The Alabama Champion Tree Program is a listing of the largest known specimens of particular tree species, native or introduced, in the U.S. state of Alabama. It was established in 1970 by the Alabama Forestry Commission.[1] [2] The program was modeled on the National Register of Big Trees, started by the American Forests organization in 1940. The goal of Alabama's program is to record, heighten awareness of, and preserve the largest tree specimens in the state.[3] It uses the same formula for recording tree specimens that was developed by American Forests. Former champions are removed from the list as new, larger, champions are identified and recorded. Although introduced species that have naturalized are generally eligible for the program, those species that the Alabama Invasive Plant Council considers to be invasive were removed from the listing in 2011 and are no longer eligible. With the addition of 20 new specimens in 2011, the program had a total of 159 Champion Trees listed.[4]
* | Introduced/non-native species | |
† | National Champion Tree on National Register of Big Trees | |
‡ | Co-national Champion Tree on National Register of Big Trees |
width = 27% | Common name | width = 27% | Species name | width = 4% | Year added | width = 4% | Trunk circumference | width = 4% | Height | width = 4% | Crown spread | width = 13% | County | Location / Visit |
alder, hazel | Alnus serrulata | 2001 | 19inches | 25feet | 29feet | Baldwin | ||||||||
ash, green | Fraxinus pennsylvanica | 2000 | 168inches | 80feet | 83feet | Wilcox | ||||||||
ash, white | Fraxinus americana | 2008 | 107inches | 103feet | 64feet | Wilcox | ||||||||
basswood | Tilia spp. | 2008 | 96inches | 110feet | 44feet | Monroe | ||||||||
bayberry, scentless | Morella inodora | 2000† | 15inches | 27feet | 16feet | Baldwin | ||||||||
beech, American | Fagus grandifolia | 2003 | 142inches | 118feet | 139feet | Autauga | ||||||||
birch, sweet | Betula lenta | 2008 | 53inches | 53feet | 36feet | DeKalb | ||||||||
blackgum | Nyssa sylvatica | 1988 | 128inches | 108feet | 49feet | Elmore | ||||||||
buckeye, yellow | Aesculus flava | 1994 | 86inches | 125feet | 54feet | Madison | ||||||||
bumelia, buckthorn | Sideroxylon lycioides | 2011 | 20inches | 30feet | 29feet | Lauderdale | ||||||||
bumelia, gum | Sideroxylon lanuginosum | 1994 | 51inches | 45feet | 34feet | Blount | ||||||||
burningbush | Euonymus atropurpureus | 2002 | 53inches | 26feet | 32feet | Baldwin | ||||||||
butternut | Juglans cinerea | 2011 | 103inches | 60feet | 67feet | Jackson | ||||||||
catalpa, southern | Catalpa bignonioides | 1994 | 202inches | 58feet | 67feet | Perry | ||||||||
catalpa, southern | Catalpa bignonioides | 2008 | 200inches | 64feet | 68feet | Clay | ||||||||
cedar, Atlantic white | Chamaecyparis thyoides | 2009 | 91inches | 54feet | 35feet | Baldwin | ||||||||
cherry, Alabama black | Prunus alabamensis | 2011 | 40inches | 60feet | 40feet | Tuscaloosa | ||||||||
cherry, black | Prunus serotina | 2009 | 140inches | 71feet | 79feet | Madison | ||||||||
cherry, Carolina laurel | Prunus caroliniana | 2008 | 14inches | 37feet | 44feet | Colbert | ||||||||
chestnut, American | Castanea dentata | 2009 | 35inches | 58feet | 32feet | Hale | ||||||||
chestnut, Chinese | Castanea mollissima* | 1998 | 138inches | 65feet | 77feet | Coosa | ||||||||
chinquapin, Allegheny | Castanea pumila | 2011 | 12inches | 22feet | 16feet | Winston | ||||||||
cottonwood, eastern | Populus deltoides | 2011 | 146inches | 121feet | 73feet | Chambers | ||||||||
cottonwood, swamp | Populus heterophylla | 2010 | 74inches | 61feet | 41feet | Baldwin | ||||||||
crabapple, southern | Malus angustifolia | 2002 | 59inches | 39feet | 27feet | Montgomery | ||||||||
crape myrtle, common | Lagerstroemia indica* | 2011 | 78inches | 43feet | 33feet | Wilcox | ||||||||
crape myrtle, common | Lagerstroemia indica* | 2008 | 78inches | 40feet | 38feet | Shelby | ||||||||
cypress, bald | Taxodium distichum | 1989 | 326inches | 112feet | 56feet | Baldwin | Via watercraft only. Tours Available | |||||||
cypress, pond | Taxodium ascendens | 2010 | 90inches | 97feet | 42feet | Baldwin | ||||||||
cyrilla, swamp | Cyrilla racemiflora | 1996 | 42inches | 45feet | 38feet | Mobile | ||||||||
devilwood | Osmanthus americanus | 2001 | 24inches | 36feet | 25feet | Baldwin | ||||||||
dogwood, flowering | Cornus florida | 2009 | 70inches | 38feet | 53feet | Cleburne | ||||||||
elm, American | Ulmus americana | 2008 | 185inches | 97feet | 82feet | Walker | ||||||||
elm, September | Ulmus serotina | 2011 | 59inches | 94feet | 49feet | Lauderdale | ||||||||
elm, Siberian | Ulmus pumila* | 1982 | 61inches | 48feet | 49feet | Madison | ||||||||
elm, slippery | Ulmus rubra | 2011 | 163inches | 54feet | 80feet | Cullman | ||||||||
elm, water | Planera aquatica | 1982 | 58inches | 51feet | 55feet | Covington | ||||||||
elm, winged | Ulmus alata | 1997 | 130inches | 75feet | 70feet | Wilcox | ||||||||
fringetree, white | Chionanthus virginicus | 2010 | 29inches | 18feet | 31feet | Tuscaloosa | ||||||||
hackberry, common | Celtis occidentalis | 2009 | 176inches | 67feet | 93feet | Marshall | ||||||||
hackberry, Georgia | Celtis tenuifolia | 2007‡ | 37inches | 54feet | 31feet | Perry | ||||||||
hawthorn, dotted | Crataegus punctata | 1994 | 13inches | 26feet | 18feet | Madison | ||||||||
hawthorn, littlehip | Crataegus spathulata | 2009 | 14inches | 21feet | 18feet | DeKalb | ||||||||
hemlock, eastern | Tsuga canadensis | 1992 | 157inches | 130feet | 44feet | Winston | ||||||||
Hercules-club | Zanthoxylum clava-herculis | 2007 | 43inches | 43feet | 33feet | Dallas | ||||||||
Hercules-club | Zanthoxylum clava-herculis | 2005 | 30inches | 59feet | 29feet | Baldwin | ||||||||
hickory, bitternut | Carya cordiformis | 2011 | 68inches | 82feet | 46feet | Lauderdale | ||||||||
hickory, mockernut | Carya tomentosa | 2008 | 100inches | 97feet | 86feet | Jackson | ||||||||
hickory, nutmeg | Carya myristiciformis | 2009 | 69inches | 89feet | 38feet | Dallas | ||||||||
hickory, pignut | Carya glabra | 1992 | 155inches | 110feet | 76feet | Clarke | ||||||||
hickory, red | Carya ovalis | 2004 | 36inches | 85feet | 38feet | Perry | ||||||||
hickory, sand | Carya pallida | 2010 | 85inches | 76feet | 23feet | Cherokee | ||||||||
hickory, shagbark | Carya ovata | 2008 | 92inches | 119feet | 67feet | Etowah | ||||||||
hickory, shellbark | Carya laciniosa | 2007 | 102inches | 112feet | 90feet | Madison | ||||||||
hickory, water | Carya aquatica | 2001 | 152inches | 136feet | 78feet | Baldwin | ||||||||
holly, American | Ilex opaca | 1987 | 126inches | 50feet | 47feet | Chambers | ||||||||
holly, dahoon | Ilex cassine | 2007 | 38inches | 47feet | 37feet | Baldwin | ||||||||
hophornbeam, eastern | Ostrya virginiana | 2008 | 37inches | 55feet | 39feet | DeKalb | ||||||||
hoptree | Ptelea trifoliata | 2011 | 15inches | 16feet | 17feet | Jackson | ||||||||
hornbeam, American | Carpinus caroliniana | 2011 | 31inches | 56feet | 38feet | Bibb | ||||||||
hornbeam, American | Carpinus caroliniana | 2008 | 41inches | 46feet | 37feet | Baldwin | ||||||||
locust, black | Robinia pseudoacacia | 1995 | 95inches | 102feet | 27feet | Madison | ||||||||
locust, honey | Gleditsia triacanthos | 2009 | 90inches | 107feet | 67feet | Talladega | ||||||||
magnolia, bigleaf | Magnolia macrophylla | 2008 | 60inches | 85feet | 44feet | Monroe | ||||||||
magnolia, cucumber | Magnolia acuminata | 1993 | 136inches | 112feet | 59feet | Madison | ||||||||
magnolia, pyramid | Magnolia pyramidata | 2011 | 41inches | 92feet | 24feet | Wilcox | ||||||||
magnolia, southern | Magnolia grandiflora | 1987 | 190inches | 75feet | 71feet | Calhoun | ||||||||
magnolia, sweetbay | Magnolia virginiana | 2010 | 140inches | 91feet | 63feet | Baldwin | ||||||||
magnolia, umbrella | Magnolia tripetala | 2011 | 27inches | 45feet | 20feet | Calhoun | ||||||||
maple, ashleaf | Acer negundo | 2011 | 150inches | 60feet | 17feet | Jackson | ||||||||
maple, chalk | Acer leucoderme | 2008 | 43inches | 51feet | 36feet | Wilcox | ||||||||
maple, Florida | Acer floridanum | 2010 | 80inches | 82feet | 32feet | Lowndes | ||||||||
maple, red | Acer rubrum | 2009 | 131inches | 87feet | 67feet | Morgan | ||||||||
maple, sugar | Acer saccharum | 2008 | 130inches | 80feet | 64feet | Madison | ||||||||
mayhaw | Crataegus aestivalis | 2007 | 20inches | 20feet | 22feet | Baldwin | ||||||||
mulberry, red | Morus rubra | 2009 | 254inches | 60feet | 50feet | Choctaw | ||||||||
mulberry, white | Morus alba* | 2007 | 195inches | 38feet | 53feet | DeKalb | ||||||||
oak, Arkansas | Quercus arkansana | 1991 | 43inches | 55feet | 39feet | Autauga | ||||||||
oak, black | Quercus velutina | 1992 | 242inches | 80feet | 94feet | Macon | ||||||||
oak, blackjack | Quercus marilandica | 1997 | 121inches | 72feet | 49feet | Barbour | ||||||||
oak, bluejack | Quercus incana | 1994 | 65inches | 53feet | 27feet | Chilton | ||||||||
oak, bluff | Quercus austrina | 200 | 96inches | 92feet | 47feet | Baldwin | ||||||||
oak, bur | Quercus macrocarpa | 1990 | 116inches | 59feet | 75feet | Montgomery | ||||||||
oak, cherrybark | Quercus pagoda | 1999 | 248inches | 115feet | 144feet | Bibb | ||||||||
oak, chinkapin | Quercus muehlenbergii | 2011 | 136inches | 133feet | 82feet | Lauderdale | ||||||||
oak, darlington | Quercus hemisphaerica | 2009 | 243inches | 95feet | 102feet | Hale | ||||||||
oak, Durand | Quercus sinuata var. sinuata | 2020†[5] | 180inches | 90feet | 95feet | Greene | ||||||||
oak, laurel | Quercus laurifolia | 2010 | 285inches | 95feet | 127feet | Marengo | ||||||||
oak, live | Quercus virginiana | 2013 | 363inches | 82feet | 136feet | Mobile | Intersection of Highway 43 & Dead Lake Road | |||||||
oak, myrtle | Quercus myrtifolia | 2007‡ | 26inches | 35feet | 30feet | Baldwin | ||||||||
oak, northern red | Quercus rubra | 2009 | 127inches | 125feet | 93feet | Marion | ||||||||
oak, nuttall | Quercus texana | 2000 | 178inches | 114feet | 102feet | Madison | ||||||||
oak, overcup | Quercus lyrata | 1984 | 247inches | 139feet | 109feet | Marengo | ||||||||
oak, post | Quercus stellata | 2010 | 195inches | 88feet | 79feet | Montgomery | ||||||||
oak, post | Quercus stellata | 2010 | 194inches | 86feet | 84feet | Coosa | ||||||||
oak, sand live | Quercus geminata | 1998 | 185inches | 56feet | 104feet | Mobile | ||||||||
oak, sand post | Quercus margaretta | 1982 | 106inches | 68feet | 83feet | Covington | ||||||||
oak, sawtooth | Quercus acutissima* | 1997 | 90inches | 101feet | 97feet | Barbour | ||||||||
oak, scarlet | Quercus coccinea | 2011 | 168inches | 115feet | 94feet | Jackson | ||||||||
oak, shingle | Quercus imbricaria | 2004 | 152inches | 68feet | 102feet | Lawrence | ||||||||
oak, shumard | Quercus shumardii | 2008 | 234inches | 90feet | 117feet | Bullock | ||||||||
oak, southern red | Quercus falcata | 1987 | 329inches | 73feet | 106feet | Pike | ||||||||
oak, swamp chestnut | Quercus michauxii | 2007 | 280inches | 120feet | 113feet | Cleburne | ||||||||
oak, swamp white oak | Quercus bicolor | 2007 | 119inches | 90feet | 30feet | Madison | ||||||||
oak, white | Quercus alba | 2003 | 210inches | 100feet | 110feet | Montgomery | ||||||||
oak, willow | Quercus phellos | 2004 | 251inches | 68feet | 86feet | Marshall | ||||||||
osage-orange | Maclura pomifera | 1990 | 284inches | 88feet | 67feet | Greene | ||||||||
pawpaw, common | Asimina triloba | 1997 | 31inches | 55feet | 10feet | Randolph | ||||||||
pear, European | Pyrus communis* | 2003 | 77inches | 57feet | 40feet | Chilton | ||||||||
pecan | Carya illinoinensis | 1999 | 228inches | 118feet | 134feet | Conecuh | ||||||||
persimmon, American | Diospyros virginiana | 2003 | 80inches | 122feet | 47feet | Lauderdale | ||||||||
pine, loblolly | Pinus taeda | 1998 | 169inches | 134feet | 91feet | Bullock | ||||||||
pine, pond | Pinus serotina | 2000 | 98inches | 128feet | 45feet | Barbour | ||||||||
pine, sand | Pinus clausa | 2008 | 60inches | 45feet | 33feet | Baldwin | ||||||||
pine, shortleaf | Pinus echinata | 2008 | 129inches | 91feet | 56feet | Madison | ||||||||
pine, slash | Pinus elliottii | 2010 | 95inches | 72feet | 49feet | Baldwin | ||||||||
pine, spruce | Pinus glabra | 1996 | 147inches | 125feet | 86feet | Russell | ||||||||
pine, Virginia | Pinus virginiana | 2009 | 71inches | 93feet | 31feet | DeKalb | ||||||||
plum, American | Prunus americana | 2007 | 26inches | 19feet | 22feet | Elmore | ||||||||
plum, Chickasaw | Prunus angustifolia | 2007 | 19inches | 17feet | 19feet | Baldwin | ||||||||
plum, flatwoods | Prunus umbellata | 2010 | 20inches | 22feet | 25feet | Baldwin | ||||||||
privet, eastern swamp | Forestiera acuminata | 1995 | 19inches | 36feet | 24feet | Madison | ||||||||
redbud, eastern | Cercis canadensis | 2000 | 86inches | 36feet | 34feet | Limestone | ||||||||
red-cedar, eastern | Juniperus virginiana | 1979 | 169inches | 51feet | 30feet | Wilcox | ||||||||
red-cedar, southern | Juniperus silicicola | 2001 | 167inches | 50feet | 45feet | Baldwin | ||||||||
sassafras | Sassafras albidum | 1992 | 140inches | 67feet | 36feet | Dallas | ||||||||
serviceberry, downy | Amelanchier arborea | 2009 | 24inches | 40feet | 18feet | DeKalb | ||||||||
silverbell, Carolina | Halesia carolina | 2011 | 42inches | 63feet | 39feet | Randolph | ||||||||
silverbell, two-winged | Halesia diptera | 1998† | 40inches | 78feet | 33feet | Wilcox | ||||||||
smoketree, American | Cotinus obovatus | 2010 | 58inches | 64feet | 37feet | Madison | ||||||||
sourwood | Oxydendrum arboreum | 2009 | 65inches | 87feet | 39feet | Marion | ||||||||
sparkleberry | Vaccinium arboreum | 2007‡ | 47inches | 28feet | 41feet | Choctaw | ||||||||
sugarberry | Celtis laevigata | 1994† | 221inches | 82feet | 36feet | Barbour | ||||||||
sumac, smooth | Rhus glabra | 2011 | 12inches | 21feet | 11feet | Jackson | ||||||||
sweetgum, American | Liquidambar styraciflua | 1990 | 161inches | 75feet | 66feet | Coosa | ||||||||
sweetgum, American | Liquidambar styraciflua | 2011 | 135inches | 95feet | 86feet | Montgomery | ||||||||
sweetleaf | Symplocos tinctoria | 2009 | 25inches | 63feet | 20feet | Marion | ||||||||
sycamore, American | Platanus occidentalis | 2010 | 182inches | 115feet | 102feet | Montgomery | ||||||||
tulip tree | Liriodendron tulipifera | 1974 | 252inches | 153feet | 73feet | Lawrence | ||||||||
tupelo, water | Nyssa aquatica | 2007 | 237inches | 112feet | 88feet | Madison | ||||||||
walnut, eastern black | Juglans nigra | 1973 | 199inches | 76feet | 97feet | Colbert | ||||||||
willow, black | Salix nigra | 2009 | 144inches | 74feet | 66feet | Perry | ||||||||
yellowwood, American | Cladrastis kentukea | 2010 | 28inches | 48feet | 28feet | Jackson |