Condylostylus Explained
Condylostylus is a genus of flies in the family Dolichopodidae. It is the second largest genus in the subfamily Sciapodinae, with more than 250 species included. It has a high diversity in the Neotropical realm, where 70% of the species occur.[1] [2] [3]
- Condylostylus acceptus Parent, 1933[4]
- Condylostylus alatus Becker, 1922[5]
- Condylostylus albiciliatus (Van Duzee, 1927)[6]
- Condylostylus albicoxa (Walker, 1849)[7]
- Condylostylus albidipes Wei, 2006[8]
- Condylostylus albifrons Parent, 1932[9]
- Condylostylus albihirtus (Van Duzee, 1929)[10]
- Condylostylus argentatus (Aldrich, 1901)[11]
- Condylostylus argentifer Parent, 1929[12]
- Condylostylus argentipes Parent, 1929[12]
- Condylostylus armipes (Bigot, 1890)[13]
- Condylostylus atricauda (Aldrich, 1901)[11]
- Condylostylus atrolamellatus (Aldrich, 1901)[11]
- Condylostylus atrox Becker, 1922[5]
- Condylostylus banksi (Van Duzee, 1915)[14]
- Condylostylus barbatulus Becker, 1922[5]
- Condylostylus barbatus (Aldrich, 1901)[11]
- Condylostylus basilaris (Wiedemann, 1830)[15]
- Condylostylus basovi Grichanov, 1998[16]
- Condylostylus beckeri Speiser, 1920[17]
- Condylostylus bellulus (Aldrich, 1896)[18]
- Condylostylus bicolor Zhu & Yang, 2011[19]
- Condylostylus bicoloripes (Van Duzee, 1929)[20]
- Condylostylus bifasciatus Parent, 1931[21]
- Condylostylus bifilus (Van der Wulp, 1891)[22]
- Condylostylus bifimbriatus (Aldrich, 1901)[11]
- Condylostylus biseta Becker, 1922[5]
- Condylostylus bisetosus Parent, 1930[23]
- Condylostylus bisinuatus Van Duzee, 1931[24]
- Condylostylus bituberculatus (Macquart, 1842)
- Condylostylus blepharotarsis Meuffels & Grootaert, 1999[25]
- Condylostylus brayi Robinson, 1975[3]
- Condylostylus brevihirtus Van Duzee, 1930[26]
- Condylostylus brevilamellatus Parent, 1929[12]
- Condylostylus brevimanus (Enderlein, 1912)[27]
- Condylostylus brevipedis Van Duzee, 1931[24]
- Condylostylus brevis Becker, 1922[5]
- Condylostylus breviseta (Coquillett, 1902)[28]
- Condylostylus brimleyi Robinson, 1964[29]
- Condylostylus brunnicosus Frey, 1925[30]
- Condylostylus burgeoni Parent, 1935[31]
- Condylostylus caesar Becker, 1922[5]
- Condylostylus caii Parent, 1934[32]
- Condylostylus calcaratus (Loew, 1861)[33]
- Condylostylus camptopus Parent, 1928[34]
- Condylostylus cancer Van Duzee, 1934[35]
- Condylostylus capitulatus Parent, 1929[12]
- Condylostylus caudatus (Wiedemann, 1830)[15]
- Condylostylus chaineyi Grichanov, 1998[16]
- Condylostylus cilitarsis (Van der Wulp, 1888)[36]
- Condylostylus cilitibia Parent, 1939[37]
- Condylostylus cinctiventris Van Duzee, 1934[35]
- Condylostylus clavatus (Van Duzee, 1929)[20]
- Condylostylus clavipes (Aldrich, 1901)[11]
- Condylostylus clivus Wei & Song, 2005[38]
- Condylostylus cochlearis Becker, 1922[5]
- Condylostylus coerulus (Macquart in Bigot, 1859)
- Condylostylus coloradensis Van Duzee, 1932[39]
- Condylostylus comatus (Loew, 1861)[33]
- Condylostylus comes Parent, 1933[40]
- Condylostylus comorensis Grichanov, 2020[41]
- Condylostylus completus Becker, 1922[5]
- Condylostylus confluens Becker, 1922[5]
- Condylostylus connectans (Curran, 1942)[42]
- Condylostylus conspectus Becker, 1922[43]
- Condylostylus corculum (Walker, 1849)[7]
- Condylostylus cornutus Van Duzee, 1931[44]
- Condylostylus coxalis (Aldrich, 1901)[11]
- Condylostylus crinicauda Parent, 1929[12]
- Condylostylus crinitus (Aldrich, 1904)[45]
- Condylostylus ctenopus (Enderlein, 1912)[27]
- Condylostylus cylindricus (Van Duzee, 1929)[20]
- Condylostylus damingshanus Wang, Zhu & Yang, 2012[46]
- Condylostylus danieli Grichanov, 2010
- Condylostylus denticulatus Van Duzee, 1931[24]
- Condylostylus depressus (Aldrich, 1901)[11]
- Condylostylus diffusus (Wiedemann, 1830)[15]
- Condylostylus digitiformis Yang, 1998[47]
- Condylostylus diminuans Becker, 1922[5]
- Condylostylus distinctus Van Duzee, 1931[24]
- Condylostylus diversipes Becker, 1922[5]
- Condylostylus dives Parent, 1929[12]
- Condylostylus dominicensis Robinson, 1975[3]
- Condylostylus erectus Becker, 1922[5]
- Condylostylus erroneus Grichanov, 2004[48]
- Condylostylus exemtus (Walker, 1852)[49]
- Condylostylus exquisitus (Walker, 1852)[49]
- Condylostylus facetus Parent, 1933[40]
- Condylostylus fascinator Parent, 1933[40]
- Condylostylus fastuosus Parent, 1933[40]
- Condylostylus felix Becker, 1922[5]
- Condylostylus fenestratus (Van der Wulp, 1891)[22]
- Condylostylus fenestrella Parent, 1933[40]
- Condylostylus filiformis Becker, 1922[5]
- Condylostylus filipeniculatus (Enderlein, 1912)[27]
- Condylostylus fimbriatus Parent, 1928[34]
- Condylostylus flagellatus Becker, 1922[5]
- Condylostylus flagellipodex Becker, 1922[5]
- Condylostylus flavicoxa (Aldrich, 1901)[11]
- Condylostylus flavilamellatus Becker, 1922[5]
- Condylostylus flavipedus Zhu & Yang, 2011[19]
- Condylostylus flavipes (Aldrich, 1904)[45]
- Condylostylus floridus Parent, 1939[37]
- Condylostylus forcipatus (Aldrich, 1901)[11]
- Condylostylus formosus (Parent, 1934)[50]
- Condylostylus fraterculus (Enderlein, 1912)[27]
- Condylostylus friedmani Grichanov, 2020[41]
- Condylostylus fujianensis Yang & Yang, 2003[51]
- Condylostylus fupingensis Yang & Saigusa, 2005[52]
- Condylostylus furcatus (Van Duzee, 1915)[14]
- Condylostylus furcatus Zhu & Yang, 2011[19] (needs new name)
- Condylostylus fuscipennis Van Duzee, 1934[35]
- Condylostylus fusitarsis Van Duzee, 1933[53]
- Condylostylus galinae Grichanov, 1996[54]
- Condylostylus gavryushini Grichanov, 2020[41]
- Condylostylus gemma (Bigot, 1890)[13]
- Condylostylus geniculatus Yang, 1998[47]
- Condylostylus genualis (Aldrich, 1901)[11]
- Condylostylus gorgonensis Parent, 1933[40]
- Condylostylus gracilis (Aldrich, 1904)[45]
- Condylostylus graenicheri (Van Duzee, 1927)[20]
- Condylostylus guttula (Wiedemann, 1830)[15]
- Condylostylus hamiformis Becker, 1922[5]
- Condylostylus helioi Miward de Azevedo, 1976[55]
- Condylostylus hirsutus Becker, 1922[5]
- Condylostylus hirtipes (Aldrich, 1901)[11]
- Condylostylus ignobilis Becker, 1922[5]
- Condylostylus ignoratus Becker, 1922[5]
- Condylostylus ignotus Becker, 1922[5]
- Condylostylus imitator Curran, 1924[56]
- Condylostylus impar Becker, 1922[43]
- Condylostylus impatiens Becker, 1922[5]
- Condylostylus imperator (Aldrich, 1904)[45]
- Condylostylus imperialis (Fabricius, 1805)[57]
- Condylostylus inermis (Loew, 1861)[33]
- Condylostylus inopinatus (Parent, 1933)[40]
- Condylostylus inornatus (Aldrich, 1901)[11]
- Condylostylus insignitus Parent, 1929[12]
- Condylostylus insularis (Aldrich, 1896)[18]
- Condylostylus interceptus (Aldrich, 1901)[11]
- Condylostylus itoi Kasagi, 2006[58]
- Condylostylus japonicus Kasagi, 1984[59]
- Condylostylus kaplini Grichanov, 2020[41]
- Condylostylus kivuensis Vanschuytbroeck, 1964[60]
- Condylostylus latiapicatus (Van Duzee, 1933)[61]
- Condylostylus latimanus Van Duzee, 1931[24]
- Condylostylus latipennis Parent, 1941[62]
- Condylostylus latitarsis (Becker, 1922)[43]
- Condylostylus lavatus Parent, 1930[23]
- Condylostylus leigongshanus Wei & Yang, 2007[1]
- Condylostylus leonardi (Van Duzee, 1915)[14]
- Condylostylus lepidopus Frey, 1928[63]
- Condylostylus lepidus (Walker, 1852)[49]
- Condylostylus libidinosus Parent, 1933[40]
- Condylostylus longicaudatus Zhu & Yang, 2011[19]
- Condylostylus longicornis (Fabricius, 1775)[64]
- Condylostylus longipennis (Van Duzee, 1929)[20]
- Condylostylus longitalus (Van Duzee, 1923)[65]
- Condylostylus lopesi Miward de Azevedo, 1976[55]
- Condylostylus loriferus (Parent, 1934)[32]
- Condylostylus lunator Curran, 1925[66]
- Condylostylus luteicinctus Parent, 1930[23]
- Condylostylus luteicoxa Parent, 1929[12]
- Condylostylus lutheri (Frey, 1917)[67]
- Condylostylus lutzi Freitas & Lopes, 1941[68]
- Condylostylus madagascarensis Grichanov, 2020[41]
- Condylostylus melampus (Loew, 1862)[69]
- Condylostylus mensor (Van Duzee, 1929)[20]
- Condylostylus mireciliatus Parent, 1928[34]
- Condylostylus miripennis Parent, 1931[21]
- Condylostylus miripes Parent, 1933[40]
- Condylostylus mirus Parent, 1931[21]
- Condylostylus moniliventris Parent, 1934[32]
- Condylostylus mundus (Wiedemann, 1830)[15]
- Condylostylus nebulosus (Matsumura, 1916)[70]
- Condylostylus nigripilosus Robinson, 1975[3]
- Condylostylus nigrofemoratus (Walker, 1849)[7]
- Condylostylus nobilissimus (Aldrich, 1901)[11]
- Condylostylus nubeculus Becker, 1922[5]
- Condylostylus nudifacies Van Duzee, 1930[26]
- Condylostylus nudipes Becker, 1922[5]
- Condylostylus occidentalis (Bigot, 1888)
- Condylostylus ocellatus Parent, 1930[23]
- Condylostylus oedipus Becker, 1922[5]
- Condylostylus ogilvii (Malloch, 1932)[71]
- Condylostylus ornaticauda Van Duzee, 1931[24]
- Condylostylus ornatipennis (De Meijere, 1910)
- Condylostylus ornatipes Van Duzee, 1931[24]
- Condylostylus ornatus Parent, 1931[21]
- Condylostylus paraterminalis Dyte, 1975[72]
- Condylostylus paricoxa Parent, 1939[73]
- Condylostylus patellitarsis Becker, 1922[5]
- Condylostylus pateraeformis Becker, 1923[74]
- Condylostylus patibulatus (Say, 1823)[75]
- Condylostylus pectinator Parent, 1930[23]
- Condylostylus pectinatus Becker, 1922[5]
- Condylostylus pedestris Becker, 1922[5]
- Condylostylus penicilliger (Enderlein, 1912)[27]
- Condylostylus pennatus Parent, 1929[12]
- Condylostylus pennifer (Aldrich, 1901)[11]
- Condylostylus perforatus Parent, 1934[50]
- Condylostylus perplexus (Parent, 1933)[40]
- Condylostylus perspicuus Becker, 1922[5]
- Condylostylus pilipes (Macquart, 1842)
- Condylostylus pilosus (Loew, 1861)[33]
- Condylostylus plagiochaetus (Meuffels & Grootaert, 2007)
- Condylostylus plumitarsis Parent, 1933[40]
- Condylostylus plutus Parent, 1929[12]
- Condylostylus posticatus (Wiedemann, 1830)[15]
- Condylostylus praestans (Aldrich, 1901)[11]
- Condylostylus pressitarsus Parent, 1931[21]
- Condylostylus pretiosus (Walker, 1849)[7]
- Condylostylus productipes Parent, 1934[32]
- Condylostylus profundus Becker, 1922[43]
- Condylostylus pruinifrons Parent, 1929[12]
- Condylostylus pruinosus (Coquillett, 1904)[76]
- Condylostylus pseudoparicoxa Grichanov, 1999[77]
- Condylostylus pulchripes Becker, 1922[5]
- Condylostylus pulchritarsis Van Duzee, 1931[44]
- Condylostylus punctumalbum Parent, 1929[12]
- Condylostylus purpuratus (Aldrich, 1901)[11]
- Condylostylus purpureus (Aldrich, 1901)[11]
- Condylostylus quadricolor (Walker, 1849)[7]
- Condylostylus quadriseriatus Robinson, 1975[3]
- Condylostylus rex Parent, 1929[12]
- Condylostylus rubrocauda Van Duzee, 1931[24]
- Condylostylus salti (Van Duzee, 1929)[20]
- Condylostylus scaber (Loew, 1861)[33]
- Condylostylus schmidti (Parent, 1954)[78]
- Condylostylus schnusei Becker, 1922[5]
- Condylostylus selectus Parent, 1931[79]
- Condylostylus selitskayae Grichanov, 1998[16]
- Condylostylus semiciliatus (Van Duzee, 1929)[20]
- Condylostylus seminiger Becker, 1922[5]
- Condylostylus serenus Becker, 1922[5]
- Condylostylus setifer Parent, 1929[12]
- Condylostylus setitarsis Van Duzee, 1931[24]
- Condylostylus simplex Becker, 1922[5]
- Condylostylus sinclairi Grichanov, 2000[80]
- Condylostylus singularis Becker, 1922[5]
- Condylostylus sinuatus (Macquart, 1842)
- Condylostylus sipho (Say, 1823)[75]
- Condylostylus skufjini Grichanov, 1998[16]
- Condylostylus squamifer Becker, 1922[5]
- Condylostylus stigma (Fabricius, 1805)[57]
- Condylostylus striatipennis Becker, 1922[43]
- Condylostylus subcordatus Becker, 1922[5]
- Condylostylus subgeniculatus Yang & Saigusa, 2005[52]
- Condylostylus sumptuosus Parent, 1929[12]
- Condylostylus superbus (Wiedemann, 1830)[15]
- Condylostylus superfluus (Schiner, 1868)
- Condylostylus surinamensis Parent, 1928[34]
- Condylostylus tarsatus Van Duzee, 1932[39]
- Condylostylus tenebrosus (Walker, 1857)
- Condylostylus tenuipes Becker, 1922[5]
- Condylostylus tenuis (Van Duzee, 1933)[81]
- Condylostylus terciliatus Parent, 1928[34]
- Condylostylus terminalis Becker, 1922[5]
- Condylostylus tibialis (Wiedemann, 1830)[15]
- Condylostylus tonsus (Aldrich, 1901)[11]
- Condylostylus trimaculatus Van Duzee, 1931[24]
- Condylostylus triseriatus (Aldrich, 1901)[11]
- Condylostylus tumantumari Curran, 1925[66]
- Condylostylus ulrichi Grichanov, 2000[80]
- Condylostylus umbrinervis Parent, 1933[40]
- Condylostylus unguipes Becker, 1922[5]
- Condylostylus uniseriatus Becker, 1922[5]
- Condylostylus varitibia Van Duzee, 1932[39]
- Condylostylus victorisetae Hollis, 1964[82]
- Condylostylus vietnamensis Li, Li & Yang, 2012[83]
- Condylostylus vigilans Becker, 1922[5]
- Condylostylus villosus Parent, 1928[34]
- Condylostylus violaceus (Macquart, 1842)
- Condylostylus viridicoxa (Aldrich, 1904)[45]
- Condylostylus viridis Parent, 1929[12]
- Condylostylus xixianus Yang & Saigusa, 2000[84]
- Condylostylus xizangensis Zhu & Yang, 2007[85]
- Condylostylus yaromi Grichanov, 1999[77]
- Condylostylus yunnanensis Zhu & Yang, 2007[85]
Unrecognised species:
- Condylostylus femoratus (Say, 1823)[75]
- Condylostylus imperfectus Becker, 1922[43]
- Condylostylus inficitus (Walker, 1849)[7]
- Condylostylus nitidus (Walker, 1852)[49]
- Condylostylus pleuralis (Thomson, 1869)
- Condylostylus stigma (Wiedemann, 1830)[15]
Species considered nomina dubia:[86]
- Condylostylus amoris (Walker, 1849)[7]
- Condylostylus anceps (Wiedemann, 1830)[15]
- Condylostylus clathratus (Macquart, 1842)
- Condylostylus detegendus Parent, 1935[29]
- Condylostylus dux (Wiedemann, 1830)[15]
- Condylostylus equestris (Fabricius, 1775)
- Condylostylus flavizonatus Parent, 1954[78]
- Condylostylus guyanensis (Macquart, 1842)
- Condylostylus haereticus (Walker, 1860)
- Condylostylus hirtulus (Bigot, 1888)
- Condylostylus incisuralis (Macquart, 1845)
- Condylostylus leprieuri (Macquart, 1842)
- Condylostylus pampoecilus (Bigot, 1888)
- Condylostylus permodicus (Walker, 1860)
- Condylostylus polychromus (Bigot, 1890)
- Condylostylus portoricensis (Macquart, 1834)
- Condylostylus pulcher (Wiedemann, 1830)[15]
- Condylostylus smaragdulus (Wiedemann, 1830)[15]
- Condylostylus solidus (Walker, 1860)
- Condylostylus suavium (Walker, 1849)[7]
Species considered nomina nuda:
- Condylostylus inconstans Becker, 1918
- Condylostylus simplicitarsis Becker, 1922
The following species are synonyms of other species:[86]
- Condylostylus acuminatus Van Duzee, 1930: Synonym of C. erectus Becker, 1922[26]
- Condylostylus albicoxa (Walker, 1849):[7] Synonym of C. caudatus (Wiedemann, 1830)[15]
- Condylostylus astequinus (Bigot, 1888): Synonym of C. quadricolor (Walker, 1849)[7]
- Condylostylus barbipes Van Duzee, 1934:[35] Synonym of C. imperialis (Fabricius, 1805)
- Condylostylus barbitarsus Parent, 1928:[34] Synonym of C. brevimanus (Enderlein, 1912)[27]
- Condylostylus chalybeus (Van Duzee, 1914): Synonym of C. comatus (Loew, 1861)[33]
- Condylostylus ciliatus Parent, 1929 (preoccupied by C. ciliatus (Loew, 1861)):[33] Renamed to C. blepharotarsis Meuffels & Grootaert, 1999[25]
- Condylostylus clunalis (Coquillett, 1902): Synonym of C. atrolamellatus (Aldrich, 1901)[11] [28]
- Condylostylus congensis Curran, 1927:[87] synonym of C. beckeri Speiser, 1920[41]
- Condylostylus currani Parent, 1929: Synonym of C. melampus (Loew, 1862)[69]
- Condylostylus debilis Becker, 1922: Synonym of C. crinitus (Aldrich, 1904)[45]
- Condylostylus decoripes Becker, 1922: Synonym of C. forcipatus (Aldrich, 1901)[11]
- Condylostylus digitatus (Van Duzee, 1914): Synonym of C. quadricolor (Walker, 1849)[7]
- Condylostylus flavimanus (Macquart, 1842): Synonym of C. longicornis (Fabricius, 1775)
- Condylostylus furcillatus Parent, 1928:[34] Synonym of C. atrolamellatus (Aldrich, 1901)
- Condylostylus imitans Curran, 1926 (preoccupied by C. imitans Curran, 1925): Renamed to C. erroneus Grichanov, 2004[48]
- Condylostylus insolitus Van Duzee, 1930: Synonym of C. subcordatus Becker, 1922[26]
- Condylostylus jucundus (Loew, 1861):[33] Synonym of C. quadricolor (Walker, 1849)[7]
- Condylostylus longiseta (Coquillett, 1902): Synonym of C. depressus (Aldrich, 1901)[28]
- Condylostylus metallifer (Walker, 1849):[7] Synonym of C. longicornis (Fabricius, 1775)
- Condylostylus nigripes (Macquart, 1842): Synonym of C. longicornis (Fabricius, 1775)
- Condylostylus nigritibia Van Duzee, 1932: Synonym of C. quadricolor (Walker, 1849)[7]
- Condylostylus nitidicauda (Van Duzee, 1929): Synonym of C. atrolamellatus (Aldrich, 1901)
- Condylostylus panamensis (Van Duzee, 1929): Synonym of C. purpureus (Aldrich, 1901)
- Condylostylus peractus (Walker, 1860): Synonym of C. mundus (Wiedemann, 1830)[15]
- Condylostylus perpilosus Robinson, 1975: Synonym of C. albiciliatus (Van Duzee, 1927)
- Condylostylus pilicornis (Aldrich, 1904):[45] Synonym of C. occidentalis (Bigot, 1888)
- Condylostylus quintusflavus Gunther, 1980: Synonym of C. caudatus (Wiedemann, 1830)[15]
- Condylostylus radians (Macquart, 1834): Synonym of C. longicornis (Fabricius, 1775)
- Condylostylus retrociliatus Parent, 1931: Synonym of C. atrolamellatus (Aldrich, 1901)
- Condylostylus saccicauda Parent, 1934: Synonym of C. perspicuus Becker, 1922
- Condylostylus semicomatus (Van Duzee, 1929): Synonym of C. villosus Parent, 1928[34]
- Condylostylus sexsetosus Van Duzee, 1931:[88] Synonym of C. forcipatus (Aldrich, 1901)
- Condylostylus simulans (Van Duzee, 1929): Synonym of C. atrolamellatus (Aldrich, 1901)
- Condylostylus tenuimanus Van Duzee, 1931:[88] Synonym of C. graenicheri (Van Duzee, 1927)
- Condylostylus trichosoma (Bigot, 1890): Synonym of C. longicornis (Fabricius, 1775)
- Condylostylus vagans Becker, 1922: Synonym of C. forcipatus (Aldrich, 1901)
- Condylostylus villosipes Parent, 1933:[40] Synonym of C. imperialis (Fabricius, 1805)
Notes and References
- Tang. C.. Zhu. Y.. Yang. D.. 2019. Sciapodinae from the Himalayan region with description of nine new species from Tibet (Diptera: Dolichopodidae). Zootaxa. 4577. 1. zootaxa.4577.1.1. 10.11646/zootaxa.4577.1.1. 31715733. 132752922.
- Book: Evenhius, N. L.. Family Dolichopodidae. Evenhius. N. L.. Catalog of the Diptera of the Australasian and Oceanian Regions (online version). 17 April 2016. 10 April 2018.
- Robinson . Harold . Bredin-Archbold-Smithsonian biological survey of Dominica: the family Dolichopodidae with some related Antillean and Panamanian species (Diptera) . Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology . 1975 . 185 . i–iv, 1–141 . 19 April 2020.
- Parent . Octave . Quelques diptères dolichopodidés exotiques du Musée de Bruxelles . Bulletin du Musée Royal d'Histoire Naturelle de Belgique . 1933 . 9 . 1–9 . 19 April 2020.
- Becker . Theodor . Dipterologischen Studien. Dolichopodidae. B. Nearktische und Neotropische Regions . Abhandlungen der Zoologisch-Botanischen Gesellschaft in Wien . 1922 . 13 . 1–394 . 19 April 2020.
- Van Duzee . Millard C. . New Dolichopodidae from the West Indies . American Museum Novitates . 1927 . 262 . 1–10 . 19 April 2020.
- Book: Walker . Francis . List of the specimens of dipterous insects in the collection of the British museum . 1849 . 3 . 485–687 . 25 April 2020 . British Museum (Natural History). Department of Zoology . London.
- Book: Wei . L.M. . Dolichopodidae. 468-502. Li. Z. Z.. Jin. D. C.. Insects from Fanjingshan Landscape . 2006 . Guizhou Science & Technology Publishing House . Guiyang . 7806624511.
- Parent. Octave. Étude sur les types de Bigot. Annales de la Société Scientifique de Bruxelles, Série B . 1932. 52. 215–231 .
- Van Duzee . MC . New species of Dolichopodidae from the West Indies . Psyche: A Journal of Entomology . 1929 . 36 . 1 . 37–39 . 10.1155/1929/37021 . 19 April 2020. free .
- Book: Aldrich . John Merton . Supplement. Dolichopodidae. in F. D. Godman and O. Salvin, editors, Biologia Centrali-Americana, Zoologia-Insecta-Diptera . 1. 1901. London . 333–366 . Published for the editors by R. H. Porter] . 19 April 2020.
- Parent. Octave. Étude sur les Dolichopodidés exotiques de la collection von Roder. Annales de la Société scientifique de Bruxelles (B). 1929. 49. 169–246.
- Bigot . Jacques Marie Frangile . Diptères nouveaux ou peu connus. 36e partie, XLV: Dolichopodi. Essai d'une classification générale . Annales de la Société Entomologique de France . 1890 . 10 . 6 . 261–296 . 26 June 2018.
- Van Duzee . Millard C. . Descriptions of three new species of the dipterous genus Sciapus with a key to the North American species . Entomological News, and Proceedings of the Entomological Section of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia . 1915 . 26 . 17–26 . 20 April 2020.
- Book: Wiedemann . Christian Rudolph Wilhelm . Aussereuropäische Zweiflügelige Insekten . 1830 . 2 . 21 April 2020.
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