DH Tauri, also known as DH Tau, is a type M star, located 140 parsecs (456.619 light years) away. It forms a binary system with DI Tauri away, and has a substellar companion, either a brown dwarf or massive exoplanet.
DH Tauri is a type M, or red dwarf star, one of the most common types of star in the Milky Way. It has an apparent magnitude of 13.71 and temperature of . DH Tauri has a mass of and an estimated radius of .
The companion DH Tauri B or b has a mass estimated to be between and, making it either a super-Jupiter or brown dwarf.[1] Other sources give a mass as high as, with a bolometric luminosity of . The spectral type has been classified as M7.5 or M9.25. The companion has detected water vapor and carbon monoxide in its atmosphere and has a rotational velocity of 9.6 ± 0.7 km/s. This is between 9 and 15% of the breakup speed of DH Tau B. This low rotation is in agreement with magnetic coupling to a circumplanetary disk in the late stages of accretion, which reduces angular momentum of the companion. The companion, while its host star still having a protoplanetary disk, is still accreting material, being surrounded by a circumsubstellar disk (possibly a circumplanetary disk, depending on its formation history). It is potentially orbited by a smaller candidate companion DH Tauri Bb (possibly an exomoon) with, and a mass ratio with respect to the brown dwarf of one-tenth.[2]