet Battle Problem, in which it was examined how artillery fire and airstrikes could be coordinated within the FCF.[131] [132] [133] In late May, the Commando Logistic Regiment carried out Exercise Green Dragon to better understand how members of the FCF would remain supplied on operations.[134] [135] [136]
In July, marines of 40 Commando and 42 Commando performed mock raids using drone "swarms", used to resupply the marines, for the first time as part of Autonomous Advance Force 4.0.[137] [138] Later in July, marines from 40 Commando continued trials of the Polaris MRZR, with potential use to transport "light strike teams".[139] [140] [141] Further, marines from B Company, 40 Commando, took part in Exercise Talisman Sabre in Australia, where they continued to practice working in 12-man teams and with drones as they acted as an advance force ahead of the main landings.[142] [143] [144]
Ending in late September, Exercise Dynamic Mariner 21/Joint Warrior 21-2, which saw HMS Prince of Wales being declared fully operational, involved FCF development.[145] [146] [147] In late October, marines from 40 Commando took part in Exercise Green Dagger alongside the USMC, in which they used FCF tactics and explored how small commando teams would be resupplied, as part of the recently created Littoral Response Group (South) of the LRGs.[148] It was reported that the USMC suffered a severe "defeat" to the Royal Marines,[149] however, this is disputed and remains unclear.[150] [151] During the exercise, marines were pictured using the novel NightFighter X counter-UAV system.[152]
In December, a publication from the House of Commons Defence Committee, following its inquiry into the Royal Navy as a whole, expressed concern at insufficient funding for the FCF: "we are concerned that the Future Commando Force and the Littoral Response Groups are not properly resourced to continue amphibious operations".[41] An October publication from King's College London's Centre for Defence Studies detailed how the FCF, if replacing the existing formation of the Royal Marines altogether, would represent a cut in personnel of ~43%: "...if this entails a reduction in size, it also entails a reduction of the one UK force designed explicitly to be expeditionary...".[44]
In February 2022, a troop of new Royal Marines recruits passed training having been exposed to and trained in novel FCF tactics and concepts.[153] [154] Later in February, a report published from the National Audit Office found that "the New Medium Helicopter and Future Commando Force programmes ... are currently underfunded".[42] [43] This added to other reports of underfunding of the FCF programme, as well as other initiatives from the Integrated Review. The government later responded to the National Audit Office, restating the commitment to the FCF and creating LRGs, mentioning investments made into the initiatives and planned upgrades to ships.[155]
It was reported that FCF tactics during Exercise Cold Response 2022,[156] which took place from March to April.[157] [158] [159] In, Brigadier Mark Totten OBE, the director of the FCF programme, described how the FCF would be made up of ~4,000 marines, focus on both the Arctic and Suez Canal areas, and would work alongside the Navy's UK Carrier Strike Group.[160]
See also
External links
Notes and References
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- News: Royal Marines use small drones to aid patrol missions . 16 November 2021 . www.royalnavy.mod.uk . 12 October 2020 . en.
- News: Royal Marines Use Drones During Training Mission . 16 November 2021 . Forces Network . 14 October 2020 . en.
- News: Allison . George . Royal Marines use drones on patrol in Wales . 16 November 2021 . UK Defence Journal . 14 October 2020.
- Light It Up . Navy News . February 2021 . 20–21 . 14 November 2021 . Ministry of Defence . 0028-1670 . 70249744.
- News: 45 Commando Train on New CanAm 6x6s . 14 November 2021 . Warfare.Today . 10 December 2020.
- News: Flagship Albion returns home after landmark experimental deployment . 14 November 2021 . www.royalnavy.mod.uk . 4 December 2020 . en.
- News: Royal Marines scrutinise new tactics in the Mojave Desert . 14 November 2021 . www.royalnavy.mod.uk . 21 December 2020 . en.
- Hidden in the mountains . Navy News . February 2021 . February 2021 . 2–3 . 14 November 2021 . 0028-1670 . 70249744.
- News: Reporters . Telegraph . Army, RAF and Marines to trial Fortnite-like virtual reality training to prepare for battlezones . 16 November 2021 . The Telegraph . 15 March 2020.
- News: Royal Marines trial virtual reality kit . 14 November 2021 . www.royalnavy.mod.uk . 4 March 2021 . en.
- News: Williams . Briohny . Royal Marines Test New Virtual Reality Kit . 14 November 2021 . Forces Network . 3 March 2021 . en.
- News: Royal Marines complete Arctic training with intensive combat missions . 14 November 2021 . www.royalnavy.mod.uk . 12 March 2021 . en.
- News: Royal Marines Complete Arctic Training With Intensive Combat Missions . 14 November 2021 . Forces Network . 15 March 2021 . en.
- News: The Integrated Review – a Royal Navy perspective Navy Lookout . 15 November 2021 . Navy Lookout . 16 March 2021.
- News: The Defence Command Paper and the future of the Royal Navy Navy Lookout . 15 November 2021 . Navy Lookout . 22 March 2021.
- News: UK defence cuts show gulf between ambition and action, says Labour . 15 November 2021 . The Guardian . 22 March 2021 . en.
- News: Defence review: British army to be cut to 72,500 troops by 2025 . 15 November 2021 . BBC News . 22 March 2021.
- News: Cotterill . Tom . Defence shake-up to overhaul Royal Marines and move city warship to Gibraltar . 15 November 2021 . www.portsmouth.co.uk . 22 March 2021 . en.
- News: HMS Albion To Develop Future Commando Force Tactics On First Deployment Of 2021 . 15 November 2021 . Forces Network . 5 May 2021 . en.
- News: Ayush Jain . No Challenge To The Challenger: UK Military To Get 'Fully-Digitized' 148 Challenger-3 Main Battle Tanks . 6 June 2022 . Latest Asian, Middle-East, EurAsian, Indian News . 8 May 2021.
- News: Newdick . Thomas . British Army's Next-Generation Challenger 3 Tank Is Now Under Construction . 6 June 2022 . The Drive . 25 March 2022 . en . Even in its basic form, the Challenger 3 will feature adaptations that should make it better suited to fighting in less-traditional terrain, including littoral environments in support of the Future Commando Force..
- Web site: Challenger 3 Main Battle Tank (MBT), UK . Army Technology . 6 June 2022 . 27 April 2022 . Designed to handle multi-domain warfare, the tank retains its ability to operate in coastal environments to support Future Commando Force of the Royal Marines..
- News: Elite commando gunners head on experimental missions with US Marines . 15 November 2021 . www.royalnavy.mod.uk . 14 May 2021 . en.
- News: Stealthy Army Commandos win the Fight in UK-US Exercise . 15 November 2021 . www.army.mod.uk . 25 May 2021.
- News: Allison . George . Commandos rain down artillery in Western Scotland . 15 November 2021 . 17 May 2021.
- News: Commando logisticians test new ways of operating . 15 November 2021 . www.royalnavy.mod.uk . 27 May 2021 . en.
- News: UK Royal Marines participate in Exercise Green Dragon at Dartmoor . 15 November 2021 . www.naval-technology.com . 6 July 2018.
- News: Ricks . Rebecca . Royal Marines Test Their Ability To Deploy At Short Notice . 15 November 2021 . Forces Network . 26 June 2018 . en.
- News: Royal Marines seek 'battlefield advantage' as they train with drone swarms in UK first . 15 November 2021 . Sky News . 17 July 2021 . en.
- News: Drone swarms support Commando Forces trials in a first for the UK's armed forces . 15 November 2021 . www.royalnavy.mod.uk . 17 July 2021 . en.
- News: New lightweight vehicles tested by Royal Marines . 15 November 2021 . www.royalnavy.mod.uk . 23 July 2021 . en.
- News: Adams . Briohny Williams Harry . Amazing first-hand views as Royal Marines learn to drive MRZR Light Strike Vehicle . 15 November 2021 . Forces Network . 26 July 2021 . en.
- News: Royal Marines test MRZR-D4 off-roader and other lightweight vehicles . 15 November 2021 . www.naval-technology.com . 23 July 2021.
- News: Royal Marines To Join Giant Australian Bilateral Defence Exercise . 16 November 2021 . Forces Network . 22 June 2021 . en.
- News: Royal Marines head on training raids in Australia . 16 November 2021 . www.royalnavy.mod.uk . 9 July 2021 . en.
- News: 40 Commando RM On TALISMAN SABRE 2021 . 16 November 2021 . Joint Forces News . 31 July 2021.
- News: HMS Prince of Wales ready for global missions as international exercise ends off Scotland . 21 February 2022 . www.royalnavy.mod.uk . 1 October 2021 . en.
- News: Allison . George . Exercise Joint Warrior concludes off Scottish coast . 21 February 2022 . UK Defence Journal . 5 October 2021.
- News: Second UK aircraft carrier declared operational after major drill . 21 February 2022 . Defense Brief . 1 October 2021.
- News: Royal Marines complete Mojave Desert exercises with fiery five-day battle . 16 November 2021 . www.royalnavy.mod.uk . 3 November 2021 . en.
- News: Royal Marines Commandos force US Marine Corps troops to surrender in training exercise . 16 November 2021 . Sky News . November 2021 . en.
- News: Milburn . Andrew . No 'surrender' — What really happened between US and British Marines at a training exercise . 16 November 2021 . Task & Purpose . 9 November 2021.
- News: Gladwell . Dustin . New Facts Emerge in the Claim That US Marines Surrendered to UK Royal Marines . 16 November 2021 . SOFREP . 6 November 2021 . en.
- News: Walters . Alex . NightFighter X: The Royal Marines' new counter-UAV system . 16 November 2021 . Forces Network . 5 November 2021 . en.
- News: Royal Marines welcome 24 new green berets to the commando family . 21 February 2022 . www.royalnavy.mod.uk . 8 February 2022 . en.
- News: Ball . Elliot . Royal Marines pass '36 week job application' . 21 February 2022 . PlymouthLive . 9 February 2022 . en.
- Web site: Defence Committee . "We're going to need a bigger Navy": Government Response to the Committee's Third Report . UK Parliament . 26 February 2022 . 25 February 2022 . Conclusion 11. We are concerned that the Future Commando Force and the Littoral Response Groups are not properly resourced to continue amphibious operations. The Department must confirm that it remains committed to retaining the Royal Marines’ amphibious capabilities. (Paragraph 86) Response: The Department remains committed to maintaining and modernising the UK's amphibious capabilities. The IR allocated £278 million over the next ten years to transform our Commando Forces that deliver our Littoral Strike capability. In tandem with this investment, the RN continues to identify areas where its existing resources can be re-prioritised to support development of Littoral Strike. As well as the existing Landing Platform Dock (LPD) and Landing Ship Dock (Auxiliary) (LSD(A)) ships, which are specifically designed for amphibious operations, other warships and auxiliaries may support the LRGs, augmented by commercial shipping, to enable the movement of material and personnel during routine operations. Up to six MRSS, which will replace both the LPD and LSD(A) vessels currently in service, were announced in the IR to enter service in the early 2030s. This demonstrates the Department's enduring commitment to amphibious capabilities. To augment these vessels, and the associated aircraft, the UK Commando Forces programme is also exploring options for development of new, modernised, fast landing craft to speed up the movement of forces from sea to land, thereby increasing amphibious operational responsiveness..
- News: Callingham . Fiona . HMS Prince of Wales leads more than 3,000 sailors and Royal Marines deployed within the Arctic Circle . 8 June 2022 . www.portsmouth.co.uk . 11 April 2022 . en . ...and develop new tactics alongside the Future Commando Force....
- News: Exercise Cold Response 2022 – NATO and partner forces face the freeze in Norway . 8 June 2022 . NATO . 7 March 2022 . en . WHEN: March-April 2022.
- News: Royal Marines head 'behind enemy lines' on fjord raids . 8 June 2022 . www.royalnavy.mod.uk . 22 February 2022 . en . ...in March and April....
- News: Royal Navy completes largest Arctic defence exercise since the Cold War . 8 June 2022 . www.royalnavy.mod.uk . 11 April 2022 . en.
- News: Correll . Diana Stancy . New commando force leads Britain's military in Arctic operations . 8 June 2022 . Marine Corps Times . 13 May 2022 . en.