Éric Bonjour Explained

Éric Bonjour (born 1973 in Switzerland) is a Swiss politician of the Swiss People's Party.[1]

He has held an MP position at the Cantonal Council of Vaud since 11 March 2007.[2]

In the summer of 2023, he made a mistake on his political campaign posters, getting the wrong date of the voting day.[3]

Notes and references

  1. Le/La polémique : une catégorie Semen - Revues.org... du Parti Ouvrier Populaire et Éric Bonjour (BONJ) de l'Union Démocratique du ...
  2. http://www.vd.ch/fileadmin/user_upload/themes/etat_droit/votations_elections/fichiers_pdf/GC070311_ELUS_Ar.pdf ELECTION DU GRAND CONSEIL - Liste des élu(e)s le 11 mars 2007
  3. https://www.lematin.ch/story/pour-eric-bonjour-ca-nest-pas-le-bon-jour-897363767168 Pour Éric Bonjour, ça n’est pas le bon jour