Forms of address in Spain explained

This article includes the list of forms of address used in Spain.



width=20% Positionwidth=36% On envelopeswidth=17% Salutation in letterwidth=22% Oral address
KingHM The King
(SM El Rey)
Your Majesty
Your Majesty, and thereafter as Sir (Señor)
QueenHM The Queen
(SM La Reina)
Your Majesty
Your Majesty, and thereafter as Ma'am (Señora)
Prince of AsturiasHRH The Prince of Asturias
(SAR El Príncipe de Asturias)
Your Royal Highness (Alteza Real)Your Royal Highness, and thereafter as Sir (Señor)
Princess of AsturiasHRH The Princess of Asturias
(SAR La Princesa de Asturias)
Your Royal Highness
(Alteza Real)
Your Royal Highness, and thereafter as Ma'am (Señora)
InfanteHRH The Infante X
(SAR El Infante X)
e.g., HRH The Infante Alfonso
Your Royal Highness
(Alteza Real)
Your Royal Highness, and thereafter as Sir (Señor)
Titled InfanteHRH The Infante X, Duke of Z
(SAR El Infante X, Duque de Z)
e.g., HRH The Infante Carlos, Duke of Calabria
Your Royal Highness
(Alteza Real)
Your Royal Highness, and thereafter as Sir (Señor)
Wife of an Infante
(if a Princess by birth)
HRH The Infanta Y
(SAR La Infanta Y)
e.g., HRH The Infanta Luisa
Your Royal Highness (Alteza Real)Your Royal Highness, and thereafter as Ma'am (Señora)
Wife of an Infante
(if not a Princess by birth)
The Most Ext Doña Y
(Excma. Sra. Doña Y)
e.g., The Most Ext Doña Marisol de Messía
Excelentísima SeñoraMa'am (Señora)
Wife of a titled Infante
(if a Princess by birth)
HRH The Infanta Y, Duchess of Z
(SAR La Infanta Y, Duquesa de Z)
e.g., HRH The Infanta Ana, Duchess of Calabria
Your Royal Highness (Alteza Real)Your Royal Highness, and thereafter as Ma'am (Señora)
Wife of a titled Infante
(if not a Princess by brith)
The Most Ext The Duchess of Z
(Excma. Sra. Duquesa de Z)
e.g., The Most Ext The Countess of Covadonga
Excelentisima SeñoraDuchess/Marquise/Countess or Doña Name
InfantaHRH The Infanta Y
(SAR La Infante Y)
e.g., HRH The Infanta Beatriz
Your Royal Highness
(Alteza Real)
Your Royal Highness, and thereafter as Ma'am (Señora)
Titled InfantaHRH The Infanta Y, Duchess of Z
(SAR La Infanta Y, Duquesa de Z)
e.g., HRH The Infanta Elena, Duchess of Lugo
Your Royal Highness
(Alteza Real)
Your Royal Highness, and thereafter as Ma'am (Señora)
Husband of an InfantaMr. X
(Sr. Don X)
e.g., Mr. José Güell
Dear Mr. X
(Querido Don X)
Don X
Husband of a titled InfantaThe Most Ext The Duke of Z
(Excmo. Sr. Duque de Z)
e.g., The Most Ext The Duke of Palma de Mallorca
Excelentísimo SeñorDuke/Marquis/Count or Don Name
Infante's or Infanta's sonThe Most Ext Don X
(Excmo. Sr. Don X)
e.g., The Most Ext Don Juan Valentín Urdangarín
Excelentísimo SeñorDon Name
Infante's or Infanta's daughterThe Most Ext Doña Y
(Excma. Sra. Doña Y)
e.g., The Most Ext Doña Victoria de Marichalar
Excelentísima SeñoraDoña Name


width=20% Positionwidth=36% On envelopeswidth=17% Salutation in letterwidth=22% Oral address
DukeThe Most Ext The Duke of Z
(Excmo. Sr. Duque de Z)
e.g., The Most Ext The Duke of Medina Sidonia
Excelentísimo SeñorDuke or Don Name
DuchessThe Most Ext The Duchess of Z
(Excma. Sra. Duquesa de Z)
e.g., The Most Ext The Duchess of Alba
Excelentísima SeñoraDuchess or Doña Name
Marquis Grandee of SpainThe Most Ext The Marquis of Z
(Excmo. Sr. Marqués de Z)
e.g., The Most Ext The Marquis of Villanueva del Duero
Excelentísimo SeñorMarquis or Don Name
Marquise Grandee of SpainThe Most Ext The Marquise of Z
(Excma. Sra. Marquesa de Z)
e.g., The Most Ext The Marquise of Santa Cruz
Excelentísima SeñoraMarquise or Doña Name
Count Grandee of SpainThe Most Ext The Count of Z
(Excmo. Sr. Conde de Z)
e.g., The Most Ext The Count of Latores
Excelentísimo SeñorCount or Don Name
Countess Grandee of SpainThe Most Ext The Countess of Z
(Excma. Sra. Condesa de Z)
e.g., The Most Ext The Countess of Murillo
Excelentísima SeñoraCountess or Doña Name
Viscount Grandee of SpainThe Most Ext The Viscount of Z
(Excmo. Sr. Vizconde de Z)
e.g., The Most Ext The Viscount of la Alborada
Excelentísimo SeñorViscount or Don Name
Viscountess Grandee of SpainThe Most Ext The Viscountess of Z
(Excma. Sra. Vizcondesa de Z)
e.g., The Most Ext The Viscountess of la Alborada
Excelentísima SeñoraViscountess or Doña Name
Baron Grandee of SpainThe Most Ext The Baron of Z
(Excmo. Sr. Barón de Z)
e.g., The Most Ext The Baron of Llauri
Excelentísimo SeñorBaron or Don Name
Baroness Grandee of SpainThe Most Ext The Baroness of Z
(Excma. Sra. Baronesa de Z)
e.g., The Most Ext The Baroness of Viver
Excelentísima SeñoraBaroness or Doña Name
Lord Grandee of SpainThe Most Ext The Lord of Z
(Excmo. Sr. Señor de Z)
e.g., The Most Ext The Lord of Meirás
Excelentísimo SeñorLord or Don Name
Lady Grandee of SpainThe Most Ext The Lady of Z
(Excma. Sra. Señora de Z)
e.g., The Most Ext The Lady of Meirás
Excelentísima SeñoraLady or Doña Name
MarquisThe Most Ill The Marquis of Z
(Ilmo. Sr. Marqués de Z)
e.g., The Most Ill The Marquis of Boadilla del Monte
Ilustrísimo SeñorMarquis or Don Name
MarquiseThe Most Ill The Marquise of Z
(Ilma. Sra. Marquesa de Z)
e.g., The Most Ill The Marquise of Cubas
Ilustrísima SeñoraMarquise or Doña Name
CountThe Most Ill The Count of Z
(Ilmo. Sr. Conde de Z)
e.g., The Most Ill The Count of Motrico
Ilustrísimo SeñorCount or Don Name
CountessThe Most Ill The Countess of Z
(Ilma. Sra. Condesa de Z)
e.g., The Most Ill The Countess of Castillo Fiel
Ilustrísima SeñoraCountess or Doña Name
ViscountThe Most Ill The Viscount of Z
(Ilmo. Sr. Vizconde de Z)
e.g., The Most Ill The Viscount of Santa Clara de Avedillo
Ilustrísimo SeñorViscount or Don Name
ViscountessThe Most Ill The Viscountess of Z
(Ilma. Sra. Vizcondesa de Z)
Ilustrísima SeñoraViscountess or Doña Name
BaronThe Most Ill The Baron of Z
(Ilmo. Sr. Barón de Z)
Ilustrísimo SeñorBaron or Don Name
BaronessThe Most Ill The Baroness of Z
(Ilma. Sra. Baronesa de Z)
Ilustrísima SeñoraBaroness or Doña Name
LordThe Most Ill The Lord of Z
(Ilmo. Sr. Señor de Z)
Ilustrísimo SeñorLord or Don Name
LadyThe Most Ill The Lady of Z
(Ilma. Sra. Señora de Z)
Ilustrísima SeñoraLady or Doña Name
Grandee's male heirThe Most Ext Don X
(Excmo. Sr. Don X)
Excelentísimo SeñorDon Name
Grandee's female heirThe Most Ext Doña Y
(Excma. Sra. Doña Y)
Excelentísima SeñoraDoña Name
Grandee's younger sonThe Most Ill Don X
(Ilmo. Sr. Don X)
Ilustrísimo SeñorDon Name
Grandee's younger daughterThe Most Ill Doña Y
(Ilma. Sra. Doña Y)
Ilustrísima SeñoraDoña Name
Male heir of a titled noble
(no Grandee)
The Most Ill Don X
(Ilmo. Sr. Don X)
Ilustrísimo SeñorDon Name
Female heir of a titled noble
(no Grandee)
The Most Ill Doña Y
(Ilma. Sra. Doña Y)
Ilustrísima SeñoraDoña Name

Kinght and Dames of the Royal Orders

The three preeminent orders of merit bestowed by the Kingdom of Spain are, sorted by year of creation, the Order of Charles III (established in 1771), the Order of Isabella the Catholic (established in 1815), and the Order of Civil Merit (established in 1926). Members of these three orders are addressed as follows.[1]

width=20% Positionwidth=36% On envelopeswidth=17% Salutation in letterwidth=22% Oral address
Knight of the CollarThe Most Ext
(Excmo. Sr.)
Excelentísimo SeñorExcelencia
Dame of the CollarThe Most Ext
(Excma. Sra.)
Excelentísima SeñoraExcelencia
Knight Grand CrossThe Most Ext
(Excmo. Sr.)
Excelentísimo SeñorExcelencia
Dame Grand CrossThe Most Ext
(Excma. Sra.)
Excelentísima SeñoraExcelencia
Knight Commander by NumberThe Most Ext
(Excmo. Sr.)
Ilustrísimo SeñorDon (only for Spanish citizens)
Dame Commander by NumberThe Most Ext
(Excma. Sra.)
Ilustrísima SeñoraDoña (only for Spanish citizens)
Knight CommanderSeñor
SeñorDon (only for Spanish citizens)
Dame CommanderSeñora
SeñoraDoña (only for Spanish citizens)
Knight OfficerSeñor
SeñorDon (only for Spanish citizens)
Dame OfficerSeñora
SeñoraDoña (only for Spanish citizens)
Knight CrossSeñor
SeñorDon (only for Spanish citizens)
Dame CrossSeñora
SeñoraDoña (only for Spanish citizens)


Notes and References

  1. Web site: BOE-A-1998-26802 Real Decreto 2396/1998, de 6 de noviembre, por el que se aprueba el Reglamento de la Orden del Mérito Civil. . 2024-09-29 .