Buddleja filibracteolata is a species of flowering plant in the family Scrophulariaceae, native to the rainforests of Costa Rica.[1] It was first described by J.A.González and J.F.Morales in 2007.
Buddleja filibracteolata is a shrub growing 0.91.3 m in height. Stems are glabrous; leaves are opposite, sessile, narrowly elliptic, measuring 310 cm to 0.72.1 cm. Inflorescences are 25 cm long, terminal, spike-shaped, with the corolla usually white in colour.[2]
It distinguished from other species such as Buddleja crotonoides by its sessile leaves, amplexicaul leaf blades, and spike-shaped inflorescence with the many conspicuous threadlike bracts[3] to which the species owes its name.
It occurs in rainforests and areas of high vegetation associated with ravines, at elevations of 1000-1200 m.[4]