35T Explained

35T (pronounced thirty-five tango using the phonetic alphabet), previously 33W, is the Military Occupational Specialty (MOS) for the United States Army's Military Intelligence Systems Maintainer/Integrator.


To be a 35T, one must have[1]


A 35T performs or supervises unit, direct, or depot support and provides maintenance of Electronic Warfare (EW) subsystems, receiver subsystems, and processing/storage subsystems at fixed stations or remote sites.

Skill levels

Additional Skill Identifiers


In 1985, the Army split the generalized Electronic Warfare/Intercept Systems Technician 33S MOS into five specializations 33P (Strategic Receiving Subsystems Repairer), 33Q (Strategic Recording Subsystems Repairer), 33R (Aviation Systems Repairer), 33V (Aerial Sensor Repairer), 33T (Tactical Systems Repairer)].

However, on 1 October 1998 the Army recombined the 3 MOSs: 33R (Aviation Systems Repairer), 33T (Tactical Systems Repairer), 33Y (Electronic Warfare/Intercept Strategic Systems Repairer) into one MOS—33W (Electronic Warfare/Intelligence Systems Repairer). This change was prompted due to lack of need in several of the 33 series. By combining all three into one MOS, the Army was able to provide the same support with fewer soldiers and use OJT (on the job training).

On 1 October 2007, the 33W designation was renamed to 35T to group all Military Intelligence MOSs in the same 35 series.


35Ts are trained to perform maintenance tasks associated with electronic warfare equipment and systems. The soldiers are taught about electricity and advanced electronic theory, advanced concept and troubleshooting theory to include basic and advanced computer concepts and advanced troubleshooting skills using the Army's most advanced EW systems. Also taught are the concepts of basic analog and digital electronics repair, communications theory (receivers, recorders, and multiplexing/de-multiplexing, transmission line repair techniques, computer architecture/operating systems fundamentals, automated messaging, and network operations/troubleshooting. Upon completion of training a 35T has all the skills to repair and maintain virtually any electronic system from the tactical to strategic level. As an expert a 35T may be tasked to repair/maintain Transmitters/Transceivers (AN/TLQ-17A, AN/TLQ-17, AN/TLQ-40, AN/TLQ-63); Imagery Analysis systems (AN/TSQ-179(TGS), signal intelligence systems (GR/CS) and (PROPHET), aerial electronic warfare systems (RC-12 Guardrail), or provide System Administration over complex/advanced computer systems and networks.

Charlie Company, 309th Military Intelligence Battalion, 111th Military Intelligence Brigade at Fort Huachuca, AZ conducts all 35T training. Charlie Company is composed of only 35T's due to over inhabitance of Alpha 305th's IET population.

See also

External links

Notes and References

  1. DA Pam 611-21 MOS Smartbook, Table 10-35T, 35T - Military Intelligence (MI) Systems Maintainer/Integrator, (MI Sys Mntr/Intgr)