2014 in paleoentomology explained

This paleoentomology list records new fossil insect taxa that were described during the year 2014, as well as notes other significant paleoentomology discoveries and events which occurred during that year.

Clade Amphiesmenoptera


Acisarcuatus[1] Gen. et sp. novValidLiu et al.Middle JurassicJiulongshan FormationA necrotauliid caddisfly. Type species is Acisarcuatus variradius.
Bembridgea[2] Gen. et sp. novValidSukatshevaLate EoceneBembridge MarlsA phryganeid caddisfly. Type species is Bembridgea insularia.
PaleodicellaGen. et sp. novValidSukatshevaLate EoceneBembridge MarlsA caddisfly of uncertain phylogenetic placement. Type species is Paleodicella anomala.
?Plectrocnemia incompletaSp. novValidSukatshevaLate EoceneBembridge MarlsA polycentropodid caddisfly, possibly a species of Plectrocnemia.
Wormaldia longaevaSp. novValidSukatshevaLate EoceneBembridge MarlsA philopotamid caddisfly, a species of Wormaldia.

Clade Antliophora


Archiaustroconops annae[3] Sp. novValidChoufani, Azar & NelEarly CretaceousA member of Ceratopogonidae, a species of Archiaustroconops.
Archiaustroconops dominiakaeSp. novValidChoufani, Azar & NelEarly CretaceousA member of Ceratopogonidae, a species of Archiaustroconops.
Archiaustroconops hammanensisSp. novValidChoufani, Azar & NelEarly CretaceousA member of Ceratopogonidae, a species of Archiaustroconops.
Archirhagio mostovskii[4] Sp. novDisputedZhangLatest Middle Jurassic (Callovian) or earliest Late Jurassic (Oxfordian)Daohugou BedsAn archisargid brachyceran, a species of Archirhagio. Wang et al. (2017) consider this species to be a synonym of Archirhagio zhangi Zhang, Yang & Ren in Zhang et al. (2009),[5] while Zhang (2017) maintains it as a distinct species.[6]
Archirhagio variusSp. novValid[7] ZhangLatest Middle Jurassic (Callovian) or earliest Late Jurassic (Oxfordian)Daohugou BedsAn archisargid brachyceran, a species of Archirhagio.
Archistempellina perkovskyi[8] Sp. novValidZakrzewska & GiłkaEoceneBaltic amber[9]
Rovno amber
Gdańsk Bay coast
A non-biting midge of the tribe Tanytarsini, a species of Archistempellina.
Bibio crassinervis[10] Sp. novValidSkartveit & PikaMiocene[11]
A species of Bibio.
Brachineura polessica[12] Sp. novValidFedotova & PerkovskyLate EoceneA gall midge found in Rovno amber, a species of Brachineura.
Bradysia aliciae[13] Sp. novValidRamírez & AlonsoPleistoceneA member of Sciaridae.
Burmapogon[14] Gen. et sp. novValidDikow & GrimaldiCretaceous (Albian or Cenomanian)Burmese amberAn asilid fly found in Burmese amber. The type species is Burmapogon bruckschi.
CretagasterGen. et sp. novValidDikow & GrimaldiLate Cretaceous (Turonian)New Jersey AmberAn asilid fly. The type species is Cretagaster raritanensis.
Culicoides doyeni[15] Sp. novValidChoufani et al.Late Cretaceous (middle Cenomanian to early Santonian, 97–85 Ma)A member of Ceratopogonidae, a species of Culicoides.
Dicranomyia (Dicranomyia) baltica[16] Sp. novValidKaniaEoceneBaltic amberEurope (Baltic Sea coast)A species of Dicranomyia.
Dicranomyia (Dicranomyia) ewaSp. novValidKaniaEoceneBaltic amberEurope (Baltic Sea coast)A species of Dicranomyia.
Dicranomyia (Dicranomyia) succinicaSp. novValidKaniaEoceneBaltic amberEurope (Baltic Sea coast)A species of Dicranomyia.
Dicranomyia (Melanolimonia) krzeminskiiSp. novValidKaniaEoceneBaltic amberEurope (Baltic Sea coast)A species of Dicranomyia.
Dilophus pumilioSp. novValidSkartveit & PikaMioceneA species of Dilophus.
Dissup clausus[17] Sp. novValidZhang, Yang and RenEarly CretaceousYixian FormationAn eremochaetid fly, a species of Dissup.
Dominimyza[18] Gen. et sp. novValidPoinarTertiaryA sciomyzid fly found in Dominican amber. The type species is Dominimyza tanyacaena.
Eoatrichops[19] Gen. et sp. novValidMyskowiak & NelEarly EoceneAn ibis fly. The type species is Eoatrichops jeanbernardi.
Eotrichocera (Archaeotrichocera) amabilis[20] Sp. novValidDong, Shih & RenMiddle JurassicJiulongshan FormationA trichocerid fly, a species of Eotrichocera.
Eotrichocera (Archaeotrichocera) longensisSp. novValidDong, Shih & RenMiddle JurassicJiulongshan FormationA trichocerid fly, a species of Eotrichocera.
Eremomukha (Eremomukha) angusta[21] Sp. novValidZhangEarly CretaceousYixian FormationAn eremochaetid fly, a species of Eremomukha.
Eremomukha (Eremomukha) tenuissimaSp. novValidZhangEarly CretaceousYixian FormationAn eremochaetid fly, a species of Eremomukha.
Galloatherix[22] Gen. et sp. novValidNel, de Ploëg & PerrichotCretaceous (late Albian or early Cenomanian)Originally classified as an athericid fly; Grimaldi (2016) considered it to be a member of Tabanomorpha of uncertain phylogenetic placement, probably a basal tabanomorph.[23] The type species is Galloatherix incompletus.
Helius ewa[24] Sp. novValidKrzemiński, Kania & AzarEarly CretaceousA limoniid fly, a species of Helius.
Helius fossilis[25] Sp. novValidKaniaEoceneBaltic amberEurope (Baltic Sea coast)A species of Helius.
Helius gedanicusSp. novValidKaniaEoceneBaltic amberEurope (Baltic Sea coast)A species of Helius.
Helius hoffeinsorumSp. novValidKaniaEoceneBaltic amberEurope (Baltic Sea coast)A species of Helius.
Helius similisSp. novValidKaniaEoceneBaltic amberEurope (Baltic Sea coast)A species of Helius.
Kovalevisargus haifanggouensisSp. novValidZhangLatest Middle Jurassic (Callovian) or earliest Late Jurassic (Oxfordian)Daohugou BedsA kovalevisargid brachyceran, a species of Kovalevisargus.
Lebanoculicoides daheriSp. novValidChoufani, Azar & NelEarly CretaceousA member of Ceratopogonidae, a species of Lebanoculicoides.
Ledomyia olgaeSp. novValidFedotova & PerkovskyLate EoceneA gall midge found in Rovno amber, a species of Ledomyia.
Lepteremochaetus elegansSp. novValidZhangEarly CretaceousYixian FormationAn eremochaetid fly, a species of Lepteremochaetus.
Leptoconops (Leptoconops) gravesiSp. novValidChoufani et al.Late Cretaceous (middle Cenomanian to early Santonian, 97–85 Ma)A member of Ceratopogonidae, a species of Leptoconops.
Leptotarsus buscalioniae[26] Sp. novValidRibeiro & LukashevichEarly Cretaceous (late Barremian)La Huérguina Limestone FormationA crane fly, a species of Leptotarsus.
Leptotarsus contractusSp. novValidRibeiro & LukashevichEarly Cretaceous (late Barremian)La Huérguina Limestone FormationA crane fly, a species of Leptotarsus.
Leptotarsus cretaceusSp. novValidRibeiro & LukashevichEarly Cretaceous (Aptian to Albian)Santana FormationA crane fly, a species of Leptotarsus.
Leptotarsus grimaldiiSp. novValidRibeiro & LukashevichEarly Cretaceous (Aptian to Albian)Santana FormationA crane fly, a species of Leptotarsus.
Leptotarsus ibericusSp. novValidRibeiro & LukashevichEarly Cretaceous (late Barremian)La Huérguina Limestone FormationA crane fly, a species of Leptotarsus.
Leptotarsus martinsnetoiSp. novValidRibeiro & LukashevichEarly Cretaceous (Aptian to Albian)Santana FormationA crane fly, a species of Leptotarsus.
Matuna[27] Gen. et sp. novValidStebner & Solórzano KraemerMioceneA psychodid fly. The type species is Matuna bechlyi.
Metanephrocerus belgardeae[28] Sp. novValidArchibald, Kehlmaier & MathewesYpresianKlondike Mountain FormationA pipunculid fly, a species of Metanephrocerus.
Metanephrocerus groehni[29] Sp. novValidKehlmaier & SkevingtonPriabonianBaltic amberA pipunculid fly, a species of Metanephrocerus.
Metanephrocerus hoffeinsorumSp. novValidKehlmaier & SkevingtonPriabonianBaltic amberA pipunculid fly, a species of Metanephrocerus.
Microphorites magaliae[30] Sp. novValidPerrichot & EngelLate Cretaceous (middle Cenomanian to early Santonian, 97–85 Ma)A member of Dolichopodidae, a species of Microphorites.
Nannotanyderus oliviae[31] Sp. novValidSkibińska, Krzemiński & CoramEarly Jurassic (Sinemurian)A tanyderid fly, a species of Nannotanyderus.
NascenslunaGen. et sp. novValidFedotova & PerkovskyLate EoceneA gall midge found in Rovno amber. The type species is Nascensluna mellea.
Notoatherix[32] Gen. et sp. novValidOberprieler & YeatesLate JurassicTalbragar Fish BedA member of Athericidae. The type species is Notoatherix antiqua.
NovisargusGen. et sp. novValidZhangLatest Middle Jurassic (Callovian) or earliest Late Jurassic (Oxfordian)Daohugou BedsAn archisargid brachyceran. The type species is Novisargus rarus.
Ovisargus (Ovisargus) singulusSp. novValidZhangLatest Middle Jurassic (Callovian) or earliest Late Jurassic (Oxfordian)Daohugou BedsAn archisargid brachyceran, a species of Ovisargus.
Palaeoboreochlus[33] Gen. et sp. novValidBaranov & Andersen in Baranov, Andersen & PerkovskyLate EoceneA podonomine chironomid fly found in Rovno amber. The type species is Palaeoboreochlus inornatus.
Palaeosystenus[34] Gen. et comb. novValidGrichanov, Negrobov & SelivanovaLate Eocene or early OligoceneBaltic amberEurope
(Baltic Sea coast)
A member of the family Dolichopodidae belonging to the subfamily Medeterinae. The type species is "Porphyrops" succinorum Meunier (1907).
Philosepedon apozonalliiSp. novValidStebner & Solórzano KraemerMioceneA psychodid fly, a species of Philosepedon.
Pintomyia (Pifanomyia) bolontikui[35] Sp. novValidIbáñez-Bernal et al.MioceneA moth fly, a species of Pintomyia.
Plecia macilentaSp. novValidSkartveit & PikaMioceneA species of Plecia.
PopovineuraGen. et sp. novValidFedotova & PerkovskyLate EoceneA gall midge found in Rovno amber. The type species is Popovineura nacta.
PriabonaGen. et comb. novValidArchibald, Kehlmaier & MathewesPriabonianFlorissant FormationA pipunculid fly; a new genus for "Protonephrocerus" florissantius Carpenter and Hull.
Protoculicoides krzeminskiiSp. novValidChoufani, Azar & NelEarly CretaceousA member of Ceratopogonidae. Originally described as a species of Protoculicoides; Szadziewski et al. (2016) transferred it to the genus Archiaustroconops,[36] while Borkent (2019) transferred it to the genus Gerontodacus.[37]
Psychoda rustiSp. novValidStebner & Solórzano KraemerMioceneA psychodid fly, a species of Psychoda.
Psychoda tzotziliSp. novValidStebner & Solórzano KraemerMioceneA psychodid fly, a species of Psychoda.
Qiyia[38] Gen. et sp. novValidChen et al.Middle JurassicDaohugou BedsAn athericid fly. The type species is Qiyia jurassica.
Reliquantha eocena[39] Sp. novValidRoháčekMiddle EoceneBaltic amber (Kaliningrad Oblast)An anthomyzid fly.
Rhizomyia parkaloviSp. novValidFedotova & PerkovskyLate EoceneRovno amberA gall midge.
RovnobrachineuraGen. et sp. novValidFedotova & PerkovskyLate EoceneRovno amberA gall midge.
The type species is R. kiryeyevi.
Sharasargus maculusSp. novValidZhangLatest Middle Jurassic (Callovian) or earliest Late Jurassic (Oxfordian)Daohugou BedsAn archisargid brachyceran, a species of Sharasargus.
Similsciophila[40] Gen. et 2 sp. novValid[41] Shi, Shih & RenMiddle JurassicJiulongshan FormationA mesosciophilid nematoceran fly. Genus contains two species: Similsciophila singularis and Similsciophila sinuata.
Stempellinella ivanovaeSp. novValidZakrzewska & GiłkaEoceneA non-biting midge of the tribe Tanytarsini, a species of Stempellinella.
SystenitesGen. et comb. novValidGrichanov, Negrobov & SelivanovaLutetianBaltic amberA Medeterinae Dolichopodidae.
The type species is "Porphyrops" inclyta Meunier (1907); genus also includes "Porphyrops" arguta Meunier (1907) and "Xiphandrium" splendidum Meunier (1907).
TabanisargusGen. et sp. novValidZhangLatest Middle Jurassic (Callovian) or earliest Late Jurassic (Oxfordian)Daohugou BedsAn archisargid brachyceran. The type species is Tabanisargus daohugouensis.
Trichomyia axeliSp. novValidStebner & Solórzano KraemerMioceneMexican amberA psychodid fly, a species of Trichomyia.
Trichomyia richardiSp. novValidStebner & Solórzano KraemerMioceneMexican AmberA psychodid fly, a species of Trichomyia.


Cimbrophlebia rara[42] Sp. novValidWang, Shih & RenEarly CretaceousYixian FormationA cimbrophlebiid mecopteran, a species of Cimbrophlebia.
Exilibittacus foliaceus[43] Sp. novValidLiu, Shih & RenMiddle JurassicJiulongshan FormationA hangingfly, a species of Exilibittacus.
Exilibittacus plagioneurusSp. novValidLiu, Shih & RenMiddle JurassicJiulongshan FormationA hangingfly, a species of Exilibittacus.
Jurassipanorpa[44] Gen. et sp. novValidDing, Shih & RenMiddle JurassicJiulongshan FormationA scorpionfly.
The type species is Jurassipanorpa impunctata.
Also included is J. sticta
Mesoses gayndah[45] Sp. novValidLambkinMiddle TriassicGayndah FormationA mesopsychid mecopteran,
a species of Mesoses.
Mongolbittacus oligophlebiusSp. novValidLiu, Shih & RenMiddle JurassicJiulongshan FormationA hangingfly, a species of Mongolbittacus.
Mongolbittacus speciosusSp. novValidLiu, Shih & RenMiddle JurassicJiulongshan FormationA hangingfly, a species of Mongolbittacus.

Clade Archaeorthoptera


Anarkemina[46] Gen. et comb. novValidAristovCarboniferous (Pennsylvanian)Verdigris FormationA member of Cnemidolestida/Cnemidolestodea (an extinct group of insects of uncertain phylogenetic placement, might be related to plecopterans or orthopterans); a new genus for "Narkemina" winsdoriensis Lewis (1979).
AviohapalopteraGen. et sp. novValidProkop, Roques & NelCarboniferous (Moscovian)A Cnemidolestodan Archaeorthopteran. The type species is Aviohapaloptera bethouxi.
FodinopennaGen. et sp. novValidAristovLate CarboniferousBelyi Yar FormationA member of Cnemidolestida/Cnemidolestodea. The type species is Fodinopenna abakanica.
HammelburgiaGen. et sp. novValidAristovMiddle Triassic (early Anisian)Röt FormationA member of Cnemidolestida/Cnemidolestodea. The type species is Hammelburgia selli.
IvkinusGen. et comb. novValidAristovLate PermianPoldarsa FormationA member of Cnemidolestida/Cnemidolestodea; a new genus for "Mezenalicula" conjucta Aristov & Storozhenko (2011).
KityakiaGen. et sp. novValidAristovMiddle PermianBelebeevo FormationA member of Cnemidolestida/Cnemidolestodea. The type species is Kityakia attrita.
PrygGen. et sp. novValidAristov & RasnitsynEarly PermianWellington FormationA member of Cnemidolestida/Cnemidolestodea. The type species is Pryg absurdus.
Xixia[47] Gen. et sp. novValidGu, Béthoux & RenLate Carboniferous (Namurian)Tupo FormationA member of Cnemidolestida/Cnemidolestodea. The type species is Xixia huban.
YariaGen. et sp. novValidAristovMiddle PermianIzykh FormationA member of Cnemidolestida/Cnemidolestodea. The type species is Yaria arenaria.


Crinoedischia lapeyriei[48] Sp. novValidFernandes, Prokop & NelPermian (Guadalupian)Lodève BasinAn orthopteran, a species of Crinoedischia.
Electrotettix[49] Gen. et sp. novValidHeads & Thomas in Heads, Thomas & WangEarly Miocene (Burdigalian)Dominican amberA tetrigid orthopteran. Type species is E. attenboroughi.

Other archaeorthopterans

Aviologus[50] Gen. et sp. novValidCoty et al.Carboniferous (Pennsylvanian)An archaeorthopteran. Type species is Aviologus duquesnei.
BruaylogusGen. et sp. novValidCoty et al.Carboniferous (Pennsylvanian)A Panorthopteran archaeorthopteran. Type species is Bruaylogus magnificus.

Clade Coleopterida


Abdera hoffeinsorum[51] Sp. novValidAlekseevEoceneEurope (Baltic Sea coast)A false darkling beetle found in Baltic amber, a species of Abdera.
Abdera rikojotensisSp. novValidAlekseevEoceneEurope (Baltic Sea coast)A false darkling beetle found in Baltic amber, a species of Abdera.
Acamptus exilipes[52] Sp. novValid[53] Poinar & LegalovEocene or MioceneA cossonine curculionid weevil, a species of Acamptus.
Albicar[54] Gen. et sp. novValidPeris et al.Early Cretaceous (early Albian)A weevil belonging to the family Caridae. The type species is Albicar contriti.
Alegorius[55] Gen. et sp. novValidFikáček et al.Early CretaceousYixian FormationA hydrophilid beetle. The type species is Alegorius yixianus.
Ampliceps zimmermanniSp. novValidLegalov in Gratshev & LegalovJurassicKarabastau SvitaA weevil belonging to the family Nemonychidae, a species of Ampliceps.
Anaglyphites crassipygusSp. novValidPonomarenko in Ponomarenko et al.Late JurassicA cupedine beetle, a species of Anaglyphites.
Anaglyphites minutissimusSp. novValidPonomarenko in Ponomarenko et al.Late JurassicA cupedine beetle, a species of Anaglyphites.
Anlemmus[56] Gen. et sp. novValidPoinar & LegalovTertiaryA cryptorhynchine curculionid beetle. The type species is Anlemmus leptorhinus.
Antillipeltis alleni[57] Sp. novValidLawrence, Leschen & ŚlipińskiMioceneDominican amberA member of the family Trogossitidae.
Antillipeltis ivieiSp. novValidLawrence, Leschen & ŚlipińskiMioceneDominican amberA member of the family Trogossitidae.
AntiquisGen. et sp. novValidPeris et al.Cretaceous (late Albian – early Cenomanian)A weevil belonging to the family Curculionidae. The type species is Antiquis opaque.
ApharosomaGen. et sp. novValidPoinar & LegalovTertiaryA cryptorhynchine curculionid beetle. The type species is Apharosoma euryrhina.
Apionion formoculus[58] Sp. novValid[59] Poinar & LegalovEocene or MioceneAn apionine brentid beetle found in Dominican amber, a species of Apionion.
Apionion homochrononSp. novValidPoinar & LegalovEocene or MioceneAn apionine brentid beetle found in Dominican amber, a species of Apionion.
Apionion kallimosumSp. novValidPoinar & LegalovEocene or MioceneAn apionine brentid beetle found in Dominican amber, a species of Apionion.
Archaeorrhynchus carpenteriSp. novValidLegalov in Gratshev & LegalovJurassicKarabastau SvitaA weevil belonging to the family Nemonychidae, a species of Archaeorrhynchus.
Archosyne[60] Gen. et sp. novValidPonomarenko, Yan & HuangPermian (late Capitanian)A beetle of uncertain phylogenetic placement. Originally assigned to the family Ademosynidae, but subsequently excluded from this family by Yan, Beutel & Ponomarenko (2017).[61] The type species is Archosyne permiana.
ArraGen. et sp. novValidPeris et al.Early Cretaceous (early Albian)A weevil belonging to the family Nemonychidae. The type species is Arra legalovi.
Artematopodites latissimusSp. novValidPonomarenko in Ponomarenko et al.Late JurassicA member of Permosynidae, a species of Artematopodites.
AsiocoleopsisGen. et sp. novValidPonomarenko, Yan & HuangPermian (late Capitanian)An asiocoleid beetle. The type species is Asiocoleopsis hongi.
Atomaria (Anchicera) groehni[62] Sp. novValidLyubarsky & PerkovskyLate EoceneBaltic amber
(Kaliningrad Oblast)
A silken fungus beetle.
Attagenus gorskii[63] Sp. novValidHávaLate EocenePrussian FormationA skin beetle found in Baltic amber, a species of Attagenus.
BaissalarvaGen. et sp. novValidFikáček et al.Early CretaceousA hydrophilid beetle. The type species is Baissalarva hydrobioides.
Baissimberis[64] Gen. et sp. novValidGratshev & LegalovEarly CretaceousBaissa localityA weevil belonging to the family Nemonychidae. The type species is Baissimberis prodigiosus.
Belonotaris (Arnoldibelus) heeriSp. novValidLegalov in Gratshev & LegalovJurassicKarabastau SvitaA weevil belonging to the family Nemonychidae, a species of Belonotaris.
Belonotaris (Arnoldibelus) rasnitsyniSp. novValidLegalov in Gratshev & LegalovJurassicKarabastau SvitaA weevil belonging to the family Nemonychidae, a species of Belonotaris.
Belonotaris (Arnoldibelus) rohdendorfiSp. novValidLegalov in Gratshev & LegalovJurassicKarabastau SvitaA weevil belonging to the family Nemonychidae, a species of Belonotaris.
Bicalcasura[65] Gen. et sp. novValidPoinar & LegalovTertiaryA weevil found in Dominican amber. The type species is Bicalcasura maculata.
Burmonyx[66] Gen. et sp. novValidDavid & EngelCretaceous (Albian or Cenomanian)Burmese amberA nemonychid weevil found in Burmese amber. Type species is Burmonyx zigrasi.
Calomicrus eocenicus[67] Sp. novValidBukejs & BezděkEocene (probably Priabonian) (Kaliningrad Oblast)A galerucine leaf beetle, a species of Calomicrus.
Caulophilus camptusSp. novValidPoinar & LegalovEocene or MioceneA cossonine curculionid weevil, a species of Caulophilus.
Caulophilus elongatusSp. novValidPoinar & LegalovEocene or MioceneA cossonine curculionid weevil, a species of Caulophilus.
Caulophilus ruidipunctusSp. novValidPoinar & LegalovEocene or MioceneA cossonine curculionid weevil, a species of Caulophilus.
Ceratocanthus emarginatus[68] Sp. novValid[69] PoinarEocene or MioceneDominican amberA ceratocanthine beetle. Originally described as a species of Ceratocanthus; transferred to the genus Germarostes by Poinar & Ballerio (2017).[70]
ChaocoleusGen. et sp. novValidPonomarenko, Yan & HuangPermian (late Capitanian)An ademosynid beetle. The type species is Chaocoleus limnebius.
Chinocimberis dispersusSp. novValidGratshev & LegalovEarly CretaceousTsagan Tsab FormationA weevil belonging to the family Nemonychidae, a species of Chinocimberis.
Coptoclavella jurassicaSp. novValidPonomarenko in Ponomarenko et al.Late JurassicA member of Coptoclavidae, a species of Coptoclavella.
Crassisyne[71] Gen. et sp. novValidYan, Wang & ZhangEarly CretaceousSharyn-Gol FormationA lasiosynid beetle. The type species is Crassisyne ampla.
CratonemonyxGen. et sp. novValidLegalov in Gratshev & LegalovEarly CretaceousCrato FormationA weevil belonging to the family Nemonychidae. The type species is Cratonemonyx martinsnetoi.
Crepidodera svetlanae[72] Sp. novValidBukejsEocene (Kaliningrad Oblast)A flea beetle found in Baltic amber, a species of Crepidodera.
Cretamerus[73] Gen. et sp. novValid[74] Peris, Kolibáč & DelclòsLate Cretaceous (Cenomanian)A member of Trogossitidae. The type species is Cretamerus vulloi.
Cretasonoma[75] Gen. et sp. novValidPeris, Chatzimanolis & DelclòsEarly Cretaceous (Albian)A pselaphine rove beetle. The type species is Cretasonoma corinformibus.
CretoxenusGen. et sp. novValidFikáček et al.Early CretaceousA hydrophilid beetle. The type species is Cretoxenus australis.
Cretoxyporus[76] Gen. et sp. novValidCai & HuangEarly CretaceousYixian FormationAn oxyporine rove beetle. The type species is Cretoxyporus extraneus.
Cryptohelops[77] Gen. et sp. novValidNabozhenko & KirejtshukPalaeoceneA darkling beetle. The type species is Cryptohelops menaticus.
Curche[78] Gen. et sp. novValidAlekseev & KazantsevEocene (Kaliningrad Oblast)A soldier beetle found in Baltic amber. The type species is Curche pauli.
Dignomus regiomontanus[79] Sp. novValidAlekseevEoceneBaltic amberEurope (Baltic Sea coast)A spider beetle. Originally described as a species of Dignomus; Alekseev, Bukejs & Bellés (2019) made it the type species of the separate genus Dignoptinus.[80]
Distenorrhinus (Distenorrhinus) ovatusSp. novValidGratshev & LegalovEarly CretaceousA weevil belonging to the family Nemonychidae, a species of Distenorrhinus.
Dryophilus hoffeinsorumSp. novValidAlekseevEoceneEurope (Baltic Sea coast)A member of Dryophilinae found in Baltic amber, a species of Dryophilus.
Dryophthorus microtremus[81] Sp. novValid[82] Poinar & LegalovEocene or MioceneA dryophthorid weevil found in Dominican amber, a species of Dryophthorus.
Dryotribus pedanusSp. novValidPoinar & LegalovEocene or MioceneA cossonine curculionid weevil, a species of Dryotribus.
Duocalcar[83] Gen. et sp. novValidPeris & Thayer in Peris, Thayer & NéraudeauEarly Cretaceous (late Albian)An omaliine rove beetle. The type species is Duocalcar geminum.
Dzeregia platisSp. novValidPonomarenko in Ponomarenko et al.Late JurassicA member of Permosynidae, a species of Dzeregia.
Eckfeldattagenus[84] Gen. et sp. novValidHáva & WapplerMiddle EoceneAn attagenine dermestid beetle. The type species is Eckfeldattagenus eocenicus.
ElectroabderaGen. et sp. novValidAlekseevEoceneEurope (Baltic Sea coast)A false darkling beetle found in Baltic amber. The type species is Electroabdera marisbaltici.
Eocenostenus[85] Sp. novValidCai et al.Late EoceneA stenine rove beetle.
The type species is E. fossilis.
Episcirrus isolepusSp. novValidPoinar & LegalovTertiaryA cryptorhynchine curculionid beetle, a species of Episcirrus.
Episernus palvenikensisSp. novValidAlekseevEoceneEurope (Baltic Sea coast)A member of Ernobiinae found in Baltic amber, a species of Episernus.
Ernobius barticusSp. novValidAlekseevEoceneEurope (Baltic Sea coast)A member of Ernobiinae found in Baltic amber, a species of Ernobius.
Ernobius nadravicusSp. novValidAlekseevEoceneEurope (Baltic Sea coast)A member of Ernobiinae found in Baltic amber, a species of Ernobius.
Ernobius notangicusSp. novValidAlekseevEoceneEurope (Baltic Sea coast)A member of Ernobiinae found in Baltic amber, a species of Ernobius.
Ernobius varmicusSp. novValidAlekseevEoceneEurope (Baltic Sea coast)A member of Ernobiinae found in Baltic amber, a species of Ernobius.
Eulechriops argyrosoma[86] Sp. novValidPoinar & LegalovA curculionid beetle found in Dominican amber, a species of Eulechriops.
Europs insterburgensis[87] Sp. novValidAlekseevLate Eocene (Kaliningrad Oblast)A member of Monotomidae found in Baltic amber, a species of Europs.
Gastrallus zjantaru[88] Sp. novValidZahradník & HávaEoceneA member of Anobiinae found in Baltic amber, a species of Gastrallus.
Geratozygops arsinotusSp. novValidPoinar & LegalovA curculionid beetle found in Dominican amber, a species of Geratozygops.
Geratozygops platysomaSp. novValidPoinar & LegalovA curculionid beetle found in Dominican amber, a species of Geratozygops.
Geratozygops stenosomaSp. novValidPoinar & LegalovA curculionid beetle found in Dominican amber, a species of Geratozygops.
Glaresis tridentata[89] Sp. novValidBai, Beutel & Ren in Bai et al.Early CretaceousYixian FormationA species of Glaresis.
Glesirhanis[90] Gen. et sp. novValidShockley & AlekseevEocene (Kaliningrad Oblast)A leiestine endomychid beetle found in Baltic amber. The type species is Glesirhanis bercioi.
Hadrobregmus ambericusSp. novValidZahradník & HávaEoceneA member of Anobiinae found in Baltic amber, a species of Hadrobregmus.
Helophorus costalisSp. novValidPonomarenko in Ponomarenko et al.Late JurassicA member of Helophoridae, a species of Helophorus.
Homophthalmus kunnegsgarbensisSp. novValidAlekseevEoceneEurope (Baltic Sea coast)A member of Dryophilinae found in Baltic amber, a species of Homophthalmus.
Hydrobiites minorSp. novValidPonomarenko in Ponomarenko et al.Late JurassicA member of Polyphaga of uncertain phylogenetic placement, a species of Hydrobiites.
Hydrobiites mongolicusSp. novValidPonomarenko in Ponomarenko et al.Late JurassicA member of Polyphaga of uncertain phylogenetic placement, a species of Hydrobiites.
Hydrotrupes prometheus[91] Sp. novValidGómez & DamgaardEoceneEuropeA dytiscid beetle found in Baltic amber, a species of Hydrotrupes.
HydroyixiaGen. et 2 sp. novValidFikáček et al.Early CretaceousYixian FormationA hydrophilid beetle. Genus contains two species: Hydroyixia elongata and H. latissima.
Japanopsimus balticus[92] Sp. novValidVitaliEocene or OligoceneEurope (Baltic Sea coast)A longhorn beetle found in Baltic amber, a species of Japanopsimus.
Jurodes daohugouensis[93] Sp. novValidYan et al.Middle JurassicDaohugou BedsA jurodid beetle, a species of Jurodes.
Jurodes pygmaeusSp. novValidYan et al.Middle JurassicDaohugou BedsA jurodid beetle, a species of Jurodes.
Jurodes shartegiensisSp. novValidYan in Ponomarenko et al.Late JurassicA jurodid beetle, a species of Jurodes.
Juropeltastica[94] Gen. et sp. novValidCai et al.Middle JurassicDaohugou BedsA derodontid beetle. The type species is Juropeltastica sinica.
Kachinus magnificusSp. novValidPeris, Chatzimanolis & DelclòsEarly Cretaceous (Albian)A scydmaenine rove beetle. Originally classified as a species of Kachinus; subsequently assigned to the tribe Eutheiini and made the type species of a separate genus Archeutheia by Jałoszyński & Peris (2016).[95]
Lasiosyne laxa[96] Sp. novValidYan, Wang & ZhangMiddle JurassicDaohugou BedsA lasiosynid beetle, a species of Lasiosyne.
Latitergum[97] Gen. et sp. novJunior homonymYu et al.Middle JurassicJiulongshan FormationA member of Trogossitidae. The type species is Latitergum glabrum. The generic name is preoccupied by Latitergum Dangerfield, Austin & Whitfield (1999). Zhang (2021) coined a replacement generic name Neolatitergum.[98]
Latridius usovae[99] Sp. novDisputedSergi & PerkovskyLate EoceneA latridiid beetle found in Rovno amber, a species of Latridius. Reike et al. (2017) considered this species to be a junior synonym of Latridius alexeevi Bukejs, Kirejtshuk & Rücker (2011).[100]
LemmasomusGen. et sp. novValidPoinar & LegalovTertiaryA cryptorhynchine curculionid beetle. The type species is Lemmasomus anodontotus.
LinicupesGen. et sp. novValidPonomarenko, Yan & HuangPermian (late Capitanian)A permocupedid beetle. The type species is Linicupes yinpinensis.
Loculitricoleus mongolicusSp. novValidPonomarenko in Ponomarenko et al.Late JurassicA member of Asiocoleidae, a species of Loculitricoleus.
Malthodes rovnoensis[101] Sp. novValidKazantsev & PerkovskyLate EoceneRovno amberA soldier beetle.
MarginulatusGen. et sp. novValidYu et al.Middle JurassicJiulongshan FormationA member of Trogossitidae. The type species is Marginulatus venustus.
Mesapatetica[102] Gen. et sp. novValidCai et al.Middle JurassicDaohugou BedsA rove beetle. The type species is Mesapatetica aenigmatica.
Mesogyrus elongatesSp. novValidPonomarenko in Ponomarenko et al.Late JurassicA whirligig beetle, a species of Mesogyrus.
MicroentomusGen. et sp. novValidPoinar in Poinar & BrownCretaceousBurmese amberA blister beetle found in Burmese amber. The type species is Microentomus epibatus.
MicrosyneGen. et sp. novValidYan, Wang & ZhangEarly CretaceousBaissa localityA lasiosynid beetle. The type species is Microsyne lauta.
Neoulosomus (Neoulosomus) leptosomusSp. novValidPoinar & LegalovTertiaryA cryptorhynchine curculionid beetle, a species of Neoulosomus.
Neoulosomus (Neoulosomus) megaholcusSp. novValidPoinar & LegalovTertiaryA cryptorhynchine curculionid beetle, a species of Neoulosomus.
Neoulosomus (Neoulosomus) microholcusSp. novValidPoinar & LegalovTertiaryA cryptorhynchine curculionid beetle, a species of Neoulosomus.
Neoulosomus (Neoulosomus) megusSp. novValidPoinar & LegalovTertiaryA cryptorhynchine curculionid beetle, a species of Neoulosomus.
Neoulosomus (Neoulosomus) pedinusSp. novValidPoinar & LegalovTertiaryA cryptorhynchine curculionid beetle, a species of Neoulosomus.
Neoulosomus (Neoulosomus) pediosomusSp. novValidPoinar & LegalovTertiaryA cryptorhynchine curculionid beetle, a species of Neoulosomus.
Neoulosomus (Neoulosomus) platystegusSp. novValidPoinar & LegalovTertiaryA cryptorhynchine curculionid beetle, a species of Neoulosomus.
Neoulosomus (Neoulosomus) scambosomusSp. novValidPoinar & LegalovTertiaryA cryptorhynchine curculionid beetle, a species of Neoulosomus.
Neoulosomus (Neoulosomus) scambusSp. novValidPoinar & LegalovTertiaryA cryptorhynchine curculionid beetle, a species of Neoulosomus.
Neoulosomus (Neoulosomus) stenocalypusSp. novValidPoinar & LegalovTertiaryA cryptorhynchine curculionid beetle, a species of Neoulosomus.
Neoulosomus (Neoulosomus) stylolepusSp. novValidPoinar & LegalovTertiaryA cryptorhynchine curculionid beetle, a species of Neoulosomus.
Neoulosomus (Stenosomus) contorhinusSp. novValidPoinar & LegalovTertiaryA cryptorhynchine curculionid beetle, a species of Neoulosomus.
Neoulosomus (Stenosomus) tanyrhinusSp. novValidPoinar & LegalovTertiaryA cryptorhynchine curculionid beetle, a species of Neoulosomus.
Nganasania taymyrica[103] Sp. novValidLyubarsky & PerkovskyLate Cretaceous (Coniacian-Santonian)Kheta Formation
(Taymyr amber)
A silken fungus beetle.
OdontameraGen. et sp. novValidPoinar & LegalovTertiaryA cryptorhynchine curculionid beetle. The type species is Odontamera dolichosoma.
OgygiusGen. et sp. novValidPoinar & LegalovEocene or MioceneA cossonine curculionid weevil. The type species is Ogygius obrieni.
Oxycorynoides (Pseudoxycorynoides) sukatshevaeSp. novValidLegalov in Gratshev & LegalovJurassicKarabastau SvitaA weevil belonging to the family Nemonychidae, a species of Oxycorynoides.
ParacamptopsisGen. et sp. novValidPoinar & LegalovTertiaryA cryptorhynchine curculionid beetle. The type species is Paracamptopsis stenis.
Paraulosomus adenolepusSp. novValidPoinar & LegalovTertiaryA cryptorhynchine curculionid beetle, a species of Paraulosomus.
Pedostrangalia pristinaSp. novValidVitaliEocene or OligoceneEurope (Baltic Sea coast)A longhorn beetle found in Baltic amber, a species of Pedostrangalia.
PenarhytusGen. et sp. novValidPeris, Chatzimanolis & DelclòsEarly Cretaceous (Albian)A pselaphine rove beetle. The type species is Penarhytus tenebris.
Platycrossos latusSp. novValidPonomarenko in Ponomarenko et al.Late JurassicA member of Permosynidae, a species of Platycrossos.
Platycrossos longusSp. novValidPonomarenko in Ponomarenko et al.Late JurassicA member of Permosynidae, a species of Platycrossos.
Platycrossos loxonicusSp. novValidPonomarenko in Ponomarenko et al.Late JurassicA member of Permosynidae, a species of Platycrossos.
Platycrossos mongolicusSp. novValidPonomarenko in Ponomarenko et al.Late JurassicA member of Permosynidae, a species of Platycrossos.
Platycrossos ovumSp. novValidPonomarenko in Ponomarenko et al.Late JurassicA member of Permosynidae, a species of Platycrossos.
Platydracus breviantennatus[104] Sp. novValidCai et al.Late EoceneA rove beetle, a species of Platydracus.
Polysitum sharategenseSp. novValidPonomarenko in Ponomarenko et al.Late JurassicA member of Polyphaga of uncertain phylogenetic placement, a species of Polysitum.
Praedodromeus[105] Gen. et sp. novValidStrada, Montagna & TintoriMiddle Triassic (Ladinian)Kalkschieferzone (uppermost member of the Meride Limestone)A trachypachid. The type species is Praedodromeus sangiorgiensis.
Probelus (Probelus) handlirschiSp. novValidLegalov in Gratshev & LegalovJurassicKarabastau SvitaA weevil belonging to the family Nemonychidae, a species of Probelus.
Probelus (Probelus) nikolaeviSp. novValidLegalov in Gratshev & LegalovJurassicKarabastau SvitaA weevil belonging to the family Nemonychidae, a species of Probelus.
Probelus (Probelus) scudderiSp. novValidLegalov in Gratshev & LegalovJurassicKarabastau SvitaA weevil belonging to the family Nemonychidae, a species of Probelus.
?Procalosoma incertumSp. novValidPonomarenko in Ponomarenko et al.Late JurassicA member of Trachypachidae, possibly a species of Procalosoma.
Prosolierius parvusSp. novValidPeris, Chatzimanolis & DelclòsEarly Cretaceous (Albian)A solieriine rove beetle, a species of Prosolierius.
ProtocharesGen. et sp. novValidFikáček et al.Late JurassicTalbragar Fish BedA hydrophilid beetle. The type species is Protochares brevipalpis.
Protoclaviger[106] Gen. et sp. novValidParker & GrimaldiEarly EoceneA pselaphine rove beetle found in Cambay amber. The type species is Protoclaviger trichodens.
ProtoxyporusGen. et sp. novValidCai & HuangEarly CretaceousYixian FormationAn oxyporine rove beetle. The type species is Protoxyporus grandis.
Psammaegialia[107] Gen. et 2 sp. novValidNikolajev, Wang & ZhangEarly CretaceousYixian FormationA scarab beetle belonging to the subfamily Aphodiinae. The type species is Psammaegialia abdita; genus also contains Psammaegialia zebrina.
PseudomoidesGen. et sp. novValidPoinar & LegalovTertiaryA cryptorhynchine curculionid beetle. The type species is Pseudomoides clisaulis.
Psyllototus groehni[108] Sp. novValidBukejs & NadeinEocenePrussian Formation (Kaliningrad Oblast)A member of Galerucinae found in Baltic amber, a species of Psyllototus.
Ptinus anastasiaeSp. novValidAlekseevEoceneEurope (Baltic Sea coast)A spider beetle found in Baltic amber, a species of Ptinus.
Ptinus burukovskyiSp. novValidAlekseevEoceneEurope (Baltic Sea coast)A spider beetle found in Baltic amber, a species of Ptinus.
Ptinus incisusNom. novValidZahradník & HávaLate EoceneProbably (Kaliningrad Oblast)A spider beetle found in Baltic amber, a species of Ptinus; a replacement name for Ptinus (Gynopterus) balticus Bellés & Vitali (2007) (preoccupied).
Ptinus scalovicusSp. novValidAlekseevEoceneEurope (Baltic Sea coast)A spider beetle found in Baltic amber, a species of Ptinus.
Semnorhynchus brachyrhinusSp. novValidPoinar & LegalovTertiaryA cryptorhynchine curculionid beetle, a species of Semnorhynchus.
Semnorhynchus campostegusSp. novValidPoinar & LegalovTertiaryA cryptorhynchine curculionid beetle, a species of Semnorhynchus.
Semnorhynchus contorhinusSp. novValidPoinar & LegalovTertiaryA cryptorhynchine curculionid beetle, a species of Semnorhynchus.
Semnorhynchus euryaspusSp. novValidPoinar & LegalovTertiaryA cryptorhynchine curculionid beetle, a species of Semnorhynchus.
Semnorhynchus eurystegusSp. novValidPoinar & LegalovTertiaryA cryptorhynchine curculionid beetle, a species of Semnorhynchus.
Semnorhynchus leptostegusSp. novValidPoinar & LegalovTertiaryA cryptorhynchine curculionid beetle, a species of Semnorhynchus.
Semnorhynchus megasomusSp. novValidPoinar & LegalovTertiaryA cryptorhynchine curculionid beetle, a species of Semnorhynchus.
Semnorhynchus stenostegusSp. novValidPoinar & LegalovTertiaryA cryptorhynchine curculionid beetle, a species of Semnorhynchus.
Semnorhynchus tanyrhinusSp. novValidPoinar & LegalovTertiaryA cryptorhynchine curculionid beetle, a species of Semnorhynchus.
Serropalpus ingemmescusSp. novValidAlekseevEoceneEurope (Baltic Sea coast)A false darkling beetle found in Baltic amber, a species of Serropalpus.
Serropalpus ryzhkovianusSp. novValidAlekseevEocene (Kaliningrad Oblast)A false darkling beetle found in Baltic amber, a species of Serropalpus.
Serropalpus vivaxSp. novValidAlekseevEoceneEurope (Baltic Sea coast)A false darkling beetle found in Baltic amber, a species of Serropalpus.
SodoviaGen. et sp. novValidPonomarenko in Ponomarenko et al.Late JurassicA member of Schizophoridae. The type species is Sodovia sharotegica.
Stenapion levigatumSp. novValidPoinar & LegalovEocene or MioceneAn apionine brentid beetle found in Dominican amber, a species of Stenapion.
Stenhomalus hoffeinsorumSp. novValidVitaliEocene or OligoceneEurope (Baltic Sea coast)A longhorn beetle found in Baltic amber, a species of Stenhomalus.
Stenommatus leptorhinusSp. novValidPoinar & LegalovEocene or MioceneA dryophthorid weevil found in Dominican amber, a species of Stenommatus.
Stenommatus tanyrhinusSp. novValidPoinar & LegalovEocene or MioceneA dryophthorid weevil found in Dominican amber, a species of Stenommatus.
Stephanopachys vetus[109] Sp. novValidPeris, Delclòs & Perrichot in Peris et al.Cretaceous (latest Albian or earliest Cenomanian)A bostrichid beetle, a species of Stephanopachys.
Stenotrupis pumilisSp. novValidPoinar & LegalovEocene or MioceneA cossonine curculionid weevil, a species of Stenotrupis.
Succinapion[110] Gen. et sp. novValidLegalov & BukejsLate EoceneBaltic amber (Kaliningrad Oblast)A brentid beetle. The type species is Succinapion telnovi.
Synchrotronia[111] Gen. et sp. novValidSoriano & Pollock in Soriano et al.Early Cretaceous (latest Albian)A tetratomid beetle. The type species is Synchrotronia idinineteena.
Taldycupes pingiSp. novValidPonomarenko, Yan & HuangPermian (late Capitanian)A taldycupedid beetle, a species of Taldycupes.
Tersus minorSp. novValidPonomarenko in Ponomarenko et al.Late JurassicA member of Schizophoridae, a species of Tersus.
Timarchopsis longusSp. novValidPonomarenko in Ponomarenko et al.Late JurassicA member of Coptoclavidae, a species of Timarchopsis.
Toxorhynchus amphioculusSp. novValidPoinar & LegalovEocene or MioceneAn apionine brentid beetle found in Dominican amber, a species of Toxorhynchus.
Toxorhynchus atriantenusSp. novValidPoinar & LegalovEocene or MioceneAn apionine brentid beetle found in Dominican amber, a species of Toxorhynchus.
Toxorhynchus atriartusSp. novValidPoinar & LegalovEocene or MioceneAn apionine brentid beetle found in Dominican amber, a species of Toxorhynchus.
Toxorhynchus convexoculusSp. novValidPoinar & LegalovEocene or MioceneAn apionine brentid beetle found in Dominican amber, a species of Toxorhynchus.
Toxorhynchus convexusSp. novValidPoinar & LegalovEocene or MioceneAn apionine brentid beetle found in Dominican amber, a species of Toxorhynchus.
Toxorhynchus dominicanusSp. novValidPoinar & LegalovEocene or MioceneAn apionine brentid beetle found in Dominican amber, a species of Toxorhynchus.
Toxorhynchus fuscocorpusSp. novValidPoinar & LegalovEocene or MioceneAn apionine brentid beetle found in Dominican amber, a species of Toxorhynchus.
Toxorhynchus hispaniolicusSp. novValidPoinar & LegalovEocene or MioceneAn apionine brentid beetle found in Dominican amber, a species of Toxorhynchus.
Toxorhynchus hispidulusSp. novValidPoinar & LegalovEocene or MioceneAn apionine brentid beetle found in Dominican amber, a species of Toxorhynchus.
Toxorhynchus leptorhinusSp. novValidPoinar & LegalovEocene or MioceneAn apionine brentid beetle found in Dominican amber, a species of Toxorhynchus.
Toxorhynchus microsomusSp. novValidPoinar & LegalovEocene or MioceneAn apionine brentid beetle found in Dominican amber, a species of Toxorhynchus.
Toxorhynchus robustusSp. novValidPoinar & LegalovEocene or MioceneAn apionine brentid beetle found in Dominican amber, a species of Toxorhynchus.
Toxorhynchus stenelytrusSp. novValidPoinar & LegalovEocene or MioceneAn apionine brentid beetle found in Dominican amber, a species of Toxorhynchus.
Triplax contienensis[112] Sp. novValidAlekseevEoceneA pleasing fungus beetle found in Bitterfeld amber, a species of Triplax.
TuberernobiusGen. et sp. novValidZahradník & HávaEoceneA member of Ernobiinae found in Baltic amber. The type species is Tuberernobius ambericus.
XylasiaGen. et sp. novValidZahradník & HávaEoceneA member of Xyletininae found in Baltic amber. The type species is Xylasia gorskii.
Xylolaemus sakhnovi[113] Sp. novValidAlekseev & LordEocene (Kaliningrad Oblast)A cylindrical bark beetle found in Baltic amber, a species of Xylolaemus.
Zygadenia giebeliSp. novValidPonomarenko in Ponomarenko et al.Late JurassicAn ommatine beetle, a species of Zygadenia.
Zygadenia handlirschiSp. novValidPonomarenko in Ponomarenko et al.Late JurassicAn ommatine beetle, a species of Zygadenia.

Clade Dictyoptera


Archimesoblatta kopi[114] Sp. novValidBarnaJurassic/Cretaceous boundaryDoronino FormationA cockroach belonging to the family Mesoblattinidae.
Blattula discorsSp. novValidBarnaJurassic/Cretaceous boundaryDoronino FormationA cockroach belonging to the superfamily Corydoidea and the family Blattulidae.
Ectobius kohlsi[115] Sp. novValidVršanský et al.Early EoceneGreen River FormationA cockroach, a species of Ectobius.
Mastotermes nepropadyom[116] Sp. novValidVršanský & AristovJurassic/Cretaceous boundaryDoronino FormationA termite, a species of Mastotermes.
Mongolblatta sanguineaSp. novValidBarnaJurassic/Cretaceous boundaryDoronino FormationA cockroach belonging to the family Mesoblattinidae.
Ponopterix burkhardiSp. novValidNel, Prokop & Kirejtshuk in Nel et al.Early Cretaceous (Aptian)Crato FormationA cockroach.
First described as a species of Ponopterix
Moved to Umenopterix burkhardi in (2016.[117]
Rhipidoblatta grandisSp. novValidBarnaJurassic/Cretaceous boundaryDoronino FormationA cockroach belonging to the family Caloblattinidae.
Rhipidoblattina lacunataSp. novValidBarnaJurassic/Cretaceous boundaryDoronino FormationA cockroach belonging to the family Caloblattinidae.
Santonitermes transbaikalicusSp. novValidVršanský & AristovJurassic/Cretaceous boundaryDoronino FormationA termite, possibly a member of Hodotermitidae; a species of Santonitermes.
Termitotron[118] Gen. et sp. novValidEngelLate Cretaceous (middle Cenomanian to early Santonian, 97–85 Ma)A termite. The type species is Termitotron vendeense.



Acanthocephalonotum[120] Gen. et sp. novValidPetrulevičius and PopovMiddle EoceneA discocephaline pentatomid hemipteran. Type species is Acanthocephalonotum martinsnetoi.
Anthoscytina macula[121] Sp. novValidHu, Yao & RenEarly CretaceousYixian FormationA procercopid cicadomorph, a relative of froghoppers. Originally described as a species of Anthoscytina; subsequently transferred to the genus Stellularis by Chen et al. (2015),[122] while Chen et al. (2020) transferred it to the genus Sinocercopis.[123]
Aonikenkissus[124] Gen. et sp. novValidPetrulevičius, Varela, Iglesias & Poiré in Petrulevičius et al.Late Cretaceous (middle Cenomanian)Mata Amarilla FormationA perforissid planthopper. The type species is Aonikenkissus zamunerae.
Aradus leptosomus[125] Sp. novValidHeissEoceneEuropeAn aradid hemipteran found in Baltic amber, a species of Aradus.
Aradus macrosomus[126] Sp. novValidHeissEoceneBaltic amberAn aradid
Aradus penteneuros[127] Sp. novValidHeissEoceneEuropeAn aradid hemipteran found in Baltic amber, a species of Aradus.
Aradus rotundiventrisSp. novValidHeissEoceneEuropeAn aradid hemipteran found in Baltic amber, a species of Aradus.
Arcantivelia[128] Gen. et sp. novValidSolórzano Kraemer & Perrichot in Solórzano Kraemer et al.Cretaceous (Albian–Cenomanian boundary)A veliid gerromorph. Type species is Arcantivelia petraudi.
BrevaphrodellaGen. et sp. novValidDietrich & GonçalvesEocene (c. 44 Ma)A leafhopper found in Baltic amber. Type species is Brevaphrodella nigra.
Cicadocoris anisomeridis[129] Sp. novDisputedDong, Yao & RenMiddle JurassicJiulongshan FormationA progonocimicid moss bug, a species of Cicadocoris. Jiang, Cai & Huang (2016) considered this species to be a junior synonym of Cicadocoris sinensis Hong (1983).[130]
CoryphocorixaGen. et sp. novValidPopov in Ponomarenko et al.Late JurassicA member of Corixidae. The type species is Coryphocorixa zhangi.
Cretaceomira[131] Gen. et sp. novValidMcKellar & EngelLate Cretaceous (Campanian)A leptopodid leptopodomorph. The type species is Cretaceomira phalanx.
EmilianoveliaGen. et sp. novValidSolórzano Kraemer & Perrichot in Solórzano Kraemer et al.Cretaceous (Albian–Cenomanian boundary)A water treader. Type species is Emilianovelia audax.
Eomegophthalmus[132] Gen. et sp. novValidDietrich & GonçalvesEocene (ca. 44 Ma)A leafhopper found in Baltic amber. Type species is Eomegophthalmus lithuaniensis.
Flexicorpus[133] Gen. et sp. novValidYao, Cai & Engel in Yao et al.Early Cretaceous (early Aptian)Yixian FormationA torirostratid cimicomorph. Type species is Flexicorpus acutirostratus.
Gallomesovelia[134] Gen. et sp. novValidNel et al.Late Jurassic (late Kimmeridgian)A water treader. The type species is G. grioti.
Grimaldinia[135] Gen. et sp. novValidPopov & HeissCretaceous (Albian or Cenomanian)Burmese amberA leptopodid spiny-legged bug. Type species is Grimaldinia pronotalis.
HexaphlebiaGen. et sp. novValidPoinar in Poinar & BrownCretaceousBurmese amberA member of Schizopteridae. The type species is Hexaphlebia burmanica.
Hypselosoma dominicana[136] Sp. novValidPoinar & BrownEocene or MioceneA member of Schizopteridae found in Dominican amber, a species of Hypselosoma.
Juraphis karataviensis[137] Sp. novValidŻyła, Blagoderov & WęgierekLate JurassicA juraphidid aphidomorph hemipteran, a species of Juraphis.
JurategiaGen. et 2 sp. novValidPopov in Ponomarenko et al.Late JurassicA member of Naucoridae. The type species is Jurategia laticlavalis; genus also contains Jurategia yaoi.
Kallicossus[138] Gen. et sp. novValidChen, Zhang & Wang in Chen et al.Middle JurassicDaohugou BedsA member of Palaeontinidae. Type species is Kallicossus ningchengensis.
Leptopharsa tacanae[139] Sp. novValidCoty, Garrouste & NelLate Oligocene to middle MioceneMexican AmberA lace bug found in Mexican amber.
LumatibialisGen. et sp. novValidPoinar in Poinar & BrownCretaceousBurmese amberA member of Schizopteridae. The type species is Lumatibialis burmitis.
MalenaveliaGen. et sp. novValidSolórzano Kraemer & Perrichot in Solórzano Kraemer et al.Cretaceous (Albian–Cenomanian boundary)A water treader. Type species is Malenavelia videris.
Metoisops akingbohungbei[140] Sp. novValidHerczek and PopovLate EoceneEuropeAn isometopine mirid, a species of Metoisops.
Metoisops consimilisSp. novValidHerczek and PopovLate EoceneEuropeAn isometopine mirid, a species of Metoisops.
Metoisops grabenhorstiSp. novValidHerczek and PopovLate EoceneEuropeAn isometopine mirid, a species of Metoisops.
Metoisops groehniSp. novValidHerczek and PopovLate EoceneEuropeAn isometopine mirid, a species of Metoisops.
Metoisops intergerivusSp. novValidHerczek and PopovLate EoceneEuropeAn isometopine mirid, a species of Metoisops.
Metoisops punctatodiffususSp. novValidHerczek and PopovLate EoceneEuropeAn isometopine mirid, a species of Metoisops.
Metoisops variabilisSp. novValidHerczek and PopovLate EoceneEuropeAn isometopine mirid, a species of Metoisops.
ParaprygGen. et sp. novValidAristov & RasnitsynLate PermianVokhma FormationA planthopper belonging to the family Surijokocixiidae.[141] The type species is Parapryg alogus.
Prisciba[142] Gen. et 2 sp. novValidPoinar, Hamilton & BrownA clastopterid froghopper found in Dominican amber. Genus contains two species: Prisciba serrata and Prisciba dominicana.
Pterotella shartegensisSp. novValidŻyła, Blagoderov & WęgierekLate JurassicA juraphidid aphidomorph hemipteran, a species of Pterotella.
Riegerochterus[143] Gen. et sp. novValidPopov & HeissMioceneDominican amberA member of the family Ochteridae. Type species is R. baehri.
Schizoptera dominicanaSp. novValidPoinar in Poinar & BrownEocene or MioceneA member of Schizopteridae found in Dominican amber, a species of Schizoptera.
Schizoptera hispaniolaeSp. novValidPoinar in Poinar & BrownEocene or MioceneA member of Schizopteridae found in Dominican amber, a species of Schizoptera.
ShartegonaucorisGen. et sp. novValidPopov in Ponomarenko et al.Late JurassicA member of Naucoridae. The type species is Shartegonaucoris weitingae.
Tianyuprosbole[144] Gen. et sp. novValidChen et al.Middle JurassicDaohugou BedsA tettigarctid. The type species is Tianyuprosbole zhengi.
TorirostratusGen. et sp. novValidYao, Shih & Engel in Yao et al.Early Cretaceous (early Aptian)Yixian FormationA torirostratid cimicomorph. Type species is Torirostratus pilosus.
XestocephalitesGen. et sp. novValidDietrich & GonçalvesEocene (ca. 44 Ma)A leafhopper found in Baltic amber. Type species is Xestocephalites balticus.


Aequixyela[145] Gen. et sp. novValidWang, Rasnitsyn & RenMiddle JurassicJiulongshan FormationA xyelid sawfly. The type species is Aequixyela immensa.
Alavascelio[146] Gen. et sp. novValidOrtega-Blanco, McKellar & Engel.Early Cretaceous (Albian)Escucha FormationA member of Scelionidae. The type species is A. delvallei.
AmissascelioGen. et sp. novValidOrtega-Blanco, McKellar & Engel.Early Cretaceous (Albian)Escucha FormationA member of Scelionidae. The type species is A. temporarius.
Ampulicomorpha janzeni[147] Sp. novValid[148] Olmi et al.Late Cretaceous (early Cenomanian)Burmese amberAn embolemid chrysidoid wasp found in Burmese amber, a species of Ampulicomorpha.
Andrena antoinei[149] Sp. novValidMichez & De Meulemeester in Dehon et al.Late OligoceneAn andrenid bee, a species of Andrena.
Anomopterella brevis[150] Sp. novValidLi, Shih & RenMiddle Jurassic (Bathonian/Callovian)Jiulongshan FormationAn anomopterellid evanioid, a species of Anomopterella.
Anomopterella pygmeaSp. novValidLi, Shih & RenMiddle Jurassic (Bathonian/Callovian)Jiulongshan FormationAn anomopterellid evanioid, a species of Anomopterella.
ArchaeagaonGen. et comb. novValidCompton in Antropov et al.Late EoceneBembridge MarlsA member of the family Agaonidae; a new genus for "Ponera" minuta Donisthorpe (1920).
Archaeohelorus polyneurus[151] Sp. novValidShi et al.Middle JurassicJiulongshan FormationA helorid proctotrupoid, a species of Archaeohelorus.
Archaeohelorus tensusSp. novValidShi et al.Middle JurassicJiulongshan FormationA helorid proctotrupoid, a species of Archaeohelorus.
Archaulacus[152] Gen. et sp. novValidLi, Shih & RenMiddle JurassicJiulongshan FormationA praeaulacid evanioid. The type species is Archaulacus probus.
Archencyrtus[153] Gen. et sp. novValidSimutnikMiddle EoceneSakhalin amberEncyrtidae incertae sedis. Type species A. rasnitsyni.
Ascogaster brodieiSp. novValidBelokobylskij in Antropov et al.Late EoceneBembridge MarlsA member of Braconidae belonging to the subfamily Cheloninae.
Ascogaster pygmaeaSp. novValidBelokobylskij in Antropov et al.Late EoceneBembridge MarlsA member of Braconidae belonging to the subfamily Cheloninae.
Ascogaster yuleiSp. novValidBelokobylskij in Antropov et al.Late EoceneBembridge MarlsA member of Braconidae belonging to the subfamily Cheloninae.
Aspicolpus temporalisSp. novValidBelokobylskij in Antropov et al.Late EoceneBembridge MarlsA member of Braconidae belonging to the subfamily Helconinae.
Bassus magnareolaSp. novValidBelokobylskij in Antropov et al.Late EoceneBembridge MarlsA member of Braconidae belonging to the subfamily Agathidinae.
BembraconGen. et 2 sp. novValidBelokobylskij in Antropov et al.Late EoceneBembridge MarlsA member of Braconidae belonging to the subfamily Braconinae. The type species is B. acourtsmithi; genus also includes B. medialis.
Bombus cerdanyensisSp. novValidDehon, De Meulemeester & Engel in Dehon et al.Late MioceneA bumblebee.
Bracon? antefurcalisSp. novValidBelokobylskij in Antropov et al.Late EoceneBembridge MarlsA member of Braconidae belonging to the subfamily Braconinae.
Bracon brodieiSp. novValidBelokobylskij in Antropov et al.Late EoceneBembridge MarlsA species of Bracon.
BritaneuretusGen. et comb. novValidDlussky & Perfilieva in Antropov et al.Late EoceneBembridge MarlsAn ant belonging to the new subfamily Aneuretinae; a new genus for "Dolichoderus" anglicus Cockerell (1915).
BruescelioGen. et sp. novValidOrtega-Blanco, McKellar & Engel.Early Cretaceous (Albian)Escucha FormationA member of Scelionidae. The type species is B. platycephalus.
Burmadryinus[154] Gen. et sp. novValidOlmi, Xu & GuglielminoLate Cretaceous (early Cenomanian)Burmese amberA member of Dryinidae found in Burmese amber. The type species is Burmadryinus cenomanianus.
Camponotus cockerelli[155] Comb novValid(Donisthorpe, 1920)Late EoceneBembridge MarlsA carpenter ant, new comb for Leucotaphus cockerelli Donisthorpe, 1920
CathayxyelaGen. et sp. novValidWang, Rasnitsyn & RenMiddle JurassicJiulongshan FormationA xyelid sawfly. The type species is Cathayxyela extensa.
Casaleia longiventrisComb. novValid(Heer)Early MioceneRadobojAn amblyoponine ant.
new combination for Formica longiventris
Celonophamia granama[156] Sp. novValidMcKellar & EngelLate Cretaceous (Campanian)A bethylid wasp, a species of Celonophamia.
Chremylus infuscatusSp. novValidBelokobylskij in Antropov et al.Late EoceneBembridge MarlsA member of Braconidae belonging to the subfamily Exothecinae.
Chubakka[157] Gen. et sp. novValidKopylovTriassicMadygen FormationA madygelline xyelid sawfly. The type species is Chubakka madygensis.
CretembolemusGen. et sp. novValidOlmi et al.Late Cretaceous (Turonian)An embolemid chrysidoid wasp. The type species is Cretembolemus orapensis.
Diospilus curtithoraxSp. novValidBelokobylskij in Antropov et al.Late EoceneBembridge MarlsA member of Braconidae belonging to the subfamily Helconinae.
Dolichoderus heeri[158] Sp. novValidDlussky & PutyatinaEarly MioceneRadobojA dolichoderine ant
Dolopsidea? intermediaSp. novValidBelokobylskij in Antropov et al.Late EoceneBembridge MarlsA member of Braconidae belonging to the subfamily Rhyssalinae.
DryophiaGen. et sp. novValidAntropov in Antropov et al.Late EoceneBembridge MarlsA member of the family Tiphiidae belonging to the new subfamily Dryophiinae. The type species is D. oculata.
ElectroteleiopsisGen. et sp. novValidOrtega-Blanco, McKellar & Engel.Early Cretaceous (Albian)Escucha FormationA member of Scelionidae. The type species is E. hebdomas.
Emplastus antiquusComb. novValidDlussky & PutyatinaEarly MioceneRadobojAn ant, a species of Emplastus.
Emplastus dubiusSp. novValidDlussky & PutyatinaEarly MioceneRadobojAn ant, a species of Emplastus.
Emplastus haueriComb. novValidDlussky & PutyatinaEarly MioceneRadobojAn ant, a species of Emplastus.
Emplastus kozloviSp. novValidDlussky & Perfilieva in Antropov et al.Late EoceneBembridge MarlsAn ant, a species of Emplastus.
Emplastus miocenicusSp. novValidDlussky & PutyatinaEarly MioceneRadobojAn ant, a species of Emplastus.
Emplastus (?) ocellusComb. novValidDlussky & PutyatinaEarly MioceneRadobojAn ant, a species of Emplastus.
Eocencnemus gedanicus[159] Sp. novValidSimutnik, Perkovsky & GumovskyLate EoceneEuropeAn encyrtid found in Baltic amber, a species of Eocencnemus.
Eubazus? brodieiSp. novValidBelokobylskij in Antropov et al.Late EoceneBembridge MarlsA member of Braconidae belonging to the subfamily Brachistinae.
Eubazus flavistigmaSp. novValidBelokobylskij in Antropov et al.Late EoceneBembridge MarlsA species of Eubazus.
Eubazus? grandareolaSp. novValidBelokobylskij in Antropov et al.Late EoceneBembridge MarlsA member of Braconidae belonging to the subfamily Brachistinae.
Eubazus? hooleyiSp. novValidBelokobylskij in Antropov et al.Late EoceneBembridge MarlsA member of Braconidae belonging to the subfamily Brachistinae.
Eubazus nanusSp. novValidBelokobylskij in Antropov et al.Late EoceneBembridge MarlsA species of Eubazus.
EuglossopteryxGen. et sp. novValidDehon & Engel in Dehon et al.Middle EoceneGreen River FormationAn apid bee.
The type species is E. biesmeijeri De Meulemeester, Michez & Engel
Eulaema (Apeulaema) zigrasi[160] Sp. novValidEngelEarly MioceneA euglossine bee, a species of Eulaema.
Eupsenella aulax[161] Sp. novValidRamos & Azevedo in Ramos et al.EoceneEuropeA bethylid wasp, a species of Eupsenella.
Eupsenella klesovianaSp. novValidRamos & Azevedo in Ramos et al.EoceneA bethylid wasp found in Rovno amber, a species of Eupsenella.
Eupsenella rossicaSp. novValidRamos & Azevedo in Ramos et al.Eocene (Kaliningrad Oblast)A bethylid wasp found in Baltic amber, a species of Eupsenella.
Eupsenella yantarnicaSp. novValidRamos & Azevedo in Ramos et al.Eocene (Kaliningrad Oblast)A bethylid wasp found in Baltic amber, a species of Eupsenella.
Eusterinx humalaiSp. novValidKhalaim in Antropov et al.Late EoceneBembridge MarlsA member of Ichneumonidae belonging to the subfamily Orthocentrinae.
Exeristes gurnetorSp. novValidKhalaim in Antropov et al.Late EoceneBembridge MarlsA species of Exeristes.
Formica parexsectaSp. novValidDlussky & PutyatinaEarly MioceneRadobojAn ant, a species of Formica.
Gesomyrmex bremiiComb. novValidDlussky & PutyatinaEarly MioceneRadobojA formicine ant.
GlaesusGen. et sp. novValidSimutnik, Perkovsky & GumovskyLate EoceneEuropeAn encyrtid found in Baltic amber. The type species is Glaesus gibsoni.
Goniozus definitusSp. novValidRamos & Azevedo in Ramos et al.Eocene (Kaliningrad Oblast)A bethylid wasp found in Baltic amber, a species of Goniozus.
HeeridrisGen. et sp. novValidDlussky & PutyatinaEarly MioceneAn ant. The type species is Heeridris croaticus.
Hellenius? kozloviSp. novValidBelokobylskij in Antropov et al.Late EoceneBembridge MarlsA member of Braconidae belonging to the subfamily Helconinae.
"Hemiteles" dirusSp. novValidKhalaim in Antropov et al.Late EoceneBembridge MarlsA member of Ichneumonidae belonging to the subfamily Cryptinae.
"Hemiteles" protervusSp. novValidKhalaim in Antropov et al.Late EoceneBembridge MarlsA member of Ichneumonidae belonging to the subfamily Cryptinae.
Homolobus rasnitsyniSp. novValidBelokobylskij in Antropov et al.Late EoceneBembridge MarlsA member of Braconidae belonging to the subfamily Homolobinae.
JuxtascelioGen. et sp. novValidOrtega-Blanco, McKellar & Engel.Early Cretaceous (Albian)Escucha FormationA member of Scelionidae. The type species is J. interitus.
Karataus daohugouensis[162] Sp. novValidZhang et al.Middle–Late JurassicDaohugou BedsAn ephialtitid wasp, a species of Karataus.
Karataus exilisSp. novValidZhang et al.Middle–Late JurassicDaohugou BedsAn ephialtitid wasp, a species of Karataus.
Karataus orientalisSp. novValidZhang et al.Middle–Late JurassicDaohugou BedsAn ephialtitid wasp, a species of Karataus.
Karataus strenuusSp. novValidZhang et al.Middle–Late JurassicDaohugou BedsAn ephialtitid wasp, a species of Karataus.
Karataus vigoratusSp. novValidZhang et al.Middle–Late JurassicDaohugou BedsAn ephialtitid wasp, a species of Karataus.
Khasips[163] Gen. et 3 sp. novValidKopylovEarly CretaceousAn archaeocynipid cynipoid. Genus contains three species: Khasips alisectus, K. sculptus and K. kovalevi.
Lasius anthracinusComb. novValidDlussky & PutyatinaEarly MioceneRadobojA formicine ant
Lasius ophthalmicusComb. novValidDlussky & PutyatinaEarly MioceneRadobojA formicine ant
Leucotaphus donisthorpeiSp. novValidDlussky & Perfilieva in Antropov et al.Late EoceneBembridge MarlsA formicine ant
Lithapechtis salmacidusSp. novValidKhalaim in Antropov et al.Late EoceneBembridge MarlsA member of Ichneumonidae of uncertain phylogenetic placement.
Lytopsenella balticaSp. novValidRamos & Azevedo in Ramos et al.EoceneEuropeA bethylid wasp found in Baltic amber, a species of Lytopsenella.
Lytopsenella maritimaSp. novValidRamos & Azevedo in Ramos et al.EoceneEuropeA bethylid wasp, a species of Lytopsenella.
Macroteleia yaguarum[164] Sp. novValidPerrichot & Engel in Perrichot et al.Miocene (~12 Mya)Pebas FormationA scelionine wasp, a species of Macroteleia.
Madygella aristoviSp. novValidKopylovTriassicMadygen FormationA madygelline xyelid sawfly, a species of Madygella.
Madygella bashkueviSp. novValidKopylovTriassicMadygen FormationA madygelline xyelid sawfly, a species of Madygella.
Madygella kurochkiniSp. novValidKopylovTriassicMadygen FormationA madygelline xyelid sawfly, a species of Madygella.
Madygella levivenosaSp. novValidKopylovTriassicMadygen FormationA madygelline xyelid sawfly, a species of Madygella.
Marjorietta giganteaSp. novValidKhalaim in Antropov et al.Late EoceneBembridge MarlsA member of Ichneumonidae belonging to the subfamily Townesitinae.
Menopsila[165] Gen. et sp. novValidBennett, Perrichot & EngelLate Cretaceous (middle Cenomanian to early Santonian, 97–85 Ma)A pemphredonine crabronid wasp. The type species is Menopsila dupeae.
Mesocentrus palaeoeuropaea[166] Sp. novValidButcher et al.EoceneEuropeA betylobraconine braconid wasp found in Baltic amber, a species of Mesocentrus.
Meteorus applanatusSp. novValidBelokobylskij in Antropov et al.Late EoceneBembridge MarlsA species of Meteorus.
Meteorus crassitergumSp. novValidBelokobylskij in Antropov et al.Late EoceneBembridge MarlsA species of Meteorus.
Mochlomelikertes[167] Gen. et sp. novValidEngel, Breitkreuz & OhlEocene (Lutetian)EuropeA melikertine apid bee found in Baltic amber. The type species is Mochlomelikertes hoffeinsorum.
Myrmecites latusSp. novValidDlussky & PutyatinaEarly MioceneA myrmicine ant
Myrmecites pusillusComb. novValidDlussky & PutyatinaEarly MioceneA myrmicine ant
Odontomachus paleomyagra[168] Sp. novValidWappler et al.Early Miocene (Burdigalian)Most BasinA ponerine ant
OligobombusGen. et sp. novValidAntropov in Antropov et al.Late EoceneBembridge MarlsA genus of Bombini. The type species is O. cuspidatus.thumb|center|upright|Oligobombus cuspidatus
Oncophanes andrewrossiSp. novValidBelokobylskij in Antropov et al.Late EoceneBembridge MarlsA member of Braconidae belonging to the subfamily Rhyssalinae.
Ontsira cenozoicaSp. novValidBelokobylskij in Antropov et al.Late EoceneBembridge MarlsA member of Braconidae belonging to the subfamily Doryctinae.
Oxyserphus kozloviSp. novValidKolyada in Antropov et al.Late EoceneBembridge MarlsA member of the family Proctotrupidae.
PalaeomicrogasterGen. et sp. novValidBelokobylskij in Antropov et al.Late EoceneBembridge MarlsA member of Braconidae belonging to the subfamily Microgastrinae. The type species is P. oculatus.
Palaeopolistes[169] Gen. et sp. novValidPerrard, Nel & CarpenterLate EoceneA polistine vespid wasp. The type species is Palaeopolistes jattioti.
PalaeopolybiaGen. et comb. novValidAntropov in Antropov et al.Late EoceneBembridge MarlsA member of Vespidae belonging to the subfamily Polistinae; a new genus for "Polybia" anglica Cockerell (1921).
PalaeoscoliaGen. et sp. novValidAntropov in Antropov et al.Late EoceneBembridge MarlsA member of the family Scoliidae belonging to the new subfamily Palaeoscoliinae. The type species is P. relicta.
Paraphaenogaster hooleyanaSp. novValidDlussky & PutyatinaPriabonianBembridge MarlsA myrmecine ant
Paraphaenogaster jurineiComb. novValidDlussky & PutyatinaEarly MioceneRadobojA myrmecine ant
Paraphaenogaster tertiariaComb. novValidDlussky & PutyatinaEarly MioceneRadobojA myrmecine ant
PaxylobembraGen. et sp. novValidKhalaim in Antropov et al.Late EoceneBembridge MarlsA member of Ichneumonidae belonging to the subfamily Paxylommatinae. The type species is P. kozlovi.
PerimoscelioGen. et 2 sp. novValidOrtega-Blanco, McKellar & Engel.Early Cretaceous (Albian)Escucha FormationA member of Scelionidae. The type species is P. tyrbastes; genus also includes P. confector.
Phasmatopelecinus[170] Gen. et sp. novValidGreenwalt & EngelEocene (Lutetian)Kishenehn FormationA pelecinid. The type species is Phasmatopelecinus leonae.
PlisomenaGen. et sp. novValidAntropov in Antropov et al.Late EoceneBembridge MarlsA member of the family Crabronidae belonging to the subfamily Pemphredoninae. The type species is P. gigantea.
Ponerites antropoviSp. novValidDlussky & Perfilieva in Antropov et al.Late EoceneBembridge MarlsA ponerine ant
Ponerites atavinusComb. novValidDlussky & PutyatinaEarly MioceneRadobojA ponerine ant
Ponerites elongatusComb. novValidDlussky & PutyatinaEarly MioceneRadobojA ponerine ant
Ponerites graciliornom. novValidDlussky & PutyatinaEarly MioceneAn ant, a species of Ponerites.
Ponerites hooleyiSp. novValidDlussky & Perfilieva in Antropov et al.Late EoceneBembridge MarlsA ponerine ant
Ponerites nitidusComb. novValidDlussky & PutyatinaEarly MioceneRadobojA ponerine ant
Ponerites oblongicepsSp. novValidDlussky & PutyatinaEarly MioceneAn ant, a species of Ponerites.
Ponerites tenuisComb. novValidDlussky & PutyatinaEarly MioceneRadobojA ponerine ant
Potrerilloxyela[171] Gen. et sp. novValidLara, Rasnitsyn & ZavattieriLate TriassicPotrerillos FormationA member of Xyelidae. The type species is Potrerilloxyela menendezi.
Praeaulacus obtutus[172] Sp. novValid[173] Li, Shih & RenMiddle JurassicJiulongshan FormationA praeaulacid wasp, a species of Praeaulacus.
Praeaulacus subrhombeusSp. novValidLi, Shih & RenMiddle JurassicJiulongshan FormationA praeaulacid evanioid, a species of Praeaulacus.
Praeaulacus tenellusSp. novValidLi, Shih & RenMiddle JurassicJiulongshan FormationA praeaulacid evanioid, a species of Praeaulacus.
Proapocritus bialatusSp. novValidLi, Shih & RenMiddle JurassicJiulongshan FormationAn ephialtitid wasp, a species of Proapocritus.
Procleptes eoliamiSp. novValidMcKellar & EngelLate Cretaceous (Campanian)A cuckoo wasp, a species of Procleptes.
Procleptes hopejohnsonaeSp. novValidMcKellar & EngelLate Cretaceous (Campanian)A cuckoo wasp, a species of Procleptes.
Procretevania mitis[174] Sp. novValidLi, Shih & RenEarly CretaceousYixian FormationA wasp belonging to the group Evanioidea. Originally described as a species of Procretevania, but subsequently transferred to the genus Cretevania by Li et al. (2018).[175]
ProterosceliopsisGen. et sp. novValidOrtega-Blanco, McKellar & Engel.Early Cretaceous (Albian)Escucha FormationA member of Platygastroidea. The type species is P. masneri.
ProtohabropodaGen. et sp. novValidDehon & Engel in Dehon et al.Late Oligocenecalcaire de Campagne CalavonAn apid bee. Type speciesP. pauli
ProtopolistesGen. et comb. novValidAntropov in Antropov et al.Late EoceneBembridge MarlsA member of Vespidae belonging to the subfamily Polistinae; a new genus for "Polybia" oblita Cockerell (1921).
ProtosceliphronGen. et comb. novValidAntropov in Antropov et al.Late EoceneBembridge MarlsA member of the family Sphecidae belonging to the subfamily Sceliphrinae; a new genus for "Sceliphron" brevior Cockerell (1921).
Pseudodryinus burmensisSp. novValidOlmi, Xu & GuglielminoLate Cretaceous (early Cenomanian)Burmese amberA member of Dryinidae found in Burmese amber, a species of Pseudodryinus.
Rectilyda[176] Gen. et sp. novValidWang et al.Early CretaceousYixian FormationA xyelydid sawfly. The type species is Rectilyda sticta.
Rhyssalus bruesiSp. novValidBelokobylskij in Antropov et al.Late EoceneBembridge MarlsA member of Braconidae belonging to the subfamily Rhyssalinae.
Rovnoeucoila[177] Gen. et sp. novValidBuffington & Perkovsky in Buffington, Perkovsky & BradyEoceneA eucoiline figitid wasp found in Rovno amber. The type species is Rovnoeucoila tympanomorpha.
SamarkandykiaGen. et 2 sp. novValidKopylovTriassicMadygen FormationA madygelline xyelid sawfly. Genus contains two species: S. ryzhkovae and S. shmakovi.
Scabolyda[178] Gen. et 2 sp. novValidWang et al.Middle Jurassic to Early CretaceousJiulongshan Formation
Yixian Formation
A juralydine pamphiliid. Genus contains two species: Scabolyda orientalis and Scabolyda incompleta.
"Scambus" fossilisSp. novValidKhalaim in Antropov et al.Late EoceneBembridge MarlsA member of Ichneumonidae belonging to the subfamily Pimplinae.
Semionis wightensisSp. novValidBelokobylskij in Antropov et al.Late EoceneBembridge MarlsA member of Braconidae belonging to the subfamily Microgastrinae.
Serphites fannyae[179] Sp. novValidEngel & PerrichotLate Cretaceous (middle Cenomanian to early Santonian, 97–85 Ma)A serphitid wasp, a species of Serphites.
Sierola rovnianaSp. novValidRamos & Azevedo in Ramos et al.EoceneA bethylid wasp found in Rovno amber, a species of Sierola.
SphaerancistrocerusGen. et sp. novValidAntropov in Antropov et al.Late EoceneBembridge MarlsA potter wasp. The type species is S. petiolatus.
Sphecomyrmodes contegus[180] Sp. novjr synonymBarden & GrimaldiEarliest CenomanianBurmese amberA stem group ant.
jr synonym of Gerontoformica contegus.[181]
Sphecomyrmodes gracilisSp. novjr synonymBarden & GrimaldiEarliest CenomanianBurmese amberA stem group ant.
jr synonym of Gerontoformica gracilis
Sphecomyrmodes magnusSp. novjr synonymBarden & GrimaldiEarliest CenomanianBurmese amberA stem group ant.
jr synonym of Gerontoformica magnus.
Sphecomyrmodes pilosusSp. novjr synonymBarden & GrimaldiEarliest CenomanianBurmese amberA stem group ant.
jr synonym of Gerontoformica pilosus.
Sphecomyrmodes robustusSp. novjr synonymBarden & GrimaldiEarliest CenomanianBurmese amberA stem group ant.
jr synonym of Gerontoformica robustus.
Sphecomyrmodes rugosusSp. novjr synonymBarden & GrimaldiEarliest CenomanianBurmese amberA stem group ant.
jr synonym of Gerontoformica rugosus.
Sphecomyrmodes spiralisSp. novjr synonymBarden & GrimaldiEarliest CenomanianBurmese amberA stem group ant.
jr synonym of Gerontoformica spiralis.
Sphecomyrmodes subcuspisSp. novjr synonymBarden & GrimaldiEarliest CenomanianBurmese amberA stem group ant.
jr synonym of Gerontoformica subcuspis.
Sphecomyrmodes tendirSp. novjr synonymBarden & GrimaldiEarliest CenomanianBurmese amberA stem group ant.
jr synonym of Gerontoformica tendir.
thumb|center|upright|Gerontoformica tendir
TaphoponeGen. et comb. et 4 sp. novValidDlussky & Perfilieva in Antropov et al.Late Eocene to MioceneBembridge Marls
A morphogenus of ponerine ants. The type species is "Ponerites" karaganensis Dlussky (1981); genus also includes "Ponerites" stauropolitanus Dlussky (1981), as well as new species T. aberrans, T. macroptera, T. microptera and T. petrosa.
TithonoscelioGen. et sp. novValidOrtega-Blanco, McKellar & Engel.Early Cretaceous (Albian)Escucha FormationA member of Scelionidae. The type species is T. resinalis.
TytthopsenGen. et sp. novValidAntropov in Antropov et al.Late EoceneBembridge MarlsA member of the family Crabronidae belonging to the subfamily Pemphredoninae. The type species is T. nanus.
Usomyrma[182] Gen. et sp. novValidDlussky, Radchenko & DubovikoffLate EoceneA dolichoderine ant. The type species is Usomyrma mirabilis.
Xoanon? eocenicus[183] Sp. novValidWedmann, Pouillon & NelEoceneMessel pitA horntail, possibly a species of 'Xoanon.
Zigrasimecia ferox[184] Sp. novValidPerrichotCretaceous (99 Mya)Burmese amberA sphecomyrmine ant found in Burmese amber, a species of Zigrasimecia.

Clade Neuropterida


Abrigramma[185] Gen. et sp. novValidYang et al.Early CretaceousYixian FormationA kalligrammatid neuropteran.
The type species is Abrigramma calophleba.
AffinigrammaGen. et sp. novValidYang et al.Middle JurassicJiulongshan FormationA kalligrammatid neuropteran.
Type species is A. myrioneura.
Ainigmapsychops[186] Gen. et sp. novValidMakarkin & ArchibaldEarly Eocene (Ypresian)Tom Thumb Tuff Member of the Klondike Mountain FormationA neuropteran of uncertain phylogenetic placement, possibly a member of Psychopsidae. Type species is Ainigmapsychops inexspectatus.
Arbusella[187] Gen. et sp. novValidKhramovLate JurassicA kempynine osmylid. Type species is Arbusella bella.
Archaeosmylidia[188] Gen. et sp. novValidMakarkin, Yang and RenBathonianJiulongshan FormationAn osmylid. Type species is Archaeosmylidia fusca.
Asiachrysa[189] Gen. et sp. novValidMakarkinEoceneTadushi FormationA green lacewing belonging to the subfamily Nothochrysinae. The type species is Asiachrysa tadushiella.
Daohugosmylus[190] Gen. et sp. novValidLiu et al.Middle JurassicDaohugou BedsA saucrosmylid neuropteran. Type species is Daohugosmylus castus.
DimidiosmylusGen. et sp. novValidKhramov in Ponomarenko et al.Late JurassicA member of Neuroptera of uncertain phylogenetic placement. The type species is Dimidiosmylus ramosus.
Elektrithone[191] Gen. et sp. novValidMakarkin, Wedmann, and WeiterschanEoceneBaltic amberEuropeAn ithonid neuropteran . Type species is Elektrithone expectata.
EnsiosmylusGen. et sp. novValidKhramovLate JurassicA spilosmyline osmylid. Type species is Ensiosmylus acutus.
Erlikosmylus[192] Gen. et sp. novValidKhramovEarly or Middle JurassicSogul FormationA member of the family Osmylidae. The type species is E. obscurus.
FrustumopsychopsGen. et sp. novValidKhramov in Ponomarenko et al.Late JurassicA member of Polystoechotidae. The type species is Frustumopsychops pectinatus.
Garnaconis[193] Gen. et sp. novValidPerrichot & Nel in Perrichot et al.Late Cretaceous (middle Cenomanian to early Santonian, 97–85 Ma)A coniopterygid tentatively placed in the subfamily Aleuropteryginae. The type species is Garnaconis dupeorum.
Gayndahpsychops[194] Gen. et sp. novValidLambkinEarly Middle TriassicGayndah FormationAn osmylopsycopid psychopsoid. Type species is Gayndahpsychops carsburgi.
IthigrammaGen. et sp. novValidYang et al.Early CretaceousYixian FormationA kalligrammatid neuropteran. The type species is Ithigramma multinervia.
Jurakempynus arcanusSp. novValidKhramovLate JurassicA kempynine osmylid, a species of Jurakempynus.
Jurakempynus sublimisSp. novValidKhramovLate JurassicA kempynine osmylid, a species of Jurakempynus.
Jurosmylus parvulusSp. novValidKhramovLate JurassicA protosmyline osmylid, a species of Jurosmylus.
Kalligramma albifasciatum[195] Sp. novValidYang, Makarkin and RenMiddle JurassicDaohugou BedsA kalligrammatid neuropteran, a species of Kalligramma.
Kalligramma brachyrhynchaSp. novValidYang et al.Middle JurassicJiulongshan FormationA kalligrammatid neuropteran, a species of Kalligramma.
Kalligramma circulariaSp. novValidYang et al.Middle JurassicJiulongshan FormationA kalligrammatid neuropteran, a species of Kalligramma.
Kalligramma elegansSp. novValidYang, Makarkin and RenMiddle JurassicDaohugou BedsA kalligrammatid neuropteran, a species of Kalligramma.
Kallihemerobius aciedentatusSp. novValidYang et al.Middle JurassicJiulongshan FormationA kalligrammatid neuropteran, a species of Kallihemerobius.
Kallihemerobius almacellusSp. novValidYang et al.Middle JurassicJiulongshan FormationA kalligrammatid neuropteran, a species of Kallihemerobius.
Kallihemerobius feroculusSp. novValidYang et al.Middle JurassicJiulongshan FormationA kalligrammatid neuropteran, a species of Kallihemerobius.
Kempynosmylus[196] Gen. et sp. novValidMakarkinEarly CretaceousA kempynine osmylid. The type species is Kempynosmylus zherikhini.
KolbasinellaGen. et sp. novValidKhramovLate JurassicA gumilline osmylid. Type species is Kolbasinella elongata.
Mesosmylina angustaSp. novValidKhramovEarly or Middle JurassicSogul FormationA member of the family Osmylidae.
Mesosmylina shurabicaSp. novValidKhramovEarly or Middle JurassicSogul FormationA member of the family Osmylidae.
Oregramma aureolusaSp. novValidYang et al.Early CretaceousYixian FormationA kalligrammatid neuropteran, a species of Oregramma.
Oregramma illecebrosaSp. novValidYang et al.Early CretaceousYixian FormationA kalligrammatid neuropteran, a species of Oregramma.
SauktangidaGen. et sp. novValidKhramovEarly or Middle JurassicA member of the family Osmylidae. The type species is S. aenigmatica.
Sophogramma pingquanicaSp. novValidYang et al.Early CretaceousYixian FormationA kalligrammatid neuropteran, a species of Sophogramma.
StelligrammaGen. et sp. novValidYang et al.Middle JurassicJiulongshan FormationA kalligrammatid neuropteran. The type species is Stelligramma allochroma.
TengriosmylusGen. et sp. novValidKhramovEarly or Middle JurassicSogul FormationA member of the family Osmylidae. The type species is T. magnificus.


Archiraphidia[197] Gen et comb revValid(Handlirsch)Late EoceneFlorissant FormationA Raphidiid snakefly
The type species is Inocellia tumulata (1890)
also includes Inocellia somnolenta (1890)
Raphidia tranquilla (1890)
Dictyoraphidia veteranaGen et comb revValid(Scudder)Late EoceneFlorissant FormationA baissopterid snakefly
Moved from Raphidia veterana (1990)
Fibla exustaComb novValid(Cockerell & Custer)Late EoceneFlorissant FormationAn inocelliid snakefly
Moved from Inocellia exusta (1925)[198]
FlorissantoraphidiaGen. et comb. novValidMakarkin & ArchibaldLate EoceneFlorissant FormationA raphidiid snakefly.
The type species is Raphidia funerata (2003)
Also includes Raphidia mortua (1909).
Juroraphidia[199] Gen. et sp. novValidLiu, Ren & YangMiddle JurassicJiulongshan FormationA snakefly. The type species is J. longicollum.
MegaraphidiaGen et sp res, sp comb novvalid(Cockerell)Eocene
Florissant Formation United States
A raphidiid snakefly
The type species is Raphidia exhumata (1909)[200]
Also includes Raphidia elegans (1936)[201]
Raphidia pulveris (1914)[202] synonymized to R. exhumata.


Anglogomphaeschna[203] Gen. et sp. novValidNel & FleckLate EoceneA dragonfly related to the genus Gomphaeschna. The type species is Anglogomphaeschna eocenica.
AnglohypolestesGen. et sp. novValidNel & FleckLate EoceneA damselfly related to the genus Hypolestes. The type species is Anglohypolestes fasciata.
AngloprotoneuraGen. et sp. novValidNel & FleckLate EoceneA protoneurid damselfly. The type species is Angloprotoneura emilielacroixi.
Enteropia[204] Gen. et sp. novValidPritykina & Vassilenko in Ponomarenko et al.Late JurassicA damselfly related to Hemiphlebia mirabilis. The type species is Enteropia mongolica.
EohypolestesGen. et sp. novValidNel & FleckLate EoceneA damselfly related to the genus Hypolestes. The type species is Eohypolestes hooleyi.
Eolestes ramosus[205] Sp. novValidGreenwalt & BechlyEoceneKishenehn FormationAn eolestid damselfly, a species of Eolestes.
EomacrodiplaxGen. et sp. novValidNel & FleckLate EoceneA dragonfly related to the genus Urothemis. The type species is Eomacrodiplax incompleta.
Juraheterophlebia sinica[206] Sp. novValidNel, Azar & HuangMiddle JurassicA member of Odonata and Heterophlebioptera, a species of Juraheterophlebia.
Lestes dianacompteae[207] Sp. novValid[208] Compte-SartMioceneA damselfly, a species of Lestes.
LutetialestesGen. et sp. novValidGreenwalt & BechlyEoceneKishenehn FormationA damselfly related to the family Lestidae. The type species is Lutetialestes uniformis.
MongolothemisGen. et sp. novJunior synonymPritykina & Vassilenko in Ponomarenko et al.Late JurassicThe type species is Mongolothemis gobicus. Originally described as member of Euthemistidae. Vassilenko & Pritykina (2019) found it to be an objective synonym of Paragonophlebia patriciae Nel (2009).[209]
Neophya legrandiSp. novValidNel & FleckLate EoceneA dragonfly related to the genus Cordulephya, a species of Neophya.
Oligaeschna wedmanniSp. novValidNel & FleckLate EoceneAn aeshnid dragonfly, a species of Oligaeschna.
Pantelusa[210] Gen. et sp. novValidVassilenkoLate Cretaceous (Turonian)Ora FormationA damselfly related to Hemiphlebia mirabilis. The type species is Pantelusa krassilovi.

Other insects

AviocladusGen. et sp. novValidProkop, Roques & NelCarboniferous (Moscovian)A member of Cnemidolestida/Cnemidolestodea. The type species is Aviocladus pectinatus.
AviogrammaGen. et sp. novValidProkop, Roques & NelCarboniferous (Moscovian)A member of Caloneurodea. The type species is Aviogramma gracilis.
Blattokhosara[211] Gen. et comb. novValidStorozhenko & AristovPermian (Kazanian)A member of Grylloblattida/Eoblattida belonging to the family Megakhosaridae. The type species is "Megakhosarina" minuscula Aristov (2008).
Cretophasmomima melanogramma[212] Sp. novValidWang, Béthoux & Ren in Wang et al.Early Cretaceous (126±4 mya)Yixian FormationA susumanioid phasmatodean of uncertain phylogenetic placement, a species of Cretophasmomima.
JacquesoudardiaGen. et sp. novValidProkop, Roques & NelCarboniferous (Moscovian)A member of Odonatoptera. The type species is Jacquesoudardia magnifica.
Kamamica[213] Gen. et sp. novValidAristov & RasnitsynEarly PermianSolikamsk FormationA member of Eoblattida. The type species is Kamamica promota.
Lophiosina[214] Gen. et sp. novValidNel et al.Middle JurassicDaohugou BedsA lophioneuridan paraneopteran (a relative of thrips). The type species is Lophiosina lini.
Mesoidelia procera[215] Sp. novValidAristovLate PermianA member of Grylloblattida/Eoblattida[216] belonging to the family Mesorthopteridae, a species of Mesoidelia.
Mesoidelia riphaeaSp. novValidAristovLate PermianA member of Grylloblattida/Eoblattida belonging to the family Mesorthopteridae, a species of Mesoidelia.
Mesopsocoides[217] Gen. et sp. novValidAzar, Nel & PerrichotLate Cretaceous (middle Cenomanian to early Santonian, 97–85 Ma)A mesopsocid psocomorph psocopteran. The type species is Mesopsocoides dupei.
Metretopus dividus[218] Sp. novValid[219] Staniczek & GodunkoEoceneEuropeA metretopodid mayfly found in Baltic amber, a species of Metretopus.
Parastenaropodites aquiloniusSp. novValidAristovMiddle PermianA member of Grylloblattida/Eoblattida belonging to the family Mesorthopteridae, a species of Parastenaropodites.
Parastenaropodites circumhumatusSp. novValidAristovLate PermianA member of Grylloblattida/Eoblattida belonging to the family Mesorthopteridae, a species of Parastenaropodites.
Parastenaropodites exossisSp. novValidAristovLate PermianA member of Grylloblattida/Eoblattida belonging to the family Mesorthopteridae, a species of Parastenaropodites.
Parastenaropodites panneaSp. novValidAristovLate PermianA member of Grylloblattida/Eoblattida belonging to the family Mesorthopteridae, a species of Parastenaropodites.
Permoponopterix[220] Gen. et sp. novValidNel, Prokop & Kirejtshuk in Nel et al.Middle Permian (Guadalupian)Salagou FormationDescribed as a ponopterixid cockroach, later studies questioned attribution to the group.[221] [222] [223] Type species is Permoponopterix lodevensis.
PermorthopteronGen. et sp. novValidAristovLate PermianA member of Grylloblattida/Eoblattida belonging to the family Mesorthopteridae. The type species is Permorthopteron foliaceus.
Proprionoglaris axioperiergaSp. novValidAzar, Nel & PerrichotLate Cretaceous (middle Cenomanian to early Santonian)An archaeatropid trogiomorph psocopteran, a species of Proprionoglaris.
Pseudopulex tanlan[224] Sp. novValidGao, Shih, Rasnitsyn & Ren in Gao et al.Early CretaceousYixian FormationA pseudopulicid flea, a species of Pseudopulex.
ScocompusGen. et sp. novValidAzar, Nel & PerrichotLate Cretaceous (middle Cenomanian to early Santonian, 97–85 Ma)A troctomorph psocopteran belonging to the group Amphientometae of uncertain phylogenetic placement. The type species is Scocompus atelisus.
Spilaptera splendens[225] Sp. novValidProkop, Roques & NelCarboniferous (Moscovian)A member of Palaeodictyoptera, a species of Spilaptera.
Toxolabis[226] Gen. et sp. novValidEngel & GrimaldiCretaceous
Burmese amberAn earwig. Type species is Toxolabis zigrasi.
Troctopsocoides gracilis[227] Sp. novValidMockford & AldreteProbably MioceneA troctopsocid psocopteran found in Dominican amber, a species of Troctopsocoides.
TshermyaninusGen. et sp. novValidAristovLate PermianA member of Grylloblattida/Eoblattida belonging to the family Mesorthopteridae. The type species is Tshermyaninus biforis.
Undacypha bournieriSp. novValid[228] Nel et al.Middle JurassicDaohugou BedsA lophioneuridan paraneopteran (a relative of thrips), a species of Undacypha.
Undacypha kreiteriSp. novValidNel et al.Middle JurassicDaohugou BedsA lophioneuridan paraneopteran (a relative of thrips), a species of Undacypha.
Vendeenympha[229] Gen. et sp. novValidEngel & PerrichotLate Cretaceous
(middle Cenomanian to early Santonian)
An earwig. The type species is Vendeenympha gravesi.
ZigrasolabisGen. et sp. novValidEngel & GrimaldiCretaceous
Burmese amberAn earwig. Type species is Zigrasolabis speciosa.

Notes and References

  1. Yujia Liu . Weiting Zhang . Yunzhi Yao . Dong Ren . 2014 . A New Fossil of Necrotauliidae (Insecta: Trichoptera) from the Jiulongshan Formation of China and Its Taxonomic Significance . PLOS ONE . 9 . 12 . e114968 . 10.1371/journal.pone.0114968 . 25494387 . 4262455. 2014PLoSO...9k4968L . free .
  2. Irina D. Sukatsheva . 2014 . Caddis-flies (Insecta: Trichoptera) from the Insect Limestone (Bembridge Marls, Late Eocene) of the Isle of Wight, UK . Earth and Environmental Science Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh . 103 . 3–4 . 327–333 . 10.1017/S1755691014000024 . 130471634 .
  3. Joanna Choufani . Dany Azar . André Nel . 2014 . New biting midges from the Cretaceous amber of Lebanon (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae) states . Annales de la Société Entomologique de France . New Series . 50 . 3–4 . 272–285 . 10.1080/00379271.2014.982026 . 85902441 .
  4. Junfeng Zhang . 2014 . Archisargoid flies (Diptera, Brachycera, Archisargidae and Kovalevisargidae) from the Jurassic Daohugou biota of China, and the related biostratigraphical correlation and geological age . Journal of Systematic Palaeontology . 13 . 10 . 857–881 . 10.1080/14772019.2014.960902 . 84512383 .
  5. Fengyan Wang . Chungkun Shih . Dong Ren . Yongjie Wang . 2017 . Quantitative assessments and taxonomic revision of the genus Archirhagio with a new species from Daohugou, China (Diptera: Archisargidae) . Systematic Entomology . 42 . 1 . 230–239 . 10.1111/syen.12204 . 2017SysEn..42..230W . 90656127 . free .
  6. Junfeng Zhang . 2017 . New findings of Flagellisargus J Zhang, 2012 (Diptera, Brachycera, Archisargidae), with discussion of the placements of some controversial taxa . Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift . 64 . 2 . 111–122 . 10.3897/dez.64.13550 . free .
  7. http://zoobank.org/References/6B735695-DE37-4933-B449-B5EDE7A8A73A
  8. Marta Zakrzewska . Wojciech Giłka . 2014 . The oldest known chironomids of the tribe Tanytarsini (Diptera: Chironomidae) indicate plesiomorphic character states . Geobios . 47 . 5 . 335–343 . 10.1016/j.geobios.2014.07.004 . 2014Geobi..47..335Z .
  9. Marta Zakrzewska . Wiesław Krzemiński . Wojciech Giłka . 2016 . Towards the diversity of non-biting midges of the tribe Tanytarsini from Eocene Baltic amber (Diptera: Chironomidae) . Palaeontologia Electronica . 19 . 2 . Article number 19.2.18A .
  10. John Skartveit . Milena Pika . 2014 . Revision of Bibionidae (Diptera) named by Oswald Heer from the Miocene of Öhningen, Southern Germany . . 87 . 103–134 .
  11. John Skartveit . Katarina Krizmanić . 2020 . Revision of fossil Bibionidae (Insecta: Diptera) from the Miocene of Radoboj, Croatia . Zootaxa . 4759 . 3 . 351–378 . 10.11646/zootaxa.4759.3.3 . 33056906 . 216327178 .
  12. Z. A. Fedotova . E. E. Perkovsky . 2014 . New Gall Midges (Diptera, Cecidomyiidae, Brachineurini, Ledomyiini) from the Late Eocene Rovno Amber . Vestnik Zoologii . 48 . 1 . 35–50 . 10.2478/vzoo-2014-0004 . 84642190 . free .
  13. Leonardo C. Ramírez . Cecilia P. Alonso . 2014 . Bradysia aliciae sp. nov. (Diptera: Sciaridae) del Pleistoceno de Buenos Aires, Argentina . Revista de la Sociedad Entomológica Argentina . 73 . 1–2 . 81–83 .
  14. Torsten Dikow . David A. Grimaldi . 2014 . Robber flies in Cretaceous ambers (Insecta, Diptera, Asilidae) . American Museum Novitates . 3799 . 1–19 . 10.1206/3799.1. 2246/6522 . 51805986 .
  15. Joanna Choufani . Vincent Perrichot . Dany Azar . André Nel . 2014 . New biting midges (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae) in Late Cretaceous Vendean amber . Paleontological Contributions . 10H . 34–40 . 1808/15988 .
  16. Iwona Kania . 2014 . Subfamily Limoniinae Speiser, 1909 (Diptera, Limoniidae) from Baltic amber (Eocene): the genus Dicranomyia Stephens, 1829 . Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society . 170 . 4 . 748–778 . 10.1111/zoj.12120 . 83198676 .
  17. Kuiyan Zhang . Ding Yang . Dong Ren . 2014 . New short-horned flies (Diptera: Eremochaetidae) from the Early Cretaceous of China . Zootaxa . 3760 . 3 . 479–486 . 10.11646/zootaxa.3760.3.15 . 24870098 .
  18. George Poinar Jr. . 2014 . A snail-killing fly, Dominimyza tanyacaena n. gen., n. sp. (Diptera: Sciomyzidae) in Dominican amber . Historical Biology: An International Journal of Paleobiology . 26 . 4 . 428–432 . 10.1080/08912963.2013.784905 . 2014HBio...26..428P . 54671449 .
  19. Justine Myskowiak . André Nel . 2014 . A new genus and species of ibis fly in the Lowermost Eocene amber of Oise (France) (Diptera: Athericidae) . Zootaxa . 3869 . 4 . 372–382 . 10.11646/zootaxa.3869.4.2 . 25283924 .
  20. Fei Dong . Chungkun Shih . Dong Ren . 2014 . Two new species of Trichoceridae from the Middle Jurassic Jiulongshan Formation of Inner Mongolia, China . ZooKeys . 411 . 145–160 . 10.3897/zookeys.411.6858 . 24899858 . 4042821. 2014ZooK..411..145D . free .
  21. Junfeng Zhang . 2014 . New male eremochaetid flies (Diptera, Brachycera, Eremochaetidae) from the Lower Cretaceous of China . Cretaceous Research . 49 . 205–213 . 10.1016/j.cretres.2014.02.012 . 2014CrRes..49..205Z .
  22. André Nel . Gaël de Ploëg . Vincent Perrichot . 2014 . The first ibis fly in mid-Cretaceous amber of France (Diptera: Athericidae) . Zootaxa . 3768 . 5 . 591–595 . 10.11646/zootaxa.3768.5.6 . 24871196 .
  23. David A. Grimaldi . 2016 . Diverse orthorrhaphan flies (Insecta, Diptera, Brachycera) in amber from the Cretaceous of Myanmar: Brachycera in Cretaceous Amber, Part VII . Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History . 408 . 1–131 . 10.1206/0003-0090-408.1.1. 2246/6670 . 89043544 .
  24. Wiesław Krzemiński . Iwona Kania . Dany Azar . 2014 . The Early Cretaceous evidence of rapid evolution of the genus Helius Lepeletier and Serville, 1828 (Limoniidae, Diptera) . Cretaceous Research . 48 . 96–101 . 10.1016/j.cretres.2013.12.001 . 2014CrRes..48...96K .
  25. Iwona Kania . 2014 . Subfamily Limoniinae Speiser, 1909 (Diptera, Limoniidae) from Baltic amber (Eocene): the genus Helius Lepeletier & Serville, 1828 . Zootaxa . 3814 . 3 . 333–352 . 10.11646/zootaxa.3814.3.2 . 24943432 .
  26. Guilherme C. Ribeiro . Elena D. Lukashevich . 2014 . New Leptotarsus from the Early Cretaceous of Brazil and Spain: the oldest members of the family Tipulidae (Diptera) . Zootaxa . 3753 . 4 . 347–363 . 10.11646/zootaxa.3753.4.4 . 24872305 .
  27. Frauke Stebner . Mónica M. Solórzano Kraemer . 2014 . Systematic and palaeoecology of Psychodidae (Insecta: Diptera) from Miocene Mexican amber . Palaeontographica Abteilung A . 303 . 1–3 . 1–21 . 10.1127/pala/303/2014/1 . 2014PalAA.303....1S . 2014-11-15 . https://web.archive.org/web/20150924095947/http://www.schweizerbart.de/papers/pala/detail/303/84434/Systematic_and_paleoecology_of_Psychodidae_Insecta_Diptera_from_Miocene_Mexican_amber . 2015-09-24 . dead .
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  29. Kehlmaier . C . Dierick . M . Skevington . JH . 2014 . Micro-CT studies of amber inclusions reveal internal genitalic features of big-headed flies, enabling a systematic placement of Metanephrocerus Aczel, 1948 (Insecta: Diptera: Pipunculidae) . Arthropod Systematics & Phylogeny . 72 . 1 . 23–36. 10.3897/asp.72.e31784 . free .
  30. Vincent Perrichot . Michael S. Engel . 2014 . Youngest occurrence of the genus Microphorites (Diptera: Dolichopodidae): A new species in Late Cretaceous Vendean amber . Paleontological Contributions . 10G . 30–33 . 1808/15987 .
  31. Kornelia Skibińska . Wiesław Krzemiński . Robert A. Coram . 2014 . Discovery of the most ancient member of family Tanyderidae (Diptera) from the Lower Jurassic (Sinemurian) of England . Zootaxa . 3857 . 1 . 125–130 . 10.11646/zootaxa.3857.1.6 . 25283100 .
  32. Stefanie K. Oberprieler . David K. Yeates . 2014 . Notoatherix antiqua gen. et sp. nov., first fossil water snipe fly from the Late Jurassic of Australia (Diptera: Athericidae) . Zootaxa . 3866 . 1 . 138–144 . 10.11646/zootaxa.3866.1.8 . 25283652 .
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