Children's ombudsman explained

A children's ombudsman, children's commissioner, youth commissioner, child advocate, children's commission, youth ombudsman or equivalent body is a public authority in various countries charged with the protection and promotion of the rights of children and young people, either in society at large, or in specific categories such as children in contact with the care system. The agencies usually have a substantial degree of independence from the executive, the term is often used differently from the original meaning of ombudsman, it is often an umbrella term, often used as a translation convention (the term is often not used even in countries that do have ombudsmen in other positions) or national human rights institutions, dealing with individual complaints, intervening with other public authorities, conducting research, and  - where their mandate permits them to engage in advocacy  - generally promoting children's rights in public policy, law and practice. The first children's commissioner was established in Norway in 1981. The creation of such institutions has been promoted by the United Nations Committee on the Rights of the Child, and, from 1990 onwards, by the Council of Europe.[1] [2]

Largely a European phenomenon, although some exist in other regions, many of the institutions belong to the European Network of Ombudspersons for Children (ENOC).[3] There are also sub-regional networks, including the Children's Rights Ombudspersons' Network in South and Eastern Europe (CRONSEE), created in 2006, and the British and Irish Network of Ombudsmen and Children’s Commissioners (BINOCC), which first met in 2005.[4] [5]

Children's Ombudsman services by country


Australia appointed its first National Children's Commissioner, Megan Mitchell, in February 2013. Mitchell served two terms in the role until 2020 and was replaced by Anne Hollonds. The Commissioner's role is to promote public discussion and awareness of issues affecting children; conduct research and education programs; consult directly with children and representative organisations; and examine Commonwealth legislation, policies and programs that relate to children's human rights.[6] The Australian Human Rights Commission proposed the creation of the office in 2010,[7] and the Commissioner is based within the AHRC.[6]

The Commonwealth Ombudsman and State ombudsmen retain some jurisdiction over matters affecting children.

Children's commissioner offices, varying in remit, have been created at the state and territorial levels. Most have a limited remit, focussing on disadvantaged children such as those in government care, or children with no one to act on their behalf.[7]


The Federal Children’s Ombudsman (de|Kinder- und Jugendanwaltschaft des Bundes) was established by the Federal Youth Welfare Act 1989, since when each of the nine Bundesländer (states) have set up an Ombudsman for Children and Youth. The federal office is funded through the Federal Ministry for Social Security, Generations and Consumer Protection.[16] [17]


Although no office has yet been established, the social scientist Kamal Uddin Siddiqui, a former member of the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child, has since March 2004 promoted the establishment of an Independent Children's Commissioner for Bangladesh. He led a Government delegation to France, Norway and Sweden in February 2004 to study the Children's Ombudsman institutions in those countries.


Belgium has two agencies, both members of the ENOC network.

The Child Rights Commission (nl|Kinderrechtencommissariaat) was established by the Flemish Parliament in June 1998. The Commission's services include mediation, information, complaints about possible violations of child rights and policy advice. It conducts public information and education campaigns, conducts and monitors research, and offers views on legislative initiatives that may affect minors. The Commission reports annually to the Flemish Parliament. The current Commissioner,, was appointed in 2009.[18]

Bernard De Vos is the Commissioner for Child Rights of the French Community (fr|Délégué général de la Communauté française aux droits de l’enfant), which has a more or less identical range of functions but was created by, and reports to, the Parliament of the French Community.[19]

Bosnia and Herzegovina

The Human Rights Ombudsman of Bosnia and Herzegovina has as one of its seven departments a Child Rights Section (Bosnian: Odjel za praćenje prava djece),[20] and is a full member of ENOC.

The Republika Srpska has an Ombudsman for Children (Serbian: Ombudsmana za djecu), also an ENOC member. The office, established in 2008, promotes legislative compliance with the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child; investigates alleged violations of the rights and interests of children; advocates the rights and interests of children, and conducts public information and education work.[21]


The Canadian provinces and territories have a variety of agencies that serve as more or less independent advocates of the rights of children, particularly those that have been clients of social services. They differ in mandate but share a commitment to child rights, and co-ordinate their activities through the Canadian Council of Child and Youth Advocates (CCCYA).


The People's Defender (es|Defensoría del Pueblo) or Ombudsman's Office of Colombia has a children's rights unit.[1]

Costa Rica

Costa Rica was the second country (after Norway) to establish a children's ombudsman, setting up the Defender of Childhood (es|Defensoría de la Infancia) in 1987. In 1993, this body was absorbed into the main Defender of the Inhabitants (ombudsman) agency, which created a specialist child rights section.[1]


The Ombudsperson for Children (Croatian: Pravobranitelj za djecu) aims to ensure protection of the rights of children; to influence the legislative and executive authorities to take child rights into consideration; to promote the acknowledgment of children’s opinions and attitudes, and to inform adults and children about child rights. The Ombudsperson, currently Mila Jelavić, has about 10 staff and submits annual reports to the Croatian Parliament. The office is a member of ENOC and CRONSEE.[32]


The Commissioner for Children’s Rights (el|Επίτροπος Προστασίας των Δικαιωμάτων του Παιδιού) was established by the Commissioner for the Protection of Children’s Rights Law, 2007. Leda Koursoumba was appointed first Commissioner with effect from February 2008. The agency is full member of ENOC.[33] In 2011 the Commissioner presented her first parallel report to the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child.[34]


In February 2011 the Danish government turned down a renewed request from a United Nations committee to create the position of Ombudsman for Children (da|Børneombudsmand);[35] the UN body had in 2001 suggested as an alternative the creation of a child rights focal point within the national ombudsman office[1]

There is a National Council for Children (da|Børnerådet), a statutory national institution which is politically independent although administratively linked with the Ministry of Family and Consumer Affairs. The Council works to safeguard the rights of children; it provides information on conditions for children in society and offers advice and consultancy to authorities on issues concerning children.[36]

El Salvador

The Human Rights Procurator, or ombudsman (es|Procurador para la Defensa de los Derechos Humanos) has an adjunct ombudsman for children's rights.[1]


In December 2010, the Parliamentary Finance Committee appropriated 383,000 euros to the Chancellor of Justice, the approximate equivalent of a national ombudsman, to establish a children's ombudsman office.[37]


Finland recently established the Office of the Ombudsman for Children (fi|Lapsiasiavaltuutettu).[38] Previously, within the Parliamentary Ombudsman's Office, there was a specialist ombudsman for children's welfare.[1]


In May 2011, the French Government merged the office of the Children's Ombudsman (fr|Défenseur des enfants) with the main ombudsman agency and other bodies, creating a new body named the Defender of Rights (Défenseur des droits). In July 2011 Dominique Baudis was appointed to the office by the Council of State on the nomination of the Prime Minister, for a single six-year term.[39]


The Public Defender (ombudsman) of Georgia has established a Child Rights Centre.[1]


Although Greece does not have a stand-alone office, the Citizen's Advocate (Ombudsman) of Greece (el|Συνήγορος του Πολίτη), created in 1998 as an independent authority, has in addition to the Ombudsman, six Deputy Ombudsman posts, one of whom coordinates the activities of the Department of Children's Rights, and is sometimes referred to as the Ombudsman for Children’s Rights. The Department was established in 2003, by law 3094/2003, to investigate alleged acts and omissions by individuals and legal entities that violate the rights of children or endanger their wellbeing.[40] Currently, the Greek Deputy Ombudswoman for Children’s Rights is Theoni Koufonikolakou.[41]


Within the office of the Human Rights Procurator (ombudsman), a member of staff is designated to serve as Childhood Rights Defender (es|Defensor de los Derechos de la Niñez).[1]


The National Human Rights Commissioner (es|Comisionado Nacional de Derechos Humanos) has a specific mandate (and an internal section) for the protection of the rights of children and families, and there are also some municipal child rights defenders.[1]


The Deputy Commissioner in the office of the Parliamentary Human Rights Commissioner handles cases concerning children.[1]


Since January 1995, Iceland has a Children's ombudsman (Icelandic: Umboðsmaður barna), appointed by the government. In July 2017 Salvör Nordal was appointed the fourth Icelandic Children's ombudsman.


Emily Logan became Ireland’s first Ombudsman for Children in March 2004, following the passage of the Ombudsman for Children Act 2002. The main areas of work of the Office of the Children's Ombudsman (OCO) are complaints handling; communication and participation; and research and policy.[42] The OCO is a member of the British and Irish Network of Ombudsmen and Children’s Commissioners (BINOCC).[4]


Law number 112 of 12 July 2011 set up an Ombudsman for childhood and adolescence as an independent institute.


Kazakhstan created the office of Ombudsman for Children’s Rights on 8 April 2016. Presidential decree was issued on 25 March 2016, appointing Deputy of the Majilis of the Kazakh Parliament Zagipa Baliyeva as Children's Rights Ombudsman of the Republic of Kazakhstan.[43]

Korea, Republic of

The national Youth Ombudsman of Korea (ko|대한민국 청소년옴부즈만) was existed under the Prime Minister's Office from 2004 to 2006. This had its brand name Ombudsteen.


The Children’s Rights Ombudsman Institution of the Republic of Lithuania (lt|Lietuvos Respublikos Vaiko Teisių Apsaugos Kontrolieriaus Įstaiga) was established in September 2000.[44] It seeks to improve legal protection of children, to defend the rights and interests of children, and to exercise supervision and control of the actions of public authorities in relation to children. The Ombudsman can conduct investigations, require the production of information and evidence, propose legislation and policy, and report to the President, the Seimas (Parliament), the Government or a municipal council on violations of legal acts or shortcomings in the law.



As in Greece, the function of Ombudsman for Children (nl|de Kinderombudsman) is embedded in the National Ombudsman office. Under legislation enacted in June 2010, and effective from April 2011, a Deputy Ombudsman, Marc Dullaert, was designated the first Ombudsman for Children. Both the National Ombudsman and the Ombudsman for Children report directly and independently to the Dutch Parliament. The role of the Ombudsman for Children is to promote the rights of the child in the public and private spheres by providing advice and information; advising the government and Parliament on legislation and policy that affects the rights of the child; investigating complaints or conducting investigations on his own initiative, and monitoring how complaints by children or their representatives are dealt with by the relevant bodies.[45]

New Zealand

See main article: Office of the Children's Commissioner. The Office of the Children's Commissioner (mi|Manaakitia A Tatou Tamariki) was founded under the Oranga Tamariki Act 1989, and the Children's Commissioner Act 2003 reformed the institution while bringing into domestic law the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child. The Commissioner promotes awareness and understanding of the views and interests of children, conducts research and inquiries, and can investigate individual cases.[46] [47] A Young People’s Reference Group (YPRG), comprising young people between 12 and 18, assists the Commissioner and other government agencies in strategic planning and consultation with children and youth.[7] The Children's Commissioner is usually a senior paediatrician or academic. The current Commissioner is Judge Frances Eivers who succeeded Andrew Becroft in 2021.[48]

In August 2022, the Sixth Labour Government passed two new laws replacing the Children's Commissioner with the Children and Young People's Commission and splitting oversight of the Oranga Tamariki system between the Independent Children's Monitor and Ombudsman's Office.[49] [50] [51]


The Human Rights Procurator, or ombudsman (es|Procurador para la Defensa de los Derechos Humanos) has an office for children's rights.[1]


In 1981 Norway was the first country in the world to establish an Ombudsman for Children (no|Barneombudet). The office has statutory powers to investigate individual complaints; it also monitors legislation and policy, and engages in human rights education. It seeks incorporation of the Convention on the Rights of the Child into all areas of society, and is particularly attentive to vulnerable children.[7] The current ombudsman is Inga Bejer Engh, who also is known as the prosecutor of Anders Behring Breivik.[52] The former ombudsman was Anne Lindboe, a pediatrician[53] (appointed in 2012).[54] Dr. Lindboe came to international attention when she called for circumcision to be banned until the age of 15,[55] and for Jews and Muslims to replace it with a symbolic ceremony.[56] Dr. Lindboe succeeded Reidar Hjermann (2004-2012), Trond Waage (1996-2004), Trond-Viggo Torgersen (1989-1995)) and Målfrid Grude Flekkøy (1981-1989)[57] [58]


In addition to Defenders of the Child and Adolescent (es|defensorías del niño y del adolescente) established at local level and supported by municipalities and NGOs, the national Public Defender (ombudsman) (Defensor del Pueblo) deals with exceptional cases.[1]


The Children's Ombudsman (pl|Rzecznik Praw Dziecka) was established by the Law on the Ombudsman for Children passed on 6 January 2000, implementing article 72(4) of the Constitution of the Republic of Poland. The position is appointed by the parliament, and is currently held by Monika Horna-Cieślak.[59]


The Portuguese Ombudsman (pt|Provedor de Justiça, Justice Provider) offers a toll-free telephone line for children.[60]

There are also the president of the National Commission for the Protection of Children and Young People at Risk[61]


The office of Children's Rights Commissioner for the president of the Russian Federation, also known as Presidential Commissioner for Children's Rights,[62] was first held by Alexei Golovan. By presidential decree on 30 December 2009, President Medvedev appointed Pavel Astakhov to the post.[63] He was followed by Anna Kuznetsova in 2016, whose controversial views led the founding editor of the business newspaper Vedomosti[64] to interpret her appointment as a sign that President Vladimir Putin was becoming more ideological.[65] On 27 October 2021, Maria Lvova-Belova was appointed to the position.[66] In 2023, following the Russian invasion of Ukraine and various investigations surrounding alleged child abductions during the war, Lvova-Belova and Putin were issued arrest warrants by the ICC.[67]

The first children's ombudsmen began to appear in the regions in 1998 within the framework of cooperation between Russia and UNICEF. By 2010, children's ombudsmen were operating in 50 regions of the Russian Federation.[68]


The Protector of Citizens of the Republic of Serbia (Ombudsman), an independent state authority with a broad mandate to protect human rights and freedoms, was created by law in 2005 and given constitutional status in 2006.[69] The office is a full member of ENOC.


In 2016 the Slovak Ombudsman for children appointed a first Deputy with responsibility for, inter alia, child rights.[1]


In 2003 the Slovenian Ombudsman appointed a fourth Deputy with responsibility for, inter alia, child rights.[1]


The national ombudsman (Defensor del Pueblo) and the corresponding bodies in the autonomous communities have competence over matters affecting children and young people, and the national agency can bring cases to the courts. In Andalusia the regional ombudsman agency (the Defensor del Pueblo Andaluz) has a deputy ombudsman (the Minors' Defender, Defensor del Menor) for children and young people,[1] [70] as does the equivalent in Catalonia (the Síndic de Greuges).[71]


See main article: Ombudsman for Children in Sweden. In 1990 the Riksdag ratified the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC). Sweden was thereby committed under international law to implement the Convention, and around the same time the Government examined the issue of appointing an Ombudsman for Children. In 1993, the Riksdag finally approved the appointment of an Ombudsman, and The Ombudsman for Children's Act 1933.335[72] came into effect on July 1.[73] According to this act, the Ombudsman for Children in Sweden (sv|Barnombudsmannen) tasked with public advocacy and the dissemination of information about the rights and needs of children and young people, and should represent children regarding their rights and interests on the basis of the CRC.[74] [75]


The position of Commissioner of the President of Ukraine for Children's Rights, or children's ombudsman, was allocated in August 2011 to Yuriy Pavlenko, who had served as Minister for Family, Youth and Sport in the Yekhanurov, Alliance of National Unity and Tymoshenko cabinets. Ukraine was the first country to install a child as children's ombudsman when Ivan Cherevko and Julia Kruk were jointly appointed as the first ombudsmen in late 2005. On December 18, 2014 Mykola Kuleba was appointed to the position of the Commissioner of the President of Ukraine for Children's Rights by the decree of the President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko.[76]

In the same time Ukrainian Parliament Commissioner for Human Rights Ms. Valeriya Lutkovska has a unit in her Office dedicated to protecting the rights of the child managing some projects in this area (i.e. monitoring of human rights in places of detention incl. children institutions). She is an associate member of the European Network of Ombudspersons for Children.

United Kingdom

Separate agencies exist in the four UK jurisdictions.

All four UK agencies are members of the British and Irish Network of Ombudsmen and Children’s Commissioners (BINOCC).[4]

The 3 Crown Dependencies have equivalent offices.

United States

There is no federal children's ombudsman agency, but some exist at state, city or county level. (In states where no children's ombudsman exists, similar work may be undertaken by a generic ombudsman office, by a social services advocacy service, or by a children's services oversight body.)

External links

Notes and References

  1. Book: Reif, Linda C. . The Ombudsman, Good Governance, and the International Human Rights System . The Ombudsman for Children: Human Rights Protection and Promotion . 2004 . Martinus Nijhoff Publishers . 90-04-13903-6 . 246.
  2. Book: Tasca, Elisa Pozza . Human Rights Commissions and Ombudsman Offices: National Experiences throughout the World . Human Rights and the Child: From the New York Convention to the Institution of the Ombudsman . Kamal Hossain . Leonard F.M. Besselink . Haile Selassie Gebre Selassie . Edmond Völker . 2001 . Martinus Nijhoff Publishers . 90-411-1586-2 . 150 . . 2008-06-26 .
  3. Web site: European Network of Ombudspersons for Children. ENOC. Mar 18, 2023.
  4. Web site: BINOCC - British and Irish Network of Ombudsmen and Children's Commissioners. British and Irish Network of Children's. Commissioners. 2018-11-16. 2011-09-10. dead.
  5. Web site: The National Archives - The Catalogue - Full Details - RH 17 . dead . . 2012-04-29 .
  6. Web site: Australian Prime Minister's Office press release. dead. Feb 28, 2013. Mar 18, 2023.
  7. Web site: AHRC paper proposing national Commissioner. dead. Nov 24, 2011. Mar 18, 2023.
  8. Web site: Children & Young People Commissioner. Mar 18, 2023.
  9. NSW Commission website
  10. Web site: Welcome To The Children's Commissioner Northern Territory. 2011-11-25. 2011-07-24. dead.
  11. Web site: Queensland Commission website . dead . . 2011-08-21 .
  12. Web site: OOGCYP (SA) – Office of the Guardian for Children and Young People. Mar 18, 2023.
  13. Web site: Commissioner for Children and Young People . 2023-07-13 . CCYP . en-US.
  14. Web site: Recognising, respecting and defending the rights of children and young people . 2023-07-13 . CCYP . en-AU.
  15. Web site: Commissioner for Children and Young People WA. Commissioner for Children and Young People, Western Australia. Mar 18, 2023.
  16. Web site: Austria on ENOC website. dead. Apr 26, 2012. Mar 18, 2023.
  17. Web site: Homepage.
  19. Web site: Délégué général aux droits de l'enfant. 19 May 2017.
  20. Web site: Izbor jezika - Institucija ombudsmena/ombudsmana za ljudska prava Bosne i Hercegovine. Dzenan. Buzadzic.
  21. Web site: Ombudsman za djecu Republike Srpske. Ombudsman za djecu. RS.
  22. Web site: Office of the Child and Youth Advocate. Mar 18, 2023.
  23. BC Representative for Children and Youth website
  24. Web site: Dice Domain – Adventures Start Here. Mar 18, 2023.
  25. Child, Youth and Senior Advocate Act. Act. 2007-06-26 . Legislative Assembly of New Brunswick. 2024-07-24 . 2024-07-24 .
  26. Child, Youth and Senior Advocate Act. Act. 2001-12-13 . Newfoundland and Labrador House of Assembly. 2024-07-24 . 2024-07-24 .
  27. Child, Youth and Family Services Act. Act. 2017-06-01. Legislative Assembly of Ontario. 2024-07-24 . 2024-07-24 .
  28. Child and Youth Advocate Act . Act. 2019-11-28 . Legislative Assembly of Prince Edward Island . 2024-07-24 . 2024-07-24 .
  29. News: Plante . Caroline . 2023-10-26 . Quebec to create Children’s Rights Commissioner, tables Bill 37 . CityNews . Montreal . 2024-07-24.
  30. Representative for Children and Youth Act. Act. 2019-11-28 . Legislative Assembly of Nunavut . 2024-07-24 . 2024-07-24 .
  31. Child and Youth Advocate Act. Act. 2009-05-14. Yukon Legislative Assembly. 2024-07-24 . 2024-07-24 .
  32. Web site: Republika Hrvatska - Pravobranitelj za djecu. 19 May 2017.
  33. Web site: Καλωσήλθατε στο Διαδικτυακό Τόπο της Επιτρόπου Πορστασίας των Δικαώμάτων του Παιδιού - Κύπρος - Επίτροπος Προστασίας των Δικαιωμάτων του Παιδιού. EL. Mar 18, 2023.
  34. Web site: Cyprus UN CRC parallel report. 19 May 2017. 2012-05-03. dead.
  35. Web site: Concluding Observations of the Committee on the Rights of the Child: Denmark, 4 February 2011. 19 May 2017.
  36. Web site: Danish National Council for Children website. dead. Feb 3, 2012. Mar 18, 2023.
  37. Web site: Plan to Empower Ombudsman Official to Look Out for Youngest Citizens. 10 January 2011 .
  38. Web site: Etusivu » Lapsiasiavaltuutettu . dead . . 2011-12-11 .
  39. Web site: Droits des usagers des services publics. 13 February 2015 .
  40. Web site: Greek Ombudsman website. 19 May 2017. dead. 17 July 2011.
  41. Web site: Front .
  42. Web site: Protecting the rights of children in Ireland. Ombudsman for Children. Mar 18, 2023.
  43. Web site: Zagipa Baliyeva named Children's Rights Ombudsman of Kazakhstan. Mar 25, 2016. Казинформ. Mar 18, 2023.
  44. Web site: Ombudsnet listing (2002) for Lithuanian Children's Ombudsman. dead. Apr 26, 2012. Mar 18, 2023.
  45. Web site: Annual report to ENOC by the Dutch Children's Ombudsman, 2011. 19 May 2017.
  46. Web site: About - Children's Commissioner . . . 11 August 2022 . 27 February 2021. live.
  47. Web site: Children's Commissioner . . New Zealand Government . 11 August 2022 . 2 March 2022. live.
  48. News: Witton. Bridie. 8 October 2021. Judge Frances Eivers appointed as new Children's Commissioner. Stuff. 28 January 2022. 8 October 2021.
  49. News: Palmer . Russell . Labour passes Oranga Tamariki reforms despite opposition from other parties . 25 August 2022 . . 24 August 2022.
  50. News: Witton . Bridie . Oranga Tamariki oversight bill passes third reading . 25 August 2022 . . 24 August 2022.
  51. Web site: Sepuloni . Carmel . Government strengthens oversight for children in state care . . . 28 September 2022 . . 3 September 2022 . 24 August 2022 . live.
  52. News: De skal føre rettssaken mot Breivik . . . no . 18 August 2011 . 9 April 2012.
  53. Web site: 'A place in my heart' for children. 30 April 2012 .
  54. Web site: Norwegian Ombudsman for Children release. dead. May 17, 2013. Mar 18, 2023.
  55. Web site: Guttas kropp - deres valg. Mar 18, 2023.
  56. Web site: Barneombud vil erstatte omskjæring med symbolsk religiøst rituale. Birgit. Opheim. 2016-09-04. 2016-09-16. dead.
  57. Web site: Vi er på lag med barn og unge. Mar 18, 2023.
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  61. Web site: Portal do CNPDPCJ . . dead . . 2013-06-12 .
  62. Russian Children's Rights Commissioner website
  63. Web site: Press release announcing Astakkov appointment (in Russian). dead. 13 May 2012. 19 May 2017.
  64. Web site: LEONID BERSHIDSKY. Bloomberg. 8 November 2016.
  65. News: BERSHIDSKY. LEONID. Putin Promotes the Next Generation of Ideological Cronies. 8 November 2016. Bloomberg View. 12 September 2016.
  66. Web site: Путин назначил Марию Львову-Белову уполномоченным по правам ребенка. TASS. ru. Putin appointed Maria Lvova-Belova Commissioner for Children's Rights. 17 March 2023.
  67. News: 17 March 2023 . ICC issues arrest warrant for Putin on war crime allegations . . 17 March 2023 . 17 March 2023 . . live .
  68. Newspaper "Kommersant", No. 194 (4494), 19.10.2010
  69. Web site: Почетна. Mar 18, 2023.
  70. Web site: Defensor del Pueblo Andaluz. Mar 18, 2023.
  71. Web site: Catalan Ombudsman website . dead . . 2006-12-05 .
  72. Web site: Lag (1993:335) om Barnombudsman Svensk författningssamling 1993:1993:335 t.o.m. SFS 2002:377 . Riksdagsförvaltningen.
  73. Web site: Background. Barnombudsmannen. 25 July 2014. 2015-01-18. dead.
  74. Web site: About us. Barnombudsmannen. 25 July 2014. 2015-01-18. dead.
  75. Web site: Lag (1993:335) om Barnombudsman. The Swedish Government. 25 July 2014. sv.
  76. Presidential Decree
  77. News: Bruce Adamson becomes new Commissioner for Children and Young People in Scotland. Scotland. Children and Young People's Commissioner. CYPCS. 2017-05-24. en. 2018-02-05. dead.
  78. Web site: Children and Young People's Commissioner Scotland. Children and Young People's Commissioner. Scotland. 19 May 2017.
  80. Web site: Welsh Commissioner website . 2011-11-23 . . 2011-09-27 . dead .
  82. Web site: Welcome to the Website of the Northern Ireland Commissioner for Children and Young People. Northern Ireland Commissioner for Children and Young. People.
  83. Web site: Children's Commissioner for Jersey . GOV.JE . States of Jersey. 2024-07-24. Dr Carmel Corrigan was appointed as Jersey’s second Children’s Commissioner in March 2024. ... The Commissioner for Children and Young People (Jersey) Law 2019 provides the Commissioner with a statutory framework for operation..
  84. Web site: The Children (Guernsey and Alderney) Law, 2008 . Islands Safeguarding Children Partnership. Islands Safeguarding Children Partnership. 2024-07-24. There is established an office to be known as the Office of the Children' s Convenor and the holder of that offic.
  85. Web site: No plans for Children's Commissioner. Islands Safeguarding Children Partnership. Islands Safeguarding Children Partnership. 2023-08-27. 2024-07-24. Daphne Caine resigned from the position following changes to the role, focusing on just vulnerable children only, which she claimed most who came to her for support fell outside the new criteria..
  86. Web site: Office of the Child Advocate. State of. Connecticut.
  87. Web site: Ombudsman Reference List. Mar 18, 2023.
  88. Web site: Office of the Child Advocate - Delaware Courts - State of Delaware. Delaware. Courts.
  89. Web site: Maine Children's Alliance page on Ombudsman. dead. Apr 26, 2012. Mar 18, 2023.
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  95. Web site: State of Oregon: About ODHS - Governor's Advocacy Office. Mar 18, 2023.
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  97. Web site: Office of Executive Policy and Programs (OEPP) - Department of Administration - State of South Carolina. 2011-12-01. 2013-10-23. dead.
  98. Web site: State of Tennessee.
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