Boraras brigittae is a species of ray-finned fish in the genus Boraras, also known as chili rasboras or mosquito rasboras, are a very small species of fishes native to the swamps of South West Borneo, Indonesia.
It is found natively in blackwater streams of Southeast Asia, particularly the peat swamp forests of Borneo, and seems to be adapted to poor water conditions. [1]
The females in this species have rounder bellies and lighter coloring than the males. The males are smaller and more brightly colored. Their sizes range between 10 and 20mm. [2]
Chili rasboras feed on small invertebrates. They also consume plant matter.[3]
These fishes prefer an aquarium setting that is similar to their natural habitat and can live up to 8 years if properly cared for. They may be fed pellets, frozen food, flakes, young brine shrimp and worms. [4]