Cup-A-Jo Productions is a theatre company located in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Established in 2004 by Joanna Lowe,[1] the company's mission is to "further new & established works in an effort to focus on the artist by tackling a variety of subjects, exploring non-traditional venues & styles, & mixing theatre with film, dance, music & poetry."[2] The company has produced established contemporary and classic plays, such as Medea,[3] No Exit,[4] A Thurber Carnival,[5] and Hospitality Suite,[6] as well as original works such as Life and Other One-Man Shows. Cup-A-Jo Productions has also produced original one-act plays in conjunction with the Pittsburgh New Works Festival.[7] The company has held productions in numerous venues throughout the Pittsburgh area, including Pittsburgh Playwrights Theatre Company,[5] Garfield Artworks,[4] and the University of Pittsburgh Studio Theatre.[3]