Common year starting on Tuesday explained

A common year starting on Tuesday is any non-leap year (i.e. a year with 365 days) that begins on Tuesday, 1 January, and ends on Tuesday, 31 December. Its dominical letter hence is F. The most recent year of such kind was 2019 and the next one will be 2030, or, likewise, 2014 and 2025 in the obsolete Julian calendar, see below for more.

Any common year that starts on Tuesday has two Friday the 13ths: those two in this common year occur in September and December. From July of the year preceding this year until September in this type of year is the longest period (14 months) that occurs without a Friday the 13th. Leap years starting on Saturday share this characteristic, from August of the common year that precedes it to October in that type of year.

Applicable years

Gregorian Calendar

In the (currently used) Gregorian calendar, along with Thursday, the fourteen types of year (seven common, seven leap) repeat in a 400-year cycle (20871 weeks). Forty-four common years per cycle or exactly 11% start on a Tuesday. The 28-year sub-cycle only spans across century years divisible by 400, e.g. 1600, 2000, and 2400.

1st !2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th
17th century1697
18th century1799
19th century1895
20th century1991
21st century2097
22nd century2199
400-year cycle
0–992 13 19 30 41 47 58 69 75 86 97
100–199109 115 126 137 143 154 165 171 182 193 199
200–299205 211 222 233 239 250 261 267 278 289 295
300–399301 307 318 329 335 346 357 363 374 385 391

Julian Calendar

In the now-obsolete Julian calendar, the fourteen types of year (seven common, seven leap) repeat in a 28-year cycle (1461 weeks). A leap year has two adjoining dominical letters (one for January and February and the other for March to December in the Church of England as 29 February has no letter). Each of the seven two-letter sequences occurs once within a cycle, and every common letter thrice.

As the Julian calendar repeats after 28 years that means it will also repeat after 700 years, i.e. 25 cycles. The year's position in the cycle is given by the formula ((year + 8) mod 28) + 1). Years 7, 18 and 24 of the cycle are common years beginning on Tuesday. 2017 is year 10 of the cycle. Approximately 10.71% of all years are common years beginning on Tuesday.

1st !2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th
15th century1499
16th century1577 <-- Wikipedia year articles refer to Gregorian years from 1582 --> 1583 1594
17th century1605 1611 1622 1633 1639 1650 1661 1667 1678 1689 1695
18th century1706 1717 1723 1734 1745 1751 1762 1773 1779 1790
19th century1801 1807 1818 1829 1835 1846 1857 1863 1874 1885 1891
20th century1902 1913 1919 1930 1941 1947 1958 1969 1975 1986 1997
21st century2003 2014 2025 2031 2042 2053 2059 2070 2081 2087 2098



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