airs on Fuji TV, premiering in March 2008. It is hosted by Shinya Ueda and Teppei Arita of Cream Stew; Fuji TV announcer Toshihiro Ito hosted the first 3 episodes. It is filmed in Tokyo, Japan.
Unlike most international versions, the value of each question is based on the number of correct answers, instead of the number of questions asked:
The show uses video game-style "lives" instead of strikes; players start with three lives and lose one with each incorrect answer, and losing all three prompts the driver to pull over and kick the players out empty-handed.
Players are given three "Rescue Chances", which are the counterpart to the US and Canadian versions' "Shout-Outs":
At the end of the game, contestants are offered a "Double-Up Chance" similar to the US and Canadian versions' Video Bonus, where they may risk their winnings on a final double-or-nothing question. If the players opt to take the chance, they pick one of three envelopes, each containing a different question which may vary greatly in difficulty. Like international versions, correctly answering the question doubles the player's winnings, while failing to do so means the player leaves empty-handed.