Destination Lithuanian America is an online interactive map of Lithuanian heritage sites of America.
Destination Lithuanian America includes 650 sites such as Lithuanian-American churches, cemeteries, monuments, monasteries, club buildings, plaques, graves of the famous Lithuanian-Americans, Lithuanian-named localities in America. The aim of the map is to include each site[1] meeting its criteria.[2]
Destination Lithuanian America is being created during field trips where volunteers from Lithuania visit each site in person, taking photographs and learning the history of the site from the local Lithuanian-Americans.[3] This information is then made available online.
Destination Lithuanian America is a non-profit project. It has been partly funded by the government of Lithuania as part of the centenary of the Republic of Lithuania celebrations.[12] The remainder of the funding was covered by Lithuanian-American organizations, Lithuanian-Americans and other Lithuanians through means such as crowd-funding.
Destination Lithuanian America map is bilingual (Lithuanian and English languages)
Destination Lithuanian America volunteers also record interviews with the Lithuanian-heritage keepers in America that have been then shown as Lithuanian-language series by the LRT television.[13] [14]
Together with the map, a sister project "Global True Lithuania",[15] which is an encyclopedia of Lithuanian heritage online, is expanded with new articles. In contrast to the Destination Lithuanian America map, the encyclopedia covers Lithuanian heritage worldwide.
Both projects have been created and are led by Augustinas Žemaitis.[16] [17]