Recipient | Citation | Notes |
Elizabeth Anne Alexander | For services to accountancy | |
Peter Richard Woolnough Allen | For service to the performing arts, particularly as a song writer |
Christopher Raymond Banks | For service to the housing industry and the community |
Norman James Barton | For service to the sport of gliding |
Dr Victor David Bear | For service to medicine, particularly in the field of otolaryngology |
Leon Joseph Becker | For service to the media and the community |
Percival James Bell | For service to horse racing, particularly as Chairman of the Australian Jockey Club |
Councillor Herbert Ross Boucher | For service to the community and local government |
John Anthony Guy Brand | For service to architecture, particularly in the field of planning |
Richard Edwin Brett | For service to the electrical and electronic industries |
John Linton Briggs | For service to apiculture |
Dr Robert Hallows Brown | For service to manufacturing engineering |
Margaret Alison Cameron | For service to library services, education and to ornithology |
Ronald Patrick Casey, | For service to community health and sport |
Elizabeth Ann Churcher | For service to the arts, particularly in the field of arts administration and education |
Dr Thomas Joseph Claffey | For service to medicine, particularly in the field of orthopaedic surgery |
Maxwell Graham Coghlan | For service to education in the field of financial administration |
Dr Peter Langtree Colville | For service to medicine, particularly in the field of rehabilitation and severe disability management |
Associate Professor Graham George Craig | For service to dentistry |
Brother Kevin Thomas Cunningham | For service to religion and education |
John Victor Daniell | For service to the film and television industry |
Marjory Winifred Davenport | For service to marine and civil engineering |
The Honourable Ronald Davies | For service to the Western Australian Parliament and to the community |
Clyde Kenneth Dickens | For service to accountancy |
Ernest Ashly Dingo | For service to the performing arts |
Frances Hazel Donovan | For service to social work education and social welfare |
Michael Philip Dudman | For service to music, particularly as an organist |
Chief Magistrate John Milton Dugan | For service to the law |
Wilfred Francis Ellis | For service to marine engineering and to naval architecture |
Mancel Rose Ellis Robinson | For service to education, particularly for children with learning disabilities |
Edward Eugene Falk, | For service to small business |
Patricia Edith Feilman | For service to the community |
Norman Graham Freudenberg | For service to journalism, to parliament and to politics |
Ellie Joan Gaffney | For service to the community, particularly the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities |
Maureen Gilmartin | For service to the community through Catholic women's organisations |
John Edward Graham | For service to the housing industry |
Robert Geoffrey Hewett Green | For service to conservation and the environment |
Marjorie Fay Groves | For service to netball |
Rodney Hall | For service to the arts, particularly in the field of literature |
Dr June Wanda Halliday | For service to medical science, particularly in the field of biochemical research |
Norman James Halse | For public service and for service to agriculture |
George Edward Hams | For public service, particularly in the field of telecommunications |
Dr Douglas Hardy | For service to medicine |
Ronald James Hesford | For service to agriculture, and to the community |
Rex Kelvin Hobcroft | For service to music |
Clifford Henry Hocking | For service to the arts and to entertainment |
James Colin Hoskin | For service to education, particularly as Headmaster, James Ruse Agriculture High School and to the community |
Phyllis Deirdre Hyland | For service to netball |
Gillian Hilma James | For service to the Tasmanian Parliament and to the community |
Levaun Mary Jarvis | For service to the community |
The Honourable Leslie Royston Johnson | For service to the Australian Parliament, for public service, and for service to the Aboriginal community |
Richard Colin Johnson | For public service, particularly in the field of satellite communications |
Gerasimos Karidis | For service to the building and construction industry and for service to the Greek community |
Brian James Kidd | For service to architecture and design, particularly for the needs of those with physical disabilities and the frail aged |
Ethel Marion Lane, | For service to the community, particularly in the field of veterans' welfare |
Reverend Canon Alan Arthur Langdon | For service to education, particularly in the field of Christian education |
Malcolm MacGregor Baxter Latham | For service to architecture, particularly in the field of town planning |
Clemens Theodor Leske | For service to music |
William Barrie Lewis | For service to local government |
Peter Nicholas Manettas | For service to the seafood export industry and to the Greek community |
Commissioner Norman James Mansini | For service to industrial relations |
Keith Douglas Marshall | For service to industrial relations |
Reverend George Stanley Martin, | For service to the community, particularly in the field of social welfare |
Angela Anne-Marie McAvoy | For service to the community, particularly as Founder President of the Australian Crohn's and Colitis Association |
Peter Boyce Meulman | For public service, particularly in the field of telecommunications |
Edna Isabel Mills | For service to education |
Necia Joy Mocatta | For service to the community, particularly in the field of women's affairs |
Eileen Margaret Pearce (Sister Victoire) | For service to nursing, particularly in the field of palliative care |
Michael Laurence Peck | For service to architecture, particularly in the field of education |
Lawrence Vincent Pedemont | For service to the community, particularly as member and president of the St Vincent de Paul Society of New South Wales |
Edward Esben Petersen | For service to the community, particularly with the Royal Victorian Institute for the Blind |
Dr Bruce Henry Peterson, | For service to medicine, particularly in the field of PSYCHIATRY, and to the community |
Ivor Lennox Pinkerton | For service to civil engineering |
Riccardo Pisaturo | For service to the cattle industry |
Dr John Victor Possingham | For service to science, particularly in the field of horticultural research |
Barbara Mary Potter | For service to the community particularly in the field of aged welfare |
Valerie Pratt | For service to the community, particularly in the field of employment for women |
Allan Francis Rainbird | For public service |
Harold Adolphe Seeley | For service to industry |
James Glen Service | For service to the community |
The Reverend Father Richard Daniel Shanahan | For service to religion and to the community |
Tonia Louise Shand | For public service |
Dr Anthony James Shinkfield | For service to education, particularly as Headmaster, St Peter's College, Adelaide |
Robert George Smith, | For service to tourism, particularly through West Coast Pioneers Museum |
Brother Walter Austin Smith | For service to education |
Associate Professor Deane Oakford Southgate | For service to medicine, particularly in the field of occupational health and safety |
Andrew McDonald Taylor | For service to the arts, particularly in the field of literature |
His Honour Judge Barrie Ronald Thorley | For service to the law and to rugby football |
John Kevin Charles Twigden | For service to primary industry, to local government and to the community |
Vincent Volpe | For service to the Italian community |
Gloria Dawn Walley | For service to the Aboriginal community |
Robert Bruce Whan | For service to primary industry and to the community | |
Recipient | Citation | Notes |
Dr Warwick Leslie Adams | For service to medicine and to the community | |
Brian Walter Adams | For service to the arts and entertainment industry |
Eric John Ahern | For service to the veterans |
Arnold Neils Andersen | For service to the community |
Anthony Peter Annear | For service to lapidary |
Alejandro Arellano | For service to the Spanish community |
Colonel Jack Neville Lucas Argent, | For service to rugby league football and to veterans |
Peter Emanuel Aroney | For service to the Greek community |
Jennifer Lesley Ashton | For service to the provision of aid and relief programmes in developing countries |
Reginald Austin | For service to athletics, particularly sprinting |
Frank Baguley | For service to horticulture, particularly through the Victorian Flower Growers Association |
John Michael Baker | For service to the sport of cricket |
Judith Anne Bauer | For service to music |
Irene Jessie May Bell | For service to women's affairs |
Edward William Benson | For service to the community |
Harold Lesley Bingham, | For service to the Cocos (Keeling) Islands Malay community |
The Reverend Reginald Gray Birch | For service to the Australian Inland Mission |
Lawrence Sydney Black | For service to veterans |
Peter Adam Black | For service to the cattle industry and local government |
Mary Anne Bond | For service to youth employment schemes and to people with disabilities |
John Booth | For service to the Public Service and to migrant assistance |
Roy Willan Bostock | For service to the community and local government |
Victor John Brown | For service to the community |
Dr Francis Esmond Browne | For service to community health |
James Burrowes | For service to the Royal Life Saving Society of Victoria |
Meryl Olive Burton | For service to the community, particularly through the Red Cross |
Kevin Leslie Buttsworth | For service to veterans and to the Queensland Ambulance Transport Brigade |
Nancy Lorna Bynon | For service to the community and to the aged |
Sister Mary Alcantara Byrne | For service to nursing |
James Archibald Hunter Cameron | For service to scouting |
Athanasia Nancy Caruana | For service to the arts and promotion of Greek culture |
Enid May Channon | For service to the community |
John William Clarke | For service to youth and to community through the Uniting Church |
Trevor Keith Colquhoun | For service to the community |
Margaret Elaine Considine | For service to hospital administration |
Laurence Henry Copping | For service to children's literature |
Stanley Alfred Cottier | For service to the conservation and the environment |
Leslie Robert Crawford | For service to the community, particularly through the Berry Silver Band |
Joan Mavwin Cross | For service to athletics administration |
Vivian Lennon Dagg | For service to veterans and to people with disabilities |
Lily Catherine Margaret Dale | For service to the Royal Life Saving Society |
Thelma Rosabel Daniel | For service to the visually impaired |
Joan Mary Deans | For service to nursing |
Councillor John Francis Deppeler | For service to the community and local government |
Allison Winning Dickson | For service to the community and tertiary education |
Ruth Campion Dircks | For service to science education |
Shaun Patrick Dobson | For service to veterans |
Charles Hoani Scott Dolling | For service to primary industry, particularly sheep and wool production |
Zelda Doon | For service to the community |
Doris Nellie Duncan | For service to the fostering of international communities and for services to children |
John Raymond Dyer | For service to the sport of Australian rules football |
Ronald Alec Elgar | For service to the public service |
Clive Lindsay Fairbairn | For service to the sport of cricket |
Ronald Peter Falla | For service to the community and to the preservation of local history |
Ronald Charles Ferrier | For service to the community and to music |
Councillor John David Livingstone Field | For service to the community and to local government |
Alfred Thomas Fogarty | For service to the coal mining industry and to the community |
Joyce Fren | For service to the community, particularly through Quota International |
Margaret Anne Gadsby | For service to the Royal Life Saving Society |
Bertram Clifford Gallard | For service to the welfare of children and the aged |
Dr Richard Banks Geeves | For service to the community, particularly the welfare of the aged |
Gwenyth Ora George | For service to the aged, particularly through the Spiral Club |
Joan Diana Gillespie | For service to conservation particularly through the Royal Zoological Society of South Australia |
Sister Winifred Jill Goddard | For service to the community particularly through child health services |
Alan Murray Graham | For service to the community and to tourism |
Heather Dorothy Gray | For service to the care of the aged and to people with intellectual disabilities |
Edward John Grinpukel | For service to local government and to the community |
Bertie Bryce Gunning | For service to local government and to primary industry |
John Edward Haines | For service to veterans and to local government |
Brian Ernest Phillips Hall | For service to the community |
Ernest Alfred Hammerton | For service to rugby league football |
Violet Kathleen Hardie | For service to the community |
Alfred Keith Harris | For service to children in remote areas |
Joseph Haslam | For service to the community, particularly the aged and to landscape gardening |
Leonard George Hawkett | For service to the community, particularly through toy making for charitable organisations |
June Marie Healy | For service to veterans |
Kenneth William Hesse | For service to the care of the aged |
Norman Frederick Hetherington | For service to children's television programmes and puppetry |
Norman Maxwell Hill | For service to the community and to hockey |
June Mary Hodgson | For service to the community and to local government |
Harold Vincent Horner, | For service to lacrosse |
Norman Lyle Houlahan | For service to local government |
Roy Ronald Howard | For service to local government and to the community |
Patricia Marie Hughes | For service to community health |
Barbara Ruth Stephen Huxtable | For service to the community |
William James Hynes | For service to Australian rules football |
Kevin Raymond Icely | For service to scouting |
Edward Walter Jackson, | For service to veterans and their families |
Leonard William Jacobson | For service to rugby league football particularly as a referee |
Margaret Elizabeth Jones | For service to the community, particularly the aged |
Nicolica Jovanovic | For service to the Serbian community |
Sydney Whittle Kay, | For service to veterans |
Leonie Margaret Kelleher | For service to people suffering from Retinitis Pigmentosa |
Ailsa Esme Kelly | For service to speech therapy and to education |
Gabrielle Pamela Joan Kennard | For service to aviation |
The Honourable James William Kennedy | For service to local government to the Legislative Council of NSW and to the community |
Stuart Lyle Kerry | For service to the community |
Dr Christine Anne Kilham | For service to education |
Councillor Kevin John Kirby | For service to local government and to the community |
Horace Raymond Knight | For service to charitable organisations |
Leslie Robert Lambert | For service to the community, particularly through Fire and Emergency Services |
Gloria Noel Agnes Lardelli | For service to people with visual and hearing impairments |
Geoffrey Francis Lawson | For service to cricket |
Marion Rose Le | For service to the Indo-Chinese community |
Joan Margaret Lethbridge | For service to veterans and to the community |
Thomas Allan Melville Lilburne | For service to primary industry, particularly sheep breeding |
Kurt Edward Bernard Lippmann | For service to the Jewish community |
Dulcie Vivian Lucas | For service to the community |
Dr Sheila Amelia Gordon Lungley | For service to community medicine and to hospital administration |
John Emmanuel Lutman | For service to local government and to the community |
Jack Albert Maddox | For service to the community |
Reverend Henry Denis Madigan | For service to the community |
Maroun Arthur Mahboub | For service to the community and to veterans |
Roy John Douglas Mallinson | For service to the community |
Brendan Joseph Manion | For service to the road and transport industry |
Thomas Charles Marr | For service to the community |
Sidney Reginald Marsh | For service to wrestling and to gymnastics |
George Ewen Masson | For service to pipe band music |
Gordon Brian McCormack | For public service, particularly to the fishing industry |
Alexander John McCullough | For service to the community and to local government |
Owen Michael McDonald | For service to people with intellectual disabilities |
Joan Caroline McDonald | For service to the community |
Betty McLean | For service to the arts and to the community |
Elizabeth Joan McMicking | For service to the community |
John Howard Middleton | For public service |
Leslie Thomas Miles | For service to the trade union movement |
Beverley Ellen Mitchell | For service to people with disabilities |
Sibyl Elyne Keith Mitchell | For service to children's literature |
Bernice Fay Catherine Mole | For service to children, particularly as a foster mother |
Barbara Mary Moore | For service to nursing |
Purthanry Thanes Mary Moorhouse | For service to the community |
John Davies Morgan | For service to the Probus Club |
Meron Elizabeth Morrison | For service to the community |
Ralston Albert Mugge | For service to scouting |
Constable Robert Michael Newman | For service to youth |
Reverend Brian William Nicholls | For service to the community, particularly through Lifeline |
John Henry Niewand | For service to the community |
Richard Colin Norris | For public service through the advancement of community health |
Peter H Norvill | For service to aviation |
Fay Valentine Oliver | For service to the Aboriginal education |
John Mitchell Opray | For service to the community |
Zacharias Panarettos | For service to the Greek community |
Brian Francis Peake | For service to Australian rules football |
Brian Harold Pengelly | For service to the education of children with disabilities |
Beverley Ann Perrett | For service to the Adelaide Children's Hospital |
Judith Ann Phelps | For service to softball |
Vanda Podravac | For public service and for service to migrant assistance |
George Pridannikoff | For public service and for service to migrant assistance |
Elsie Grace Pritchard | For service to the Girl Guides Association |
Robert William Provost | For service to veterans |
Margaret Julia Pryor | For service to the Save the Children Fund |
George Robert Quinsey | For service to veterans |
Nancy Una Reynolds | For service to nursing education |
Joyce Adeline Richardson | For service to the welfare of the aged |
Jonetani Dabea Rika | For service to the Aboriginal community |
Rose Marie Robertson | For service to community health |
Stanley William Robins | For service to cycling |
Councillor Pamula Jean Robinson | For service to local government and to conservation |
Dorothy Edna Roche | For service to lawn bowls |
Leonard Stanley Rudd | For service to the community and local government |
Horst Egon Salomon | For service to conservation and the environment |
William Maxwell Scott | For service to youth |
Harold Gordon Scouller | For service to veterans |
Verlie June Seagrove | For service to sport for people with disabilities |
Harry Seis | For service to the community |
Janet Sharp | For service to people with intellectual disabilities |
Oliver Conrad Shaul | For service to the hospitality industry |
Rosemary Margaret Shepherd | For service to the arts, particularly lace making |
Stanley George Sismey | For service to cricket |
Clifford James Skillen | For service to the welfare of the aged |
Hazel Laurel Skuce | For service to community and rural development in Indisa through the Australian Churches of Christ Overseas Mission |
Beverley Helen Elizabeth Smith | For service to people with visual impairments and to nursing |
Margaret Ann Smith | For service to community health |
Nancy Emily Smith | For service to the community, particularly through the Missions to Seamen |
Leila Bega Smith | For service to the community |
Doris May Smith | For service to the community, particularly through music |
Noreen Charlotte Marie Smith | For service to the Pony Club movement |
Ellen Mari Smith | For service to the community |
Lindsay Thomas Statham | For service to the community |
Eric George Henry Stephenson | For service to local government |
Christine Isabel Stewart | For service to children |
Teresa Margaret Elizabeth Stokes | For service to the preservation of local history, particularly through the Cunderdin Museum |
John Suchowiecki | For service to the Polish community |
Alan Peacey Thompson | For service to local government |
Councillor Eric Gordon Thompson | For service to local government |
Edward Elmars Tiltins | For service to small business and to manufacturing |
Joy Vivienne Toll | For service to children with learning disabilities |
Sister Marie Tran-thi-nien | For service to the Vietnamese community to education |
Desmond John Treacy | For service to primary school education |
Patricia Trinick | For service to people with physical disabilities |
Dulcie Irene Trobe | For service to the National Council of Jewish Women |
Anthony Dale Turnbull | For service to harness racing |
Richard Norman Twight | For service to surf life saving |
Eric Stanley Valentine | For service to swimming |
Edna Dorothy Vawser | For service to community and rural development in India through the Australian Churches of Christ Overseas Mission |
Kathleen Joan Venn | For service to the community |
Alfred Russell Viles | For service to veterans |
John Mossman Waddell | For public service particularly through youth rehabilitation programmes |
Charles John Arthur Wade | For service to the entertainment industry and to the community |
Councillor Marie Therese Wallace | For service to local government and to the community |
Francis Victor Charles Walters | For service to the Australia-Japan Association of South Australia |
The Honourable Hector Roy Ward | For service to the Victorian Parliament, to sport and to the community |
Thomas Ernest Ward | For service to the Limbless Soldiers Association of Tasmania |
Maxwell Howard Waterman | For service to ornithology |
Neil Carnegie Watson | For public service |
Leila Anne Watson | For service to the community |
Florence Madge Watts | For service to the arts, particularly through the Nowra Players |
Kevyn Parke Webb | For service to rowing |
Geoffrey Allan Webb | For service to the community |
Veronica Wells | For service to the community, particularly through the Mount Royal Hospital for the Aged |
Alvie Doris Williams | For service to the community through music |
George John Willis | For service to the Police Citizens Youth Club |
Shirley Winton | For service to netball |
Roma Emma Wood | For service to people with hearing impairments |
Joan Kathleen Woolley | For service to the community |
Thornton Edgar Yager | For service to the community |
Robert Henry Yates | For service to local government and to the community | |
Branch | Recipient | Citation | Notes |
Navy | Warrant Officer Jeffrey Owen Dettman | For service to the Royal Australian Navy, particularly during the introduction of the Pacific Patrol Boat in Papua New Guinea | |
Warrant Officer Colin Stanislaus Dowd | For service to the Royal Australian Navy as Training Quality Officer in HMAS Cerberus |
Warrant Officer Robin Shane Gray | For service to the Royal Australian Navy, particularly in the field of maintenance development of combat anti-submarine weapon systems |
Warrant Officer Patrick Nayler | For service to the Royal Australian Naval Reserve, particularly to the Brisbane Port Division in the Technical Branch, Diving Team and Reserves Recruiting |
Chief Petty Officer Gregory David Pearce | For service to the Royal Australian Navy, particularly as the supervising chef of the Wardroom Galley in HMAS Stalwart |
Chief Petty Officer Gary Edward Schluter | For service to the Royal Australian Navy, particularly as Maintenance Coordinator and Slipway Dockmaster at HMAS Stirling |
Warrant Officer Christine Anne Wootton | For service to the Royal Australian Navy in the field of Naval Communications |
Army | Warrant Officer Class One Graham John Brammer | For service to the Australian Army as Regimental Sergeant Major of the North Mobil Force |
Warrant Officer Class Two Peter Maxwell Bruce | For service to the Australian Army as the Finance Warrant Officer and Unit Pay Representative with the Australian Contingent, United Nations Transition Assistance Group, Namibia |
Warrant Officer Class Two Steven Edward Gillett | For service to the Australian Army in the field of repair and maintenance of Carrier Full Tracked Vehicles |
Sergeant Barry James Halter | For service to the Australian Army in the field of nuclear, biological and chemical defence |
Staff Sergeant Robert Richard Kudyba | For service to the Australian Army as a member of the United Nations Mine Clearance Training Team in Pakistan |
Warrant Officer Class Two Suzan Elizabeth Malligan | For service to the Australian Army Reserve in the field of administration |
Warrant Officer Class One Trevor Ernest McKenzie | For service to the Australian Army as Regimental Sergeant Major of the Pilbara Regiment |
Warrant Officer Class One Lance Reeves | For service to the Australian Army in the area of Principal Item Management |
Warrant Officer Class Two Rodney John Teague | For service to the Australian Army as the Senior Supervising Pathology Technician/Instructor at the 1st Military Hospital |
Warrant Officer Class Two William George Thomas | For service to the Australian Army Reserve as Company Sergeant Major with the 41st Battalion, The Royal New South Wales Regiment |
Warrant Officer Class One Keith Robert Walker | For service to the Australian Army in the field of military music and bands |
Warrant Officer Class One Graham Ronald West | For service to the Australian Army in the field of computer management |
Warrant Officer Class One Jeffrey Wayne Yates | For service to the Australian Army as the Regimental Sergeant Major of 2nd Signal Regiment Royal Australian Air Force |
Air Force | Corporal Shayne John Bainbridge | For service to the Royal Australian Air Force as an armament fitter at No 1 Central Ammunition Depot |
Warrant Officer Terrence James Brown | For service to the Royal Australian Air Force as Engineer No75 Squadron |
Leading Aircraftwoman Joan Marie Butler | For service to the Royal Australian Air Force as stenographer in the Directorate-General of Air Force Legal Services |
Flight Sergeant Paul Francis Fernandez | For service to the Royal Australian Air Force as Warehousing Officer Base Squadron Pearce |
Warrant Officer Gregory John Hall | For service to the Royal Australian Air Force as Warrant Officer Engineer, HS748 Section Maintenance Squadron East Sale |
Warrant Officer Ian John Hudson | For service to the Royal Australian Air Force as the Marine Craft Crewman specialist advisor to the replacement Marine Craft Project |
Sergeant Christopher David Lawrence | For service to the Royal Australian Air Force, in particular for engineering duties on data communication systems as a member of Telecommunications Engineering Division |
Sergeant Douglas Norman Oldmeadow | For service to the Royal Australian Air Force as a Systems Analyst in the Directorate of Personnel Computing Systems—Air Force |
Warrant Officer Colin Young Withenshaw | For service to the Royal Australian Air Force as Warrant Officer in Charge of Laboratories Flight, Number 2 Aircraft Depot | |