3-3 duoprism explained

3-3 duoprism
Schläfli:× = 2
Cells:6 triangular prisms
Faces:9 squares,
6 triangles
Symmetry: = [6,2<sup>+</sup>,6], order 72
Property List:convex, vertex-uniform, facet-transitive

In the geometry of 4 dimensions, the 3-3 duoprism or triangular duoprism is a four-dimensional convex polytope.


The duoprism is a 4-polytope that can be constructed using Cartesian product of two polygons. In the case of 3-3 duoprism is the simplest among them, and it can be constructed using Cartesian product of two triangles. The resulting duoprism has 9 vertices, 18 edges, and 15 faces - which include 9 squares and 6 triangles. Its cell has 6 triangular prism. It has Coxeter diagram, and symmetry, order 72.

The hypervolume of a uniform 3-3 duoprism with edge length


is V_4 = a^4.This is the square of the area of an equilateral triangle, A = a^2.

The 3-3 duoprism can be represented as a graph with the same number of vertices and edges. Like the Berlekamp–van Lint–Seidel graph and the unknown solution to Conway's 99-graph problem, every edge is part of a unique triangle and every non-adjacent pair of vertices is the diagonal of a unique square. It is a toroidal graph, a locally linear graph, a strongly regular graph with parameters (9,4,1,2), the

3 x 3

rook's graph, and the Paley graph of order 9. This graph is also the Cayley graph of the group

G=\langlea,b:a3=b3=1,ab=ba\rangle\simeqC3 x C3

with generating set



The minimal distance graph of a 3-3 duoprism may be ascertained by the Cartesian product of graphs between two identical both complete graphs



3-3 duopyramid

The dual polyhedron of a 3-3 duoprism is called a 3-3 duopyramid or triangular duopyramid., page 45: "The dual of a p,q-duoprism is called a p,q-duopyramid." It has 9 tetragonal disphenoid cells, 18 triangular faces, 15 edges, and 6 vertices. It can be seen in orthogonal projection as a 6-gon circle of vertices, and edges connecting all pairs, just like a 5-simplex seen in projection.

The regular complex polygon 23, also 3+3 has 6 vertices in


with a real representation in


matching the same vertex arrangement of the 3-3 duopyramid. It has 9 2-edges corresponding to the connecting edges of the 3-3 duopyramid, while the 6 edges connecting the two triangles are not included. It can be seen in a hexagonal projection with 3 sets of colored edges. This arrangement of vertices and edges makes a complete bipartite graph with each vertex from one triangle is connected to every vertex on the other. It is also called a Thomsen graph or 4-cage.

See also


External links