Euphorbia rhabdotosperma is a species of flowering plant in the Euphorbiaceae family.
A Euphorbia rather resembling a small Euphorbia helioscopia, with correspondingly smaller stem leaves (5-13(20) x 2-5(8) mm), raylet leaves (5-11 x 3-7 mm) and fruit (2.5-3 mm), and critically differing by its seed surface. See PoWo herbarium specimen.
Seed surface vs. E. helioscopia is longitudinally striate-rugulose vs. favose-reticulate.[1] / striate-rugulose vs. foveolate(-reticulate) This is an unusual surface.[2]
Native to Iran, North Caucasus, Transcaucasus, Turkey, Turkmenistan (PoWo map).
Turkish regional distribution is Antalya and northwards (map
Generally : River banks, foothills, edge of irrigated fields, limestone rocks, steppes; 1100-1400 m.[2]
Turkey : Steppe, limestone rocks, fields, 1100-1300 m.[1]
Iran : Steppes, edge of fields and orchards, at 500-1600 m.[3]