In abstract algebra, specifically in module theory, a dense submodule of a module is a refinement of the notion of an essential submodule. If N is a dense submodule of M, it may alternatively be said that "N ⊆ M is a rational extension". Dense submodules are connected with rings of quotients in noncommutative ring theory. Most of the results appearing here were first established in, and .
It should be noticed that this terminology is different from the notion of a dense subset in general topology. No topology is needed to define a dense submodule, and a dense submodule may or may not be topologically dense in a module with topology.
This article modifies exposition appearing in and . Let R be a ring, and M be a right R-module with submodule N. For an element y of M, define
Note that the expression y−1 is only formal since it is not meaningful to speak of the module element y being invertible, but the notation helps to suggest that y⋅(y−1N) ⊆ N. The set y −1N is always a right ideal of R.
A submodule N of M is said to be a dense submodule if for all x and y in M with x ≠ 0, there exists an r in R such that xr ≠ and yr is in N. In other words, using the introduced notation, the set
x(y-1N) ≠ \{0\}
Another equivalent definition is homological in nature: N is dense in M if and only if
\ell ⋅ Ann(I)=\{0\}
Every right R-module M has a maximal essential extension E(M) which is its injective hull. The analogous construction using a maximal dense extension results in the rational hull Ẽ(M) which is a submodule of E(M). When a module has no proper rational extension, so that Ẽ(M) = M, the module is said to be rationally complete. If R is right nonsingular, then of course Ẽ(M) = E(M).
The rational hull is readily identified within the injective hull. Let S=EndR(E(M)) be the endomorphism ring of the injective hull. Then an element x of the injective hull is in the rational hull if and only if x is sent to zero by all maps in S which are zero on M. In symbols,
In general, there may be maps in S which are zero on M and yet are nonzero for some x not in M, and such an x would not be in the rational hull.
See main article: article.
The maximal right ring of quotients can be described in two ways in connection with dense right ideals of R.