Type: | region |
Darling Riverine Plains | |
State: | au |
Area: | 106997.69 |
Near-N: | Mulga Lands |
Near-Ne: | Brigalow Belt South |
Near-E: | Brigalow Belt South |
Near-Se: | NSW South Western Slopes |
Near-S: | Cobar Peneplain |
Near-Sw: | Murray Darling Depression |
Near-W: | Broken Hill Complex |
Near-Nw: | Mulga Lands |
Near: | Darling Riverine Plains |
The Darling Riverine Plains is an interim Australian bioregion located in southern Queensland and northern New South Wales.[1] It has an area of 10699769ha.[2] South Eastern Queensland bioregion is part of the Southeast Australia temperate savanna ecoregion.
The Darling Riverine Plains bioregion consists of nine subregions: