Acrapex brunnea is a species of moth of the family Noctuidae first described by George Hampson in 1910.[1] It is found in Africa, including Angola, Kenya and South Africa.
Head and thorax dark brown slightly mixed with ochreous; thorax ochreous tinged with rufous; pectus and legs ochreous mixed with brown; abdomen ochreous suffused with brown. Forewing ochreous, the costal area suffused with red brown leaving slight pale streaks on the veins; a diffused brown streak along median nervure and thence to the subterminal oblique fascia, with two white points on it at lower angle of cell; a slight brown streak below base of cell; an oblique pale fascia from apex to discal fold with a diffused dark brown fascia below it from termen below apex to vein 3 with minute black streaks on it in the interspaces; a terminal series of slight black lunules; cilia ochreous mixed with brown and with brown line near base. Hindwing ochreous white, the veins and terminal area tinged with brown; a fine brown terminal line; cilia with a whitish with a slight brown line near base; the underside whitish with the costal and terminal areas sprinkled with reddish brown.[2]