1992 Summer Olympics Parade of Nations explained

During the Parade of Nations portion of the 1992 Summer Olympics opening ceremony, athletes from each country participating in the Olympics paraded in the arena, preceded by their flag. The flag was borne by a sportsperson from that country chosen either by the National Olympic Committee or by the athletes themselves to represent their country.

Parade order

As the nation of the first modern Olympic Games, Greece entered the stadium first; whereas, the host nation Spain marched last. Other countries entered in alphabetical order in the French language, instead of both Catalan and Spanish (despite that these languages had been displayed on the name boards and used to announce the country names), due to the political sensitivity surrounding the use of Catalan. Athletes from Independent Olympic Participants did not attend the parade of nations, but still competed at the Games.[1] The Unified Team, composed of former Soviet states, marched with Olympic flag, then followed by twelve flag bearers carrying their respective nations.[2] [3]

Whilst most countries entered under their short names, a few entered under more formal or alternative names, mostly due to political and naming disputes. The Republic of China (commonly known as Taiwan) entered with the compromised name and flag of "Chinese Taipei" under T so that they did not enter together with the conflicting China, which entered with their official name of the "People's Republic of China" (République populaire de Chine) under C. Similarly, South Korea entered as "Republic of Korea" (République de Corée) under C while North Korea entered as "Democratic People's Republic of Korea" (République populaire démocratique de Corée).


The following is a list of each country's announced flag bearer. The list is sorted by the order in which each nation appears in the parade of nations. The names are given in their official designations by the IOC.

width=30Orderwidth=240Nationwidth=200Spanish Namewidth=200Catalan Namewidth=200French Orderwidth=200Flag bearerwidth=150Sport
1 Grecia Grècia Grèce Athletics
2 Afganistán Afganistan Afghanistan
3 Sudáfrica Sud-àfrica Afrique du Sud Athletics
4 Albania Albània Albanie Shooting
5 Argelia Algèria Algérie Volleyball
6 Alemania Alemanya Allemagne Rowing
7 Andorra Andorra Andorre Athletics
8 Angola Angola Angola
9 Antigua Antigua Antigua
10 Antillas Neerlandesas Antilles Neerlandeses Antilles néerlandaises Shooting
11 Arabia Saudita Aràbia Saudita Arabie saoudite Cycling
12 Argentina Argentina Argentine Field hockey
13 Aruba Aruba Aruba Cycling
14 Australia Austràlia Australie Diving
15 Austria Àustria Autriche Equestrian
16 Bahamas Bahames Bahamas Athletics
17 Bahréin Bahrain Bahreïn Khalid Rabeeah Chef de mission
18 Bangladés Bangladesh Bangladesh Swimming
19 Barbados Barbados Barbade
20 Bélgica Bèlgica Belgique Shooting
21 Belice Belize Belize
22 Benín Benín Bénin Athletics
23 Bermudas Bermudes Bermudes Athletics
24 Bután Bhutan Bhoutan Archery
25 Bolivia Bolívia Bolivie
26 Bosnia y Herzegovina Bòsnia i Hercegovina Bosnie-Herzegovine Athletics
27 Botsuana Botswana Botswana
28 Brasil Brasil Brésil Judo
29 Brunéi Brunei Brunei
30 Bulgaria Bulgària Bulgarie Wrestling
31 Burkina Faso Burkina Faso Burkina Faso Athletics
32 Islas Caimán Illes Caiman Îles Caïmans Sailing
33 Camerún Kamerun Cameroun
34 Canadá Canada Canada Athletics
35 Central Africa Àfrica Central Centrafrique Athletics
36 Chile Xile Chili Athletics
37 República Popular de China República Popular de la Xina République populaire de Chine Basketball
38 Chipre Xipre Chypre Athletics
39 Colombia Colòmbia Colombie Shooting
40 República del Congo República del Congo République du Congo
41 Islas Cook Illes Cook Îles Cook Weightlifting
42 Corea Corea Corée
43 Costa Rica Costa Rica Costa Rica Shooting
44 Costa de Marfil Costa d'Ivori Côte d'Ivoire
45 Croacia Croàcia Croatie Tennis
46 Cuba Cuba Cuba Wrestling
47 Dinamarca Dinamarca Danemark Sailing
48 Yibuti Djibouti Djibouti
49 República Dominicana República Dominicana République dominicaine Judo
50 Republica Arabe de Egipto República Arabe d'Egipte République arabe d'Égypte Shooting
51 Unión de Emiratos Arabes Unió dels Emirats Àrabs Union des Émirats arabes
52 Ecuador Equador Équateur Judo
53 Equipo Unificado Equip Unificat Équipe unifiée Wrestling
54 Estonia Estònia Estonie Athletics (non-competitor)
55 Estados Unidos de América Estats Units d'Amèrica États-Unis d'Amérique Athletics
56 Etiopía Etiòpia Éthiopie Athletics
57 Fiyi Fiji Fidji Swimming
58 Finlandia Finlàndia Finlande Wrestling
59 Francia França France Fencing
60 Gabón Gabon Gabon
61 Gambia Gàmbia Gambie Athletics
62 Ghana Ghana Ghana Athletics
63 Gran Bretaña Gran Bretanya Grande-Bretagne Rowing
64 Granada Grenada Grenade Athletics
65 Guam Guam Guam Swimming
66 Guatemala Guatemala Guatemala Shooting
67 Guinea Guinea Guinée Athletics
68 Guinea Ecuatorial Guinea Equatorial Guinée équatoriale Athletics
69 Guyana Guyana Guyana Cycling
70 Haití Haití Haïti Judo
71 Honduras Hondures Honduras Swimming
72 Hong Kong Hong Kong Hong Kong
73 Hungría Hongria Hongrie Wrestling
74 India Índia Inde Athletics
75 Indonesia Indonèsia Indonésie Badminton
76 Irak Iraq Irak Weightlifting
77 República Islámica de Irán República Islàmica d'Iran République islamique d'Iran Wrestling
78 Irlanda Irlanda Irlande Swimming
79 Islandia Islàndia Islande Judo
80 Israel Israel Israël Sailing
81 Italia Itàlia Italie Rowing
82 Jamaica Jamaica Jamaïque Athletics
83 Japón Japó Japon Volleyball
84 Jordania Jordània Jordanie Athletics
85 Kenia Kenya Kenya Athletics
86 Kuwait Kuwait Koweït
87 Laos Laos Laos Boxing
88 Lesoto Lesotho Lesotho
89 Letonia Letònia Lettonie Weightlifting
90 Libano Líban Liban
91 Liberia Libèria Liberia
92 Jamahiriya Árabe de Libia Jamahiriya Àrab de Líbia Jamahiriya arabe libyenne
93 Liechtenstein Liechtenstein Liechtenstein Athletics
94 Lituania Lituània Lituanie Swimming
95 Luxemburgo Luxemburg Luxembourg Swimming
96 Madagascar Madagascar Madagascar Boxing
97 Malaisia Malàisia Malaisie Badminton
98 Malawi Malawi Malawi
99 Maldivas Maldives Maldives
100 Malí Mali Mali
101 Malta Malta Malte Judo
102 Marruecos Marroc Maroc Athletics (non-competitor)
103 Isla Mauricio Ila Maurici Île Maurice
104 Mauritania Mauritània Mauritanie
105 México Mèxic Mexique Diving
106 Monaco Mònaco Monaco Swimming
107 Mongolia Mongòlia Mongolie Wrestling
108 Mozambique Moçambic Mozambique
109 Unión de Myanmar Unió de Myanmar Union du Myanmar
110 Namibia Namíbia Namibie Athletics
111 Nepal Nepal Népal
112 Nicaragua Nicaragua Nicaragua Wrestling
113 Níger Níger Niger Athletics
114 Nigeria Nigèria Nigeria Athletics
115 Noruega Noruega Norvège Sailing
116 Nueva Zelanda Nova Zelanda Nouvelle-Zélande Equestrian
117 Omán Oman Oman
118 Uganda Uganda Ouganda Boxing
119 Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Field hockey
120 Panamá Panamà Panama
121 Papúa Nueva Guinea Papua Nova Guinea Papouasie-Nouvelle-Guinée
122 Paraguay Paraguai Paraguay Athletics
123 Países Bajos Països Baixos Pays-Bas Field hockey
124 Peru Peru Pérou Shooting
125 Filipinas Filipines Philippines Boxing
126 Polonia Polònia Pologne Judo
127 Puerto Rico Puerto Rico Porto Rico Judo
128 Portugal Portugal Portugal Judo
129 Catar Qatar Qatar
130 República Democrática Popular de Corea República Democràtica Popular de Corea République populaire démocratique de Corée Boxing
131 Rumania Romania Roumanie Athletics
132 Ruanda Rwanda Rwanda Athletics
133 San Marino Sant Marí Saint-Marin Swimming
134 San Vicente y Granadinas Sant Vicent i Grenadines Saint-Vincent-et-les Grenadines Athletics
135 Islas Salomón Illes Salomó Îles Salomon Weightlifting
136 El Salvador El Salvador Salvador Swimming
137 Samoa Americanas Samoa nord-americana Samoa américaines Boxing
138 Samoa Occidentales Samoa Occidentals Samoa occidentales Boxing
139 Senegal Senegal Sénégal
140 Seychelles Seychelles Seychelles Roland Raforme[4] Boxing
141 Sierra Leona Serra Leone Sierra Leone Athletics
142 Singapur Singapur Singapour
143 Eslovenia Eslovènia Slovénie Shooting
144 Somalia Somàlia Somalie
145 Sudan Sudan Soudan
146 Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Sri Lanka
147 Suecia Suècia Suède Tennis
148 Suiza Suïssa Suisse Gymnastics
149 Surinam Surinam Suriname Athletics
150 Suazilandia Swazilàndia Swaziland
151 Siria Síria Syrie
152 Chinese Taipei Chinese Taipei Chinese Taipei Baseball
153 Tanzania Tanzània Tanzanie
154 Chad Txad Tchad
155 República Federal Checa y Eslovaca República Federal de Txecoslovàquia République fédérale tchèque et slovaque Wrestling
156 Tailandia Tailàndia Thaïlande
157 Togo Togo Togo
158 Tonga Tonga Tonga
159 Trinidad y Tobago Trinitat i Tobago Trinité-et-Tobago Athletics
160 Tunisia Tunísia Tunisie Athletics
161 Turquia Turquia Turquie Archery
162 Uruguay Uruguai Uruguay Sailing
163 Vanuatu Vanuatu Vanuatu Athletics
164 Venezuela Veneçuela Venezuela Synchronized swimming
165 Islas Virgenes Illes Verges Îles Vierges Athletics
166 Islas Virgenes Britanicas Illes Verges Britàniques Îles Vierges britanniques Athletics
167 Vietnam Vietnam Vietnam
168 Yemen Iemen Yémen
169 Zaire Zaire Zaïre Athletics
170 Zambia Zàmbia Zambie Athletics
171 Zimbabue Zimbabwe Zimbabwe
172 España Espanya Espagne Sailing

See also

Notes and References

  1. http://www.pe04.com/olympic/trivia/flag_t.php Olympic Flag - Olympic-Legacy.com
  2. Web site: Olympics - Non-national Flags for Olympic Athletes . https://web.archive.org/web/20140223022833/http://www.crwflags.com/fotw/flags/oly@nna.html . 23 February 2014 . live . 29 June 2013.
  3. Web site: International Olympic Committee. 27 April 2024. Barcelona 1992 Opening Ceremony - Full Length | Barcelona 1992 Replays . 4 May 2020 . .
  4. Web site: Flagbearers for 1992 Summer Olympics . olympedia.org . 6 January 2024.