Discocactus bahiensis is a species of Discocactus from Brazil.[1]
Discocactus bahiensis grows solitary, with heavily spined, depressed spherical to spherical bodies that reach diameters of 8 to 18 centimeters. There are 10 to 15 ribs. The areoles are wooly have 5 to 13 backward-curved spines are up to 3 centimeters long. The prominent cephalium is formed of white wool and a few short bristles. The slender, funnel-shaped, yellowish white flowers are 4 to 5 centimeters long. The fruits are small and red.[2]
Discocactus bahiensis is a cactus species native to the Brazilian state of Bahia at altitudes between 380 and 650 meters. Plants are found growing in limestone near rivers and flood plains.[3]
It was first described in 1922 by Nathaniel Lord Britton and Joseph Nelson Rose. The species name "bahiensis" specifically denotes its presence in Bahia, Brazil.