2018 in arthropod paleontology explained

This list of fossil arthropods described in 2018 is a list of new taxa of trilobites, fossil insects, crustaceans, arachnids, and other fossil arthropods of every kind that were described during the year 2018, as well as other significant discoveries, and events related to arthropod paleontology that are scheduled to occur in the year 2018.

General research



New taxa

AlteraraneusGen. et sp. novValidWunderlich in Wunderlich & MüllerLate Cretaceous (Cenomanian)Burmese amberA spider belonging to the group Araneoidea and to the family Zarqaraneidae. The type species is A. gracilipes.
AlteruloborusGen. et sp. novValidWunderlich in Wunderlich & MüllerLate Cretaceous (Cenomanian)Burmese amberA spider belonging to the group Deinopoidea and the new family Alteruloboridae. The type species is A. araneoides.
Burerythrites[18] Gen. et sp. novValidKonikiewicz & MąkolLate Cretaceous (Cenomanian)Burmese amberA mite belonging to the family Erythraeidae. Genus includes new species B. pankowskii.
BurfessoniaGen. et sp. novValidKonikiewicz & MąkolLate Cretaceous (Cenomanian)Burmese amberA mite belonging to the family Smarididae. Genus includes new species B. maryae.
BurmaforcepsGen. et sp. novValidWunderlich in Wunderlich & MüllerLate Cretaceous (Cenomanian)Burmese amberA spider belonging to the group Araneoidea and to the family Zarqaraneidae. The type species is B. amputatus.
Burmascutum brevisSp. novValidWunderlich in Wunderlich & MüllerLate Cretaceous (Cenomanian)Burmese amberA spider belonging to the group Araneoidea and to the family Burmascutidae.
BurmasuccinusGen. et sp. novValidWunderlich in Wunderlich & MüllerLate Cretaceous (Cenomanian)Burmese amberA spider belonging to the family Uloboridae. The type species is B. bulla.
BurmatheridionGen. et sp. novValidWunderlich in Wunderlich & MüllerLate Cretaceous (Cenomanian)Burmese amberA spider belonging to the family Theridiidae. The type species is B. sinespinae.
BurphanolophusGen. et sp. novValidKonikiewicz & MąkolLate Cretaceous (Cenomanian)Burmese amberA mite belonging to the family Erythraeidae. Genus includes new species B. joergwunderlichi.
Chaerilobuthus knodelorum[19] Sp. novValidLourençoLate Cretaceous (Cenomanian)Burmese amberA scorpion belonging to the family Chaerilobuthidae.
Chimerarachne[20] [21] Gen. et sp. novValidWang et al.Late Cretaceous (Cenomanian)Burmese amberAn arachnid closely related to spiders and to the extinct group Uraraneida. Genus includes new species C. yingi.
ConverszarqaraneusGen. et sp. novValidWunderlich in Wunderlich & MüllerLate Cretaceous (Cenomanian)Burmese amberA spider belonging to the group Araneoidea and to the family Zarqaraneidae. The type species is C. annulipedes.
CornicaraneusGen. et sp. novValidWunderlich in Wunderlich & MüllerLate Cretaceous (Cenomanian)Burmese amberA spider belonging to the group Araneoidea and to the family Zarqaraneidae. The type species is C. scutatus.
Crassitibia baculumSp. novValidWunderlich in Wunderlich & MüllerLate Cretaceous (Cenomanian)Burmese amberA spider belonging to the group Araneoidea and to the family Zarqaraneidae.
Cretaceoushormiops[22] Gen. et sp. novValidLourençoLate Cretaceous (Cenomanian)Burmese amberA scorpion belonging to the family Protoischnuridae. Genus includes new species C. knodeli.
CretamysmenaGen. et sp. novValidWunderlich in Wunderlich & MüllerLate Cretaceous (Cenomanian)Burmese amberA spider belonging to the group Araneoidea and to the new family Cretamysmenidae. The type species is C. fontana.
Eothrombium fortesambiense[23] Sp. novValidMąkol, Konikiewicz & KlugEoceneBaltic amberEurope
(Baltic Sea region)
A mite belonging to the group Prostigmata and to the family Tanaupodidae.
EotibiaapophysisGen. et sp. novValidWunderlich in Wunderlich & MüllerLate Cretaceous (Cenomanian)Burmese amberA spider of uncertain phylogenetic placement, originally assigned to the family Uloboridae, but subsequently reinterpreted as a member of an early branch of the RTA clade.[24] The type species is E. reliquus.
FrateruloborusGen. et sp. novValidWunderlich in Wunderlich & MüllerLate Cretaceous (Cenomanian)Burmese amberA spider belonging to the group Deinopoidea and the new family Frateruloboridae. The type species is F. bulbosus.
Galianora marcoi[25] Sp. novValidGarcía-VillafuerteMiocene (Aquitanian)Mexican amberA jumping spider, a species of Galianora
Haemaphysalis (Alloceraea) cretacea[26] Sp. novValidChitimia-Dobler, Pfeffer & DunlopLate Cretaceous (Cenomanian)Burmese amberA tick, a species of Haemaphysalis.
Immensmaris[27] Gen. et sp. novValidDunlop, Frahnert & MąkolLate Cretaceous (Cenomanian)Burmese amberA mite belonging to the family Smarididae. The type species is I. chewbaccei.thumb|center|upright|Immensmaris chewbaccei
Kachin serratusSp. novValidWunderlich in Wunderlich & MüllerLate Cretaceous (Cenomanian)Burmese amberA spider belonging to the family Uloboridae.
Leviunguis altusSp. novValidWunderlich in Wunderlich & MüllerLate Cretaceous (Cenomanian)Burmese amberA spider belonging to the group Araneoidea and to the new family Leviunguidae.
Leviunguis anulusSp. novValidWunderlich in Wunderlich & MüllerLate Cretaceous (Cenomanian)Burmese amberA spider belonging to the group Araneoidea and to the new family Leviunguidae.
Leviunguis anulusoidesSp. novValidWunderlich in Wunderlich & MüllerLate Cretaceous (Cenomanian)Burmese amberA spider belonging to the group Araneoidea and to the new family Leviunguidae.
Leviunguis bruckschoidesSp. novValidWunderlich in Wunderlich & MüllerLate Cretaceous (Cenomanian)Burmese amberA spider belonging to the group Araneoidea and to the new family Leviunguidae.
Leviunguis erectusSp. novValidWunderlich in Wunderlich & MüllerLate Cretaceous (Cenomanian)Burmese amberA spider belonging to the group Araneoidea and to the new family Leviunguidae.
Leviunguis glomulusSp. novValidWunderlich in Wunderlich & MüllerLate Cretaceous (Cenomanian)Burmese amberA spider belonging to the group Araneoidea and to the new family Leviunguidae.
Leviunguis glomusSp. novValidWunderlich in Wunderlich & MüllerLate Cretaceous (Cenomanian)Burmese amberA spider belonging to the group Araneoidea and to the new family Leviunguidae.
Leviunguis graciliembolusSp. novValidWunderlich in Wunderlich & MüllerLate Cretaceous (Cenomanian)Burmese amberA spider belonging to the group Araneoidea and to the new family Leviunguidae.
Leviunguis gradusSp. novValidWunderlich in Wunderlich & MüllerLate Cretaceous (Cenomanian)Burmese amberA spider belonging to the group Araneoidea and to the new family Leviunguidae.
Leviunguis porrigensSp. novValidWunderlich in Wunderlich & MüllerLate Cretaceous (Cenomanian)Burmese amberA spider belonging to the group Araneoidea and to the new family Leviunguidae.
Leviunguis pseudobruckschiSp. novValidWunderlich in Wunderlich & MüllerLate Cretaceous (Cenomanian)Burmese amberA spider belonging to the group Araneoidea and to the new family Leviunguidae.
Leviunguis quadratusSp. novValidWunderlich in Wunderlich & MüllerLate Cretaceous (Cenomanian)Burmese amberA spider belonging to the group Araneoidea and to the new family Leviunguidae.
MicroproxiaraneusGen. et sp. novValidWunderlich in Wunderlich & MüllerLate Cretaceous (Cenomanian)Burmese amberA spider belonging to the group Araneoidea and to the family Zarqaraneidae. The type species is M. annulatus.
Miomastigoproctus[28] Gen. et sp. novValidLourençoMioceneMexican amberA member of Thelyphonida belonging to the family Thelyphonidae. Genus includes new species M. knodeli.
Nothrotrombidium myanmarumSp. novValidKonikiewicz & MąkolLate Cretaceous (Cenomanian)Burmese amberA mite belonging to the family Trombellidae.
Orchestina sakhalinensis[29] Sp. novValidMarusik, Perkovsky & EskovMiddle EoceneSakhalinian amberA species of Orchestina.
Palaeoburmesebuthus knodeli[30] Sp. novValidLourençoLate Cretaceous (Cenomanian)Burmese amberA scorpion belonging to the family Palaeoburmesebuthidae.
Palaeoleptoneta nilsSp. novValidWunderlich in Wunderlich & MüllerLate Cretaceous (Cenomanian)Burmese amberA spider, originally assigned to the family Leptonetidae, subsequently considered to be a member of Araneomorphae of uncertain affinities by Magalhaes et al..[31]
Palaeoleptoneta thiloSp. novValidWunderlich in Wunderlich & MüllerLate Cretaceous (Cenomanian)Burmese amberA spider, originally assigned to the family Leptonetidae, subsequently considered to be a member of Araneomorphae of uncertain affinities by Magalhaes et al..
Paramiagrammopes pusillusSp. novValidWunderlich in Wunderlich & MüllerLate Cretaceous (Cenomanian)Burmese amberA spider belonging to the family Uloboridae.
Parvibulbus[32] Gen. et sp. novValidWunderlich in Wunderlich & MüllerLate Cretaceous (Cenomanian)Burmese amberA spider belonging to the family Pholcochyroceridae. The type species is P. incompletus.
PaurospinaGen. et 3 sp. novValidWunderlich in Wunderlich & MüllerLate Cretaceous (Cenomanian)Burmese amberA spider belonging to the group Araneoidea and to the family Zarqaraneidae. The type species is P. curvata; genus also includes P. fortis and P. paulocurvata.
Pholcochyrocer calidumSp. novValidWunderlich in Wunderlich & MüllerLate Cretaceous (Cenomanian)Burmese amberA spider belonging to the family Pholcochyroceridae.
Pholcochyrocer vermiculusSp. novValidWunderlich in Wunderlich & MüllerLate Cretaceous (Cenomanian)Burmese amberA spider belonging to the family Pholcochyroceridae.
PlanibulbusGen. et sp. novValidWunderlich in Wunderlich & MüllerLate Cretaceous (Cenomanian)Burmese amberA spider belonging to the family Uloboridae. The type species is P. longisoma.
PraeteraraneoidesGen. et 3 sp. novWunderlich in Wunderlich & MüllerLate Cretaceous (Cenomanian)Burmese amberA spider belonging to the group Leptonetoidea and the new family Protoaraneoididae. The type species is P. bifurcatum; genus also includes P. bipartitum and P. leni. The spelling Praeteraneoides is also used in the publication naming the new genus.
ProaraneoidesGen. et sp. novValidWunderlich in Wunderlich & MüllerLate Cretaceous (Cenomanian)Burmese amberA spider belonging to the group Leptonetoidea and the new family Protoaraneoididae. The type species is P. cribellatum.
PropolysseniaGen. et sp. novValidMąkol, Konikiewicz & KlugEoceneBaltic amberEurope
(Baltic Sea region)
A mite belonging to the group Prostigmata and to the family Tanaupodidae. Genus includes new species P. wohltmanni.
ProtoaraneoidesGen. et sp. novValidWunderlich in Wunderlich & MüllerLate Cretaceous (Cenomanian)Burmese amberA spider belonging to the group Leptonetoidea and the new family Protoaraneoididae. The type species is P. longispina.
Protohylomysobia[33] Gen. et sp. novValidSidorchuk & Bochkov in Sidorchuk et al.EoceneBaltic amberA mite belonging to the family Myobiidae. Genus includes new species P. erinaceophilus.
ProxiaraneusGen. et sp. novValidWunderlich in Wunderlich & MüllerLate Cretaceous (Cenomanian)Burmese amberA spider belonging to the group Araneoidea and to the family Zarqaraneidae. The type species is P. rarus.
RamozarqaraneusGen. et sp. novValidWunderlich in Wunderlich & MüllerLate Cretaceous (Cenomanian)Burmese amberA spider belonging to the group Araneoidea and to the family Zarqaraneidae. The type species is R. pauxillus.
SpinicymbiumGen. et sp. et comb. novValidWunderlich in Wunderlich & MüllerLate Cretaceous (Cenomanian)Burmese amberA spider belonging to the group Araneoidea and to the family Zarqaraneidae. The type species is S. curvimetatarsus; genus also includes "Hypotheridiosoma" falcata Wunderlich (2015).
Spinipalpitibia hirsutaSp. novValidWunderlich in Wunderlich & MüllerLate Cretaceous (Cenomanian)Burmese amberA spider belonging to the group Leptonetoidea and the new family Protoaraneoididae.
Tuckerella weiterschani[34] Sp. novValidSidorchuk & KhaustovEoceneBaltic amberEurope (Baltic Sea coast)A peacock mite.
Weygoldtiella[35] Gen. et sp. novValidHarvey et al.Late Cretaceous (Cenomanian)Burmese amberA pseudoscorpion belonging to the family Chthoniidae. Genus includes new species W. plausus.
Weygoldtina[36] Gen. et comb. novValidDunlopLate CarboniferousBritish Middle Coal Measures
Mazon Creek fossil beds

A whip spider belonging to the group Paleoamblypygi and the new family Weygoldtinidae. The type species is "Graeophonus" scudderi Pocock (1911); genus also includes "Graeophonus" anglicus Pocock (1911).thumb|center|upright|W. anglica



New taxa


Abyssophthalmus adinae[45] Sp. novValidSchweitzer et al.Late JurassicA crab belonging to the family Longodromitidae.
Aethra stalennyii[46] Sp. novValidOssóMiocene (Serravallian to Messinian)[47]
A species of Aethra.
Amazighopsis[48] Gen. et sp. novValidGarassino & PasiniLate Cretaceous (Cenomanian-Turonian)Kem Kem BedsA member of Astacidea of uncertain phylogenetic placement, assigned to the new family Amazighopsidae. The type species is A. cretacica.
Anapagurus muelleriSp. novValidBeschin, Busulini & Tessier in Beschin et al.Eocene (Priabonian)A hermit crab belonging to the family Paguridae.
ArcheostenoniscusGen. et 2 sp. novValidBroly in Broly, Serrano-Sánchez & VegaEarly MioceneLa Quinta Formation
(Mexican amber)
A woodlouse belonging to the family Stenoniscidae. The type species is A. robustus; genus also includes A. mexicanus.
Armadilloniscus miocaenicusSp. novValidBroly in Broly, Serrano-Sánchez & VegaEarly MioceneLa Quinta Formation
(Mexican amber)
A woodlouse, a species of Armadilloniscus.
Asthenognathus sakumotoi[49] Sp. novValidKarasawaMioceneKorematsu Formation
Lower Sandstone Member of the Bihoku Group
A crab belonging to the family Varunidae.
Axianassa petrea[50] Sp. novValidBeschin, Busulini & Tessier in Beschin et al.Eocene (Priabonian)A member of the family Axianassidae.
Balsscallichirus sangermaniSp. novValidBeschin, Busulini & Tessier in Beschin et al.Eocene (Priabonian)A member of the family Callianassidae.
Bericocarcinus[51] Gen. et sp. novValidDe AngeliEocene (Priabonian)A crab belonging to the family Macropipidae. The type species is B. alontensis.
Blaculla felthausetsauteri[52] Sp. novValidWinklerLate Jurassic (Tithonian)Solnhofen LimestoneA caridean shrimp.
Bryocarpilius stratensisSp. novValidBeschin, Busulini & Tessier in Beschin et al.Eocene (Priabonian)A crab belonging to the family Carpiliidae.
Cabrillia[53] Gen. et sp. novValidNyborg, Pasini & GarassinoPliocene-PleistoceneSan Diego FormationA crab belonging to the family Leucosiidae. Genus includes new species C. hendyi.
Calliaxina elegansSp. novValidBeschin, Busulini & Tessier in Beschin et al.Eocene (Priabonian)A member of the family Callianassidae.
Callichirus ornatusSp. novValidBeschin, Busulini & Tessier in Beschin et al.Eocene (Priabonian)A species of Callichirus.
CarinocalappaGen. et sp. novValidBeschin, Busulini & Tessier in Beschin et al.Eocene (Priabonian)A crab, a member of the family Calappidae. The type species is C. lineamenta.
Cenomanocarcinus lenzenwegeri[54] Sp. novValidHyžný et al.Late Cretaceous (Santonian)A crab belonging to the group Palaeocorystoidea.
Ceratiocaris harpago[55] Sp. novValidPoschmann, Bergmann & KühlEarly DevonianHunsrück Slate
Cirolana centinelensis[56] Sp. novValidMaguire in Maguire et al.Miocene (Burdigalian)Estancia 25 de Mayo FormationAn isopod, a species of Cirolana.
Cirolana titanophila[57] Sp. novValidRobin et al.Eocene (Ypresian)Monte BolcaAn isopod, a species of Cirolana found in association with electric rays belonging to the genus Titanonarke.
Daciapagurus[58] Gen. et sp. novValidFrantescu et al.Late JurassicA hermit crab belonging to the family Schobertellidae. Genus includes new species D. minusculus.
Daira iugataSp. novValidBeschin, Busulini & Tessier in Beschin et al.Late EoceneA crab belonging to the family Dairidae.
Daira pseudovulgarisSp. novValidBeschin, Busulini & Tessier in Beschin et al.Eocene (Priabonian)A crab belonging to the family Dairidae.
Daranyia tricristataSp. novValidBeschin, Busulini & Tessier in Beschin et al.Eocene (Priabonian)A crab, a member of Grapsoidea of uncertain phylogenetic placement.
Dinochelus radwanskii[59] Sp. novValidFraaije et al.Late Cretaceous (Maastrichtian)A species of Dinochelus.
Diogenes denticulatusSp. novValidBeschin, Busulini & Tessier in Beschin et al.Eocene (Priabonian)A hermit crab belonging to the family Diogenidae, a species of Diogenes.
Discapseudes (Miodiscapseudes)[60] Subgen. et sp. novValidHeard in Heard, de Lourdes Serrano-Sánchez & VegaEarly MioceneMexican amberA member of Tanaidacea belonging to the group Apseudomorpha. The subgenus includes new species D. chiapasensis.
Eocarpilius ortegai[61] Sp. novValidArtal & van BakelEocene (Ypresian)A crab belonging to the family Carpiliidae.
Eopetrolisthes levistriatusSp. novValidBeschin, Busulini & Tessier in Beschin et al.Eocene (Priabonian)A porcelain crab.
Eucalliax multisetaeSp. novValidBeschin, Busulini & Tessier in Beschin et al.Eocene (Priabonian)A member of the family Callianassidae.
Eucalliax rugataSp. novValidBeschin, Busulini & Tessier in Beschin et al.Eocene (Priabonian)A member of the family Callianassidae.
Exucarcinus[62] Gen. et sp. novValidPrado & Luque in Prado et al.Early Cretaceous (late Aptian–early Albian)Romualdo FormationA crab belonging to the group Raninoida and the family Orithopsidae. The type species is E. gonzagai.
Galathea hexacristataSp. novValidBeschin, Busulini & Tessier in Beschin et al.Eocene (Priabonian)A species of Galathea.
Gemmellarocarcinus disalvoiSp. novValidBeschin, Busulini & Tessier in Beschin et al.Eocene (Priabonian)A crab, a member of Dromiacea of uncertain phylogenetic placement.
Glyphithyreus almerai[63] Sp. novValidArtal & van BakelEocene (Ypresian)
Guinotosia ornataSp. novValidBeschin, Busulini & Tessier in Beschin et al.Eocene (Priabonian)A crab, a member of the family Etyiidae.
Homarus hungaricus[64] Sp. novValidTshudy et al.Oligocene (Chattian)Mány FormationA species of Homarus.
Hoploparia nasilowensisSp. novValidFraaije et al.Paleocene (Danian)
Hyastenus antiquusSp. novValidBeschin, Busulini & Tessier in Beschin et al.Eocene (Priabonian)A crab belonging to the family Epialtidae, a species of Hyastenus.
Hypothalassia campolongensisSp. novValidBeschin, Busulini & Tessier in Beschin et al.Eocene (Priabonian)A crab, a species of Hypothalassia.
Icriobranchiocarcinus[65] Gen. et sp. novValidVega in Vega et al.Late Cretaceous (Maastrichtian)A member crab related to Icriocarcinus. Genus includes new species I. tzutzu.
IlerdapatiscusGen. et sp. novValidArtal & van BakelEocene (Ypresian)A crab belonging to the family Aethridae. Genus includes new species I. guardiae.
Inachus eocenicusSp. novValidBeschin, Busulini & Tessier in Beschin et al.Eocene (Priabonian)A crab belonging to the family Inachidae, a species of Inachus.
Kromtitis tergospinosusSp. novValidBeschin, Busulini & Tessier in Beschin et al.Eocene (Priabonian)A crab belonging to the family Dynomenidae.
Laevitealliocaris[66] Gen. et sp. novValidYang et al.Late CarboniferousTupo FormationA relative of Tealliocaris. The type species is L. xiaheyanensis.
Lessiniamathia[67] Gen. et sp. novValidCeccon & De AngeliEocene (Ypresian)A crab belonging to the family Epialtidae. Genus includes new species L. bolcense.
Lessinipagurus bericusSp. novValidBeschin, Busulini & Tessier in Beschin et al.Eocene (Priabonian)A hermit crab belonging to the family Xylopaguridae.
Longipaguristes regularisSp. novValidBeschin, Busulini & Tessier in Beschin et al.Eocene (Priabonian)A hermit crab belonging to the family Diogenidae.
Longodromites aubreyaeSp. novValidSchweitzer et al.Late JurassicA crab belonging to the family Longodromitidae.
Maeandricampus starri[68] Sp. novValidFeldmann, Schweitzer & GoedertLate Oligocene to earliest MioceneLincoln Creek FormationA crab belonging to the family Carcinidae.
Mesolambrus bragaiSp. novValidBeschin, Busulini & Tessier in Beschin et al.Eocene (Priabonian)A crab belonging to the family Parthenopidae.
Occultocaris feckeiSp. novValidWinklerLate Jurassic (Tithonian)Solnhofen LimestoneA caridean shrimp.
Olicarcinus[69] Gen. et sp. novValidBeschin & ChecchiEocene (Lutetian)A crab belonging to the family Carcinidae. The type species is O. trevisani.
OscacarpiliusGen. et sp. novValidArtal & van BakelEocene (Ypresian)A crab belonging to the family Carpiliidae. Genus includes new species O. rotundus.
Pachycheles cristatusSp. novValidBeschin, Busulini & Tessier in Beschin et al.Eocene (Priabonian)A porcelain crab, a species of Pachycheles.
Pachycheles multituberculatusSp. novValidBeschin, Busulini & Tessier in Beschin et al.Eocene (Priabonian)A porcelain crab, a species of Pachycheles.
Pachycheles semiornatusSp. novValidBeschin, Busulini & Tessier in Beschin et al.Eocene (Priabonian)A porcelain crab, a species of Pachycheles.
Paguristes michikoae[70] Sp. novValidKarasawa & FudoujiEarly OligoceneSari Sandstone Member of the Kishima GroupA species of Paguristes.
Paguristes teruakiiSp. novValidKarasawa & FudoujiEarly OligoceneSari Sandstone Member of the Kishima GroupA species of Paguristes.
Paguristes vallionensisSp. novValidBeschin, Busulini & Tessier in Beschin et al.Eocene (Priabonian)A species of Paguristes.
Palaemon monsdamarum[71] Sp. novValidPasini & GarassinoMiocene (Messinian)A species of Palaemon.
Palaeoarmadillo[72] Gen. et sp. novValidPoinarLate Cretaceous (Cenomanian)Burmese amberAn isopod belonging to the family Armadillidae. Genus includes new species P. microsoma.
Palaeolibrinus[73] Gen. et sp. novValidBroly in Broly, Serrano-Sánchez & VegaEarly MioceneLa Quinta Formation
(Mexican amber)
A woodlouse belonging to the family Olibrinidae. The type species is P. spinicornis.
PalaeospherarmadilloGen. et 2 sp. novValidBroly in Broly, Serrano-Sánchez & VegaEarly MioceneMazantic Shale
(Mexican amber)
A woodlouse. The type species is P. mazanticus; genus also includes P. rotundus.
Palicoides faggioniSp. novValidBeschin, Busulini & Tessier in Beschin et al.Eocene (Priabonian)A crab belonging to the family Palicidae.
Panopeus paucicarinatusSp. novValidBeschin, Busulini & Tessier in Beschin et al.Eocene (Priabonian)A crab belonging to the family Panopeidae, a species of Panopeus.
Paraclythia cernavodaSp. novValidFrantescu et al.Early Cretaceous (Aptian)Ramadan FormationA lobster.
Petrolisthes tuberculatusSp. novValidBeschin, Busulini & Tessier in Beschin et al.Eocene (Priabonian)A porcelain crab, a species of Petrolisthes.
PilidromiaGen. et comb. novValidSchweitzer et al.Late Jurassic
A crab belonging to the family Longodromitidae. The type species is "Planoprosopon" thiedeae Schweigert & Koppka (2011).
Pithonoton lluismariaorum[74] Sp. novValidOssó et al.Early Cretaceous (Aptian)Margas de Forcall FormationA crab.
PolitohepatiscusGen. et sp. novValidBeschin, Busulini & Tessier in Beschin et al.Eocene (Priabonian)A crab, a member of the family Aethridae. The type species is P. zorzini.
Porcellana elegansSp. novValidBeschin, Busulini & Tessier in Beschin et al.Eocene (Priabonian)A porcelain crab, a species of Porcellana.
Prebranchioplax[75] Gen. et sp. novValidVega et al.Late Cretaceous (Campanian)Cerro del Pueblo Formation
Parras Shale
A crab belonging to the family Mathildellidae. Genus includes new species P. cretacica.
Priorhyncha[76] Gen. et sp. novValidAlencar et al.Early Cretaceous (Aptian-Albian)A member of Dendrobranchiata belonging to the family Solenoceridae. Genus includes new species P. feitosai.
Proeryon charbonnieri[77] Sp. novValidAudo & SchweigertMiddle Jurassic (Callovian)La Voulte-sur-Rhône LagerstätteA member of the family Coleiidae.
Prosopon barbulescuaeSp. novDisputedSchweitzer et al.Late JurassicA crab belonging to the family Prosopidae. Klompmaker et al. (2020) considered it to be a junior synonym of Europrosopon aculeatum (von Meyer, 1857).[78]
Pseudodromilites arzignanensis[79] Sp. novValidDe Angeli & AlbertiEocene (Lutetian)A crab belonging to the family Dromiidae.
PseudopancolusGen. et sp. novValidHeard in Heard, de Lourdes Serrano-Sánchez & VegaEarly MioceneMexican amberA member of Tanaidacea belonging to the group Tanaidomorpha. Genus includes new species P. minutus.
Rathbunopon tarraconensisSp. novValidOssó et al.Early Cretaceous (Aptian)Margas de Forcall FormationA crab.
Romaleon franciscae[80] Sp. novValidRobin et al.Miocene
(Kerguelen Islands)
A species of Romaleon.
RomaniacheirosGen. et sp. novValidFrantescu et al.Late Jurassic (Kimmeridgian-Tithonian)A member of Glypheoidea belonging to the family Mecochiridae. Genus includes new species R. lophia.
RomualdocarcinusGen. et sp. novValidPrado & Luque in Prado et al.Early Cretaceous (late Aptian–early Albian)Romualdo FormationA crab belonging to the group Heterotremata, possibly a member of the family Eogeryonidae. The type species is R. salesi.
SakakurapsusGen. et sp. novValidKarasawaMioceneLower Sandstone Member of the Bihoku GroupA crab belonging to the family Varunidae. The type species is S. kogisorum.
Schramocaris clarksoni[81] Sp. nov ValidClark, Miller & RossCarboniferous (Viséan)A eumalacostracan crustacean similar to Tealliocaris and Pseudogalathea.
Schramocaris matthewiSp. nov ValidClark, Miller & RossCarboniferous (Viséan)A eumalacostracan crustacean similar to Tealliocaris and Pseudogalathea.
Sume[82] Gen. et sp. novValidSaraiva, Pinheiro & SantanaEarly Cretaceous (Aptian/Albian)Romualdo MemberA member of the family Luciferidae. Genus includes new species S. marcosi.
Tanidromites starzykaeSp. novValidSchweitzer et al.Late JurassicA crab belonging to the family Tanidromitidae.
Tethyranina[83] Gen. et comb. novValidPasini & GarassinoEarly Miocene – early PleistoceneA crab belonging to the family Raninidae. The type species is "Ranina" propinqua Ristori (1891).
Vegaranina rivasi[84] Sp. novValidArano-Ruiz et al.Late CretaceousA member of the family Raninidae.
ZannatoiusGen. et sp. novValidBeschin, Busulini & Tessier in Beschin et al.Eocene (Priabonian)A crab, a member of the family Leucosiidae. The type species is Z. vicetinus.


Acratia caeracella[85] Sp. novValidForel & GrădinaruMiddle Triassic (Anisian)
Acratia maugerii[86] Sp. novValidCrasquin, Sciuto & ReitanoLate Triassic (Carnian)Mufara Formation
Advenocypris similis[87] Sp. novValidTeterinaPlioceneBeken FormationA member of the family Candonidae.
Aechmina akumame[88] Sp. novValidStocker et al.Carboniferous (Moscovian)Ichinotani FormationA member of Podocopa belonging to the order Beyrichiocopida and the family Aechminidae.
Aechmina? meidlai[89] Sp. novValidLajblová & KraftOrdovician (Katian)Králův Dvůr FormationA member of the family Aechminidae.
Alciella irizukii[90] Sp. novValidYasuhara et al.Eocene
Alicenula longiformis[91] Sp. novValidLeite et al.Early CretaceousQuiricó Formation
Alicenula sousaensis[92] Sp. novValidSousa, Carvalho & FerreiraEarly CretaceousSousa Formation
Amplocypris qaidamensis[93] Sp. novValidYang et al.QuaternaryQaidam BasinA member of the family Cyprididae.
"Anchistrocheles" gemmellaroiSp. novValidCrasquin, Sciuto & ReitanoLate Triassic (Carnian)Mufara FormationA member of Podocopa belonging to the family Bairdiidae. Originally tentatively assigned to the genus Anchistrocheles, but subsequently transferred to the genus Histriabairdia by Forel & Grădinaru (2020).[94]
Aphelocythere dilgeriSp. novValidFranz, Ebert & StulpinaiteMiddle Jurassic (Aalenian and Bajocian)Upper Opalinuston FormationA member of the family Cytheruridae.
Bairdia asgarda[95] Sp. novValidAyress & GouldEarly CretaceousÅsgard FormationNorth Sea
Norwegian Sea
A member of Podocopida belonging to the group Bairdiocopina and the family Bairdiidae.
Bairdia liviaeSp. novValidForel & GrădinaruMiddle Triassic (Anisian)
Bairdia mandruellaSp. novValidForel & GrădinaruMiddle Triassic (Anisian)
Bairdia monostoriiNom. novValidForel & GrădinaruMiddle Triassic (Anisian)
Bairdia scaliaeSp. novValidCrasquin, Sciuto & ReitanoLate Triassic (Carnian)Mufara Formation
Bairdia tagaensis[96] Sp. novValidTanaka in Tanaka et a.Permian (Cisuralian)Ryozensan Limestone Formation
Bairdiacypris ikeyanoriyukiiSp. novValidTanaka in Tanaka et a.Permian (Cisuralian)Ryozensan Limestone Formation
Bairdiacypris sorgunensis[97] Sp. novValidForel in Forel, Ozsvárt & MoixLate Triassic (Carnian)A member of the family Bairdiidae.
Baltonotella? admirabilisSp. novValidLajblová & KraftOrdovician (Katian)Králův Dvůr FormationA member of the family Aparchitidae.
Bektasia yawella[98] Sp. novValidForel in Ketmuangmoon et al.Middle Triassic (Anisian)Pha Kan Formation
Bolbinella limbataSp. novValidGonta & KanyginLate OrdovicianMangazeya FormationA member of Leperditellocopida belonging to the family Bolliidae.
Bythoceratina spinosa[99] Sp. novValidBarros & Piovesan in Barros, Piovesan & AgostinhoLate Cretaceous (Maastrichtian)Gramame FormationA member of Podocopida belonging to the family Bythocytheridae.
Cardobairdia tesakovae[100] Sp. novValidFranz, Ebert & StulpinaiteMiddle Jurassic (Aalenian)A member of the family Healdiidae.
Clithrocytheridea ljubimovae[101] Sp. novValidDykan in Dykan et al.PaleogeneBoltysh craterA member of the family Cytherideidae.
Clivosolobella[102] Gen. et sp. novValidGonta & KanyginLate OrdovicianUst'-Stolbovaya FormationA member of Hollinocopida belonging to the family Egorovellidae. The type species is C. rugula.
Collibolbina habeotuberculaSp. novValidGonta & KanyginLate OrdovicianMangazeya FormationA member of Hollinocopida belonging to the family Tetradellidae.
Crescentilla laciniataSp. novValidLajblová & KraftOrdovician (Katian)Králův Dvůr FormationA member of the family Aechminidae.
Cypridea paraibensisSp. novValidSousa, Carvalho & FerreiraEarly CretaceousSousa Formation
Cypridea samesi[103] Sp. novValidChoi, Wang & HuhEarly CretaceousJinju Formation
Cypridea vianaiSp. novValidSousa, Carvalho & FerreiraEarly CretaceousSousa Formation
Cypridea zalanyii[104] Sp. novValidCséfán & TóthEarly Cretaceous (Albian)
Cyprideis civisi[105] Sp. novRuiz, González-Regalado & AbadPlioceneA member of the family Cytherideidae.
Cytherella boltyshevaeSp. novValidDykan in Dykan et al.PaleogeneBoltysh craterA member of the family Cytherellidae.
Cytherella centrocompressaSp. novValidBarros & Piovesan in Barros, Piovesan & AgostinhoLate Cretaceous (late Maastrichtian)Gramame FormationA member of the family Cytherellidae.
Cytherella paraibensisSp. novValidBarros & Piovesan in Barros, Piovesan & AgostinhoLate Cretaceous (late Maastrichtian)Gramame FormationA member of the family Cytherellidae.
Cytherelloidea baghinensis[106] Sp. novValidKhosravi, Vaziri & ArabEarly Cretaceous (Aptian)
Cytherelloidea mazarensisSp. novValidKhosravi, Vaziri & ArabEarly Cretaceous (Aptian)
Cytherelloidea sirizensisSp. novValidKhosravi, Vaziri & ArabEarly Cretaceous (Aptian)
Cytheropterina alacostataSp. novValidFranz, Ebert & StulpinaiteMiddle Jurassic (Aalenian)Achdorf FormationA member of the family Cytheruridae.
Darwinula oryzalis[107] Nom. novValidNaumchevaEarly TriassicVokhma FormationA replacement name for Darwinula acuta Mishina (1966).
Darwinula vetusta[108] Nom. novValidNaumchevaPermianA replacement name for Darwinula mera Starozhilova (1967).
Disulcina (?) complanataSp. novValidGonta & KanyginLate OrdovicianDolborsa FormationA member of Hollinocopida belonging to the family Sylthiidae.
DorsogibbellaGen. et 3 sp. novValidGonta & KanyginLate OrdovicianMangazeya FormationA member of Hollinocopida belonging to the family Piretellidae. The type species is D. hippocrepicus; genus also includes new species D. claviformis and D. costaventralis.
Easchmidtella gibbosaSp. novValidGonta & KanyginLate OrdovicianDolborsa FormationA member of Leperditellocopida belonging to the family Schmidtellidae.
Eucyprinotus qinghaiensisSp. novValidYang et al.QuaternaryQaidam BasinA member of the family Cyprididae.
Eucypris lobatoi[109] Sp. novValidBergue, Ramos & MaranhãoOligoceneTremembé FormationA member of the family Cyprididae.
Eucytherura ventrotuberculataSp. novValidBarros & Piovesan in Barros, Piovesan & AgostinhoLate Cretaceous (Maastrichtian) and Paleocene (Danian)Gramame Formation
A member of Podocopida belonging to the family Cytheruridae.
Euprimites (Euprimites) kralodvorensisSp. novValidLajblová & KraftOrdovician (Katian)Králův Dvůr FormationA member of the family Tvaerenellidae.
GaindellaGen. et sp. novValidGonta & KanyginLate OrdovicianDolborsa FormationA member of Hollinocopida belonging to the family Egorovellidae. The type species is G. signata.
Healdia mizuboradanensisSp. novValidStocker et al.Carboniferous (Moscovian)Ichinotani FormationA member of Podocopa belonging to the order Podocopida and the family Healdiidae.
Hemicypris lomastroi[110] Sp. novValidSpadi, Gliozzi & MediciPiacenzianGelasianDunarobba Fossil Forest
Heterocypris subtriangularisSp. novValidYang et al.QuaternaryQaidam BasinA member of the family Cyprididae.
Hungarella mahmudiaensisSp. novValidForel & GrădinaruMiddle Triassic (Anisian)
Hungarella poliSp. novValidChitnarin in Ketmuangmoon et al.Middle Triassic (Anisian)Pha Kan Formation
Hungaroleberis[111] Gen. et sp. et comb. novValidTóth & CséfánLate Permian to Middle Jurassic (Bajocian)

A member of Myodocopa. The type species is H. retiferus; genus also includes "Cypridina" gussevaae Crasquin-Soleau & Baud (1998).
?Infracytheropteron bisulcatumSp. novValidFranz, Ebert & StulpinaiteMiddle Jurassic (Aalenian)A member of the family Cytheruridae.
Judahella? montanariiSp. novValidCrasquin, Sciuto & ReitanoLate Triassic (Carnian)Mufara Formation
Kellettina noriyukiiSp. novValidTanaka in Tanaka et a.Permian (Cisuralian)Ryozensan Limestone Formation
Kempfina tineriellaSp. novValidForel & GrădinaruMiddle Triassic (Anisian)
Kinkelinella (Kinkelinella) geisingensisSp. novValidFranz, Ebert & StulpinaiteMiddle Jurassic (Aalenian)A member of the family Progonocytheridae.
Langiella fauthiSp. novValidBarros & Piovesan in Barros, Piovesan & AgostinhoLate Cretaceous (Maastrichtian)Gramame FormationA member of Podocopida belonging to the family Trachyleberididae.
Langtonia abdomorostrataSp. novValidDykan in Dykan et al.PaleogeneBoltysh crater
Lenatella arcuataSp. novValidGonta & KanyginLate OrdovicianMangazeya FormationA member of the family Piretellidae.
Leviella lampangensisSp. novValidForel in Ketmuangmoon et al.Middle Triassic (Anisian)Pha Kan Formation
Liuzhinia antalyaformisSp. novValidForel & GrădinaruMiddle Triassic (Anisian)
Liuzhinia bithynicaSp. novValidForel & GrădinaruMiddle Triassic (Anisian)
Liuzhinia edvardgriegiSp. novValidForel & GrădinaruMiddle Triassic (Anisian)
Microcheilinella? contrariellaSp. novValidForel & GrădinaruMiddle Triassic (Anisian)
Microcheilinella shigensisSp. novValidTanaka in Tanaka et a.Permian (Cisuralian)Ryozensan Limestone Formation
Milleratia tungusicaSp. novValidGonta & KanyginOrdovicianA member of Eridocopida belonging to the family Cryptophillidae.
Muellerina eocenicaSp. novValidYasuhara et al.Eocene
Neocyprideis polygonoreticulataSp. novValidYasuhara et al.Eocene
Neomonoceratina afroangulosaSp. novValidYasuhara et al.Eocene
Neomonoceratina iwasakii[112] Sp. novValidTanaka in Tanaka et al.EoceneAkasaki FormationA member of Podocopida belonging to the family Schizocytheridae.
Neonesidea potyensisSp. novValidBarros & Piovesan in Barros, Piovesan & AgostinhoLate Cretaceous (Maastrichtian)Gramame FormationA member of Podocopida belonging to the family Bairdiidae.
NeorichterinaGen. et sp. novValidTóth & CséfánEarly Cretaceous (Albian)

Pacific Ocean
(Mid Pacific Mountains)
A member of Myodocopa belonging to the family Entomozoidae. The type species is N. striata.
Neothlipsura khiska[113] Sp. novValidSalas et al.Late SilurianTambolar Formation
Oliganisus ryozensannensisSp. novValidTanaka in Tanaka et a.Permian (Cisuralian)Ryozensan Limestone Formation
Paijenborchella amakusensisSp. novValidTanaka et al.EoceneAkasaki FormationA member of Podocopida belonging to the family Schizocytheridae.
Paijenborchellina madagascarensisSp. novValidYasuhara et al.Eocene
Palaeocypridina goeroegaeSp. novValidTóth & CséfánMiddle Triassic (Ladinian)Buchenstein FormationA member of Myodocopa.
Paracypris oanaellaSp. novValidForel & GrădinaruMiddle Triassic (Anisian)
Paralimnocythere turgidaSp. novValidSpadi, Gliozzi & MediciPiacenzianGelasianDunarobba Fossil Forest
Parenthatia hanamiloslavensisSp. novValidLajblová & KraftOrdovician (Katian)Králův Dvůr FormationA member of the family Bolliidae.
Penthesilenula pintoiSp. novValidLeite et al.Early CretaceousQuiricó Formation
Pleurocythere ohmertiSp. novValidFranz, Ebert & StulpinaiteMiddle Jurassic (Aalenian and Bajocian)A member of the family Protocytheridae.
Pokornyopsis csurgokutensisSp. novValidTóth & CséfánEarly Jurassic (Toarcian)A member of Myodocopa.
Polycope circulosaSp. novValidFranz, Ebert & StulpinaiteMiddle Jurassic (Aalenian)A member of the family Polycopidae.
Pontocyprella valhallaSp. novValidAyress & GouldEarly CretaceousTuxen Formation
Valhall Formation
North Sea
Norwegian Sea
Potamocypris taubatensisSp. novValidBergue, Ramos & MaranhãoOligoceneTremembé FormationA member of the family Cyprididae.
Praeschuleridea concentricaSp. novValidFranz, Ebert & StulpinaiteMiddle Jurassic (Aalenian)A member of the family Schulerideidae.
Procytheropteron catenaSp. novValidFranz, Ebert & StulpinaiteMiddle Jurassic (Aalenian)A member of the family Cytheruridae.
Progonocythere scutulaSp. novValidFranz, Ebert & StulpinaiteMiddle Jurassic (Aalenian)A member of the family Progonocytheridae.
Protobuntonia punctatumSp. novValidBarros & Piovesan in Barros, Piovesan & AgostinhoLate Cretaceous (late Maastrichtian) and Paleocene (early Danian)Gramame FormationA member of Podocopida belonging to the family Trachyleberididae.
Pseudulrichia lucberkensisSp. novValidLajblová & KraftOrdovician (Katian)Králův Dvůr FormationA member of the family Aechminidae.
Pseudulrichia risumataSp. novValidLajblová & KraftOrdovician (Katian)Králův Dvůr FormationA member of the family Aechminidae.
Psychrodromus mangnaiensisSp. novValidYang et al.QuaternaryQaidam BasinA member of the family Cyprididae.
Pustulobairdia ohmiensisSp. novValidTanaka in Tanaka et a.Permian (Cisuralian)Ryozensan Limestone Formation
Rectella bubleiSp. novValidLajblová & KraftOrdovician (Katian)Králův Dvůr FormationA member of the family Rectellidae.
Reigiopsis conicusSp. novValidGonta & KanyginLate OrdovicianMangazeya FormationA member of Hollinocopida belonging to the family Tetradellidae.
Reigiopsis tumulusSp. novValidGonta & KanyginLate OrdovicianMangazeya FormationA member of Hollinocopida belonging to the family Tetradellidae.
Scutumella gruminosaSp. novValidGonta & KanyginLate OrdovicianMangazeya FormationA member of Leperditellocopida belonging to the family Bolliidae.
Spinigerites ostrovitesSp. novValidLajblová & KraftOrdovician (Katian)Králův Dvůr FormationA member of the family Spinigeritidae.
Spiricopia[114] Gen. et sp. novValidSiveter et al.SilurianCoalbrookdale FormationA member of Myodocopida belonging to the family Cylindroleberididae. The type species is S. aurita.
StigmatobradleyaGen. et sp. novValidYasuhara et al.EoceneGenus includes new species S. hunti.
Timiriasevia sanfranciscanensisSp. novValidLeite et al.Early CretaceousQuiricó Formation
Trajancypris nanlingqiuensisSp. novValidYang et al.QuaternaryQaidam BasinA member of the family Cyprididae.
Triassocypris phakanellaSp. novValidForel in Ketmuangmoon et al.Middle Triassic (Anisian)Pha Kan Formation
Tyrrhenocythere pulcherrima[115] Sp. novValidSciuto et al.Miocene (Messinian) to early Pleistocene)A member of Podocopida belonging to the family Hemicytheridae.
Uroleberis paranudaSp. novValidYasuhara et al.Eocene
Wangshangkia[116] Gen. et 2 sp. novValidSong & GongLate DevonianGelaohe FormationA member of Podocopida belonging to the superfamily Bairdiocypridoidea and the family Bairdiocyprididae. The type species is W. dushaniensis; genus also includes W. bailouiensis.
Warthinia trinodaSp. novValidLajblová & KraftOrdovician (Katian)Králův Dvůr FormationA member of the family Bolliidae.
Xestoleberis renemaiSp. novValidYasuhara et al.Eocene

Other crustaceans

Diestheria deshenglingensis[117] Sp. novNiu in Niu & XinCretaceousA clam shrimp.
Diestheria latovataSp. novNiu in Niu & XinCretaceousA clam shrimp.
Diestheria ovaliformisSp. novNiu in Niu & XinCretaceousA clam shrimp.
Diestheria striarisSp. novNiu in Niu & XinCretaceousA clam shrimp.
Diestheria xiaoqiaomugouensisSp. novNiu in Niu & XinCretaceousA clam shrimp.
Diestheria yangshugouensisSp. novNiu in Niu & XinCretaceousA clam shrimp.
Eosestheria gracilisSp. novNiu in Niu & XinCretaceousA clam shrimp.
Eosestheria jiuwuensisSp. novNiu in Niu & XinCretaceousA clam shrimp.
Eosestheria lataSp. novNiu in Niu & XinCretaceousA clam shrimp.
Eosestheria magnaSp. novNiu in Niu & XinCretaceousA clam shrimp.
Eosestheria obliquaSp. novNiu in Niu & XinCretaceousA clam shrimp.
Eosestheria paucilinearisSp. novNiu in Niu & XinCretaceousA clam shrimp.
Eosestheria shanwanensisSp. novNiu in Niu & XinCretaceousA clam shrimp.
Eosestheria shibapanensissSp. novNiu in Niu & XinCretaceousA clam shrimp.
Eosestheria yangshugouensissSp. novNiu in Niu & XinCretaceousA clam shrimp.
Euestheria kozuri[118] Sp. novValidGeyer & KelberLate Triassic (Carnian)Hassberge FormationA clam shrimp.
Gregoriusella striatulaSp. novValidGeyer & KelberLate Triassic (Carnian)Hassberge FormationA clam shrimp.
Hemicycloleaia ejinaqiensis[119] Sp. novNiu in Lu et al.PermianA diplostracan belonging to the family Leaiidae.
Hexaminius venerai[120] Sp. novValidKočí et al.Middle EoceneLa Meseta FormationAntarctica
(Seymour Island)
A barnacle.
Platyestheria[121] Gen. et comb. novValidBittencourt et al.Early CretaceousQuiricó FormationA clam shrimp; a new genus for "Pseudestheria" abaetensis Cardoso (1971).
Polygrapta neimengguensisSp. novNiu in Lu et al.PermianA clam shrimp belonging to the family Euestheriidae.
Skuinocyclus[122] Gen. et sp. novValidMychko & AlekseevPermian (Cisuralian)A member of Cyclida. Genus includes new species S. juliae.
Undulatesta[123] Gen. et sp. nov ValidGueriau, Rabet & Du Tien HatDevonian (late Famennian)A clam shrimp belonging to the group Vertexioidea. The type species is U. bounonensis.
UralocyclusGen. et comb. novValidMychko & AlekseevPermian (Asselian)A member of Cyclida. Genus includes "Cyclus" miloradovitchi Kramarenko (1961).
Yanjiestheria anchungouensisSp. novNiu in Niu & XinCretaceousA clam shrimp.
Yanjiestheria deshenglingensisSp. novNiu in Niu & XinCretaceousA clam shrimp.
Yanjiestheria rotundaSp. novNiu in Niu & XinCretaceousA clam shrimp.
Yanjiestheria shanwanensisSp. novNiu in Niu & XinCretaceousA clam shrimp.
Yanjiestheria xiaoqiaomugouensisSp. novNiu in Niu & XinCretaceousA clam shrimp.


See main article: 2018 in insect paleontology.



New taxa

Adelogonus prichardi[133] Sp. novValidSmith, Paterson & BrockCambrianGoyder Formation
Amphiroaspis[134] Gen. et comb. novValidMüller & HahnCarboniferous (Mississippian)A member of the family Phillipsiidae belonging to the subfamily Weaniinae. The type species is "Carbonocoryphe (Winterbergia)" amphiro Hahn, Hahn & Müller (1996); genus also includes "Carbonocoryphe (Winterbergia)" sporada Hahn, Hahn & Müller (2007).
Asaphellus albae[135] Sp. novValidMeroi Arcerito et al.Ordovician (Tremadocian)Santa Rosita Formation
Austerops salamandaroides[136] Sp. novValidCrônier et al.DevonianChefar el Ahmar Formation
Bailiella sepulcra[137] Sp. novValidÁlvaro & VizcaïnoCambrian (Furongian)Bailiella FormationA member of the family Conocoryphidae.
Belgibole kalypsoSp. novValidMüller & HahnCarboniferous (Mississippian)
Bradocryphaeus echinatus[138] Sp. novValidVan Viersen & VanherleDevonian (Frasnian)Moulin Liénaux FormationA member of the family Acastidae.
Bradocryphaeus laomedeiaSp. novValidVan Viersen & VanherleDevonian (Frasnian)Grands Breux FormationA member of the family Acastidae.
Bradocryphaeus neptuni hottonensisSubsp. novValidVan Viersen & VanherleDevonian (Frasnian)Grands Breux FormationA member of the family Acastidae.
Brevibole archinalaeSp. novValidMüller & HahnCarboniferous (Mississippian)
Brevibole halszkaeSp. novValidMüller & HahnCarboniferous (Mississippian)
Buchiproetus? exconcha[139] Sp. novValidFlickDevonianA member of Proetida belonging to the family Tropidocoryphidae.
Buenellus chilhoweensis[140] Sp. novValidWebster & HagemanCambrian Series 2 (Montezuman)Murray Shale
Chlupacula (Chiides) pandoraSp. novValidMüller & HahnCarboniferous (Mississippian)
Cornuproetus pusulosus[141] Sp. novValidFeist & BelkaDevonian (Emsian)
Cornuproetus? runzheimeriSp. novValidFlickDevonianA member of Proetida belonging to the family Tropidocoryphidae.
Crassibole ateSp. novValidMüller & HahnCarboniferous (Mississippian)
Crassibole? walliseriSp. novValidMüller & HahnCarboniferous (Mississippian)
Cyphaspis koimeterionensisSp. novValidVan Viersen & VanherleDevonian (Frasnian)Grands Breux FormationA member of the family Aulacopleuridae.
Cyrtoproetus eremusSp. novValidMüller & HahnCarboniferous (Mississippian)
Cyrtoproetus galapagosSp. novValidMüller & HahnCarboniferous (Mississippian)
Cyrtoproetus pegasusSp. novValidMüller & HahnCarboniferous (Mississippian)
DeltapliomeraGen. et 3 sp. et comb. novValidMcAdams, Adrain & KarimEarly OrdovicianThe type species is D. humphriesi; genus also includes new species D. eppersoni and D. inglei, as well as D. heimbergi.
Diacoryphe (Diacoryphe) phoenixSp. novValidMüller & HahnCarboniferous (Mississippian)
Ditomopyge (Carniphillipsia) mosquensis[142] Sp. novValidMychko & AlekseevCarboniferous (Gzhelian)
Duyunaspis jianheensis[143] Sp. novValidChen et al.Cambrian Stage 4An oryctocephalid trilobite.
Dysplanus acutigenia putilovoensisSubsp. novValidKrylovOrdovician (Dapingian)
ErdbachaspisGen. et comb. novValidMüller & HahnCarboniferous (Mississippian)A member of the family Phillipsiidae belonging to the subfamily Archegoninae. The type species is "Phillipsia" granulifera Holzapfel (1889); genus also includes E. aithyia (Hahn, Hahn & Müller, 2001), E. bathapoikos (Hahn, Hahn & Müller, 1998) and possibly "Proliobole" krambergensis Hahn, Hahn & Müller (1996).
Harpes hamarlaghdadensis[144] Sp. novValidCrônier et al.Devonian (Emsian)A member of Harpetida belonging to the family Harpetidae. Subsequently transferred to the genus Pinnuloharpes by Johnson (2024).[145]
Hebeia stewartiSp. novValidSmith, Paterson & BrockCambrianGoyder Formation
Ibexaspis coadyi[146] Sp. novValidMcAdams, Adrain & KarimEarly Ordovician
Ibexaspis leuppiSp. novValidMcAdams, Adrain & KarimEarly Ordovician
Ibexaspis rupauliSp. novValidMcAdams, Adrain & KarimEarly Ordovician
Latibole gammaSp. novValidMüller & HahnCarboniferous (Mississippian)
Latibole parapaprothaeSp. novValidMüller & HahnCarboniferous (Mississippian)
Latibole pleonSp. novValidMüller & HahnCarboniferous (Mississippian)
Leonaspis bassei[147] Sp. novValidAlbertiDevonian (Emsian)
LiebsteinellaGen. et comb. et 2 sp. novValidMüller & HahnCarboniferous (Mississippian)A member of the subfamily Cystispininae. The type species is "Tawstockia" martini Müller (2004); genus also includes new species L. sauerlandica and L. weberi.
Liobole (Liobole) meyeriSp. novValidMüller & HahnCarboniferous (Mississippian)
Liobole (Liobole) ioSp. novValidMüller & HahnCarboniferous (Mississippian)
Liobole (Panibole) emrichteraeSp. novValidMüller & HahnCarboniferous (Mississippian)
Liobole (Panibole) groeningaeSp. novValidMüller & HahnCarboniferous (Mississippian)
Liobole (Panibole) isisSp. novValidMüller & HahnCarboniferous (Mississippian)
Liobole (Panibole) paraglabroidesSp. novValidMüller & HahnCarboniferous (Mississippian)
Liobole (Panibole) subaequalis hschmidtiSubsp. novValidMüller & HahnCarboniferous (Mississippian)
Lioharpes wendtiSp. novValidFeist & BelkaDevonian (Emsian)
Liostracina joyceaeSp. novValidSmith, Paterson & BrockCambrianGoyder Formation
Longaspis[148] Gen. et sp. novValidPeng et al.Cambrian Stage 4Balang FormationA member of the family Oryctocephalidae. Genus includes new species L. paiwuensis.
Luciaspis[149] Gen. et sp. novValidÁlvaro et al.CambrianHuérmeda FormationA saukiandid trilobite. Genus includes new species L. matiasi.
MagreanopsGen. et 2 sp. novValidVan Viersen & VanherleDevonian (Frasnian)Bovesse Formation
Moulin Liénaux Formation
A member of the family Phacopidae. The type species is M. renateae; genus also includes M. monachus.
Maladioidella? destombesiSp. novValidÁlvaro & VizcaïnoCambrian (Furongian)Bailiella FormationA member of the family Idahoiidae.
MillardaspisGen. et 2 sp. novValidMcAdams, Adrain & KarimEarly OrdovicianThe type species is M. milsteadi; genus also includes M. knoxi.
Morocops davidbrutoniSp. novValidCrônier et al.Devonian (Emsian)
Neoillaenus[150] Gen. et comb. novValidKrylovOrdovician (DarriwilianKatian)

The type species is "Illaenus" excellens Holm (1886); genus also includes Neoillaenus atavus (Eichwald, 1857), N. oblongatus (Angelin, 1854), N. kukersianus (Holm, 1886), N. itferensis (Holm, 1886) and N. praecurriens (Jaanusson, 1957).
Omegops tilabadensis[151] Sp. novValidGhobadi Pour et al.Devonian (Famennian)Khoshyeilaq FormationA member of the family Phacopidae.
Onaraspis garciaeSp. novValidÁlvaro et al.CambrianHuérmeda FormationA saukiandid trilobite.
Panderia balashovaeSp. novValidKrylovEarly Ordovician
Panderia koshkaroviSp. novValidKrylovOrdovician (Darriwilian)
PaulaspisGen. et sp. novValidÁlvaro et al.CambrianHuérmeda FormationA saukiandid trilobite. Genus includes new species P. tiergaensis.
Phacops ouarouroutensisSp. novValidCrônier et al.DevonianChefar el Ahmar Formation
Phaetonellus dillensis[152] Sp. novValidBasse & MüllerDevonian
Phaetonellus greifensteinensisSp. novValidBasse & MüllerDevonian
Phaetonellus heckelmanniSp. novValidBasse & MüllerDevonian
Phaetonellus kimiSp. novValidBasse & MüllerDevonian
Phaetonellus martiniusSp. novValidBasse & MüllerDevonianLeun Limestone
Perliproetus africanus[153] Sp. novValidFeist & WeyerDevonian (Famennian)
Perliproetus kallenhardtensisSp. novValidFeist & WeyerDevonian (Famennian)
Pterocoryphe platymarginataSp. novValidVan Viersen & VanherleDevonian (Frasnian)Champ Broquet FormationA member of the family Proetidae.
Quadratispina excelsaSp. novValidVan Viersen & VanherleDevonian (Frasnian)Bovesse FormationA member of the family Acastidae.
Redlichia isuelaensisSp. novValidÁlvaro et al.CambrianHuérmeda Formation
SpasskyproetusGen. et comb. novValidBasse & MüllerDevonian (Emsian)A new genus for "Phaetonellus" bondarevi Spassky (1989).
Spatulata (Spatulata?) pachycraspedataSp. novValidMüller & HahnCarboniferous (Mississippian)
Spatulata (Spatulata) tilsleyiSp. novValidMüller & HahnCarboniferous (Mississippian)
Stenopareia kossovaeSp. novValidKrylovOrdovician (Katian)
Syspacephalus mccollumorum[154] Sp. novValidSundbergCambrianEmigrant FormationA member of Ptychopariida belonging to the group Ptychopariacea.
Tawstockia longispina germanicaSubsp. novValidMüller & HahnCarboniferous (Mississippian)
Toxophacops (Atopophacops) fujiwara[155] Sp. novValidStocker et al.Devonian (probably Givetian)Naidaijin Formation
TrephinaGen. et sp. novValidSmith, Paterson & BrockCambrianGoyder FormationGenus includes new species T. ranfordi.
TuleaspisGen. et sp. novValidMcAdams, Adrain & KarimEarly OrdovicianThe type species is T. jeneki.
XylomelonGen. et comb. et sp. novValidMüller & HahnCarboniferous (Mississippian)A member of the subfamily Cystispininae. The type species is "Xenadoche" kalliroe Hahn, Hahn & Müller (1996); genus also includes X. agenor (Hahn, Hahn & Müller, 2000), X. elissa (Hahn, Hahn & Müller, 2000) and X. medusa (Hahn, Hahn & Müller, 1999), as well as new species X. xenios.

Other arthropods


New taxa

Adelophthalmus khakassicus[169] Sp. novValidShpinev & FilimonovDevonian (Givetian)An eurypterid.
Alutella siku[170] Sp. novValidPeel & WillmanCambrian Series 2Buen FormationA member of Bradoriida.
Concavicaris viktoryni[171] Sp. novValidRak, Broda & KumpanCarboniferousA member of Thylacocephala (a group of arthropods of uncertain phylogenetic placement, possibly crustaceans). Originally described as a species of Concavicaris; Broda, Rak & Hegna (2020) made it the type species of a separate genus Paraconcavicaris.[172]
Eodiscus coloholcus[173] Sp. novValidWestrop, Broda & DenglerCambrianShallow Bay FormationA member of Agnostida belonging to the family Eodiscidae.
Eodiscus confossusSp. novValidWestrop, Broda & DenglerCambrianManuels River FormationA member of Agnostida belonging to the family Eodiscidae.
Eodiscus tuberculusSp. novValidWestrop, Broda & DenglerCambrianManuels River FormationA member of Agnostida belonging to the family Eodiscidae.
Gogglops[174] Gen. et sp. novValidSiveter et al.OrdovicianA member of Aglaspidida. Genus includes new species G. ensifer.
Isoxys globulus[175] Sp. novValidLiu et al.Cambrian Stage 4Balang Formation
Isoxys jianheensisSp. novValidLiu et al.Cambrian Stage 4Balang Formation
Messorocaris[176] Gen. et sp. novValidLerosey-Aubril & SkabelundCambrian (Drumian)Wheeler FormationA possible relative of Sanctacaris. The type species is M. magna.
Misszhouia canadensis[177] Sp. novValidMayers, Aria & CaronWuliuanBurgess ShaleA member of the family Naraoiidae.
Naraoia arcanaSp. novValidMayers, Aria & CaronWuliuanBurgess ShaleA member of the family Naraoiidae.
Naraoia magnaSp. novValidMayers, Aria & CaronWuliuanBurgess ShaleA member of the family Naraoiidae.
Pagetia aspinosaSp. novValidSundbergCambrianEmigrant Formation
Pagetia claytonensisSp. novValidSundbergCambrianEmigrant Formation
Permocrassacus[178] Gen. et sp. novValidKhramov et al.Permian (Kungurian)Koshelevka FormationA member of Scolopendromorpha of uncertain phylogenetic placement. The type species is P. novokshonovi.
PermocryptopsGen. et sp. novValidKhramov et al.Late PermianPoldarsa FormationA member of Scolopendromorpha of uncertain phylogenetic placement. The type species is P. shelleyi.
Sinosoma[179] Gen. et sp. novValidHuang et al.Middle TriassicA helminthomorph millipede sharing a number of characters with nematophorans. Genus includes new species S. luopingense.
Soligorskopterus[180] Gen. et sp. novValidPlax et al.Devonian (Famennian)Soligorsk FormationA eurypterid. Genus includes new species S. tchepeliensis.
Symphylella patrickmuelleri[181] Sp. novValidMoritz & WesenerLate Cretaceous (Cenomanian)Burmese amberA member of Symphyla belonging to the family Scolopendrellidae.
Woodesmus[182] Gen. et sp. novValidRoss, Edgecombe & Clark in Ross et al.Carboniferous (Tournaisian)Ballagan FormationA millipede belonging to the group Archipolypoda, assigned to the new family Woodesmidae. Genus includes new species W. sheari.
Xiphosuroides[183] Gen. et sp. novValidShpinev & VasilenkoCarboniferousSarskaya FormationProbably a xiphosuran (order Xiphosura) belonging to the suborder Xiphosurida and the infraorder Belinurina. Genus includes new species X. khakassicus.

Notes and References

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  52. Norbert Winkler . 2018 . Two new species of shrimps (Crustacea: Decapoda: Caridea) from the Solnhofen Lithographic Limestones (Upper Jurassic, southern Germany) . Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie - Abhandlungen . 287 . 3 . 317–333 . 10.1127/njgpa/2018/0719 .
  53. Torrey Nyborg . Giovanni Pasini . Alessandro Garassino . 2018 . A new leucosiid crab (Decapoda, Brachyura) from the Plio-Pleistocene San Diego Formation, southern California, U.S.A. . Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie - Abhandlungen . 289 . 1 . 17–22 . 10.1127/njgpa/2018/0746 . 134135485 .
  54. Matúš Hyžný . Àlex Ossó . Herbert Summesberger . Christian Neumann . John W.M. Jagt . Francisco J. Vega . 2018 . New Late Cretaceous records of Cenomanocarcinus (Decapoda, Brachyura, Palaeocorystoidea) from Austria and Germany . Cretaceous Research . 87 . 218–225 . 10.1016/j.cretres.2017.05.016 . 2018CrRes..87..218H . 134915191 .
  55. Markus Poschmann . Alexandra Bergmann . Gabriele Kühl . 2018 . Appendages, functional morphology and possible sexual dimorphism in a new ceratiocaridid (Malacostraca, Phyllocarida) from the Early Devonian Hunsrück Slate (south-western Germany) . Papers in Palaeontology . 4 . 2 . 277–292 . 10.1002/spp2.1106 . 2018PPal....4..277P . 91024583 .
  56. Evin P. Maguire . Rodney M. Feldmann . Wade T. Jones . Carrie E. Schweitzer . Silvio Casadío . 2018 . The first fossil isopod from Argentina: a new species of Cirolanidae (Crustacea: Peracarida) from the Miocene of Patagonia . Journal of Crustacean Biology . 38 . 1 . 34–44 . 10.1093/jcbiol/rux100 . free .
  57. Ninon Robin . Giuseppe Marramà . Ronald Vonk . Jürgen Kriwet . Giorgio Carnevale . 2018 . Eocene isopods on electric rays: tracking ancient biological interactions from a complex fossil record . Palaeontology . 62 . 2 . 287–303 . 10.1111/pala.12398 . 134229284 .
  58. Ovidiu D. Frantescu . Rodney M. Feldmann . Carrie E. Schweitzer . Iuliana Lazăr . Marius Stoica . 2018 . New lobsters and lobster-like decapods (Crustacea) from the Jurassic and Cretaceous of Romania . Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie - Abhandlungen . 287 . 1 . 45–60 . 10.1127/njgpa/2018/0705 .
  59. René H.B. Fraaije . John W.M. Jagt . Barry W.M. Bakel . Dale M. Tshudy . 2018 . New lobsters (Decapoda, Nephropoidea) from the Cretaceous–Paleogene section of the Middle Vistula valley, east-central Poland . Acta Geologica Polonica . 68 . 4 . 503–509 . 10.1515/agp-2018-0014 . 1 November 2024 .
  60. Richard W. Heard . María de Lourdes Serrano-Sánchez . Francisco J. Vega . 2018 . Early Miocene Tanaidacea (Crustacea: Malacostraca) preserved in amber from Chiapas, Mexico, with the preliminary descriptions of new taxa . Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie - Abhandlungen . 288 . 1 . 107–120 . 10.1127/njgpa/2018/0726 .
  61. Pedro Artal . Barry van Bakel . 2018 . Carpiliids (Crustacea, Decapoda) from the Ypresian (Eocene) of the Northeast of Spain . Scripta Musei Geologici Seminarii Barcinonensis [Ser. palaeontologica] . XXII . 20–36 .
  62. Ludmila A.C. Prado . Javier Luque . Alcina M.F. Barreto . A. Richard Palmer . 2018 . New brachyuran crabs from the Aptian–Albian Romualdo Formation, Santana Group of Brazil: Evidence for a Tethyan connection to the Araripe Basin . Acta Palaeontologica Polonica . 63 . 4 . 737–750 . 10.4202/app.00480.2018 . free .
  63. Pedro Artal . Barry van Bakel . 2018 . Aethrids and panopeids (Crustacea, Decapoda) from the Ypresian of both slopes of the Pyrenees (France, Spain) . Scripta Musei Geologici Seminarii Barcinonensis [Ser. palaeontologica] . XXII . 1–19 .
  64. Dale Tshudy . Matúš Hyžný . Alfréd Dulai . John W.M. Jagt . 2018 . Appraisal of the fossil record of Homarus (nephropid lobster), with description of a new species from the upper Oligocene of Hungary and remarks on the status of Hoploparia . Journal of Paleontology . 92 . 2 . 170–182 . 10.1017/jpa.2017.65 . 2018JPal...92..170T . 90183776 .
  65. Francisco J. Vega . Sylvain Charbonnier . Luis E. Gómez-Pérez . Marco A. Coutiño . Gerardo Carbot-Chanona . Vladimir de Araújo Távora . María de Lourdes Serrano-Sánchez . Dominique Téodori . Oscar Hernández-Monzón . 2018 . Review and additions to the Maastrichtian (Late Cretaceous) Crustacea from Chiapas, Mexico . Journal of South American Earth Sciences . 85 . 325–344 . 10.1016/j.jsames.2018.05.017 . 2018JSAES..85..325V . 133954397 .
  66. Qiang Yang . Pierre Gueriau . Sylvain Charbonnier . Dong Ren . Olivier Béthoux . 2018 . A new tealliocaridid crustacean from the Late Carboniferous of North China and its biogeographic implications . Acta Palaeontologica Polonica . 63 . 1 . 111–116 . 10.4202/app.00446.2017 . free .
  67. Loris Ceccon . Antonio De Angeli . 2018 . Lessiniamathia bolcense n. gen., n. sp., nuovo crostaceo Epialtidae dell'Eocene inferiore dei Monti Lessini orientali (Verona, Italia nordorientale) . Lavori – Società Veneziana di Scienze Naturali . 43 . 147–154 .
  68. Rodney M. Feldmann . Carrie E. Schweitzer . James L. Goedert . 2018 . Complex taphonomic and depositional history of a new species of Carcinidae (Decapoda: Brachyura: Portunoidea) from Washington state, USA . Journal of Crustacean Biology . 38 . 5 . 579–585 . 10.1093/jcbiol/ruy066 . free .
  69. Claudio Beschin . Andrea Checchi . 2018 . Nuovo genere e nuova specie di Carcinidae (Crustacea, Decapoda, Portunoidea) nell'Eocene dei Monti Lessini (Italia nordorientale) . Studi e Ricerche – Associazione Amici del Museo – Museo Civico "G. Zannato" Montecchio Maggiore (Vicenza) . 25 . 27–31 .
  70. Hiroaki Karasawa . Yasuhiro Fudouji . 2018 . Two new species of hermit crabs (Decapoda: Anomura) from the Paleogene Kishima Group, Saga Prefecture, Japan . Bulletin of the Mizunami Fossil Museum . 44 . 23–28 .
  71. Giovanni Pasini . Alessandro Garassino . 2018 . Palaemon monsdamarum n. sp. (Crustacea, Decapoda, Palaemonidae) from the late Miocene of Mondaino (Rimini, Emilia-Romagna, Italy) . Natural History Sciences . 5 . 1 . 7–10 . 10.4081/nhs.2018.357 . free .
  72. George Poinar Jr. . 2018 . A new genus of terrestrial isopods (Crustacea: Oniscidea: Armadillidae) in Myanmar amber . Historical Biology: An International Journal of Paleobiology . 32 . 5 . 583–588 . 10.1080/08912963.2018.1509964 . 91494413 .
  73. Pierre Broly . María de Lourdes Serrano-Sánchez . Francisco J. Vega . 2018 . Diversity of the Crinocheta (Crustacea, Isopoda, Oniscidea) from Early Miocene Chiapas amber, Mexico . . 35 . 3 . 203–214 . 10.22201/cgeo.20072902e.2018.3.639 . 134137655 . 2018-11-30 . 2018-12-01 . https://web.archive.org/web/20181201051239/http://satori.geociencias.unam.mx/35-3/(01)Broly.pdf . dead .
  74. Àlex Ossó . Barry van Bakel . Fernando Ari Ferratges-Kwekel . Josep Anton Moreno-Bedmar . 2018 . A new decapod crustacean assemblage from the lower Aptian of La Cova del Vidre (Baix Ebre, province of Tarragona, Catalonia) . Cretaceous Research . 92 . 94–107 . 10.1016/j.cretres.2018.07.011 . 2018CrRes..92...94O . 133917870 .
  75. Francisco J. Vega . Shane T. Ahyong . Belinda Espinosa . José Flores-Ventura . Laura Luna . Arturo H. González-González . 2018 . Oldest record of Mathildellidae (Crustacea: Decapoda: Goneplacoidea) associated with Retroplumidae from the Upper Cretaceous of NE Mexico . Journal of South American Earth Sciences . 82 . 62–75 . 10.1016/j.jsames.2017.12.002 . 2018JSAES..82...62V .
  76. Damares Ribeiro Alencar . Allysson Pontes Pinheiro . Antônio Álamo Feitosa Saraiva . Gustavo Ribeiro de Oliveira . William Santana . 2018 . A new genus and species of Solenoceridae (Crustacea, Decapoda, Dendrobranchiata) from the Cretaceous (Aptian/Albian) of the Araripe Sedimentary Basin, Brazil . Zootaxa . 4527 . 4 . 494–500 . 10.11646/zootaxa.4527.4.2 . 30651485 . 58558178 .
  77. Denis Audo . Günter Schweigert . 2018 . Large polychelidan lobsters with a rounded carapace from the Middle Jurassic La Voulte-sur-Rhône Lagerstätte: taxonomic clarifications . Geodiversitas . 40 . 9 . 183–194 . 10.5252/geodiversitas2018v40a9 . 134288492 . free .
  78. Adiël A. Klompmaker . Natalia Starzyk . René H. B. Fraaije . Günter Schweigert . 2020 . Systematics and convergent evolution of multiple reef-associated Jurassic and Cretaceous crabs (Decapoda, Brachyura) . Palaeontologia Electronica . 23 . 2 . Article number 23(2):a32 . 10.26879/1045 . free .
  79. Antonio De Angeli . Riccardo Alberti . 2018 . Il genere Pseudodromilites Beurlen, 1928 (Crustacea, Brachyura, Dromiacea) nell'Eocene del Veneto, con la descrizione di una nuova specie) . Lavori – Società Veneziana di Scienze Naturali . 43 . 155–163 .
  80. Ninon Robin . Barry W.M. Van Bakel . Marie-Madeleine Blanc-Valleron . Pierre Y. Noël . Laurent Lemaire . Sylvain Charbonnier . 2018 . First fossil crabs (Crustacea, Decapoda, Brachyura) from the Kerguelen Islands (Miocene) with exceptionally preserved gills . Journal of Paleontology . 92 . 3 . 466–477 . 10.1017/jpa.2017.129 . 2018JPal...92..466R . 134500669 .
  81. Neil D. L. Clark . Randall F. Miller . Andrew J. Ross . 2018 . The distribution of Schramocaris (Eumalacostraca, Crustacea) along the northwestern coast of the Rheic Ocean during the Lower Carboniferous . Earth and Environmental Science Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh . 107 . 2–3 . 91–98 . 10.1017/S1755691017000159 . 134033668 .
  82. Antônio Álamo Feitosa Saraiva . Allysson Pontes Pinheiro . William Santana . 2018 . A remarkable new genus and species of the planktonic shrimp family Luciferidae (Crustacea, Decapoda) from the Cretaceous (Aptian/Albian) of the Araripe Sedimentary Basin, Brazil . Journal of Paleontology . 92 . 3 . 459–465 . 10.1017/jpa.2018.5 . 2018JPal...92..459S . 134043048 .
  83. Giovanni Pasini . Alessandro Garassino . 2018 . Critical review of fossil record of Ranina Lamarck, 1801 (Decapoda, Brachyura, Raninidae), with description of Tethyranina n. gen. . Natural History Sciences . 5 . 2 . 3–12 . 10.4081/nhs.2018.359 . free .
  84. Alberto Arano-Ruiz . Lazaro W. Viñola-López . Reinaldo Rojas-Consuegra . Carlos Rafael Borges-Sellen . 2018 . Re-evaluation of the taxonomic status of Vegaranina (Crustacea: Raninidae) from the Late Cretaceous of Cuba, with description of a new species . Zootaxa . 4527 . 4 . 588–594 . 10.11646/zootaxa.4527.4.10 . 30651493 . 58602378 .
  85. Marie-Béatrice Forel . Eugen Grădinaru . 2018 . First report of ostracods (Crustacea) associated with Bithynian (Anisian, Middle Triassic) Tubiphytes-microbial reef in the North Dobrogean Orogen (Romania) . Papers in Palaeontology . 4 . 2 . 211–244 . 10.1002/spp2.1103 . 2018PPal....4..211F . 135050228 .
  86. Sylvie Crasquin . Francesco Sciuto . Agatino Reitano . 2018 . Late Carnian (Tuvalian, Tropites dilleri zone) ostracods (Crustacea) from the Mufara Formation (Monte Scalpello, Central-Eastern Sicily, Italy) . Annales de Paléontologie . 104 . 2 . 129–142 . 10.1016/j.annpal.2018.03.001 . 2018AnPal.104..129C . 133846307 .
  87. I. P. Teterina . 2018 . The Neogene ostracod genus Advenocypris from the intermontane depressions of the southeastern Altai . Paleontological Journal . 52 . 1 . 27–30 . 10.1134/S0031030118010124 . 2018PalJ...52...27T . 90624893 .
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  89. Karolína Lajblová . Petr Kraft . 2018 . Middle Katian/lowermost Hirnantian ostracods from the Prague Basin (Czech Republic): Diversity responses to the climatic changes . Bulletin of Geosciences . 93 . 2 . 205–245 . 10.3140/bull.geosci.1676 . free .
  90. Moriaki Yasuhara . Yuanyuan Hong . Skye Yunshu Tian . Wing Ki Chong . Hisayo Okahashi . Kate Littler . Laura Cotton . 2018 . Eocene shallow-marine ostracods from Madagascar: southern end of the Tethys? . Journal of Systematic Palaeontology . 17 . 9 . 705–757 . 10.1080/14772019.2018.1453555 . 90531158 .
  91. Amanda Moreira Leite . Dermeval Aparecido Do Carmo . Caio Bussaglia Ress . Murilo Pessoa . Guilherme Miranda Caixeta . Matheus Denezine . Rodrigo Rodrigues Adorno . Lucas Silveira Antonietto . 2018 . Taxonomy of limnic Ostracoda (Crustacea) from the Quiricó Formation, Lower Cretaceous, São Francisco basin, Minas Gerais State, Southeast Brazil . Journal of Paleontology . 92 . 4 . 661–680 . 10.1017/jpa.2018.1 . 2018JPal...92..661L . 135458331 .
  92. Ariany de Jesus e Sousa . Ismar de Souza Carvalho . Elizabete Pedrão Ferreira . 2018 . Western Gondwana non-marine ostracods from Early Cretaceous low-latitude ephemeral lake, northeastern Brazil . Journal of South American Earth Sciences . 86 . 23–37 . 10.1016/j.jsames.2018.06.001 . 2018JSAES..86...23S . 134163191 .
  93. Fan Yang . Yanli Lu . Zizhen Qiao . Bohan Qiao . 2018 . New species and combinations of Quaternary Cyprididae (Ostracoda) from the Qaidam Basin, Northwest China . Acta Micropalaeontologica Sinica . 35 . 1 . 90–105 . 2018-04-26 . 2018-04-27 . https://web.archive.org/web/20180427115818/http://eng.oversea.cnki.net/kcms/detail/detail.aspx?filename=WSGT201801008&DBName=cjfqtotal&dbcode=cjfq . dead .
  94. Marie-Béatrice Forel . Eugen Grădinaru . 2020 . Rhaetian (Late Triassic) ostracods (Crustacea, Ostracoda) from the offshore prolongation of the North Dobrogean Orogen into the Romanian Black Sea shelf . European Journal of Taxonomy . 727 . 1–83 . 10.5852/ejt.2020.727.1183 . free .
  95. Michael Ayress . Tom Gould . 2018 . Two new bairdiid ostracod species from the early Barremian–Hauterivian of the northern and central North Sea to the Atlantic margin off Norway . Journal of Micropalaeontology . 37 . 1 . 195–201 . 10.5194/jm-37-195-2018 . 2018JMicP..37..195A . free .
  96. Gengo Tanaka . Yukio Miyake . Teruo Ono . Aihua Yuan . Masahiro Ichida . Haruyoshi Maeda . Sylvie Crasquin . 2018 . Early Permian (Cisuralian) ostracods from Japan: characteristic ostracod assemblage from a seamount of the Panthalassic Ocean . Zootaxa . 4515 . 1 . 1–67 . 10.11646/zootaxa.4515.1.1 . 30486187 . 54118602 .
  97. Marie-Béatrice Forel . Péter Ozsvárt . Patrice Moix . 2018 . Carnian (Late Triassic) ostracods from the Sorgun Ophiolitic Mélange (Southern Turkey): Taxonomy, palaeoenvironment, and evidence of predation . Palaeontologia Electronica . 21 . 2 . Article number 21.2.26A . 10.26879/852 . free .
  98. Patteera Ketmuangmoon . Anisong Chitnarin . Marie-Béatrice Forel . Prachya Tepnarong . 2018 . Diversity and paleoenvironmental significance of Middle Triassic ostracods (Crustacea) from northern Thailand: Pha Kan Formation (Anisian, Lampang Group) . Revue de Micropaléontologie . 61 . 1 . 3–22 . 10.1016/j.revmic.2017.11.001 . 2018RvMic..61....3K .
  99. Cecília de Lima Barros . Enelise Katia Piovesan . Sonia Maria Oliveira Agostinho . 2018 . Cretaceous-Paleogene ostracods from the Paraíba Basin, northeastern Brazil . Journal of South American Earth Sciences . 83 . 117–136 . 10.1016/j.jsames.2018.02.001 . 2018JSAES..83..117D .
  100. Matthias Franz . Martin Ebert . Ruta Stulpinaite . 2018 . Aalenian – Lower Bajocian (Middle Jurassic) ostracods from the Geisingen clay pit (SW Germany) . Palaeodiversity . 11 . 1 . 59–105 . 10.18476/pale.11.a5 . 182522471 . free .
  101. Natalia Dykan . Oleksandr Kovalchuk . Kostiantyn Dykan . Eugene Gurov . Jiřina Dašková . Tomáš Přikryl . 2018 . New data on Paleocene-Eocene fauna (gastropods, ostracods, fishes) and palynoflora of the Boltysh impact structure (Ukraine) with biostratigraphical and paleoecological inferences . Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie - Abhandlungen . 287 . 2 . 213–239 . 10.1127/njgpa/2018/0714 .
  102. T. V. Gonta . A. V. Kanygin . 2018 . Ordovician ostracods from the core of the Gaindinskaya-3 reference borehole (Tunguska Syneclise, Siberian Platform) . Paleontological Journal . 52 . 5 . 520–534 . 10.1134/S0031030118050040 . 2018PalJ...52..520G . 91259945 .
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  104. Tünde Cséfán . Emőke Tóth . 2018 . Mid-Cretaceous/Albian (Cretaceous) ostracod assemblages from NW Hungary reflecting deep marine, nearshore and non-marine environments . Annales de Paléontologie . 104 . 4 . 267–289 . 10.1016/j.annpal.2018.09.003 . 2018AnPal.104..267C . 133861087 .
  105. F. Ruiz . M.L. González-Regalado . M. Abad . 2018 . A new Pliocene ostracod species from the Guadalquivir Basin (SW Spain) . Estudios Geológicos . 74 . 1 . e073 . 10.3989/egeol.43012.468 . free .
  106. Zohreh Khosravi . Mohammad Reza Vaziri . Ahmad Lotfabad Arab . 2018 . An examination on the ostracod genus Cytherelloidea from the Aptian deposits of west and northwest of Kerman, Iran . Journal of African Earth Sciences . 141 . 60–69 . 10.1016/j.jafrearsci.2018.01.001 . 2018JAfES.141...60K . 134947483 .
  107. M. A. Naumcheva . 2018 . Darwinula oryzalis nom. nov.a new replacement name for the preoccupied specific name Darwinula acuta Mishina, 1966 (Ostracoda) . Paleontological Journal . 52 . 5 . 582 . 10.1134/S003103011805009X . 91488178 . free . 2018PalJ...52..582N .
  108. M. A. Naumcheva . 2018 . Darwinula vetusta nom. nov.a new replacement name for the preoccupied specific name Darwinula mera Starozhilova, 1967 (Ostracoda) . Paleontological Journal . 52 . 2 . 219 . 10.1134/S0031030118020065 . 2018PalJ...52..219N . 90782870 .
  109. Cristianini Trescastro Bergue . Maria Inês Feijó Ramos . Maria da Saudade Araújo Santos Maranhão . 2018 . New Oligocene Cyprididae species (Crustacea, Ostracoda) from the Tremembé Formation, Taubaté Basin, Brazil, and their paleolimnological significance . Revista Brasileira de Paleontologia . 21 . 2 . 105–111 . 10.4072/rbp.2018.2.01 . free .
  110. Marco Spadi . Elsa Gliozzi . Maria Chiara Medici . 2018 . Piacenzian–Gelasian non-marine ostracods from the Dunarobba Fossil Forest (Tiberino Basin, Umbria, central Italy) . Papers in Palaeontology . 5 . 3 . 391–413 . 10.1002/spp2.1240 . 134977212 .
  111. Emőke Tóth . Tünde Cséfán . 2018 . Rare myodocopid ostracods from Mesozoic sections of Hungary: summary, revision and description of new taxa . Zootaxa . 4374 . 3 . 350–374 . 10.11646/zootaxa.4374.3.2 . 29689805 .
  112. Gengo Tanaka . Yasuhisa Henmi . Toshifumi Komatsu . Koji Hirose . Hiroaki Ugai . Shigehiro Kawano . Haruyoshi Maeda . 2018 . First discovery of Eocene coastal-estuarine ostracods from Japan, with the geological history of the migration of estuarine genera in the Far East . Geological Magazine . 155 . 8 . 1742–1760 . 10.1017/S0016756817000693 . 2018GeoM..155.1742T . 134136152 .
  113. María J. Salas . Ana Mestre . María J. Gómez . Yanina Garcías . 2018 . First record of ostracods from the Upper Silurian Tambolar Formation, Argentine Precordillera . Ameghiniana . 55 . 3 . 253–262 . 10.5710/AMGH.23.04.2018.3140 . 11336/115567 . 134151484 . free .
  114. David J. Siveter . Derek E. G. Briggs . Derek J. Siveter . Mark D. Sutton . 2018 . A well-preserved respiratory system in a Silurian ostracod . Biology Letters . 14 . 11 . 20180464 . 10.1098/rsbl.2018.0464 . 30404865 . 6283931 .
  115. Francesco Sciuto . Angela Baldanza . Rim Temani . Giovanni Privitera . 2018 . New reports of Paratethyan ostracods affinity from the Mediterranean Basin (Sicily, Italy) . Palaeontologia Electronica . 21 . 1 . Article number 21.1.12A . 10.26879/800 . free .
  116. Junjun Song . Yiming Gong . 2018 . Wangshangkia, a new Devonian ostracod genus from Dushan of Guizhou, South China . Journal of Micropalaeontology . 37 . 1 . 341–346 . 10.5194/jm-37-341-2018 . 2018JMicP..37..341S . free .
  117. Shaowu Niu . Houtian Xin . 2018 . The discovery of the conchstracan fossils in Jiufotang Formation and Shahai Formation of Luanping Basin, north Hebei Province, and discussion of established stage of the land facies strata . Geological Bulletin of China . 37 . 10 . 1801–1819 .
  118. Gerd Geyer . Klaus-Peter Kelber . 2018 . Spinicaudata ("Conchostraca," Crustacea) from the Middle Keuper (Upper Triassic) of the southern Germanic Basin, with a review of Carnian–Norian taxa and suggested biozones . PalZ . 92 . 1 . 1–34 . 10.1007/s12542-017-0363-7 . 2018PalZ...92....1G . 134410395 .
  119. Jincai Lu . Shaowu Niu . Jianshe Wei . Ting Jiang . Baowen Wang . Long Yu . Haihong Xu . 2018 . The discovery of Permian Estheria in the core of No. 1 Meng' edi well, western Yingen-Ejin basin, and its significance . Geological Bulletin of China . 37 . 1 . 16–25 . 10.12097/j.issn.1671-2552.2018.01.003 . 2024-11-18 .
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  121. Jonathas S. Bittencourt . Rosemarie Rohn . Oscar F. Gallego . Mateo D. Monferran . Alexandre Uhlein . 2018 . The morphology and systematics of the clam shrimp Platyestheria gen. nov. abaetensis (Cardoso) (Crustacea, Spinicaudata) from the Lower Cretaceous of the Sanfranciscana Basin, southeast Brazil . Cretaceous Research . 91 . 274–286 . 10.1016/j.cretres.2018.06.016 . 2018CrRes..91..274B . 11449/176586 . 133928377 . free .
  122. Eduard V. Mychko . Alexander S. Alekseev . 2018 . Two new genera of Cyclida (Crustacea: Maxillopoda: Branchiura) from the Cisuralian (Lower Permian) of Southern Urals (Russia) . Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie - Abhandlungen . 289 . 1 . 23–34 . 10.1127/njgpa/2018/0747 . 134357399 .
  123. Pierre Gueriau . Nicolas Rabet . Eva Du Tien Hat . 2018 . The Strud crustacean fauna (Late Devonian, Belgium): updated review and palaeoecology of an early continental ecosystem . Earth and Environmental Science Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh . 107 . 2–3 . 79–90 . 10.1017/S1755691017000275 . 133838663 .
  124. Rudy Lerosey-Aubril . John S. Peel . 2018 . Gut evolution in early Cambrian trilobites and the origin of predation on infaunal macroinvertebrates: evidence from muscle scars in Mesolenellus . Palaeontology . 61 . 5 . 747–760 . 10.1111/pala.12365 . 2018Palgy..61..747L . 134357475 .
  125. Harriet B. Drage . James D. Holmes . Diego C. García-Bellido . Allison C. Daley . 2018 . An exceptional record of Cambrian trilobite moulting behaviour preserved in the Emu Bay Shale, South Australia . Lethaia . 51 . 4 . 473–492 . 10.1111/let.12266 . free . 2018Letha..51..473D .
  126. Jorge Esteve . Yuan-Long Zhao . Miguel Ángel Maté-González . Miguel Gómez-Heras . Jin Peng . 2018 . A new high-resolution 3-D quantitative method for analysing small morphological features: an example using a Cambrian trilobite . Scientific Reports . 8 . 1 . Article number 2868 . 10.1038/s41598-018-21088-4 . 29434204 . 5809599 . 2018NatSR...8.2868E .
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