1980 Summer Olympics Parade of Nations explained

During the parade of nations portion of the 1980 Summer Olympics opening ceremony, athletes from each country participating in the Olympics paraded in the arena, preceded by their flag. The flag was borne by a sportsperson from that country chosen either by the National Olympic Committee or by the athletes themselves to represent their country.

Parade order

As the nation of the first modern Olympic Games, Greece entered the stadium first; whereas, the host nation Soviet Union marched last, in accordance with the tradition and IOC guidelines. As each delegation entered accompanied by the Soviet march music, the national name was announced in Russian.[1] [2] [3]

Eighty nations entered the stadium with a combined total of 5,179 athletes, the smallest since 1956. Seven of them made their Olympic debut, namely Angola, Botswana, Cyprus, Jordan, Laos, Mozambique and Seychelles.[4]

In partial support of the United States-led boycott, sixteen countries marched into the Olympic stadium under the Olympic flag. Seven of them, however, did not attend the opening ceremonies, their flags were instead carried by Moscow Olympic Committee volunteers. Two other countries (Great Britain and Ireland) paraded into the Stadium only with their officials,[5] [6] while four of them participated under the Olympic flag with their athletes. New Zealand, Portugal, and Spain, on the other hand, participated in the Games under their NOC flags.[7] Due to the boycott, this marked the United States' first (and only) absence from the Olympics for the first time in the 84-year history. United States (Соединённые Штаты Америки Soyedinyonnyye Shtaty Ameriki, "United States of America") would have marched between Syria and Tanzania, Somalia joined the US-led boycott.


The following is a list of each country's announced flag bearer. The list is sorted by the order in which each nation appears in the parade of nations. The names are given in their official designations by the IOC.

This table is sortable by country name (in Russian), the flag bearer's name, and the flag bearer's sport.

width=30OrderNationwidth=195Russianwidth=190Transliterationwidth=180Flag bearerwidth=140Sport
1 Греция Gretsiya Sailing
align=center rowspan="2" 2 Австралия Avstraliya Athletics
3 Австрия Avstriya Sailing
4 Алжир Alzhir Swimming
5 Ангола Angola Swimming
6 ОК Андорра OK Andorra Shooting
7 Афганистан Afghanistan Wrestling
8 КОИБ (Бельгия) KOIB (Beľgiya) Moscow 1980 – Volunteer
9 Бенин Benin Boxing
10 Бирма Birma Athletics
11 Болгария Bolgariya Wrestling
12 Ботсвана Botsvana Athletics
13 Бразилия Brazilia Athletics
14 Британская ОА Britanskaya OA Richard Palmer Official
15 Венгрия Vengriya Water polo
16 Венесуэла Venesuėla Boxing
17 Вьетнам Vyetnam Shooting
18 Гайана Gaïana Athletics
19 Гватемала Gvatemala Shooting
20 Гвинея Gvinea Judo
21 ГДР GDR Handball
22 Дания Daniya Sailing
23 Доминиканская Республика Dominikanskaya Respublika Athletics
24 Замбия Zambiya Athletics
25 Зимбабве Zimbabve Athletics
26 Индия Indiya Shooting
27 Иордания Iordaniya Abdul Latif Abdul Magid Official
28 Ирак Irak Athletics
29 Ирландия Irlandiya Ken Ryan Official
30 Исландия Islandiya Weightlifting
31 ОК Испании OK Ispanii Canoeing
32 НОК Италии NOK Italii Moscow 1980 – Volunteer
33 Камерун Kamerun Cycling
34 Кипр Kipr Judo
35 Колумбия Kolumbiya Athletics
36 НР Конго NR Kongo Handball
37 КНДР KNDR Boxing
38 Коста-Рика Kosta-Rika Swimming
39 Куба Kuba Boxing
40 Кувейт Kuveït Judo
41 Лаос Laos Panh Khemanith Athletics
42 Лесото Lesoto Athletics
43 Либерия Liberiya UnknownUnknown
44 Ливан Livan Toni Khouri Official
45 Джамахирия (Джамахирии Араб Ливий) Dzhamakhiriya (Dzhamakhirii Arab Livii) Cycling
46 КОСЛ (Люксембург) KOSL (Lyuksemburg) Moscow 1980 – Volunteer
47 Мадагаскар Madagaskar Boxing
48 Мали Mali Athletics
49 Мальта Maľta Shooting
50 Мексика Meksika Diving
51 Мозамбик Mozambik Swimming
52 Монголия Mongoliya Wrestling
53 Непал Nepal Boxing
54 Нигерия Nigeriya Athletics
55 НОК Нидерландов NOK Niderlandov Moscow 1980 – Volunteer
56 Никарагуа Nikaragua Athletics
57 Новая Зеландия Novaya Zelandiya Modern pentathlon
58 Перу Peru Shooting
59 Польша Poľsha Wrestling
60 ОК Португалии OK Portugalii Gymnastics (non-participant)
61 Пуэрто-Рико Puėrto-Riko Boxing
62 Румыния Rumyniya Wrestling
63 ОК Сан-Марино OK San-Marino Moscow 1980 – Volunteer
64 Сейшелы Seïshely Boxing
65 Сенегал Senegal Judo
66 Сьерра-Леоне Syerra-Leone Boxing
67 Сирия Siriya Shooting
68 Танзания Tanzaniya Athletics
69 Тринидад и Тобаго Trinidad i Tobago Athletics
70 Уганда Uganda Athletics
71 Финляндия Finlyandiya Sailing
72 НОК Франции NOK Frantsii Moscow 1980 – Volunteer
73 Чехословакия Chekhoslovakiya Wrestling
74 ОК Швейцарии OK Shveïtsarii Moscow 1980 – Volunteer
75 Швеция Shvetsiya Athletics (official)
76 Шри-Ланка Shri-Lanka Athletics
77 Эквадор Ėkvador Athletics
78 Эфиопия Ėfiopiya Athletics
79 Югославия Yugoslaviya Canoeing
80 Ямайка Yamaĩka Michael Fennell Official
81 CCCP SSSR Wrestling


Notes and References

  1. 15 July 2020. Торжественное открытие XXII Олимпийских игр в Москве. Олимпиада-80 (1980). Opening ceremony of the XXII Olympic Games in Moscow. ru. YouTube. Soviet Central Television.
  2. 2 November 2022. Opening Ceremony – Moscow 1980. International Olympic Committee.
  3. Web site: . November 2005 . Technical Manual on Ceremonies . . 6 October 2019. 40 .
  4. Web site: Sting remains from boycotted 1980 Games . Murphy, Brian. Idaho Statesman. 22 August 2010.
  5. News: Only The Bears Were Bullish . https://web.archive.org/web/20140413150220/http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/vault/article/magazine/MAG1123628/index.htm . dead . April 13, 2014 . Fimrite . Ron. Ron Fimrite . July 28, 1980 . SI VaultCNN. August 14, 2013.
  6. News: Olympics chief feared protests. December 30, 2010. Belfasttelegraph.co.uk. August 14, 2013.
  7. News: Philip. Barker. Philip Barker: Moscow – the best and most political Olympic Opening Ceremony. May 28, 2020. Inside the Games. November 2, 2022.