In graph theory, entanglement of a directed graph is a number measuring how stronglythe cycles of the graph are intertwined. It is defined in terms of a mathematical game in whichn cops try to capture a robber, who escapes along the edges of the graph. Similar to othergraph measures, such as cycle rank, some algorithmic problems, e.g. parity game, can beefficiently solved on graphs of bounded entanglement.
The entanglement game[1] is played by n cops against a robber ona directed graph G. Initially, all cops are outside the graph and the robber selects an arbitrary starting vertexv of G. Further on, the players move in turn. In each move the cops either stay where they are, or place oneof them on the vertex currently occupied by the robber. The robber must move from her current vertex, along an edge,to a successor that is not occupied by a cop. The robber must move if no cop is following him. If there isno free successor to which the robber can move, she is caught, and the cops win. The robber wins if shecannot be caught, i.e. if the play can be made to last forever.
A graph G has entanglement n if n cops win in the entanglement game on G but n - 1 cops lose the game.
Graphs of entanglement zero and one can be characterized as follows:[1]
Entanglement has also been a key notion in proving that the variable hierarchyof the modal mu calculus is strict.[2]
You can play the entanglement game online on tPlay.