Barcode library explained

Barcode library or Barcode SDK is a software library that can be used to add barcode features to desktop, web, mobile or embedded applications. Barcode library presents sets of subroutines or objects which allow to create barcode images and put them on surfaces or recognize machine-encoded text / data from scanned or captured by camera images with embedded barcodes. The library can support two modes: generation and recognition mode, some libraries support barcode reading and writing in the same way, but some libraries support only one mode. At this time barcode technology allows to add machine reading tags or machine reading additional data to any object of real world with less than one cent cost.[1] and use any of camera equipped device to identify additional data about an object. In this way, combination of barcode technology and barcode library allows to implement with low cost any automatic document processing[2] [3] application, OMR application, package tracking[4] [5] application or even augmented reality[6] [7] application.


The first Barcode SDKs were not implemented as software libraries but as standalone applications for DOS and Windows[8] [9] [10] and as Barcode fonts.[11] At that time barcodes were used mostly in retail and for internal corporation needs, thus barcode users looked for all-inclusive hardware solutions[12] to generate, print and recognize barcodes.

The situation changed when camera equipped devices (like mobile phones) and document scanners became common for everyday usage. Because barcodes could be scanned and recognized on common ordinary equipment and industrial and office users did not need to obtain expensive specialized one-function devices for barcode reading, the need for barcode writing and reading SDKs and libraries increased.

Barcode writing libraries already had been implemented as barcode fonts or standalone applications in projects like GNU Barcode or Zint. Implementation of a barcode writing library does not require hard Computer Science skills because it just need to follow AIM[13] or ISO specifications.[14] It does not have any difference from encoding data in special file format.

2D barcodes encoding is more difficult because 2D barcodes instead of 1D barcodes have additional encoding data like columns, rows, ECI or data correction options. Some 2D barcodes like MaxiCode or Pdf 417 also have special encoding fields like Post Address or metadata which convert these barcodes in multiple graphical files.[15] These differences could not be solved by barcode fonts usage and required API with multiple parameters processing.

Barcode reading libraries are more complex, requiring Computer Vision techniques. However, they can be run on common camera or scanner equipped devices. The first libraries could recognize only 1D barcodes by laser scanners mode emulation. This mode captured the whole image but then library made some scan-lines with Bresenham's algorithm and tried to recognize data from these lines as hardware laser scanners did. The bright representation of these libraries is early ZXing project supported by Google, ZBar[16] or other solutions.[17] [18]

For the recognition of 2D barcodes laser scanners mode emulation is not suitable. Moreover, this method has difficulty with barcode area detection, which causes problems with 1D angled barcode detection. More complicated methods from Computer Vision were implemented[19] [20] to improve recognition quality for 1D and 2D barcodes.


Barcode libraries have provided low cost automatic identification and data capture features to various fields of services and industry. This can be entertainment, healthcare, postal services, such as document processing or retail applications.

They can be used for:


Barcode libraries and or Barcode SDKs can be split in different types, which is based on their functionality:

The first barcode libraries were fully transparent to user and used as simple printing text with specialized TrueType Fonts. This works well for 1D barcodes, because 1D barcode just the same as linear text, sometimes with checksum. Usage of Barcode Fonts with 2D barcodes also possible but it has problem with metadata processing like setting barcode row and columns and metadata. This is solved with predefined different metadata values in set of fonts for the same type of barcode.

Barcode libraries with API calls have more customization features in writing and reading modes. However, only part of libraries has full support of writing and reading modes. More than half of libraries supports only one mode.

Barcode library list

Barcode libraries can support different barcode formats and programming languages. Also, they have different support of reading and writing functionality. Most common barcode libraries and SDKs are represented in the following list:

LicenseTypeLanguagesPlatformsLibrary abilitiesSupported barcode types
Aspose.Barcode[29] AsposeProprietary, Royalty-freeFullJava, .NET, C++, PHP, JavaScript, PythonCross-platform(native), Java, .NET, Android, iOS and Tizen via .NET MAUI, Python via .NET and Java, WebAspose.Barcode library can write barcodes in 7 image formats and read barcodes from 5 image formats. Reading barcodes from MS Word documents and PDF files is also possible with Aspose.Words and Aspose.PDF components.more than 80[30] barcode types
Barcode Writer in Pure PostScript[31] Terry Burton Consulting LtdMIT with commercial supportWritePostScriptCross-platformBarcode Writer in Pure Postscript can generate all barcode formats entirely within PostScript.more than 70[32] barcode types
Barcode4J[33] SourceForgeApache 2.0WriteJavaJavaBarcode4J library can generate barcode images in 5 image formats. The project is outdated.15[34] barcode types
BarcodeLib[35] BarcodeLib.comProprietary, Royalty-freeFullJava, .NETJava, .NETBarcodeLib library can write barcodes in 7 image formats and read barcodes from 5 image formats11 types of 1D barcodes and 3 types of 2D barcodes
barKoder Barcode Scanner SDK[36] Placeholder LtdProprietaryReadC, Java, Objective-C, Swift, Kotlin, JavaScript, C++, .NET, Dart, C#, TypeScript, PythonAndroid, iOS, Xamarin, Flutter, React Native, Linux, Cordova, .NET MAUI, Windows, Web, Browser, Cross-platform, NativeScriptThe barKoder barcode scanner SDK supports barcode scanning both via images (5 formats) or through cameras of mobile devicesmore than 30 barcode types
ByteScout BarCode SDK[37] ByteScout, Inc.Proprietary, Royalty-freeFull.NET
JavaScript via REST API; COM API: C++, Java, Delphi, PHP, VBScript
.NET, Windows, WebByteScout BarCode SDK libraries can write barcodes in 7 image formats and read barcodes from 5 image formats.more than 20 barcode types
ClearImage Barcode Reader SDK[38] Inlite Research, IncProprietary, per computerRead.NET
COM API: C++, Java, Delphi, PHP, VBScript
WindowsBarcode Reader library can read barcodes from 5 image formats and pdf files.19 barcode types
Cognex Barcode Scanner SDK[39] CognexProprietary, Royalty-freeReadJava, .NET, Objective-C, SwiftAndroid, iOSCognex Barcode Scanner SDK can capture and recognize barcodes from mobile camera17 barcode types
Docutain Barcode Scanner SDK[40] INFOSOFT Informations und Dokumentations systeme GmbHProprietaryReadJava, JavaScript, .NET, Swift, Kotlin, Dart, C#Android, iOS, Xamarin, Flutter, Cordova, Ionic, React Native, .NET MAUIDocutain Barcode Scanner SDK can read 9 types of 1D barcodes and 4 different 2D formats with mobile apps.13 barcode types
DTK Software Barcode Reader SDK[41] DTK SoftwareProprietaryReadJava, .NETJava, .NETDTK Barcode Reader SDK can read barcodes from 5 image formatsmore than 30 barcode types
Dynamsoft Barcode Reader SDK[42] DynamsoftProprietary, Per ComputerReadC++
Objective-C; Native API Wrapper: .NET, PHP, Java; JavaScript via WebAssembly
Windows, Linux, Android via Xamarin, iOS via Xamarin, BrowserDynamsoft Barcode Reader SDK can read barcodes from more than 5 image formats and recognize barcodes from cameramore than 30 barcode types
GdPicture.NET Barcode SDK[43] ORPALISProprietary, Royalty-freeFull.NET.NETLibrary can write and read barcodes from almost 90 image and document formats[44] more than 30 barcode types
GNU Barcode[45] GNU Operating SystemGPLv3WritePostScriptCross-platformGNU Barcode library can generate barcodes directly in document by Postscript language10 barcode types
IBscanner for .NET[46] InobixProprietary, Royalty-freeRead.NET.NETIBscanner for .NET library can read barcodes from 5 image formats12 types of 1D barcodes
IDAutomation Barcode Generator[47], Inc.Proprietary, Royalty-freeWriteJava, .NET, C++, PHP, JavaScript, VBA, TrueType FontsJava, .NET, Windows, WebIDAutomation Barcode Generator library and TrueType Fonts can generate barcodes in various programming languages and applications which support TrueType Fonts24[48] barcode types
KeepDynamic Barcode SDK[49] KeepDynamic.comProprietary, Royalty-freeFullJava, .NET, VBAJava, .NET, MS OfficeKeepDynamic Barcode SDK can write barcodes in 7 image formats and read barcodes from 5 image formats.9 types of 1D barcodes and 3 types of 2D barcodes
LEADTOOLS Barcode SDK[50] LEAD Technologies, IncProprietary, Per ApplicationFullJava, .NET, C++, Objective-C, Swift, JavaScript via REST APICross-platform(native), Java, .NET, Android, iOS, WebLEADTOOLS Barcode SDK can write barcodes in various image formats and read barcodes from various image formats (depends on platform)more than 50 barcode types
ML Kit Barcode Scanning API[51] GoogleGoogle API[52] ReadJava, Objective-C, SwiftAndroid, iOSML Kit Barcode Scanning API can recognize barcodes from mobile camera13 barcode types
Neodynamic Barcode Professional[53] Neodynamic SRLProprietary, Royalty-freeFull.NET
JavaScript, PHP via REST API
.NET, WebNeodynamic Barcode Professional can write more than 70 barcode types in 7 image formats and read 12 barcode types from 5 image formats.write: more than 70[54] barcode types / read: 12[55] types of 1D barcodes
OnBarcode Barcode SDKOnBarcodeProprietary, Royalty-freeFullJava, .NET, Objective-CJava, .NET, Android, iOSOnBarcode Barcode SDK can write barcodes in 7 image formats and read barcodes from 5 image formats (depends on platform)more than 20 barcode types
OpenBarcodes[56] SourceForgeGPLv2WriteTrueType FontCross-platformOpenBarcodes TrueType Fonts can encode text to barcode in any rich text application4 types of 1D barcodes and 3 types of 2D barcodes
pqScan Barcode SDK[57] pqScanProprietary, Royalty-freeFullJava, .NETJava, .NETpqScan Barcode SDK can write barcodes in 7 image formats and read barcodes from 5 image formats13 barcode types
Python Barcode Library[58] Game Maker 2k BSDWritePythonCross-platformPython Barcode Library can generate barcode images with Python language12 barcode types
Scanbot Barcode Scanner SDK[59] Scanbot SDKProprietaryReadJava, Objective-C, Swift, Kotlin, Dart, JavaScript, C#, .NETAndroid, iOS, Browser, Xamarin, Cordova, Ionic, Flutter, React NativeScanbot Barcode Scanner SDK can read 9 types of 1D barcodes and 9 different 2D formats via apps and websites.18 barcode types
SD-TOOLKIT Barcode SDK[60] SD-TOOLKITProprietary, Royalty-freeReadJava
.NET; C++(native); COM API: C++, Java, Delphi, VBScript; Objective-C
.NET, Android, iOS, Windows
SD-TOOLKIT Barcode SDK can read barcodes from 5 image formats15 types of 1D barcodes and 4 types of 2D barcodes
SmartCodeDeveloper SDK[61] TechnoRiverProprietary, Royalty-freeWrite.NET.NETSmartCodeDeveloper SDK can write barcodes in 7 image formatsmore than 30 barcode types
Spire.Barcode[62] E-iceblue Co. Ltd.Proprietary, Royalty-freeFullJava, .NETJava, .NET, Android via Xamarin, iOS via XamarinSpire.Barcode library can write barcodes in 7 image formats and read barcodes from 5 image formats39[63] barcode types
Syncfusion.BarcodeSyncfusionProprietaryWrite.NET.NETSyncfusion.Barcode library generates barcodes as images or PDF documents. Also, provide UI controls to display the barcodes in UI.10 types of 1D barcodes and 2 types of 2D barcodes
TBarCode SDK[64] TEC-IT Datenverarbeitung GmbHProprietary, Royalty-freeWrite.NET
C++; Delphi; PowerBuilder; COM API: C++, Delphi, VBScript; ABAP
Cross-platform(native), .NET, SAPTBarCode SDK can write barcodes in 7 image formats (depends on platform) more than 70[65] barcode types
VintaSoft Barcode .NET SDK[66] VintaSoftProprietary, Royalty-freeFull.NET.NET, Android via XamarinVintaSoft Barcode .NET SDK can write barcodes in 7 image formats and read barcodes from 5 image formats. Also library can read images from embedded pdf[67] documents.more than 60 barcode types
Viziotix Barcode Decoder SDK[68] ViziotixProprietary Per DeviceReadC/C++, wrappers from C++ library: .NET, Python, Java, SwiftWindows, Linux, Android, iOS, CUDAViziotix Barcode Decoder SDK can read 28 barcode types from camera and most common image formats.28 barcode types[69]
VSBarcodeReader [70] Vision Smarts SPRL Proprietary, Royalty-freeReadObjective-C, Swift, Java, KotliniOS, Android, Xamarin, Cordova, IonicVision Smarts Barcode Scanner SDK reads barcodes using the camera of the mobile device. It works 100% offline.18 types of 1D and 2D barcodes
ZBar[71] SourceForgeGNU LGPL 2.1ReadPython, Perl, C++, CLinux/Unix, Windows, iOSZBar library can capture image from video stream and recognize barcodes. The library works as linear scanner emulation.7 types of 1D barcodes and QR code
Zen Barcode Rendering Framework[72] NonePublic domainWrite.NET.NETZen Barcode Rendering Framework can write barcodes in 7 image formats9 barcode types
Zint[73] SourceForgeApache 2.0, BSD, GNU GPLv3WriteC, .NET via ZintNET[74] port, Java via Okapi Barcode[75] portLinux/Unix, Windows, Java, .NETCan generate barcodes in 6 image formats[76] (depends on port)more than 50[77] barcode types
ZXing[78] ZXing ProjectApache 2.0FullJava, .NET, C++, Objective-C, JavaScript, PHP, Ruby, Python, TypeScriptCross-platform(native), Java, .NET, Android, iOS, WebZXing library with ports can produce barcodes in various image formats (it depends from the source port) and read barcodes from image or from camera.more than 20 barcode types

Recommendations and best practices

Barcodes is the way of adding machine reading tags to any object[79] of real world with low cost. All other ways like RFID chips or object detection by image recognition are more expensive and difficult to implement. There are more than 200 barcode types and this makes choice of barcode type ambiguous. First barcode was standardized in 60th and there were two waves of barcode features development[80] [81]

The first wave of creation barcode standards was started in 60th and those were 1D barcodes. Main advantages of these barcodes were simple encoding and recognition with laser scanners for linear barcodes. All of these restrictions were tied to slow 8-bit processors, which were used at that time. This makes 1D barcodes have restricted symbol encoding like Code 11 or have restricted barcode length like EAN 13, UPCA, EAN 8 or be used even without checksum like Code 39 barcodes. In addition to this, informational density encoding of these barcode types is too low.[82]

Moreover, all of these 1D barcodes have low quality checksum or even do not have any checksum which makes recognition process unpredictable on images with too low quality. Open source engines does not recognize 1D barcodes on images with low quality but barcode engines with advanced recognition algorithms can recognize these barcodes. Unfortunately, recognition of low quality images could produce some incorrect symbols in recognized text. Low-density encoding, encoding restrictions and weak checksum makes 1D barcode unsuitable to current requirements to informational systems and data processing. Using of 1D barcodes in the new applications is reasonable if only it is required by industrial standards[83] [84]

The second way of barcode standards implementation was started in 90th and it was development of 2D barcodes. Main advantages of 2D barcodes are high encoding density, which is 10 times more, no restrictions to text encoding and self-checked codes like Reed Solomon codes, which not only add confidence in correct recognition but also can restore some wiped or corrupted barcode data.[85] Main disadvantage of 2D barcodes, they cannot be recognized by laser scanners, except PDF 417, for recognition they require photo scanners. Most of 2D barcodes can encode information in byte mode and this allows encoding both text in 8-bit national encoding charset and text in common Unicode charsets like UTF16 or UTF8 with ECI tag.

New projects should use 2D barcodes if industry standards permit.[86] [87] They do not have any restrictions to encoding text, they can be correctly restored on corrupted or low quality images and their recognition result is fully confidential. The informational density allows placing them on the same area or even lesser than 1D barcodes. The main question here could be requirement to marked area. Most common QR code can be only in square size, same Aztec or Datamatrix in some sizes. If someone has a long rectangular area with low height, they can use Datamatrix with rectangular sizes, see DMRE [88] or PDF417, which can have difference width to height more than 64 times.

External links

Notes and References

  1. Web site: Barcodes vs RFID, Why Barcodes Still Win. . . 17 August 2018.
  2. Web site: Ana . Canteli . Barcode in document management . . 28 February 2020 .
  3. Web site: Barcodes help make your business processes more efficient . . 2021-01-17 .
  4. Web site: DHL shipment tracking labels .
  5. Web site: USPS Tracking Barcode and Label Changes .
  6. Web site: Anatoliy . Samara . Klaus Michael . Hofmann . Dirk . Groten . Patent US 2014/0247278 A1 Barcode visualization in augmented reality . United States Patent Application Publication . 4 September 2014 .
  7. Web site: Tommy . Palladino . Walmart Turns Its iPhone App's Barcode Scanner into an Augmented Reality Price Comparison Tool . . 11 February 2018.
  8. Web site: PrintBar II Barcode printing software . . ISSN 0888-8507, PC Mag, August 1989 p.464 . August 1989.
  9. Web site: Bar Code Software for Windows . . ISSN 0888-8507, PC Mag, 8 November 1994 p.414 . 8 November 1994.
  10. Web site: LabelWorks for Windows . . ISSN 0199-6649, InfoWorld Vol.17, №43 p.104 . 23 October 1995.
  11. Web site: Bar Code Fonts for Windows . . ISSN 0888-8507, PC Mag Vol.16, № 21 . 2 December 1997.
  12. Web site: Bar Code Readers for IBM PC, Mac, and RS232 Terminals . . ISSN 0888-8507, PC Mag Vol.16, № 21 . 2 December 1997.
  13. Web site: AIM Specifications (ISS) .
  14. Web site: Standards by ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 31 Automatic identification and data capture techniques .
  15. Web site: MacroPDF417 Barcodes .
  16. Web site: ZBar bar code reader. How does it work? .
  17. Web site: Johann C. . Rocholl . Sebastian . Klenk . Gunther . Heidemann . Robust 1D Barcode Recognition on Mobile Devices . 2010 International Conference on Pattern Recognition.
  18. Web site: Robert . Adelmann . Marc . Langheinrich . Christian . Flörkemeier . 1050073 . Toolkit for Bar Code Recognition and Resolving on Camera Phones – Jump Starting the Internet of Things . European Mathematical Information Service .
  19. Web site: Melinda . Katona . Ṕeter . Bodńar . Ĺaszĺo G . Nýul . Distance Transform and Template Matching BasedMethods for Localization of Barcodes and QR Codes.
  20. Web site: Daniel Kold . Hansen . Kamal . Nasrollahi . Christoffer B . Rasmusen . Thomas B . Moeslund . Real-Time Barcode Detection and Classification using Deep Learning.
  21. Web site: Marti . Trewe . QR codes work best in magazines, newspapers . }
  22. Web site: Basant . Baruah . Augmented reality and QR codes – What you need to know . . 13 April 2020.
  23. Web site: Launch of the QR-bill in Switzerland . . 9 June 2020.
  24. Web site: QR code design & use . 31 January 2013 .
  25. Web site: International drivers license. Booklet and plastic card. .
  26. Web site: Han Xin Code . . 2020-04-02 .
  27. Web site: How to Make your Business Card Better with QR Codes .
  28. Web site: Scanning Automobile VIN Bar Codes .
  29. Web site: Aspose.BarCode On Premise APIs .
  30. Web site: MSDN Magazine V32 N8, Aspose.BarCodeA complete toolkit for barcode generation and recognition . Microsoft . 99 . August 2017.
  31. Web site: Barcode Writer in Pure PostScript .
  32. Web site: Symbologies Reference .
  33. Web site: Welcome to Barcode4J .
  34. Web site: Preview of all supported barcode symbologies by Barcode4J .
  35. Web site: Barcode Encoder & Decoder Components for .NET & Java developers .
  36. Web site: . Barcode Scanner SDK for all Enterprise mobile solutions . 2023-10-26 . barkoder . en.
  37. Web site: BarCode Reader SDK reads barcodes from scanned documents and images . 10 August 2010 .
  38. Web site: ClearImage Barcode Reader SDK .
  39. Web site: Barcode Scanner SDK & API .
  40. Web site: Docutain Barcode Scanner SDK .
  41. Web site: Barcode Recognition SDK - DTK Software .
  42. Web site: Dynamsoft Barcode Reader SDK . 21 December 2021 .
  43. Web site: GdPicture.NET Barcode SDK for 1D & 2D Barcode Reading & Writing .
  44. Web site: GdPicture.NET: More than 100 Document Formats Supported .
  45. Web site: GNU Barcode .
  46. Web site: IBscanner for .NET .
  47. Web site: Barcode Generation Solutions for Business Automation .
  48. Web site: Barcode Fonts .
  49. Web site: Barcode Components .
  50. Web site: Barcode SDK Technology .
  51. Web site: Barcode Scanning, ML Kit, Google Developers .
  52. Web site: Google APIs Terms of Service .
  53. Web site: Barcode, Labeling, Printing & Imaging components . neodynamic.
  54. Web site: Barcode Symbologies .
  55. Web site: Recognize, Read and Decode Barcodes from Images .
  56. Web site: The barcodes .
  57. Web site: World Leading .NET SDK for Barcode Scanning and Reading .
  58. Web site: Python Barcode Library . 8 August 2022 .
  59. Web site: Barcode Scanner SDK .
  60. Web site: Barcode Reader SDK for Windows .
  61. Web site: The industry leading Barcode SDK .
  62. Web site: .NET Barcode Library - Generate, Read and Scan 1D 2D Barcode Images .
  63. Web site: Supports rich Barcode type, more than 39 different barcodes .
  64. Web site: TBarCode SDK - Barcode Generator Software .
  65. Web site: TBarCode SDK Data Sheet & Barcode Overview .
  66. Web site: VintaSoft Barcode .NET SDK .
  67. Web site: Read barcodes from PDF document .
  68. Web site: Powerful Barcode Decoder SDK - Viziotix .
  69. Web site: Expert barcode scanner SDK for smartphones, robots, drones and cameras .
  70. Web site: VS BARCODE READER .
  71. Web site: ZBar bar code reader .
  72. Web site: Zen Barcode Rendering Framework . 6 January 2023 .
  73. Web site: Zint Barcode Generator .
  74. Web site: ZintNET is a .NET port of the popular Zint Library written in C# .
  75. Web site: Okapi Barcode . 30 December 2022 .
  76. Web site: Zint Barcode Generator and Zint Barcode Studio User Manual Introduction .
  77. Web site: Zint Barcode Generator and Zint Barcode Studio User Manual Types of symbology .
  78. Web site: ZXing ("Zebra Crossing") barcode scanning library for Java, Android . 12 January 2023 .
  79. Web site: Automatic Identification and Data Capturing (AIDC) Technology . . 6 June 2014 . ElProCus is an educational website on electronic projects for ECE and EEE students.
  80. Web site: History of Barcodes . . BarTender by Seagull Scientific.
  81. Web site: History of the Barcode Scanner . . Refurbished IT Solutions. . 2022-04-23 .
  82. Web site: What is the most efficient barcode to use? . . Barcode Information Tutorials.
  83. Web site: Barcoding – getting it right Recommendations for best practice by GS1 UK . . GS1 UK The Global Language of Business .
  84. Web site: Best practices for improving the quality of Bar codes at the Point-of sale . . GS1 Austria.
  85. Web site: Error correction makes a big difference in the choice of 1D vs. 2D barcoding . . 4 December 2014. . 2022-03-30 .
  86. Web site: Understanding the Value of 2D Barcodes . . 2020-07-11 .
  87. Web site: 3 Ways that 2D Barcodes Increase Warehouse Efficiency . . 4 October 2016.
  88. Web site: DMRE. 2021-12-16.