Cucullanus elegans explained
Cucullanus elegans is a species of parasitic nematode. It is an endoparasite of the European perch (Perca fluviatilis).
Cucullanus elegans Zschokke, 1884, C. elegans Sramek, 1901, C. elegans Levander, 1926 and C. elegans Ruszkowski, 1926 are synonyms for Camallanus lacustris.
- Über Furchung und Gastrulation bei "Cucullanus elegans" (Zed.), Inaugural-Dissertation von Erich Martini, E Martini - 1903
- Exhibition of the larval stage of Trichostrongylus pergracilis and a speci-men of Cyclops containing a living embryo of Cucullanus elegans. RT Leiper - Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1910
- Sur un appareil moteur des valves buccales des cucullans. E Perrier - 1871