Eskimo Day is a 1996 BBC comedy drama, written by Jack Rosenthal and directed by Piers Haggard, about the trials and tribulations of three young would-be students as they arrive with their families at Queens' College, Cambridge, on interview day.[1] [2] [3] There was a sequel, Cold Enough for Snow, in 1997.
This film was Alec Guinness' final acting performance before his death in 2000.[4]
Writing for BFI, Fintan McDonagh said: "Writer Jack Rosenthal, with characteristic flair, puts into the mouth of his actress wife the feelings of parental redundancy that he suffered after just such a trip to Cambridge with their son Adam. Not for the first time, Rosenthal was able to transform an episode from his own life into a gem of comic observation and genuine pathos."[4]